ESL conversation lesson on morning


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What is your usual morning routine? |

|2) |What were mornings like in your house when you were a kid? |

|3) |How are weekend mornings different from weekday mornings? |

|4) |Would you prefer the morning shift or evening shift? |

|5) |Do animals prefer mornings? |

|6) |Which is worse, the morning or evening rush hour? |

|7) |Do you ever say, “It’s been a bad morning”? |

|8) |Is morning the best time to study and get things done? |

|9) |What happens in your town early in the morning? How does it wake up? |

|10) |What do you do early morning, mid morning and late morning? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘morning’? |

|2) |Are you a morning person? |

|3) |What do you like doing in the morning? |

|4) |Are you grumpy in the morning? |

|5) |Do you like watching morning TV shows or listening to morning radio shows? |

|6) |If you have morning sickness do you think you should take a morning after pill? |

|7) |How do people usually feel ‘the morning after the night before’? |

|8) |Do you always mean it when you say ‘Good morning’? |

|9) |When does morning start and end? |

|10) |What things about morning would you like to change? |


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