


A Guide to the Complete GPS Navigation Solution for Smartphones and Tablets.



A guide to Earthmate Hunt Edition is included in this document. Earthmate Hunt Edition is designed specifically for hunters and includes additional maps and data layers.

WARNING: Messaging, tracking and SOS functions require an active Iridium satellite subscription. Always test your device before you go.



You take your smartphone everywhere. Now it can take you anywhere and back.

Earthmate is a mobile, full-featured GPS navigation app that's as unlimited as your adventures! As the best value in mobile GPS apps, Earthmate comes complete with unlimited access to all North America topographic maps for storage on your device, cloud storage of all your data, online routes and waypoint planning, and much more!

With a Hunt Edition subscription, you have access to an additional set of maps and layers. This includes Game Management Units (GMU's), parcel data, and Public Land Survey System (PLSS) maps. For more information on the map types, please see the Description of Map Types & Layers section on page 11 of the guide.

View routes, waypoints, or tracks with detailed topo maps or NOAA charts downloaded to

your device.

Track and share your location, along with trip details, such as waypoints and tracks while in

cellular range.

Create waypoints and direct routes in the app or online and

sync over WiFi or cellular.

Digital compass includes detailed trip information such as speed, bearing, elevation

and more.


North America Topo Maps North America Public Lands 2

U.S. NOAA Charts

Detailed World Base Map

Set Up

You'll be navigating in no time when you complete these simple set up steps. 1. Start by visiting our Explore online portal at explore. to create a user

account. Having an online user account allows you to plan routes and waypoints ahead of time and sync them to the Earthmate app on your mobile device. Under the Create Account section, choose "Earthmate for Mobile Only" and follow the instructions. Have your subscription key code handy, which is printed in your package underneath the tear-off strip at the bottom right. 2. Next, download the Earthmate app in either the App StoreTM or the Google Play store, depending on your mobile device's operating system. (Note: You can find it by simply searching for Earthmate.) 3. Enter your Explore account information into the Earthmate app to log in. Once Earthmate is registered, your data will seamlessly sync. To plan routes, waypoints and more, visit the Explore portal at explore. and choose the Map tab.

4. Click Allow to give the Earthmate app to access your location data when you are not using the app. Then, click Download Maps to download the High Detailed and World Reference Data for your area.

5. Watch the Earthmate Quick Start video to see step-by-step instructions for the most common tasks, such as tracking, waypoint creation, and using the Explore portal. earthmate-how-to


App Navigation

? To navigate through the app on an iOS device use the Tab Bar:

? To navigate through the app on an Android device use the Navigation Drawer:


1. Downloading Maps

Note: A data connection is required for downloading maps. Due to the size of the downloads, DeLorme highly recommends using a high-speed WiFi connection.

? To download highly detailed DeLorme topographic maps and U.S. NOAA charts, tap

the Layers icon

on the Map page then choose Download Maps. Use the on-

screen instructions to select and download maps. ? Choose Manage Maps to view a list of downloaded maps. Use the checkmark to show

and hide the maps, swipe or use the Details button to delete them.

2. Map Controls

After you pan to a new location, the Locate Me/Pan control appears on the map. Tap the control to quickly center the map on your current GPS location.

The Map Rotation/North Arrow allows you to control map rotation. The arrow on the outer ring is fixed and points up to the top of the screen in north up mode. In direction of travel mode, the arrow rotates to point north. Tap the control to toggle between north up and direction of travel map view.

Zoom the map in and out using multi-touch on the screen or tap the Zoom in and Zoom out controls that appear after you have touched the map.

The GPS Location Arrow shows your current location.

Green?Good GPS signal, 3-D Yellow?Acceptable GPS signal, 2-D Red?No fix or very low GPS signal


3. Info Fields

Slide the gripper bar up or down at the bottom of the map to view or hide info fields including your coordinates, elevation, course, and speed.

4. Point Details

To get information about a place on the map, tap that location on the map. A list of options appears allowing you to view details about the selected objects and locations. The Send Reference Point option also appears. Tap the icon to view details about the point, send a message that includes the reference point, or delete the point. To view another point, tap another place on the map.


Use the tracking feature to log your high detailed track line in the Earthmate app and view statistics for your trip. Your track line will also sync to your explore. account every ten minutes when you are in cellular or WiFi range. You can share your location with friends and family by sending them a link to your MapShare page from the explore. site prior to your trip.

1. Start Tracking

To start tracking press the Start button in the toolbar of the Earthmate app. Your high detail track line will be recorded along with trip statistics for your current and total track. You can switch between the current and total track details by pressing the back arrow in the toolbar for iOS users or staying on the current page for Android users and choosing a different option at the bottom of the Tracking page. Note that details for your last track appear if you are not actively tracking.

2. Stop Tracking

Press the Stop button in the toolbar when you want to stop your current tracking session. Each time you start a new tracking session your log will be added to your total track log. Use the Tracking page to log a multi-day event and view the current day's tracking statistics along with the total statistics for the entire event.

3. Clear Tracking

When you no longer need the track log for your past activities use the Clear option in the toolbar to clear your previous track log and start a new log session. Be sure to sync


your Earthmate app with the explore. site prior to clearing the track log so that you do not lose your previous data. Open the Earthmate app when a cellular or WiFi connection is available to perform your sync.

4. Share Tracking

Your high-detailed track line will appear on your explore. and MapShare websites each time the Earthmate app syncs using a cellular or WiFi connection. Send your MapShare link, found in the Social tab on the explore. site, to your family and friends prior to leaving for your trip so that they can follow along with you.


Use the Compass page to view heading information while traveling with the Earthmate app. You can also view bearing and distance information when navigating. Choose a waypoint from your waypoint list and press Navigate for the Compass page to display the bearing and distance from your current location to the selected waypoint.

There are two Compass page modes that provide useful information: compass use without a destination or use when navigating a route. These pages provide useful information when you are tracking or just using the Compass page to view heading information.

1. Compass Use Without a Destination

You can view your current speed, elevation, and heading with the Compass page along with a rotating compass graphic that shows your heading in relation to the cardinal compass points.

? Speed ? The current speed as determined by GPS readings.

? Heading ? The direction your device is facing, based on the digital compass reading, expressed in both cardinal direction and degrees True or Magnetic.

? Elevation ? The elevation of the device, calculated using the barometric altimeter and/or GPS based on the options chosen in Settings>Compass & Altimeter.

2. Navigating a Route

When navigating a route you can view your destination, distance and bearing or course to the finish. A rotating compass graphic also shows your heading and a green arrow that represents the bearing to your destination.


? Waypoint ? The name and symbol of the route destination. ? Distance ? The distance remaining from your current location to the finish. ? Bearing/Course ? The Bearing field represents the compass reading you must follow

to arrive at your destination. Note that the Bearing field changes to Course when you are moving because the value is taken from GPS readings rather than the digital compass. Digital compass readings are most accurate when you are stationary while GPS readings work well when you are in motion.


The Waypoints list displays the symbol, name, distance, and bearing to each waypoint in your Earthmate app. The Waypoints list can be sorted to better locate specific waypoints in the list. The sort order options include Distance, Name, Symbol, and Date.

1. New Waypoint

New waypoints can be created using the New Waypoint button on the Map page or the button on the Waypoints page. It is also possible to create waypoints ahead of time on your Explore Account and sync them with your mobile app.

Tip: Change the coordinates in the Location field to move a new waypoint to a location that you plan to visit. Use Options>Units to change the coordinate format based on the coordinates you are using.

2. Waypoint Details

The Waypoint Details allow you to edit the symbol, name, and coordinates of your waypoint. Your changes will be sent to the Explore website when you finish. For iOS users, press the

Action button

to see more options such as Navigate, View on Map and Delete.

For Android users, select Navigate, View or Delete at the bottom of the Waypoint Details page. Use the Navigate button to see bearing and distance details to the waypoint on the Map page. The View on Map button shows the waypoint on the map while the Delete button removes the waypoint from the Earthmate app.

Note: All waypoints and routes will automatically sync to the Explore online portal when in cellular of WiFi range.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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