Unit Overview

|Unit Overview |

|Title: |Goodnight moon and nighttime |

|Focus/Essential Questions |

|What do we do at nighttime or before bed? |

|Unit Summary |

|The unit begins with sound recognition in “hey diddle diddle” and moves on to Goodnight Moon before starting other nighttime topics like learning about |

|the moon and stars. |

|Subject Area(s): English, Art |

|Grade Level: K-1 beginning ESL |

|Standards: |

|Common Core |

|Reading 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, |

|Foundational Skills: 1, 2, 3 |

|Writing: 2, 5, 6, |

|Speaking and Listening: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 |

|Language: 1, 4, 5, 6 |

|Content Area(s) |

|Art, language arts, creative writing |

|Learning Outcomes |

|Students will: |

|Review rhyming words and nursery rhymes through connections to the book Goodnight Moon |

|Discuss activities performed before bed, including saying “goodnight” |

|Learn key nighttime vocabulary |

|Review simple adjectives through use of a picture book. |

|Unit Scope and Sequence |

|Activate prior knowledge |

|Use Hey Diddle Diddle to lead into a unit on nighttime focused on the book Goodnight Moon |

|Learning Assessment | |

|Student participation will be informally evaluated | |

|Completed student books will be evaluated based on letter formation and sound coordination. Spelling will not be a factor. As long as the sounds can be | |

|said to form the correct word, students will not be penalized for invented spelling. | |

|Unit Implementation |

|Instructional Strategies |Grouping Options |Scaffolds |

|Step 1: Begin nighttime unit with a |.Whole group discussion |Review with song: |

|review of previous unit (rhymes) with| |Then have a choral reading of “Hey Diddle Diddle” |

|Hey Diddle Diddle | |Talk about the letters in certain words in “Hey Diddle Diddle.” What sound do you |

| | |hear in the middle of fiddle? The end of cat? How about the end of moon? |

|Step 2: What does bedtime mean? |Pair work for discussing |A warmup for the main unit. This will involve discussing what bedtime means. |

|Bedtime routine |“bedtime” |Brainstorm things you do before bed. Use TPR to demonstrate bedtime routine. |

|Introduce the book “Goodnight Moon” | |What does the title mean? |

| | |Picture walk, what might the story be about? |

|Step 3: Reading the story Goodnight |One large group for |Read book aloud. Point out items to help with vocabulary. Talk about the rhyming |

|Moon |listening to the story. |words, like in Hey Diddle Diddle. |

| | | |

| |Pairs for activity. Large |Vocabulary envelope activity, divide pictures into things they know well, things they |

| |group to compare results. |kind of know, and things they don't really know. As a group, go over the items in each|

| | |category, students may be asked to define words they “know” for other students in the |

| |Individuals for art project |class. |

| | | |

| | |Define any unknown words. |

| | | |

| | |Fun activity: students make a mobile of moon and stars |

|Step 4: Second reading of the book |Whole class |Read the book a second time. Students will have pictures of nouns from book and will |

| | |hold them up as it is named and say it with the instructor. |

| | | |

| | |Larger versions of the pictures will be used on a semantic wall map. Students will |

| | |construct it after the second time reading the book. |

| | | |

| | |Watch a video of the story or have a volunteer adult come in and read it |

| | |. |

|Step 5: |Individually |Students will draw a picture a picture of their room at home. They will begin |

|Begin writing project with | |labeling the items that they know. |

|preparation | | |

|Step 6: Revising/editing |Groups of 3 |Students will work in groups of 3 to help label items in all 3 of their drawn rooms. |

| | |They will work with picture dictionaries and worksheets on bedrooms. Other students |

| | |will provide input on how the items should be written by sounding it out together. |

|Step 7: Drafting |Individually |Students will make a draft on a worksheet with the phrase: In my ____ room, there |

| | |are... and then select three of the items. Afterward, students will fill out the |

| | |worksheet provided for them (organizing worksheet) with sentence starters and can |

| | |provide a brief sketch of an idea for the picture next to it. Alternately they could |

| | |cut pictures out of a Home and Gardens magazine. |

|Step 8: Moon and stars and publishing|Groups and pairs working on |Lesson on the sun, moon and stars. Activities will include drawing the moon and stars |

| |the sun, moon and stars. |each night at home. While these lessons are ongoing, students will also be given time|

| | |to work on their books. |

| |Individual work on their | |

| |published book. |Each book will start with the phrase “In the _____ room, there are... ” where the |

| | |_____ is supposed to be an adjective. It can be a color or size. This first page |

| | |will be Then the students will list their items on each consecutive page with a |

| | |drawing of the item. After at least 3 items, students will switch to saying |

| | |“Goodnight room” then “Goodnight ____” with each one being an item. The last picture |

| | |will be of the room again. |

|Accommodation Options |

|ELL / IP Students | |

|Highly-Capable Students | Can use higher level vocabulary in their story or provide more than 3 objects. |

|(or enrichment/ extension activity)| |

|Management/Organization Tips |

|Make sure students are involved in drawing pictures. Encourage even those shying away from the artistic aspects. |

|Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) |

|1 week, possibly 10 days |

|Prerequisite Skills |

|Basic letter recognition |

|Basic word recognition |

|Ability to form some letters properly in writing |

|Use of sounding it out techniques |

|Materials and Resources Required for Unit |

|Adopted Print Materials: book - “Goodnight Moon,” organizers for writing, paper for drawing, printouts of lyrics of “hey diddle diddle” nursery |

|rhyme/song, cards for identifying items, created worksheets, other applicable materials |

|Adopted and other Audio/Visual: websites listed, |

|Supplemental Resources (including Internet resources): websites for visuals and powerpoint to use for basis of description |

|Supplies: |

|Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) |

|Computer(s) | VCR |Projection System (if doing whole group instruction) |

| Printer | Video Camera | Camera |

| Digital Camera | Scanner | Video Conferencing |

| Television | Laser Disk | Other DVD |

|Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) |

|Microsoft Word | Microsoft Front Page | KidPix |

| Microsoft Excel |Microsoft Internet Explorer|Inspiration |

| Microsoft PowerPoint |SchoolKiT | Clicker 4 |

| Publisher | Encarta Reference | Image Blender/Photo Editor |

| |Materials | |

|Optional Technology Extensions | |




|Letters |All letters are properly |75% or better of letters |50% or less of the writing |Scribbles unrecognizable as|

| |formed and recognizable |are recognizable. |is recognizable |letters. |

|Phonetics in invented |All words are |The majority of the words |One or two of the words can|Undecipherable words. |

|spelling |distinguishable and some |are able to be |be sounded out. The others| |

| |are spelled correctly |distinguished by the |are indistinguishable | |

| | |teacher. | | |

|Topic in pictures and |Writing and pictures show |Writing is on topic and |Word selection is somewhat |Unable to distinguish words|

|writing |evidence of further topic |pictures are as well. |related to the topic of |and pictures lack topic. |

| |development. (Grouping, | |items in a bedroom, or are | |

| |sorting, types of objects, | |when combined with picture.| |

| |etc) | | | |

|Vocabulary |Uses many new vocabulary |Use some (3-5) new |Uses few (1-2) new words. |Uses no new vocabulary |

| |words (6+) including |nighttime words or | | |

| |adjectives and nighttime |adjectives. | | |

| |words | | | |


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