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Using Spell Check within your Browser

Spell Checking Data Entry in a Browser

One of the most useful abilities in a data entry program is to be able to check the spelling of what you have typed in. Below is a description of the spell-check capabilities of the most popular web browsers.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Unlike other browsers, Internet Explorer does not have a built in spell-check capability. It is necessary to install a third-party tool to allow spell checking in all current and past versions of IE.

ieSpell is one of the most popular add-ons for Internet Explorer 7 and 8 (and the only spell-check tool listed in the Microsoft Add-On Gallery). It does not do real-time spell check; it requires the user to select Check Spelling from the context (right-click) menu or from the Tools menu. ieSpell will check all text areas on a page at one time, and offer suggestions. Unknown words can be added to the dictionary.

ieSpell is available for download at or

Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

Firefox and Chrome both have a built-in spell checkers that operate in real-time (as you type). Questionable words are highlighted by a squiggly red line, and right-clicking on the word will bring up a list of options or allow you to add words to the dictionary.

Apple Safari

Safari has a similar built-in spell check system to FireFox and Chrome, differing only in the misspellings shown by a dashed red underline rather than a squiggly line and some command wording differences. Safari also includes a grammar checker as an option.


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