
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM #34 WEEKOF: September 29-30 October 1-2 TEACHER’S NAME: Shoshana, Elizabeth, Mary Day of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY- this does not include art, writing, literacy]MondayDate: September 28No SchoolTuesdayDate:September 29Good morning songRead book-School in Many CulturesVisual- Ms. StellaTeacher read aloud-All Kinds of ChildrenBuilding virtual Tour: We will go on a virtual field trip around our pre-K program. I will introduce children daily to program support staff and share with them how they are helpful. We will talk about how mom/ dads, family members are part of our support staff team. Create a class/school book with the students. Add on a member of our team every day. We will take pictures of the staff team.The first person we see daily upon entering our building is the school receptionist- Ms. Stella.What does Ms. Stella do? When we see Ms. Stella what do we say? We will chart students’ responses.Math-"How Do You Feel Today?" the children will vote on how they feel and graph it. They will compare which column has more/ which column has less.SAND AND WATER/ SENSORY- the children can trace in the sand a smile or frown or an angry or surprise puter- They will play math pattern gamesDramatic Play- I will add a child-friendly cookbook (with lots of pictures). I will encourage children to read the recipes and pretend to make them. Children might like to look for recipes they know their families like or things they think their families might like to try. I will add the recipes that children write in the writing center.Literacy/ Library- Children will use pictures they draw or cut out to create a collage of words that start with the letter f.Art- the children will be encouraged to draw a picture of their school/ or home. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding. This will be saved for the end of the week when the children will create a school book.Word of the Day- School or HIDECWriting- The children will use the writing folder or he children will use magnet letters to form/trace the letters of their name.WednesdayDate:September 30Good morning songRead book-I Like to Come to SchoolVisual- Maintenance staffTeacher read aloud-Whoever You AreToday we will continue with the tour of our school. Who are the people who help keep our building clean? (Mike, Paul, Antonio and Douglass) They are called our maintenance staff. They are very important as they keep us safe from germs and keep our school clean. What materials do they use? What do we say when we see them or after they help us? (Good morning/afternoon, thank you). What can we do to help them? (throw papers in the garbage, clean up after ourselves)We will chart students’ responses.Dramatic play- The children will use the paper puppets and act out different people in the school or friends in their class (people in their house).Science- Encourage students to explore some of the new science equipment. What are they called and what can we do with them? Encourage students to draw what they see.Blocks- We will encourage the children to use blocks to build themselves (what blocks would work best for arms, how could you make your head? etc.)Math- Encourage students to use sticker or dot-sot paint to create patternsLiteracy/ Library- The children will walk around the classroom (house) identifying objects that start with the letter f. Art- the children will draw pictures of their friends and they will be encouraged to write their friend’s names. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding. This will be saved for the end of the week when the children will create a school book.Words of the Day-their friend’s nameWriting- The children will use the writing folder or The children will make a class book. Each child will trace/write what their favorite center is.ThursdayDate:October 1Good morning songRead book-Our Global Community SchoolsVisual- Ms. LisaTeacher read aloud-Today we will review the people we have in our school. Then we will talk about the principal. What is a principal? Who is our principal? We will Show a picture and add it to our school boo. Ms. Lisa, helps our school run. She helps teachers, boys and girls learn. What do we say when we see Ms. Lisa?We will chart students’ responses.Math-the children will work with a ruler. They will measure different toys and sort them by height.SAND AND WATER/ SENSORY- Encourage the children to explore play-doh and create themselves, their teachers or friends. The teacher will encourage them by asking what they see when they look at….Computer- They will play math pattern gamesTable Top-Children will use small building toys to create what they saw in the school, such as the rooms or people. (rooms and people in your house)Literacy/ Library-They will look at an alphabet book and listen to music to review letter f sound and words that begin with the letter f.Writing- The children will use the writing folder or they will trace the letters of their name.Art- the children will be encouraged to draw pictures of the people they see around the school. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding. Some children might need help who they saw. This will be saved for the end of the week when the children will create a school book.Word of the Day- the names of the people they saw in the schoolFridayDate:October 2Good morning songRead book-Same, Same but DifferentVisual- Teachers, parents and studentsTeacher read aloud-The Kissing HandToday we will talk about teachers and students. What are teachers? Teachers help boys and girls learn. Teachers can be found in the classroom or at home. Moms and dads can be teachers. They help teachers teach all the boys and girls learn. Add pictures of teachers/ mom/ dad in a classroom (to our school map)Then we will turn to the students and ask them what they are? Who are Students? What are our students’ names? What do students do in school? Who helps students?We will chart students’ responses.Dramatic play- we will encourage the students to become teachers who teach students to read and write. Display different props, like mini chalk board/ paper doll, etc…Science- the children will discuss how the maintenance staff keep the school germ free and how we can help. Then they will be encouraged to clean toys in a bin of water and soap.Blocks- Based on the lessons we learned this week, we will encourage the students to build other areas of the school.Math- The children can use school materials such as crayons, blocks, or any small manipulatives to create AB, ABC or ABB patterns.Literacy/ Library- The children will choose a book and identify words that start with the letter f. They will write it down and draw pictures besides it.Writing- the children will use the writing folder or the children can use the chalk and chalk boards to write the names of their friends (They can also use paper and writing instruments such as markers or pencils).Art- The children will create a school book with all the drawings they created throughout the week. We will add pictures of teachers. Then we will remind the children that a book needs a cover, a title and an author. The children will create one with a variety of materials and with teacher scaffolding.Word of the Day-their name and title of the book.Social/ Emotional- Week to Review #2 Your child is learning the Listening Rules. They help your child learn at school and at home. Each rule is followed by an action to help you remember it. ? Eyes watching. Point to the corners of your eyes. ? Ears listening. Cup your ears with your hands. ? Voice quiet. Put your finger to your lips. ? Body calm. Hug your body with both arms.Have your child sing the song to youListening Rules song play with members of your family. Pretend you are taking a walk or shopping in the mall or supermarket. How would you use the listening rules?Wednesday- look at the picture of Tina. What is she doing? What are the other children behaving? Are they using the listening rules?Thursday – have your child look at the cards. Point at one of the cards and have them copy the motion and say the listening rule. Continue until you have reviewed all 4 rules. Friday- review what you learned this week.Mind Your Manners In School READ ALOUD New York STATE PREKINDERGARTEN LEARNING STANDARDS:PK.AL.5. Demonstrates persistence. Indicators: a. Maintains focus on a taskPK.PDH.7. Demonstrates personal care and hygiene skills Indicators: a. Demonstrates growing independence in using personal hygiene skills (e.g., washing hands, brushing teeth, toileting, etc.)PK.SEL.1. Regulates responses to needs, feelings and events Indicators: a. Expresses feelings, needs, opinions and desires in a way that is appropriate to the situationPK.AC.1. Demonstrates motivation to communicate PK.AC.1. Indicators: c. Listens attentively for a variety of purposes (e.g., enjoyment, to gain information, to perform a task, to learn what happened, to follow directions)Work Sampling Indicators:WSI:II.C.3: Shows appreciation and understanding of books and readingWSI:I.B.2: Manages transitionsWSI:VII.C.I: Performs some self-care tasks independently.WSI:II.B.I: Follows simple classroom rules and routines. ................

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