Transcript: What makes a good teacher?

Pupil 1: As part of the Pupil Council today we’re going to be discussing the qualities of a good teacher so who would like to start?

Pupil 2: Well I think that the teacher has to love the job and come in happy every day and wanting to teach kids how to learn (laughs)

(mutters of agreement from others)

Pupil 3: I think, would that be at the top though?

Pupil 1: I think that they need to be good at explaining because say they weren’t good at explaining and they didn’t explain anything, no one would know what to do, I would, I think that would go at the top

Pupil 4: But like to be good at the job you have to love the job

Pupil 2: Well let’s think, like there’s other ones here

Pupil 1: But loving the job doesn’t come in to good at explaining, like you can love your job and still be good at explaining

Pupil 2: So do you think this is more important than that?

Pupil 1: I think this is more important because, say one of the teachers gave you something like Maths and he didn’t explain it at all and you’re just sitting there with a textbook not knowing what to do, they’d need to be able to explain it first and teach, to actually teach

Pupil 3: So just swap these two round, then what would be the next?

Pupil 4: Firm and fair or listening

Pupil 3: High standards

Pupil 4: Yes, high standards because you need to have a goal to reach when you’re older, you need to set the benchmarks

Pupil 2: So do you think this is more important

Pupil 1: So Heather, what do you think?

Pupil 5: High standards

Pupil 1: High standards, like why?

Pupil 5: Because the children need to know what to live up to

Pupil 4: Yes, because they need to have a goal

Pupil 1: I’m still not convinced that loves the job...

Pupil 2: You could still like enjoy, like want to come to school if the teacher was funny though

Pupil 4: Cause that covers quite a lot ‘loves the job’

Pupil 1: What does it cover?

Pupil 4: It covers like almost everything because like to be good at it you have to love it as I’ve been saying

Pupil 2: You can see when a teacher, like, has already things planned

Pupil 3: Yes, they come in cheerful and happy and they come in with a smile on their face it makes everybody else happy for the rest of the day

Pupil 1: Yes but their job is to teach

Pupil 2: You really don’t like this one

(all laugh)


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