Start - Weebly

|Start! | |Tell the group one thing you are good at. Then, ask | |

| | |someone to share something they are good at. Use | |

| |Move ahead one space. |their name and make eye contact. |Move ahead two spaces. |

| |Share with the group how you are a good friend. | |Tell the group one thing that you are not so good at.|

| |Then, ask someone to share how they are a good | |Then, ask someone to share something that they are |

|Move back two spaces. |friend. Use their name and make eye contact. |Move back one space. |not so good at. Use their name and make eye contact.|

|Tell the group one of your best qualities. Then, ask| | | |

|someone to share one of their best qualities. Use | | | |

|their name and make eye contact. |Move back two spaces. |Say a good quality about the person to your right. |Move ahead one space. |

| |Tell the group about one of your “not so good” | | |

| |qualities. Then, ask someone to share one of their | | |

|Move back two spaces. |“not so good qualities”. Use their name and make |Move ahead two spaces. |Say a good quality about the person to your left. |

| |eye contact. | | |

|Tell the group what makes you happy. Then, ask | |Tell the group what makes you angry. Then, ask |Finish! |

|someone to share what makes them happy. Use their | |someone to share what makes them angry. Use their | |

|name and make eye contact. |Move ahead one space. |name and make eye contact. | |


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