James Chapter 4 Small Group Starter Questions

[Pages:2]James Chapter 4 Small Group Starter Questions

James is still talking to Christians. The honesty of the God's Word is apparent in that it does not concern itself with political correctness. It shows what happens to Christians and churches when they chose to live for selfish desires and for the things of this world rather than God. James clearly illustrates how actions and attitudes can reveal our true motives. As you study this chapter, consider your motives and what your action and attitude reveal about you. Are they pure and Christlike or is there a more sobering reality of selfishness? Ask God to transform you where you need His help and thank Him where He already has.

v1 v2 v3


v5 vv6-10

James begins this chapter with a question. How would you answer it? He points us to our desires. Since we all have different desires, how should we handle them? What do you think he mean when says "they battle within you"? What's the battle really between? Who usually wins that battle?

You "kill" may be hyperbole, an exaggeration for hate or he could be referring to slanderous words that attack another person's character and "slowly kill them with their words". Does part 2 of this verse mean we can ask God for anything?

Have you ever asked God for something and not received it? Do you think the motives behind some of your requests may have been the reason God did not grant your request?

God created us for His purposes. Do you think people often treat Him as if He was created for ours? Someone read the first three of the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20. How does God expect us to respond to Him?

Does it surprise you that God considers a Christian who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ yet lives for worldly things and pleasures as a spiritual adulterer? Read the story about Paul's companion Demas: (Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:9-12). Consider Revelation 3:15-16.

How would you advise a fellow Christian who may be drifting close to Demas' situation?

God jealously longs for your faithfulness and love (Ex 20:5). Does God have any reason to be jealous of you or your attention? Is there anything you put before Him or trust more than Him?

Our sinful pride and the devil will work to create an independent "spirit" in us that drives us from God and ultimately leads to sin, pain, suffering, and hurt in our lives and relationships. What is the Scriptural process James lays for avoiding those struggles?

vv11-12 vv13-16 v17

Contrast gossip and slander with the Law of Love referred to in James 2:8, 12-13. What do you think of this quote? "To injure someone's self-respect, their pride, status among friends and equals may be a form of quietly killing the individual."1

How much of our life is our responsibility and God's responsibility? Do we have ground to stand on for boasting?

There are basically two categories of sin: sins of commission, things we do wrong. And, sins of omission, things we should do, but don't. Which one do you struggle with more? What do you think the Lord wants you to do about?

1 Dr. Menninger: Whatever Became of Sin? pg. 146


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