English Language EAIS

The Egyptian American International School English Language Grade 5

Semester 2- Weekly pack 6

Section A: Grammar:

A. Read each group of words. Write plural if the underlined noun names more than one person, place or thing. Write possessive if the underlined noun shows ownership.

1. a ship’s sails. possessive

2. the forts in America. plural

3. the chief’s daughter. possessive

4. this scientist’s discoveries. possessive

5. diseases and hardships. plural

6. artifacts from Jamestown. Plural

B. Write the action verb on the line after each sentence.

1. We played marbles all weekend. played

2. In every game, Sam beat Alisa. beat

3. Emily and I chose the prize. chose

4. Sam won a dozen chocolate chip cookies. won

B. Add a direct object to each sentence. Add

5. Sam shared his . shared

6. The next day, he had a with Yoki. had

7. Yoki earned two right away. earned

8. To Sam’s surprise, Yoki won the . won

C- Complete the sentences with the past tense of one of the above verbs.

|paint learn protect glow laugh |

1. An artist painted a beautiful picture.

2. I learned about this painting from my father.

3. The girl laughed -all afternoon.

4. Five dragons protected the hillside.

5. The fire glowed dimly.

D-Rewrite the sentences. Spell all the verbs correctly.

1. Nobody worryes about dragons these days. Worries

2. Yesterday I tryed to make a fan. Tried

3. The fires scorchd and wreckd the crops. Scorched - wrecked

4. A boy stoped and stareed at the painting. Stopped - stared

5. He humed a tune as he fixd his easel. Hummed – fixed

6. A bee buzzs as it flys by the box of paints. Buzzes - flies

E-Choose a form of be as a helping verb in each sentence.

1. Because they wanted a new home, the pioneer family was going west.

2. I am reading about them in this book right now.

3. I was playing the mandolin last night.

4. Cows in the field are -grazing on the grass today.

5. Yesterday the horse-were running in the field.

F- Write a main verb and a helping verb for each incomplete sentence.

1. A campfire is making us warm.

2. The stars are shining in the sky.

3. The little children are laughing.

4. You were sleeping when we get there.

5. Tomorrow we will win the contest .

G-Underline the verb in each sentence. Write( L) if the verb is a linking verb or (A) if it is an action verb.

1. Our family holds a big reunion every three years. ____A__

2. My cousin Zena seems taller this year. ___A___

3. My other cousin, Renee, is a singer. ___L___

4. She also bakes wonderful desserts. ___A___

5. Her chocolate cake tastes fantastic. __A____

H-Write the verb that correctly completes the sentence on the line. Choose the form that goes with the helping verb.

1. The sculptor had work in the morning.(begun, began, begin)

2. A face has from the rock. (growed, grown, grew)

3. Few people had about Native American heroes.(known, knew, know)

4. Standing Bear had to Mr. Ziolkowski. (spoken, spoke)

5. The artists have (eaten, ate, eated) lunch early today.

6. Ziolkowski had sketches to begin. (drawn, drawed, drew)

7. People have history through art. (taught, teached, teach)

8. The artist has the place for the memorial.(choosed, chosen, chose)

9. Some historians have the story of Crazy Horse.(wrote, writed, written)

10. Soldiers had the Sioux from their land. (driven, drove, drived)

11. The Sioux had once free across the plains.(rided, ridden, rode)

12. The government had the Sioux land. (took, taked, taken)

I-Fill in future continuous or future perfect

1. This time tomorrow morning Captain Neil Armstrong and his crew will be leaving (leave) earth and will be heading (head) for the planet Mars.

2. On the first day of their voyage, they will be orbiting (orbit) the earth every 20 seconds.

3. Crew members Yuri Gagarin and Sally Ride will be checking (check) all the instruments all day long to make sure they are working properly. They will not be taking (not/take) it easy.

4. By the end of the year 2044 they will have arrived (arrive) on the planet Mars. They will have gone (go) 100 million light years and yet they won’t have aged (not/age) even one year.

5. What will they be doing (do/they) as they zip through space? Will they be frightened?

6. The captains says that by the end of the first week, they will have discovered (learn) many interesting things about space and alien beings.

7. By the end of the first month aboard the spaceship, The Martian Explorer, the crew will have got used to (get used to) living without gravity and eating their food out of tubes that look like toothpaste. On a normal day they will be floating around the cabin.

8. Scientists claim that within the next 50 years, they will have found out (find out) whether life on Mars exists and they will have met (meet) those little green men, Martians.

9. In the meantime, let us wish good luck to Captain Armstrong and his crew. They will be working (work) very hard to keep the spaceship in tiptop condition.

10. By 2044 they will have expanded (they/expand) our knowledge of new frontiers.

11. From now on they will be flying (fly) off into the unknown.

12.By 2044 will we be travelling on and living on other planets?

J-Complete the dialogues using the correct tense. All past, present and future tenses may apply. Some blanks may have multiple correct answers

A. I (never participate) have never participated in anything like this before!

B. Me neither! Once, I (help out) helped out a friend with a film project, but nothing like this.

A. (You work)Have you been working for this TV company for a long time?

B. Not at all. I just (start) have just started . By the way, before I forget, where did they schedule you for tomorrow morning?

A. Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. I (assist) will assist Omar with the set construction. Afterwards, after noon, I (scaffold) will scaffold the front entrance.

B. Oh. I guess I (clean up) cleaned up on my own here.

A. Too bad. Anyway, for today’s video, this is how it (work) works . The guy (come) comes in and sits down for a job interview. They (talk) talked for just a few minutes, and then a bloom! He (see) saw a meteor hit the city!

B. Right, my question is, by the time the meteor hits, for how long will they (talk) be talking?

A. They (just sit down) just sat down to talk when the meteorite strikes.

B. Will the candidate (warn) be worn beforehand about what’s going to happen?

A. No! I’m sure he (scream) screamed his lungs out when the meteor hits.

B. I (die) will die to see this!


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