Scholarship Application Template 2003



1. DEADLINE for scholarship applications is June 1April 30, 20162, 5:00 p.m. (no exceptions).

2. Refer to criteria below for eligibility requirements.

3. Refer to application process below for a list of the supporting documents needed (i.e., reference forms, evidence of GPA, etc.).

4. If any question does not apply to you in this application please put N/A in the space.

5. Type or print legibly. Illegible applications will be returned to you. You may also download a copy of the application online at (under College Search).

6. You will be notified in May regarding the status of your application.

7. If you have any questions about the application, please contact Director of Coaching, Roger Bush, 918 629 4476.

NOTE: Scholarship funds will be awarded to the student upon evidence of registration in an accredited post-secondary institution.

Purpose: To provide scholarships to deserving West Side Alliance S.C. graduating seniors in order to pursue a post-high school course of study at college, university, or other post-secondary educational institution.

Award Components: Scholarships and certificates awarded to two students selected by the WSA Senior Scholarship Committee. $500 award to one boy and one girl player.Amounts TBD.


1. Applicant must be a member of West Side Alliance Soccer Club.

2. Applicant must be a graduating high school senior or participating member of a “senior” level WSA

team in the year of the award.

3. Applicant must be in good standing with the club program and its affiliates.

Application Process:

Applicant must submit the following items:

1. Completed application form (if handwritten, please print legibly).

2. Personal statement about impact the sport of soccer has had on your life..

3. Reference letters and transcripts optional: (transcript will be required before receipt of funds).

Selection Process:

The WSA Senior Scholarship Committee will make the selection of recipients based on the following:

1. Club Service and Involvement.

2. Financial Need.

3. Community and Academic Credentials.

4. Soccer Achievements and Accolades.

Deadline for the application is June 1April 30, 20162. Applications postmarked after this date will not be considered.

Please mail OR submit application in person to:


ATTN: Roger Bush

5214 Greenan Drive, Sand Springs, OK 74063

Sand Springs, OK 74063

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|Please type or print your answers. If application is illegible, it will be returned to you. |

| | | |

|1. |Last Name: |First Name: |

|2. |Mailing Address:: |

| |Street: _________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |City: State: ZIP: |

| | |

|3. |Daytime Telephone Number: ( ) |

| | |

|4. |Date of Birth: Month Day Year |

| | |Number of years attended: |

|5. |Current High School: | |

| | |

|6. |I will be attending the following school in the Fall of 2012: ___________________________________ |

| | |

| |Proof of acceptance or current student enrollment from the above school is required prior to receipt of funds. |

| | |

|7. |I will be entering the above-mentioned school as a: (Circle one) |

| | |

| |Freshman Sophomore |

| | |

|8. |Grade Point Average (GPA): __________ (On a 4.0 scale) |

| |Attach proof of GPA. Your most recent official school transcript required |

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| |. |

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|9. |ACT Score:__________ |

| |Or A copy of your ACT or SAT score sheet on official high school transcript is required. |

| |SAT Score: __________ |

|10. |Name & address of parent(s) or legal guardian(s): Use reverse side of application if you need more space. |

| |Name (s) |

| |______________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Street: ___________________________ City:_____________________ State: ______ ZIP:_____________ |

| | |

| |Home phone of parents or legal guardians: |

| | |

|11. |Name and city of other high schools attended: |Number of years attended: |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |CLUB INVOLVEMENT: List any club activities and positions (i.e. referee, camp counselor, Community Action Program, coaching, projects, etc…) |

|12. | |

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|13. |What specialty/major do you plan to pursue as you continue your education? |

|14. |List expenses you expect to incur per semester or quarter: (Approximate figures acceptable) . |

| |A. |Tuition: Amount: $ |

| |B. |Books: Amount: $ |

| |C. |Room & Board: Amount: $ |

| |D. |Other expenses: Amount: $ Describe below under comments |

| |E. |Other expenses: Amount: $ |

|Comments: |

| |

| |

| |

|15. |List other financial assistance you will receive per semester or quarter: |

| |A. |Personal: Amount: $ |

| |B. |Other Scholarship(s): Amount: $ Describe below under comments |

| |C. |Grants: Amount: $ |

| |C. |Student Loan(s): Amount: $ |

| |D. |Other Financial Resources: Amount: $ |

|Comments: |

| |

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|16. |How many years have you played for West Side Alliance? Describe what your experience has meant to you as a player and person? |

|17. |List your academic honors, awards, and membership activities while in high school or college: |

|18. |List your community service activities, hobbies, outside interests, and extracurricular activities: |

|19. |List your soccer achievements, club and otherwise, team and individual. |

|20. |Personal Statement: Please answer the following question: |

| |What has the game of soccer, your team, and your experience taught you and provided for you during your career? Submit your response on the last sheet |

| |provided with this application. |

|21. |A. The following items are optional portions of the application. |

| | |

| |B. Circle YES or NO to indicate IF these items are attached. |

| | | | |

| |YES |NO |Reference forms. Return these completed forms in a sealed envelope from your teachers or coaches. |

| | | | |

| |YES |NO |Proof of college acceptance or current student enrollment. A letter of college acceptance or program acceptance is required for receipt of|

| | | |funds (Note this can be provided after the application if at the time of application you have not committed to a college) |

| | | | |

| |YES |NO |Most recent official high school or official college transcript. |

| |


I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also agree that my picture may be taken and used for any purpose deemed necessary to promote the WSA Whitehurst Senior Scholarship program.

I hereby understand that if chosen as a scholarship winner, according to WSA Whitehurst Senior Scholarship policy, I must provide evidence of enrollment/registration at the post-secondary institution of my choice before scholarship funds can be awarded.

Signature of scholarship applicant: _________________________________ Date: _______________________


The deadline for this application to be received by WSA is June 1April 30, 2012, 5:00 p.m. No exceptions.

Personal Statement

What has the game of soccer, your team, and your experience taught you and provided for you during your youth career?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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