Romeo & Juliet Literature Soundtrack Presentation

Romeo & Juliet Literature Soundtrack Presentation

Presentation ________/25 *Good use of presentation skills:

Speech- Speed, Annunciation, Pronunciation,

Expression, Fluency, Volume

Movements- Appropriate Gestures, No fidgeting

Overall- Enthusiasm, Preparedness, Persuasive*

*Your presentation was a “pitch” to the soundtrack company

explaining why your songs are most appropriate for the play/movie. Remember your audience—you should not simply read your analyses.

CD/Literary Soundtrack Analysis ________/100

*CD Cover—this should symbolize a literary element of the play

*Literary Analyses—All 5 should explain how a literary element

relates to both the play AND your chosen music.

Quotes from both the lyrics and the play are used

to support the analysis. MUGS errors are minimal.

Visual Aid ________/25

*You’ve chosen an aid that enhances your pitch to the

company in an effort to persuade them to choose your


TOTAL ________/150


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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