RWD Info Pak Template .uk


Use this procedure to update SAP stock records.


Perform this procedure when stock is issued from stores.


• The material issued must be held as a stock material item in SAP.

• There must be sufficient available stock in SAP to cover the quantity issued.

• You must have details of the cost object that is to be charged with the cost of the stock. (Cost centre, internal order, Production order, Project etc.)

Menu Path

Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:

• Logistics ( Materials Management( Inventory Management( Goods Movement( Goods Issue

Transaction Code


Additional Information

[pic] If you are unable to issue the required quantity of stock do not ignore it. Please carry out investigations using the information below to assist you.

[pic] Here are some possible reasons the system will prevent stock being issued; before you begin investigations check the following:

[pic] Have the prerequisites specified above have been met?

[pic] Did you follow the instructions correctly?

[pic] If yes is the answer then begin your investigations. Insufficient stock could be because of the following reasons:

|Reason |Action |

|Goods Receipts have not been kept up to date. |Refer to relevant goods receipt point. |

| |Ask if all documents are up to date. |

|The stock has been receipted into a different storage location to the one you are |Check the storage location entered in |

|attempting to issue from. |the goods receipt. |

|The stock has already being issued to the job/cost object. |Display cost object for details of |

| |issues to date or refer to finance |

| |contact for assistance. |

[pic] Problems with charging may be because of the following reasons:

|Reason |Action |

|The job/cost object quoted has been closed or has insufficient funds to cover the cost|Refer to person providing information |

|of the issue or the incorrect cost object is quoted. |and check accuracy and/or refer to |

| |departmental finance contact for |

| |assistance |

[pic] SAP Stock Reports you may find useful in your investigations of the above include:

|Transaction Code |Description |Use |

|MB52 |Warehouse Stock |Shows value and quantity of stock held in each storage location stock |

| | |item. |

|MB51 |Material Documents |List material documents; can select by material, movement type, posting |

| | |date etc. |

|MMBE |Stock Overview |Overview of stock held by storage location for a particular material. |

|MB5B |Stock for Posting Date |Lists by material value of stock receipts and issues for the specified |

| | |period; display documents related to the values |

|MC48 |Stock Value |Analyse current stock value. |

|MC45 |Stock Usage Values |Value of stock used for a particular period. |

|MB5L |List of Stock Values |List of stock values per GL; can drill to individual stock quantity and |

| | |value per material for raw materials and per sales document for finished|

| | |goods. |

|ME2M |Purchasing Documents for Material|List of Purchase Orders for a specified material in a specified plant. |

| | |Drill down to Purchase Order display. |

|MB25 |Reservation List Inventory |List of Reservations for a specified material in a specified plant. Can|

| |Management |specify many other search parameters including storage location. Drill |

| | |down to reservation display. |


1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.

2. Perform one of the following:

|If |Go To |

|You wish to issue stock to Reservation |Step 8 |

|Material to be issued wasn’t defaulted for issue to Order or Reservation |Step 12 |

Enter Goods Issue: Initial Screen

|[pic] |

2.1 As required, complete/review the following fields

|Field Name |R/O/C |Description |

|Movement type |R |Enter the description of the Movement type. |

| | |[pic] Select from the drop-down menu the relevant movement type for the cost |

| | |object to be charged. |

| | |Example: 261 – Consumption for order from warehouse |

| | |201 – Consumption for cost centre from warehouse. |

| | |221 – Consumption for project from warehouse. |

| | |[pic] These are just a few of the movement types possible, check the drop down |

| | |menu if the code you require is not listed here. |

|Plant |R |Enter the Plant in which stock is held. |

| | |[pic] Select the relevant plant form the drop down menu. |

| | |Example: UL01 – Media Services Kirkstall |

|Storage Location |R |Enter the Issuing storage location. |

| | |[pic] Select the storage location the stock is to be issued from. |

| | |Example: T310 - Kirkstall Raw Materials |

3. Click on [pic] to issue stock to an Order.

Reference: Order

|[pic] |

3.1 As required, complete/review the following fields:

|Field Name |R/O/C |Description |

|Order |R |Enter the Internal order or Production Order number to be charged with the issue. |

| | |Example: 94003320 |

4. Click on [pic] to default material data applicable to the order entered.

Enter Goods Issue: Selection Screen

|[pic] |

[pic] A list of all material components for the order entered will be returned. The quantity defaulted is the quantity left to be issued based on requirements calculated by MRP. Any previous issues are deducted.

[pic] If the material you wish to issue is not shown cancel the transaction and proceed as step

4.1 As required, complete/review the following fields

|Field Name |R/O/C |Description |

|Item |O |Suggested items for issue – Select line item(s) to be issued by clicking in box to|

| | |select/deselect flag. |

| | |[pic] Items that have the flag set will be issued |

|Material |R |SAP Material number – Material to be issued |

|Quantity |R |Quantity to be issued – review amount defaulted and ammend where necessary. |

| | |[pic] You can increase or decrease the suggested quantity to reflect the actual |

| | |quantity removed from stock |

|UnE |R |Unit of issue – This is defaulted from the Material Master Record. |

| | |[pic] Check that your figures are based on the same unit of issue as SAP. |

|SLoc |R |Storage Location – SAP will issue the stock from this location |

5. Click on [pic] to save the document.

6. .[pic] The system displays the message, "Document 49xxxxxxxx posted."

7. You have completed this transaction.

To Issue Stock to a Reservation

8. Complete data as per Step 1 to Step 5.

8.1 Click on [pic] .

Reference: Reservation

|[pic] |

8.2 As required, complete/review the following fields:

|Field Name |R/O/C |Description |

|Reservation |R |Enter the description of the Reservation. |

| | |Example: 783 |

9. Click on [pic] to save the document.

10. .[pic] The system displays the message, "Document 49xxxxxxxx posted."

11. You have completed this transaction.

Material to be issued wasn’t defaulted for issue to Order or Reservation

12. Enter information on initial screen as per Step 1 to Step 5.

13. Click on [pic] .

Enter Goods Issue: New Items

|[pic] |

13.1 As required, complete/review the following fields for every item to be issued

|Field Name |R/O/C |Description |

|GL Account No. |O |GL Account – Leave blank the system will default the SAP balance sheet account for|

| | |stock. |

|Order |R |Cost object to be charged – This field will vary depending on the movement type |

| | |entered on the initial screen. |

|Material |R |SAP Stock Material Number – Item to be issued. |

|Quantity |R |Quantity of units to be issued. |

|UnE |R |Stock keeping unit for item issued. |

| | |[pic] This will default from the Master Record if you press enter after completing|

| | |the quantity field. |

14. Click on [pic] to save the document.

15. .[pic] The system displays the message, "Document 49xxxxxxxx posted.


You have issued material out of stock. The SAP stock records will be updated in the storage location of the plant you entered when inputting the transaction.

The calculated cost of the material issued will be charged to the cost object entered on the line item(s).


[pic] It is important that stock records are maintain regularly, failure to do so will result in incorrect reporting in many areas. It will also undermine the accuracy of any calculations performed when MRP is active.

[pic] If the SAP system prevents you issuing stock for any reason, use the information detailed at the beginning of this document help with your investigations.

[pic] To reverse a Goods Issue use transaction MBST – Cancel/Reverse Material document.


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