The Office Preliminary General Instructions page 1 of 5 ...

[Pages:5]The Office

Preliminary General Instructions

page 1 of 5

June 5, 2021

SI: Welcome to today's online rallye. Please download this file and use that local copy; some links may not work from the original file on Google Drive. In this online rallye, you will run the rallye from your computer using Google Maps Street View. Be sure to view our Google Maps for Rallyes tutorial HERE. Other information about this rallye can be found HERE. Please join us for a rallye school at 1:00 PM PDT on Zoom HERE. Also please join us for an awards meeting at 9:00 PM PDT on Zoom HERE. To maintain the integrity of the rallye competition, please do not share any information or gimmicks with rallyists on other teams. There are no gimmicks based on capitalization, pluralization, this paragraph, or in anything from following the links in this paragraph. End SI.

Introduction: You have just been hired by the brand-new office of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Silicon Valley, a subsidiary of Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, PA. You will be "driving" your desk around Silicon Valley. Several of the Scranton employees are helping to get the Silicon Valley branch up and running, and will be joining you at your desk on today's rallye and giving you some assistance and various tasks to do.

Definitions ? Terms not defined below take on their dictionary definitions. For any verbal communication during a Checkpoint visit, substitute the definition (on the right) for each term (on the left).

at beyond birthday C complete execute forcedturn intersection L observe on onto opp R sig

stop T turn U word

as close to as possible within 150 feet as close to as possible after passing the month and date of a birth continue as straight as possible through one intersection fully execute perform or do an intersection where you can proceed in only one direction excluding a U meeting or crossing of two or more roads turn to the left at an intersection view the indicated sign along your route and totally pass it physically upon physically upon by name an opportunity to perform the indicated action at an intersection turn to the right at an intersection an intersection controlled by one or more multi-colored electrically operated traffic control devices a hexagonal red and white traffic control sign controlling your progress the meeting of roads in the shape of the capital letter "T", approached up the stem change your direction of travel between 40 and 140 degrees make a reversal in your direction of travel one or more letters, set off by spaces, punctuation, or digits

The Office

Preliminary General Instructions

page 2 of 5

June 5, 2021

Instructions and Order of Precedence

If two or more instructions or instruction actions can be done at the same place and time, do the one of higher precedence. If two or more instructions or instruction actions of the same precedence can be done at the same place and time, do the one higher on a page. Instructions are listed below in order of decreasing precedence.

1. CVC

Assume you are actually driving and obey the California Vehicle Code. See the second bullet point in the SI about Google Maps Street View on page 5 of the GIs.

2. SI

Special Instructions. There are no gimmicks on SIs. Do not consider lower precedence instructions while executing an SI.

3. Rallye Personnel and Office Staff: Do what they tell you whether through email, phone call, or Zoom.

4. GI

General Instructions. These are the ground rules of the rallye that you are now reading.

5. NI

Name Instructions: Turn on a street named for any of the Scranton employee's names mentioned in the DMI section of page 3 of the GIs. Execute this instruction no more than twice for each so named street.

6. DMI

Dunder Mifflin Instructions: Listed here and on the next page. Most of the Dunder Mifflin Instructions (DMI) are instructions associated with the five different Scranton employees that will join you at your desk during the rallye. Each employee's specific instructions will only apply during the period specified. All of these instructions are listed on the next page and can be executed as many times as stated. Additional Dunder Mifflin Instructions may appear anywhere and are labeled DMI, such as DMI: R at Maple. Such instructions may be executed just once each.

7. CI

Course Instructions are the numbered instructions on the CI pages. Complete CIs in ascending numerical order, beginning with the lowest numbered CI. Each CI has A and B parts. Each part has one or more actions, separated by commas. Select the part (A or B) whose first action can be done first along the route. Record your choice in the correspondingly numbered space in the CIs section of your scoresheet. Then execute all the action(s) of the selected CI part in order. If the first action of part A can first be executed at the same point along the route as the first action of part B, then record C in the correspondingly numbered space in the CIs section of your scoresheet and execute all the action(s) of part A in order. When you have finished executing all of the actions of either A or B, consider the CI completed.

8. Turn left at otherwise uninstructed T's.

9. Continue as straight as possible.

10. U at dead ends.

The Office

Preliminary General Instructions

page 3 of 5

June 5, 2021

DMI: Dunder Mifflin Instructions continued from #6 on the previous page.

Each of the following Dunder Mifflin Scranton Employees ? Jim, Dwight, Michael Scott, Pam, Angela ? will be with you at your desk during the entire rallye. Each of them will give you instruction(s) that apply only during the specific period(s) listed below.

Jim: Jim is sneaky and likes to play tricks on his coworkers. When you are traveling on Maude, Jim switches the letters R and L everywhere on your CI pages. When not travelling on Maude, your CI pages revert to their original look. After you complete CI 41, Jim changes F's to B's and B's to F's on any sign that contains an F or a B or both. After you complete CI 42, signs revert to their original look.

Dwight: Many people don't realize that Dwight loves Star Trek (original series) and the following principal Star Trek characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scott, and Chapel. While working on CIs 10 through 19, and then again after you complete CI 35, Dwight makes you turn at a sign with any of these Star Trek character names. Execute this instruction no more than twice for each name. In addition, Dwight has recently formed a particular attachment to Harcourt Fenton Mudd, a character that only appeared in two episodes of Star Trek (original series). After you complete CI 35, Dwight makes you turn at a sign with any of the names of this Star Trek character. Execute this instruction no more than twice for each name.

Michael Scott: After you complete CI 20, if any word or part of a word that rhymes with BOSS appears on a sign, Michael changes that part of the sign to read BOSS. Example: a sign reading LOSSES would be changed to BOSSES. Michael gets tired of this game after a while and no longer does this after you complete CI 35.

Pam: Pam has flirted with becoming an artist, off and on. Because of this she sometimes sees the world through an artistic lens. Before you complete CI 10, and then again after you complete CI 37, Pam makes you turn left at any sign where "ART" appears as a word or part of a word ? letters must be consecutive. Do this no more than twice for each such sign. For example, SMARTLY contains "ART", but STAIR and HAIRSTYLE do not.

Angela: Angela has a lot of cats. After you complete CI 24, Angela's cats have scratched "WOOD" off of every sign where "WOOD" appears as a word or part of a word ? letters must be consecutive. After you complete CI 30, the cats are no longer interested, and the signs revert to their original look.


Only government-erected signs and signs presented at the Checkpoint are valid for this rallye. Do not consider the surface of the road, real or as modified in Google Maps Street View, to be a sign. Arrows, block numbers, and the words street, avenue, road, court, way, place, drive, north, south, east, west, and their abbreviations do not exist on signs. The words that follow "at", "beyond", or "observe" in a CI action refer to rallye definitions, words on signs, or ordinal modifiers (1st, 2nd, etc.), where the action is taken. The words that follow "on", or "onto" in a CI action refer to a physical road as identified by those words on a street-naming sign, where the action is taken. Capitalization need not be exact. Do not split words or numbers unless instructed otherwise. Do not look behind you to see signs except to check the back of a street naming sign if the front is difficult to read. Signs may be on either side of the street. Extra words on a sign do not invalidate the sign.

The Office

Preliminary General Instructions

page 4 of 5

June 5, 2021


Driveways and parking lots do not exist. Via Roma near CI 9, and private roads, do not exist. Completing a CI that includes "onto" puts you "onto" by name. When "onto", remain on the named road you just turned on, even if you must U to do so, until you can complete the next CI. If a road that you are "onto" branches, follow the right-most branch. If you are instructed to turn, and no direction is given, make the turn to the right if possible, otherwise turn to the left. Make each U where safe and legal, but consider it made where instructed. Do not execute an instructed "L" or "R" at a forcedturn. Do not turn on Arbutus. Any tiny cul-de-sac with no identifying street naming sign, and five or fewer houses, does not exist.


Begin considering each question labeled Q on the CI pages, upon completion of the most closely preceding CI or SI. As soon as you complete the CI or SI immediately following the Q on the CI pages, cease consideration of the question. Answer each Q by entering your answer in the correspondingly numbered space in the Q section of your scoresheet. If a Q asks you to count something (signs, for example), and you encounter that thing more than once, count that thing every time you encounter it. However, do not count that thing at the time and place you executed the preceding CI. If you have no answer to a question, enter the word "blank" for that question. More than one question may be under consideration simultaneously. Questions are requests for information and are not necessarily phrased to end in a question mark. If the answer to a particular question includes a number higher than 15, answer 15 for that question.


There is one checkpoint (CP) on the route, after CI 25, at this location. It will have Office Hours between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM PDT. Whenever you encounter the checkpoint, enter it by clicking this link to join a Zoom meeting with the Office Staff. You will join in a waiting room and then be admitted when Office Staff is free. We encourage all members of your team to join the Zoom meeting together. Today is TRC's 40th birthday ? the first gimmick rallye thrown by TRC occurred on June 5, 1981 ? so a song would be appropriate. Sing to the Office Staff at the checkpoint:

Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear T R C Happy birthday to you

Ask for information about how to improve your job performance. Get an Office Staff member's name on your scoresheet. Answer questions the Office Staff has for you.

SI: If the CP is really busy, we will split into breakout rooms. In that case, the first person to greet you will get your team together and assign you to a breakout room. Be patient during this process. When the official CP visit starts, the Office Staff will let you know. End SI.

The Office

Preliminary General Instructions

page 5 of 5

June 5, 2021


Record the tiebreakers on your scoresheet before submitting your scoresheet. TB1: Estimate your score (1000 is perfect, 10 points per gimmick). TB 2: Estimate the highest score of all cars on the rallye. TB 3: Pick a three-digit number. SI: No gimmick on tiebreakers. End SI.


Scoresheets must be submitted HERE no later than 8:00 PM PDT. Don't forget the tiebreakers. Protests may be submitted no later than 8:15 PM PDT. The protest procedure is described in the critique you will receive after you submit your scoresheet.

SI related to the Help Desk (To ask questions before 12:00 PDT on June 5, email trc@)

Help Desk opens at 12:00 PDT. If you need help during the event, send email to the address that will be provided in the real GIs, and update the email subject to show your car number. In the body of the email give details of your issue. If you have a question about anything in the GIs, please mention what page number and section. If you have a question about the course or CIs, please mention the CI number. Also include your phone number in the email body. You will then receive a return email from jira@therallyeclub. or a phone call. If you receive an email response, do not reply to it unless you need additional help on the same issue. If you are satisfied with the response, do not reply as that would reopen your ticket. Send a new email if you have a new issue. While you may not wish to ask for help, it is not our intention that you get lost. It is also not our intention for you to "drive" for an unreasonable distance without executing any instructions. Definitely reach out for help in these situations. End SI.

SI related to Google Maps Street View

? A few of the street naming signs you need are hard to read in Street View. For example, a tree blocks the view, some letters are faded or running together, the sign is edge-on, or the whole picture is blurred out. In this situation, use Street View to zoom in, or view the sign from other angles. If necessary, look to the back of the sign. When you do any of these things, don't consider that your direction or position have been changed by the extra looking.

? Sometimes Street View will take you down the left side of a street, or it will seem that you are driving on the wrong side of a divided road. Though annoying, this is not a gimmick; you should continue driving. Also, keep driving even if signals are red or there are people in the crosswalk. However, don't ignore a "Do Not Enter" sign.

? If you live in the area of the rallye, we recommend that you do not drive the route. It will likely waste time and the correct answers are based on what you can see from Google Maps Street View. If you choose to drive, that is on your own and is not part of this online event. There are no liability waivers or insurance as would be required if the event instructed you to drive.

End SI

The Office Staff: Rallyemaster Ken and fellow CP workers Eric, Dave, Marilyn, Janie, Steve, Larry, Abby, Glen, Will


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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