PDF Jobulator Mobile Overview Android

Jobulator Mobile Overview for Android

This tutorial is a step-by-step walkthrough of Jobulator Mobile for Android. You will learn how to activate Jobulator, view and accept available jobs, view messages and adjust your settings.

1. Jobulator - Download

Play Store

To begin using Jobulator Mobile on your Android-powered device, open the Google Play Store on your phone. This can normally be found in your Apps section. Once in the Play Store, search for "Jobulator Mobile." This will take you to our Play Store page. There, choose to Download the app.

The Play Store will then request the permission that Jobulator needs to serve you. Choose to Accept & download. Your device will then download the program. We recommend selecting the Allow automatic updating check box so you can always update the app easily. Once the download is complete, choose to Open Jobulator Mobile.


2. Jobulator - Activation

After downloading Jobulator from the Play Store, the program will most likely ask you to enter your user information. If you downloaded Jobulator but do not see it open on your device, open your apps and look for Jobulator. Tap Jobulator to open the app.

Select the country where your school district is located. (There is currently one exception to this standard country code: one Canadian school district is on the US system. If you receive an error and you believe you are typing in the correct information, try selecting a different country.) Enter your User ID and Aesop PIN. Your User ID is the email address you used to sign up for Jobulator. Finally, tap Login. As soon as the email address and Aesop PIN have been verified, your Jobulator mobile app activates and Jobulator begins polling for jobs at a default rate of once every minute.

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Jobulator runs even when it is in the "background." You can have other apps open, be texting, or even have the screen off and Jobulator will notify you of available positions. Exceptions include when...

1. Your phone isn't powered on. 2. You haven't activated/launched the Jobulator app. 3. You are using the phone feature on your smartphone.


3. Jobulator - Tab Navigation

The main tool to navigate through the Jobulator app is the Navigation Bar at the bottom of the screen. You will notice four main sections of the Jobulator app: Jobs, Messages, Settings and Help. Tapping on any of these icons will take you to the main screen of that portion of the mobile app.

4. Jobulator - Jobs Screens

The Jobs screen displays a summary of each available job: the shift type, the position, the employee's name, the school, the school district and the start date and time of the absence.

Shift Type Icon Key

Full Day Shift Half Day AM Shift Half Day PM Shift Custom Shift Multiple Day Shift

In this view, you can choose to view more details by tapping on the job information. A user can also reject a job directly from the main jobs screen. The Reject button will appear if you swipe from right to left on the job information. The Details screen will allow you to get directions to the job, accept the job and reject the job. Tap the "Jobs" tab or use the Android back button if you wish to return to the main Jobs screen.


You must enter the correct PIN in the white PIN box before tapping you can accept a job. PIN entry is used to verify that it is actually you accepting the job. You can choose whether or not you would like Jobulator to enter this PIN for you. Please review section 7 of this booklet to learn more. Once the PIN is entered correctly, tap Accept. If the job is accepted and assigned to you, Jobulator displays an "Accepted" message, your assignment's confirmation number and any notes and lesson plans from the teacher. This job is also viewable on your Aesop homepage and interactive calendar. Additionally, if Aesop knows your email address it will automatically send you an email with your Confirmation Number, letting you know that you successfully accepted the job via Jobulator.

Tap the Jobs tab to go back to the main Jobs screen.

5. Jobulator - Messages Screens

The next tab on Jobulator is Messages. Jobulator will display three types of messages: Aesop Notifications, Jobulator Messages, and Web Alerts from your School District(s). The Messages tab will display the number of messages waiting for you that you have either not read or not acknowledged. Aesop Notifications will display any positions that have had the start time changed or that you are no longer needed for. From time to time, employees have their plans change and they decide not to take an already scheduled absence. When that is the case, Jobulator lets you know and asks that you acknowledge that you have received this message.


Jobulator Messages are notifications from the Jobulator team. We will notify you concerning updates, planned maintenance, features, etc. These messages do not need to be acknowledged. You will also receive messages that your district Aesop Administrators post to your Aesop homepage. These messages will be posted under the Web Alerts tab.

6. Jobulator - Calendar Screen

The Calendar tab offers quick access to a monthly view of all your accepted jobs and non-work days. Accepted jobs are displayed in blue. Standard non-work days are displayed in gray. Yellow days are non- work days automatically created by a business rule set up by your school district. Tap anywhere on this calendar to automatically log in to Aesop.


7. Jobulator - Settings Screens

The Settings tab allows you to control the program behavior, sound preferences and version of the Jobulator program. Please note that settings apply as soon as they are changed. You do not need to tap a "save" button on Jobulator Mobile.

The first section is your General Settings. The Refresh Interval is how often Jobulator will ask Aesop if there are any jobs waiting for you. For the most frequent searching, set the refresh interval to one minute (the maximum allowed by the Aesop End License User Agreement). By default, Remember my PIN is selected. This makes it so Jobulator will automatically remember and enter the PIN that you used to activate Jobulator when accepting a job. The final setting is My Address. This feature allows you to enter an address that should be used as the "Start" location when opening the map feature. The Default button at the bottom of the General Settings page will set all settings to the standard settings.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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