EDCI 306- Spring 2010

Mini-research Papers are due March 16th

(Research Topic and 3 References due Feb. 25th)

In order to better understand the impact that music has on cognition and learning, students may choose to research and write a mini-research paper for this class. Other objectives are to prepare you for formal research writing (for you or your future students) and to assess English writing skills.

1. Topics are to be approved and three references submitted to Dr. Barfield by Feb. 25th. Do not start working on your paper until your topic has been approved in writing.

2. Papers need to have the following APA components (see example below):

Title Page

Abstract – approximately 75-120 words

Report – 3-5 pages (less than 3 full pages will not be accepted)

References – see APA sheet handed out in class.

You must use at least three references (including a journal article and internet resource). Two of the three references must be current (2006-2010). Abstracts are not considered one of the three references but may be used in addition to the other three references.

3. Papers are to be typed (12 pt Courier or Times New Roman font), double-spaced (ds), and in the APA format that was handed out in class. Hand in a hard copy of your paper at the beginning of class (papers not handed in at that time are considered late). You will not receive your graded hard copy until AFTER you have posted your paper on Desire to Learn (D2L). Post your paper in the Dropbox (must have the entire paper on ONE file) in the “Research Paper/Grant Proposal” folder. Label your file with your last name and the title of your paper (example of filename: Barfield-Music and Reading Fluency). You will not receive your graded hard copy until AFTER you have posted your paper in the Dropbox. Papers will be returned (and lose points) if not spell-checked or with more than two grammatical errors per page.

4. Please be sure that someone else has looked at your paper. The Academic Support Center is willing and waiting to assist you!

5. Revisited papers lose 5 points and need to be handed back in one week after they are returned.

6. Don’t be afraid to contact me with questions…that’s my job!

Sample Research Paper:

Need help with APA? Academic Support Center’s 3 – minute online workshops are great:

They also have on-campus or online writing assistance labs. Use them!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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