Movie and TV Series Review Instructions - SD79

English 9: Assignment #10 Week of June 10-June 16/2020Due: June 16 /2020IntroductionHello everyone! We hope you had a good weekend and that you and your household are doing well. Hopefully you got to go outside a bit and enjoy the amazing weather we have been having. Please let the school/your teacher know if you or your household needs anything for you to be academically successful. We will do our best to address that need. This week, teachers and some students are in the school. If you have decided not to come, lessons will be rolled out on a Wednesday and due on the following Tuesday as usual. If you are coming into school, things are going to look a lot different and classrooms will be largely supporting online learning. This is your last week of online classes! This is something to celebrate. For the last week, you will be writing a movie, series or game review. To “up your game” or to just have some fun, you can also record yourself giving a review a la YouTube style. Due Dates: We encourage all students to have their assignments in by the due dates so that they do not fall behind. However, we appreciate that hitting due dates will not always be easy for some students and their households for a variety of reasons. We ask that all assignments be handed in as near to its due date as possible. All assignments will be accepted up June.23rd/2020. After that, all assignments will be considered dead. Teachers need time to mark and provide final assessment. JournalingFor this week’s Journaling ideas clink the link here: Journal 10ISO-Warm UpFor this week's ISO-Warm Ups click the link: ISO Warm Up 10For answers to the ISO-Warm Ups click the link: ISO Warm Up 10 AnswersMovie and TV Series Review InstructionsLearning intensions: I can appreciate, critically analyze and form an opinion I can critically, creatively and reflectively express my ideasI can recognize and appreciate different forms of cultural expression I can use appropriate language to express my opinion to an audienceI can use an increasing repertoire of conventions (transition words, spelling, grammar and punctuation)Task: Your task is to watch a movie, or watch a T.V. Series, or play a video game and give us your opinion on it. Sounds easy right? A slam dunk? Not so much. Giving your opinion about a piece of art, music, and film requires reflection and critical analysis.Due: June. 16/2020How to do it:Step 1: Choose a film, T.V. series or video game. If you choose a movie, choose one that you haven’t watched or one that you can watch again. Step 2: Watch it paying close attention to: actors chosen to play parts, costumes, location, music, plotline. Play it paying close attention to graphics, music, sound effects, animation of characters and/or challenges.Step 3: Form an opinion on the movie, series or game and ask yourself WHY you think that or feel that way? Was it the superb acting, the plot, the message or theme, the humor, the special effects, the music, the animation? Write down your initial thoughts. Step 4: Go to the Film and Series or Video Game Review document and complete the review. There are links to documents that will help you along the way.Step 5 Extension piece: Go above and beyond (extend) and video yourself giving your opinion on this movie/T V series/video game just like a YouTube sensation star. Ham it up. Wear a costume. Film in a cool setting.Document Links:Video Game Review WorksheetFilm or Series Review Worksheet ................

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