Return of the Gold StockTechnician

Tuesday April 10 2018

Return of the Gold StockTechnician:

As we noted in the last update, we want to let readers know that as of April 20th 2018 we will be moving the GST Newsletter back to a paid subscription product.

Each month, we anticipate writing two detailed reports, and along with those, we will also be sending out password protected pdf's a few times per week with shorter updates to keep subsribers current. The new service is a broad advisory service and will cover a variety of areas including Gold, Gold Stocks, Bond Funds of all stripes, Equities and REITs.

A lot of the focus will be on capital gains and on dividends. I am making this move because a year ago, I thought we would heading into a more challenging environment and for awhile it seemed like things would never change. Yet that change is upon us and I believe the coming climate is one where active investment management inputs will be valuable for subscribers and where Gold and Gold Stocks will soon move to the fore.

Because we feel we are pricing the GST at a bargain basement price, we ask that all our readers respect the integrity of our work, the time it takes to make a good product and not share/forward the service with friends and associates. On a positive note, for those of you who are interested in potentially other services, we are hoping to have one or two gold products available on the investment management side of things available in the months ahead. We will keep you posted. You may contact us at FrankBGST@ if interested. We know a few of you already have, and we appreciate your trust and confidence.

The price of the new GST Service will be $325 per year, with subscription checks made out to "The Gold Stock Technician". We accept several forms of payment. Personal checks or Money Order can be mailed to:

Frank Barbera The Gold Stock Technician P.O. BOX 480858 Los Angeles, CA. 90048

In addition to a check or money order, you can also use Paypal, and send payment to FrankBGST@AOLcom Those of you interested in continuing this service you should send payment before April 20th.

Thank you Frank

The Gold Stock Technician

Gold Stocks:

Things are getting very interesting in the Gold arena right now, and we are seeing some hopeful signs that Gold could be bottoming out, along with the Gold Stocks. What's more, we think that if the Gold Stocks do bottom out in the near-term, they could be very close to the start of a surprisingly large advance. While containing our potential bullish enthusiam, we want to use this letter to give our readers some insight as to what we are seeing in the charts. In the last few letters, we have been walking quite a neutral path, and if anything have probably been highlighting the downside risks more then anything else. It remains true that if Physical Gold (see DailyFx+ Gold on Google) at any time breaks down below $1305-$1310 that would be a significant near-term bearish development and for GDX, any move below $21.40 and then $21.00 would also be very bearish. As a week, not a lot of net movement really took place last week, with Gold ending at $1333.41, up 8.36 (or .63%)and GDX ended with a small gain of +.09 to end last week at $22.07.

Above: XAU Index (upper) with 1 year Bollinger Band and (lower) Bollinger Band - Band Width indicator Looking at a wide number of indicators and watching volume patterns in a large number of stocks, we see signs that the downside selling pressure may be coming off the Gold Stocks in a significant way. In fact, it would not really surprise us to see the start of what could be a more important rally then most would imagine beginning in the next few days. One thing we can tell you ? something big is going to hit the Gold market very soon as volatility levels are dropping down to unsustainably low values. In the chart above, we show the XAU Index, which tracks Gold Mining stocks, and its 252 day trading bands. These are essentially one year Bollinger Bands as there are 252 trading days each year. Notice on the far right, how the trading bands are pinching in tightly. This is very often a great forecaster of a big move dead ahead. In theory, it does not tell us which way that move is likely to go, but it does say get ready for something material. In the lower clip on the chart above, we plot the band width. Notice how band width has been declining for a very long time as the Bollinger Bands have been steadily pinching in. While this chart is interesting, on the top of the next page we give you the historical framing. Simply put, the current readings on Band Width for the one year Bollinger Band on XAU have virtually never been lower then they are right now going all the way back to 1979 !


The Gold Stock Technician

Above: 40 years of Band Width on the XAU, near the lowest readings in history. Something is about to change in a big way. In our view, this strongly suggests that a dramatic move could beclose at hand in both Gold and Gold Stocks. As can be seen in the chart above, in a fair number of prior instances, very low volatility readings did correspond to market bottoms. Yet, we would be the first to admit that there is a potentially reasonable case for a downside move in both Gold and Gold Stocks that can still be made. Yet the trading behaviour over the last few days looks encouraging. We see what looks like solid basing action in a number of names, and a definite ? at least for the time being, easing up in selling pressure. The drop off in selling pressure is quite noticeable and we believe that the recent scare of the Trump Administration tangling with China on foreign trade and tariffs probably has some money starting to hedge with Gold. Tense geo-politics around the world is also likely adding something of a bid to the yellow metal.


The Gold Stock Technician

On the subject of tarrifs, a key aspect of globalization that is often overlooked is the role of multi-national companies headquarted in the U.S. In many cases, products made for these companies are "Made in China" and assembled here in the states, for U.S. companies. The US. Companies are the prime beneficiary but the goods are still labeled as `Made in China' and thus addative to the Trade Deficit. Should there be a tit-for-tat trade war, the end result would definitely be pass through inflation as consumer's in the U.S. would have to pay more for imported goods. The resulting downward spiral in global trade could also have the potential to kick start a serious recession or worse, and so the actual outcome would likely be stagflationary with prices rising, and rising prices negatively affecting consumer spending, and the slow down in consumer spending (which is better then 70% of GDP) slowing overall growth. Gold and Gold Stocks would be seen as a haven in such a world, as the threat of a Chinese Yuan devaluation risk could also surge and there could be a lot of money that would then be looking to exit China and move into a liquid, safe-haven asset.

In our work, we watch a number of proprietary gauges, including one we call our Trading Day Oscillator shown in the chart above. This gauge looks a lot at the relationship between the days close and the days mid-point to seek out underlying strength or weakness in a market. In bull markets, it tends to be oversold near the flat horizontal line. The period of 2001 to 2008 produced two spikes down toward this area and both were important lows. Note on the far right of the screen, we have once again come down to that same zone. There is a reasonable case to be made that the strong upward impulse of 2016 has now been unwound within the framework of a continuing bull market and that the recent readings are highlighting an oversold bottom. Volume is also showing signs of potentially having just seen a low volume bottom. Rather then a spike low, which would imply a lot of heavy selling pressure and drive our ARMS Indicators straight up, the action of late


The Gold Stock Technician

is a potentially a bottom borne of neglect and boredom. There is an old saying on Wall Street, to "never sell a quiet market short". Sometimes, in a market that is quietly drifting lower, money just exits and seeks out other areas with the perception of higher returns and once enough money has left, there is not enough selling power left on the bear side to drive down prices much further and hence an exaustion bottom.

Above: GST Accumulation-Distribution Oscillator is coming off very low values, as volume has shrunk to much lower values. The market when it is has been going down of late, has been going down on nothing.

Above: Junior Golds relative to Seniors with Tactical Model ? overall quietly improving. 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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