Watch an episode from two different reality shows. If you ...

Reality Shows Watching WorksheetWatch an episode from two different reality shows. If you can, try to find English reality shows, but if it is impossible, then you can watch a reality show in your own language. Then, answer the questions below.Answer the questions about the first reality show episode:What was the name of the first reality show?What kind of reality show was it (cooking, traveling, competition, romance)?Who acted in the reality show?Tell, with examples, about what happened in this episode. What was the scenario of the reality show? Be specific.Why did you choose this reality show?Answer the questions about the second reality show episode:What was the name of the second reality show?What kind of reality show was it (cooking, traveling, competition, romance)?Who acted in the reality show?Tell, with examples, about what happened in this episode. What was the scenario of the reality show? Be specific.Why did you choose this reality show?Answer the questions after watching the Reality Shows:Compare and contrast the settings of the two reality shows.Describe the relationships between the characters of the first and second reality shows.Was there any instance of interaction with other cultures in the two episodes (visiting another country, talking to people from other countries, making food from another country, etc.)? If so, how? Were they culturally sensitive? Compare and contrast the style of the two reality shows.Talk about something from the episodes that really stuck out to you. What impacted you about the reality show? This can be something that was either good or bad.Overall, what is your opinion of these two reality shows? Did you like or dislike them? Why? Give specific reasons. ................

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