Thesis Statements

Thesis Statements

I. What is a good history thesis statement?

• A thesis is debatable; someone could argue the other point of view.

• It is specific, but not too limited

• It is controversial

• It requires supporting evidence to make it credible

• It is three pronged (you have three pieces of evidence to defend your argument)

II. A thesis statement is not….

• Title – “A shattering experience”

• Announcement – “I am going to write about financing space travel”

• Statement of Fact – “D-Day marked the Allied invasion of Europe”

III. Example Thesis Statements

• Fidel Castro and his communist dictatorship have had a negative effect on Cuba because his rule has limited both economic and political relationships with other countries, and he has limited the rights of individuals within Cuba.

• Guerilla warfare is a successful tool of small countries and terrorist organizations which can be seen in the countries of Iran, Afghanistan, and Vietnam.

• President Ford should not have pardoned Nixon because it was an abuse of presidential power, Nixon was guilty, and the American public felt deceived by the pardon.



IV. Are these thesis statements? Yes or no? If no, why?

1. Dr. Larson developed the first polygraph in 1921.

2. Mussolini abused his power as a leader.

3. The Battle of Gallipoli: Success or Failure?

4. President Roosevelt was the greatest leader of all time because he ended the Depression, successfully led the United States through WWII, and he created a lasting domestic program.

5. The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI.

6. Fascism flourished in Italy because it solved social, political, and economic problems.

7. World War II could have been avoided if the Treaty of Versailles was approved by the United States, Germany was not blamed for the WWI, and Wilson’s Fourteen Points had been included.

Creating a Thesis Statement

I. Create two argumentative questions about your topic.

How to start an opinion question:

• Right or wrong

• Most important cause or contribution

• Most important effect

• Just of unjust

• Helped or hurt

• Effective or ineffective

General Examples:

• What was the most important cause?

• Was this event or action justified?

• Why was this event or action a failure or success?

• Was this event or action necessary?

Specific Examples:

• Why did the United States enter WWI?

• What was the most significant cause of the Cold War?

• Was the French Revolution successful?

YOUR GENERAL TOPIC: ____________________________________(see boxed title of your topic)

Question (summarize the root question your topic is asking): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


II. Answer the questions you created above. Support your answer with three possible details/examples.

Answer the question (in a complete sentence – remember NO first person): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Using your research give three pieces of evidence that support the answer to your question:

1. _______________________ (the topic of your first body paragraph)

2. _______________________ (the topic of your second body paragraph)

3. _______________________ (the topic of your third body paragraph)

Rewrite your answer in one sentence that includes the three supporting pieces of evidence.





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