Design Document Google Classroom Proposal

IntroductionGoogle Classroom is a relatively new educational technology tool that many school districts have been provided with via grants and educational initiatives spearheaded by Google. As a result of these grants many districts have been able to obtain Chromebooks for all students which subsequently provides access to both Google Drive and Google Classroom. When integrating this resource in a middle and high school environment there are a number of assumptions and claims that have been made regarding the skill sets that adolescents will bring with them to the classroom. Many experts including Prensky have made claims that these students are digital natives and unlike older generations have grown up since birth immersed in modern technologies CITATION Pre01 \l 1033 (Prensky, 2001) . However since then further research has indicated that digital literacies and fluency fall more into socioeconomic categories rather than age or generational divides CITATION Dur15 \l 1033 (Durrant & Green, 2015). Additionally, while many districts have made the decision to pull back funding for textbooks and more traditional resources there is an even greater need for teachers to adapt to these challenges by integrating open source resources available online and cohesively introducing them as material for students to interact with in lieu of more traditional workbooks and textbooks CITATION War10 \l 1033 (Warschauer & Matuchniak, 2010). Google Classroom creates a platform for integrating outside resources as well as teacher created assignments in a secure and private environment for students and educators alike. However, to make the most efficient use of classroom time students must be given an opportunity to learn and practice the various tools and options that exist within Google Classroom itself. This pilot instruction of Google Classroom will introduce learners to the various tasks and procedures in a way that takes into account learners’ cognitive needs and proven best practices as outlined by Clark and Mayer CITATION Cla11 \l 1033 (Clark & Mayer, 2011). Additionally, the pilot instruction will be created with all learners in mind so that it can be adapted and easily navigated by learners who may suffer from a variety of disabilities including, but not limited to hearing, vision and cognitive abilities CITATION Tol15 \l 1033 (Tolbert, Killu, & David Lazarus, 2015).List the sequence of instructionThe sequence for this pilot instruction will be as follows: 1. The student must sign in to Google Classroom using provided username and password from instructor2. Student must join the class by entering in the class code provided. 3. Student will watch instructional video regarding how to access and complete a daily warm up activity. 4. Student will complete a daily warm up activity and turn it in via Google Classroom for a grade. 5. Student will watch a video indicating how to access course materials from within Google Classroom. 6. Student will access a video resource posted within Google Classroom.7. Student will complete a feedback form for the instructor including an option to indicate if they were able to access the video resource and perceived level of difficulty with the assignment. Identify all contentContent Inventory: Screen shots of the Google Classroom sign in page to accompany text based directions. Screen shots and text based directions to indicate where to click to enter in class code and sign in to the class. Video on accessing and completing a daily warm up activity. Daily warm up activity Video on accessing course materials from within Google Classroom. Video resource to be posted within Google Classroom for pilot instruction needs. Feedback form Identify the tools you are usingThe tools that will be used are as follows: Google Classroom, PowerPoint, Snipping Tool, Google Documents (Drive), My Learnscape Media tools from within Moodle. The learner will need software that allows for watching and listening to the videos created. Make a timeline for completionThe project timeline for this pilot program will be that the development of the program will be completed by April 3, 2016. This includes all screen shots, video tutorials, text based instructions and assignments for assessing effectiveness of tutorial. The implementation will occur between April 4, 2016 and April 17, 2016 where participants will access the materials and complete the steps required to navigate and gain familiarity with Google Classroom. The evaluation schedule for final feedback and my own reflection will occur when the implementation of the project has been finalized. This will occur between April 17, 2016 and April 29, 2016. Discuss how you are applying principles learned in this classAs there are a variety of tasks and skills that students must master to get the most out of the Google Classroom experience it will be crucial that there is proper pacing and timing of lessons through the use of segmented instruction as recommended by Clark and Meyer?(Clark & Mayer, 2011). In addition to considering learning styles and the need for segmented instruction it will also be important to ensure to create the materials within the pilot program with accessibility taken into account in every step of the design process. All students need to be able to have success with the tutorials and resources including students with a variety of learning needs. For this reason it will be important that disabilities are taken into account in the creation of material. As the Center for Persons with Disabilities describes the various disabilities I must provide adaptations for are visual, hearing, motor and cognitive abilities.?(Center for Persons with Disabilities, 2014)For this reason the graphics chosen will be screen shots that are not extraneous, but useful in illustrating how to complete a task. Clark and Meyer indicate that research has shown when the graphics and images are placed for the sake of “fun” or in an attempt to humor a learner oftentimes the learner actually learns less. Especially when the learner may suffer from a cognitive disability which already poses a challenge when it comes to staying on task and being able to focus on the important aspects of a lesson while not getting distracted by “fluff” (Clark & Mayer, 2011) Additionally, while it is crucial to ensure a student who needs subtitles has access to them for a video it is also important that the video not be filled with extraneous text or subtitles for students who may become distracted by them or suffer from cognitive overload as a result (Fritz, 2008). Universal Design and Accessibility Compliance will be incorporated into the project design by ensuring that the instruction is segmented and sequenced and that throughout the individual segments accommodations have been provided such as subtitles for videos and short succinct videos to prevent cognitive overload. As Malamed has indicated a prerequisite for successful instructional design is an ability to empathize and preplan for the needs of the learner/audience which requires understanding various learners will be entering the program with a variety of background knowledge and skills. Ensuring the design accommodates both novices and experts through proper sequencing and pacing will lead to more learners experience success within the program tutorials CITATION Mal \l 1033 (Malamed, n.d.)Create a graphic representation of the projectA graphic representation of this project which includes projected deadlines and assessment planning has been created using Mindmeister and can be found here. It has also been included below.8. Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Center for Persons with Disabilities. (2014, April 22). 2016 Web AIM. Retrieved from : , R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2011). e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.Durrant, C., & Green, B. (2015, September 27). Literacy and the New Technologies in School Education: Meeting the l(IT)eracy Challenge? Retrieved from The Free Library: and the new technologies in school education: meeting the...-a063132991Fritz, L. (2008). Assistive Technology in Education: A Guide for the Delivery of Assistive Technology Services for Students with Disabilities. Nebraska: Assistive Technology Partnership.Gillen, J., & Barton, D. (2010). Digital Literacies: A Research Briefing by the Technology Enhanced Learning Phase of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. London: London Knowledge Lab. Retrieved from , R., & Honan, E. (2008, September). Digital literacies in two low socioeconomic classrooms: Snapshots of practice. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 7(2), 85-98. Retrieved from , L., Swanson, J., & West, A. (2004). Scaffolding. Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from , C. (n.d.). 10 Qualities of the Ideal Instructional Designer. Retrieved from The Learning Coach : , M. (2001, October 2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5).Warschauer, M., & Matuchniak, T. (2010, March). New Technology and Digital Worlds: Analyzing Evidence of Equity in Access, Use, and Outcomes. Review of Research in Education, 34(1), 179-225. doi:10.3102/0091732X09349791 ................

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