The King James Holy Bible - Download books, sacred ...

The King James Version of the

Holy Bible

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Table of Contents

Preface to PDF Version

Preface to 1611 Translation

Old Testament

Genesis ... 1

Exodus ... 31

Leviticus ... 57

Numbers ... 77

Deuteronomy ... 103

Joshua ... 125

Judges ... 141

Ruth ... 157

1 Samuel ... 159

2 Samuel ... 179

1 Kings ... 195

2 Kings ... 215

1 Chronicles ... 233

2 Chronicles ... 251

Ezra ... 273

Nehemiah ... 279

Esther ... 289

Job ... 295

Psalms ... 309

Proverbs ... 395

Ecclesiastes ... 407

Song of Songs ... 413

Isaiah ... 417

Jeremiah ... 447

Lamentations ... 479

Ezekiel ... 483

Daniel ... 513

Hosea ... 523

Joel ... 527

Amos ... 529

Obadiah ... 533

Jonah ... 535

Micah ... 537

Nahum ... 541

Habakkuk ... 543

Zephaniah ... 545

Haggai ... 547

Zechariah ... 549

Malachi ... 555

New Testament

Matthew ... 559

Mark ... 579

Luke ... 591

John ... 611

Acts ... 627

Romans ... 647

1 Corinthians ... 655

2 Corinthians ... 663

Galatians ... 669

Ephesians ... 673

Philippians ... 677

Colossians ... 679

1 Thessalonians ... 681

2 Thessalonians ... 683

1 Timothy ... 685

2 Timothy ... 687

Titus ... 689

Philemon ... 691

Hebrews ... 693

James ... 699

1 Peter ... 701

2 Peter ... 703

1 John ... 705

2 John ... 707

3 John ... 709

Jude ... 711

Revelation ... 713

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Preface to PDF Version

Preface to PDF Version of the King James Holy Bible

Original Publish Date: March, 2001, Revised: January 2004

The text of the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible (also called the Authorized Version (AV) by some) is in the

public domain. You may copy and publish it freely. This Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the King James Holy

Bible is also placed into the public domain. It was created directly from the public domain text and converted to PDF format

using "DaVince Tools", a software product that converts text files and other file formats into PDF ().

Minor formatting changes were made to the public domain text, which consisted of removal of the public domain notice in

each book. Instead, the public domain notice has been placed in this preface. The text was automatically word wrapped by

the software to fit into a column representation, and a bookmark and article thread was created for each book. The bookmark

allows the reader to easily switch between books of the Bible by simply clicking on the appropriate bookmark. The article

thread allows easy reading of each book by guiding the reader through the text using mouse clicks.

The January 2004 edition adds web optimization, a table of contents, duplex printing support and separate bookmark

categories for for Old and New Testaments.

The PDF version of this and other Bibles can be downloaded at the following URL:

Webmasters are encouraged to link to this URL.

With the advent of the internet, temptation for sin has never been greater; however, the internet also brings a great

opportunity for witnessing and spreading God¡¯s word. It is my hope that by making this PDF version of the Holy Bible

available in the public domain, more people will discover God¡¯s word that may not have otherwise.

Dan Cogliano

publisher of the PDF Holy Bible and author of "DaVince Tools"

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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