English Civil War and Glorious Revolution Digital ...

English Civil War, the Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution Digital FlyerYou and a partner (if you choose to work with one) will be creating a digital flyer summarizing the main ideas about the English Civil War, the Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution. Your flyer may be 1-2 pages, depending on if you design it as front only or front/back. In order to create the flyer, you will need to use a template for flyers in Google Docs, or you may create your own template. In order to search for templates, go to Google Docs, select Create, then click From a Template at the bottom. It will come up with a separate screen. You will need to click on the Public Templates Tab at the top left. If you type in Flyer in the “search templates” box, it will pull up the possible templates available. (Remember, if you are working with a partner, you will need to share the template with your partner so that you can work on the same template.)Once you have a template you will need to make sure you include the following information in the digital flyer:1. A creative/original title for your Flyer (ex. The England Gazette).2. A map of England3. A 1-2 paragraph summary of the main events in the English Civil War. (You should definitely mention Oliver Cromwell, Charles I, who fought against each other in this war, why they were fighting).4. A 1-2 paragraph summary of the main events in the English Restoration. (You should definitely mention what the Restoration was and should talk about Charles II)5. A 1-2 paragraph summary of the Glorious Revolution. (You should definitely mention how William and Mary came to the throne, the English Bill of Rights, why it was called the Glorious Revolution.)6. 2-3 pictures total related to the English Civil War, Restoration, or the Glorious Revolution.You may use the information from the notes in class, or you may search on your Chromebook for additional information. It is helpful to search specifically for sites for kids, otherwise the information gets really wordy and complicated. So for example, search “English Civil War for kids.” Remember do not use message boards for your answers (ex. , ) Also, do NOT plagiarise! This assignment is due by the end of class on ___________________, and must be turned in on Google Classroom. USE YOUR TIME WISELY!!!. It will be worth 100 points Project Grade (please see the attached rubric for the points breakdown). Make sure you check your spelling, capitalization, and grammar. If you make silly errors in capitalization and spelling, I will deduct points. English Civil War, the Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution Digital Flyer RubricTitle for your flyer_____________/10Map of England _____________/15English Civil War summary_____________/20Restoration summary_____________/20Glorious Revolution summary_____________/202-3 pictures_____________/15Total Points Earned: _____________/100 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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