2014 Secondary English/Reading/Language Arts

October 13 Staff Development

Hermitage High School



Grade 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, AP

This will be a “learning while you work” day.  You will be introduced/re-introduced to some key elements and given time to put those items into practice in your grade level groups. 

Part I: 9:00-11:50—Focus on key planning items and work on one of your unit planners

Lunch: 12:00-1:00

Part II: 1:15-2:55—Focus on resources and ideas for lessons and unit planners

Complete survey: 3:00-3:45       

Room Leader(s),

Thank you for serving as room leader. Your job today will be to make sure your group gets through the guiding items/training materials about the instructional planners. You are not teaching or presenting anything—you are simply keeping the room on track to finishing and dropping a planner by the end of the day.

Teachers, you may work in teams or as individuals on the lesson planner today. I only ask that you complete one by the end of the day to turn in (you may turn it in as a group or individuals). Please go to the Google Site for instructional planners to get the latest template that you all can work on together:

1. Go to the English blog () and download the template (your cheat sheet of verbs and assessments) and the English/Reading Sample.

a. Note that the verbs have been unpacked for you on the English template and types of assessments have been listed.

b. Note that each day takes a block on the sample, not each activity. Also note that all parts of your teaching day (vocab, grammar, writing, etc. are all included on the planner).

2. Go to the Instructional planner site () and create a copy of the newest template if you would like to work as a group.

*For the rest of the directions, you will get a snapshot of each part of the planner. I have taken images from the English template, but you may use the one on the Google site. You will need to view the videos/Power Points and/or notes to ensure you know how to complete each section.

3. Unit information. Decide which unit you would like to focus on for this planner. You may choose a unit of any length (from 3 days to 3 weeks).


4. STAGE 1: DESIRED RESULTS - What will students learn?


a. Big Idea/Goals

i. Visit the Google site:

ii. View the video

iii. On your planner

1. Put in themes for MP and Big Question for this unit

a. Theme—what big idea or concept do you want students to focus

b. Big Question—what question goes with that idea/theme (why is this unit important)

2. Put your Behavior, Condition, Criteria statement (Note—this takes what we did in the initial training a step further—summarizing your SWBAT statements into a short plan of action).

b. Targeted Learning Objectives/SOL(s)

i. Go to the pacing guides for your grade level: English 6-12 Pacing Guides

ii. Click on the MP2 tab

iii. Copy all the SOLs from the Pacing Chart and Paste onto your lesson planning document

1. After pasting, you will need to select the table. Under “Table Tools”

a. Click “Layout”

b. Click “Convert to Text”

2. You may want to play with spacing as well—you can simply click on “No Spacing” from the Home menu

iv. Decide which SOLs to keep for this unit and which ones you can delete

1. You will want to use student/school/county data

2. Middle School—refer to the NWEA-SOL Crosswalk

3. All—refer to the SPBQs

c. Unpack the Learning Objectives

i. Highlight the verbs in the SOLs on your planner you have chosen to keep for this unit

ii. Find those verbs in the English template and highlight (or type in the generic template)

iii. If you have a verb that is not in the template, you may ignore it

d. Instructional Design and Driving Questions

i. Instructional Design

1. The first column is where you put your SWBAT statements for:

a. What the students need to learn—this must be one or more of the SOLs you listed under the Targeted Learning Objective/SOLs

b. What students need to understand—the bigger theme and process

c. What connections students need to make to the global world

2. For example, if I was doing a unit on Utopic societies, here is how this progression from SOLs to Connections looks

|ACQUIRE: |SWBAT use information in the text to draw conclusions and make |

|What do students need to learn, … |inferences. |

|UNDERSTAND: |SWBAT understand that Utopian concepts through the study of |

|… process, and make meaning of, in order to… |literature and draw conclusions on the benefits and cautions of |

| |utopias |

|TRANSFER: |SWBAT connect the literature to the concept of planned communities in|

|… apply and connect their understandings to the |our society today |

|real world? | |

ii. Driving Questions

1. Read the examples of driving questions from the English blog:

2. Look over these notes from the book, Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins.

3. Notice you are looking at what types of questions can you ask to ensure that students actually “got” the “acquire, understand and transfer” goals.

5. STAGE 2: Assessment Using Multiple Sources of Evidence


a. Look over the assessment documents to refresh your memory of formative vs. summative assessment:

b. For this part of the planner, you need to decide what your summative assessment will be. What method(s) best help to evaluate students’ mastery of the unit.

c. Check/Highlight the items. Add in a brief summary.

d. Indicate rubrics (if necessary) and Evidence of Mastery.

6. Stage 3: Planning Instructional Delivery--Resources (extra component for English/Reading)


a. First start with what resources are needed for this unit. This part is not included on the standard template. However, you need to list the resources (and if possible, hyperlink them) so that you and other teachers can use these plans in months and years to come!

b. Make sure to indicate where you pulled stories (texts, web, etc.) and give enough info that others can use this plan.

7. Stage 3: Planning Instructional Delivery


Now it’s time to actually write your daily plans out!

8. Review this Lesson Planning PPT—discuss with your grade level team

9. You need to explore the lessons and resources on the VDOE site (save time in the long run and use the resources that have been proven effective)

a. Start with the general English items:

b. Then move to lessons on the Project Graduation site:

10. Look over the Formative Assessment List. You need to decide how you will quickly evaluate each activity to see if students get the skill you are presenting.

11. Now complete your boxes.

a. Write out your daily plans and formative assessment.

b. Then go back to indicate what cognitive levels you have addressed.

c. Make sure you have included several stages of instructional delivery.

d. Always keep referring back to your first page and make sure you are covering the SOLs and AUTs indicated!


(Use your lastname_firstname_unitname as the file name)

(This is for my documentation—you will have to drop your official planner in your school’s designated folder)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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