Tuesday 19th May 2020. Good morning Year One! I hope you are all staying safe. Remember to keep moving and active! Here is your joke for today: What time is it when the clock strikes 13? - Time to get a new clock. -34734531432500Here are the answers for yesterday’s maths workbook: left33083500Maths starter: Lesson two: Finding volume and capacity. Lesson intention: To be able to find the volume and capacity of a container using non-standard units. 5375910000-1700936500left34353500550164028321000left000 -347345000Workbook: 128-129 -37837222047700right34136700Reading for pleasure- 30 minsLiteracy: We’re going to continue to focus on Snail and the Whale. In the story, the whale gets stuck on the beach. Can you write a letter to the school children asking for their help to save the whale? Reading: Phonics buster book (page 16- lots of consonants). Next play phonics play game: ‘all of phase 3’. Project: using the internet and google maps, I would like you to find the route from your house to school and then draw it. Think about what you pass, street names, how long it takes you to get to school and how do you travel to school? ................

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