Debate Topics

Hot Topics Debate

For our first debate, we will be debating some “hot topics” in our society. You will not know the following factors: your opponent, your topic, or what side of the topic (you will draw topics and sides out of a hat). You will have time in the computer lab to research all of these topics—you will have one class period in the lab to find info on all of the topics so make sure that you take advantage of your time. You will need to make sure that you research BOTH SIDES of each topic. You do not need to have a ton of evidence, just a few facts, but you HAVE TO take notes on what you find. I will check your notes at the start class, and you will be allowed to use your notes when it comes time to debate. Share your evidence with me on Google drive. For the debate, you will be graded on preparedness, flowing, and speaking skills. The debates will be judged by the whole class.


Tip #1: Remember, the affirmative team argues to change the status quo so the resolutions are written with this in mind (Ex: The US should lower the drinking age to 18; NOT the US should keep the drinking age at 21). Keep this in mind as you research and it might help you formulate arguments on both sides.

Tip #2: don’t get stuck on one topic for too long. Learn about the general idea of the argument, find a couple of statistics each way, and then move on. You can always refine your research later. It might be easiest to search with keywords like “Advantages of,” “Problems with,” “The debate over,” “The controversy with,” “Why is ______ good (or bad),” etc.

Tip #3: You will need a couple of statistics to throw around. Make sure you take notes as you research since you will be able to use your notes during the debate.

Possible Debate Topics:

The United States should…

1. Lower the Drinking Age to 18

2. Institute free tuition at all public universities

3. Build a wall at the Mexican border that covers the whole border (U.S. pays)

4. Legalize Marijuana nationwide (recreational and medicinal)

5. Raise the National Minimum Wage to $15

6. Guaranteed maternity/paternity leave with pay (12 weeks; companies larger than 50 employees)

7. Have mandatory vaccinations for all capable children

8. Ban Fracking in the United States (natural gas)

9. Strike down Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obama Care)

10. Ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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