Factors Affecting the Distribution & Density of Population ...

Dr. Meenakshi Prasad Assistant Professor

P.G. Deptt. of Geography M.U, Bodh Gaya

Source : google images


The number of human beings that live in a particular geographical area at a particular time . An important aspect of human population is its distribution & density

Source : google images

Distribution & Density

Population Distribution describes how the individuals are distributed or spread throughout a given area. It is the spatial pattern of dispersal of population.

Population Density represents the average number of individuals per unit of geographical area. In simple terms it is the ratio between the population and area.

Contd ......

? The concept of population density was first used by Henry Drury Harness in 1837 in a series of maps prepared by him considering the railways of Ireland.

? The density is used to make areal comparison ? It is a useful means of assessing over population

& under population ? It is a measure of the incidence of population

concentration in terms of persons per square kilometer or per square mile

Types of Population Density ?Arithmetic Density ?Agricultural Density ?Physiological Density


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