Tough Interview Questions – Answer the following questions ...

Kate Burbach

Mr. Staus

Intro to Business B1

13 November 2014

Tough Interview Questions – Answer the following questions by writing complete sentences. Answer the question as you would answer it in the interview. We will talk about the correct way to answer when we are done. You should write at least one paragraph for each question.

1. Please tell me a little about yourself.

I am a hardworking individual, when I am given a task to complete I will work until it’s done. I have good time management, making sure I have a good mix of fun and hard work. If I have little experience on a topic, I will be sure to listen up and learn from peers who know more on the subject.

2. What would your teachers say is your greatest strength?

My teachers say my greatest strength is getting my work done on time. If I need help I go in and ask the questions I need to before the due date. Also, I work in class and stay focused on what I need to get done.

3. What is your biggest weakness?

My biggest weakness is giving in when someone is giving me a guilt trip. However, I am working on this by creating my own schedule and letting people know what I am doing so I don’t feel as bad when I can’t go with them somewhere.

4. How would your best friend describe you?

My friends would describe me a quite at first, but then once you get to know me you find out I am funny and outgoing. My very close friends would say I am very dedicated especially in school, yet have fun outside of the school doors.

5. What are some of your favorite classes in school, what are some of your least favorite classes in school?

First off I will start with my least favorite classes in school, my worst class in High School would have been American Government, Social Studies is not my strong suit, but with a help from the teacher I managed to still receive an A- at the end of the school year. Another overall subject that I like, but am not good at is English. I am not a very strong writer, but once again I go in and get suggestions from the teacher on how to make my writing better. On the other hand, I would say two of my favorite classes would be anything in the math area or in the sciences particularly Chemistry. Math comes easy to me, I enjoy the teachers and sharing my skills with my peers. In Chemistry I like conducting experiments, they are interesting and it’s fun learning from hands on experiences.

6. Tell me about a time when you got frustrated – what happened, how did you deal with it?

During my 12th grade year of high school, I took two Advanced Placement classes, Chemistry and Calculus. These classes challenged me more than any other class I have taken. I have found myself frustrated numerous times in each class, usually when I don’t understand what is going on. Instead of pouting about it, I go in and talk to each teacher and set up a time to meet with them and go over the topic at hand. I have found getting help is the best strategy to deal with being frustrated.

7. What was one of your biggest successes?

One of my biggest successes was when I made it into National Honors Society. National Honors Society is a club that invites students with a 3.5 GPA and a good track record to join the club. I wrote a formal essay and filled out a application to be accepted into the club. When I got the acceptance letter in the club I was very excited to be a part of such a high sought after club, and now during my senior year having the GPA and service hours to still be in the club.

8. What is the most difficult decision you have ever had to make?

While there are many hard decisions in my life I have made, the most challenging would be telling my mom or dad I am going to the other parents house when it’s not my allotted time with that parent. I can see the disappointment in their eyes, and even though they say I can go, I sense they are mad. To make both parents happy in the end I use my time management skills to make sure I have dinner or see them equally throughout the week.

9. Why should I hire you?

I am a dedicated person, who will finish what I start. I also am a fast learner, I engage myself in what is being taught and fallow up with practice or more in depth instructions.

10. Do you have any questions for me about the job, or do you have anything you would like to add?

a. When should I expect to hear from you again?

b. What will my daily responsibilities include?

c. Is there anything you would like me to start learning in the free time?


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