Student Learning Objective (SLO)

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 1 |Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of |Read to cite the most supportive textual evidence from informational text by using a |VU: Cite, explicit, textual evidence, |

|CCSS: |what the text says explicitly in grade 8 text(s). |study guide. |analysis, quote |

|RI.8.1 | | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LCF: Subject-verb agreement, past |

| | | |tense, and informational text sentence |

| | | |forms |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Study guide (completed) |Study guide (partially completed) |Study guide (partially |Study guide | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Visuals |completed) |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity level | |

| |Visuals |L1 support |Adapted texts | | |

| |L1 support |Leveled text | | | |

| |Leveled text | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 2 |Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of inferences|Read to cite and analyze what is inferred using Adapted text and graphic |VU: Analyze/analysis, quote, implicit, |

|CCSS: RI.8.1 |drawn from grade 8 text(s). |organizers. |infer/inference |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Subject-verb agreement, past tense, |

| | | |language of citation (for example, |

| | | |according to, the author explains) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic organizer (completed) |Graphic organizer (partially completed) |Graphic organizer (partially |Graphic organizer | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |completed) |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Adapted texts |level | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Leveled text |Leveled text | | | |

| |Gestures | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 3 |Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the |Read to analyze how a central idea is developed by identifying specific details|VU: Central /main, theme/idea, details, |

|CCSS: RI.8.2 |course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas. |using visual representations of the text. |analyze/analysis, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Sequencing, adverbs of time and |

| | | |subordinate conjunctions |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed story map |Completed story map |Partially completed story map |story map |story map |

| |Leveled text |Leveled text |Adapted text |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity | |

| |Phrase citations |Sentence Citations | |level | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 4 |Provide an objective summary of the text. |Read to summarize informational text objectively using Adapted text, story map and|VU: Summarize, objective(ly), |

|CCSS: RI.8.2 | |guided practice. |subjective(ly) |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LCF: Present tense verbs, modals (would,|

| | | |could, might), compound tenses (would |

| | | |have been) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed story map |Completed story map |Partially completed story map |story map |story map |

| |Leveled text |Leveled text |Adapted text |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity level| |

| |Phrase citations |Sentence Citations |Sentence starters | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 5 |Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between |Read and analyze how an author connects and distinguishes between individuals |VU: Connect(ions), distinct(ions), |

|CCSS: RI.8.3 |individuals. |using a graphic organizer. |individual(istic), similarities, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | |differences |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LCF: Past tense verbs, connectors (and, |

| | | |yet, however, but) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed T-chart / Venn diagram |Completed T-chart / Venn diagram |Partially completed T-chart / Venn diagram |T-chart / Venn diagram | |

| |Leveled text |Leveled text |Adapted text |Partner | |

| |Phrase citations |Sentence Citations | | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 6 |Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between ideas. |Read and analyze how an author connects and distinguishes between ideas using a|VU: Connect(ions), distinct(ions), |

|CCSS: RI.8.3 | |graphic organizer. |similarities, differences |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Past tense verbs, connectors (and, yet, |

| | | |however, but) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed T-chart |Completed T-chart / Venn diagram |Partially completed T-chart / Venn |T-chart / Venn diagram Partner | |

| |Venn diagram |Leveled text |diagram | | |

| |Leveled text |Sentence Citations |Adapted text | | |

| |Phrase citations |Visuals | | | |

| |Visuals |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 7 |Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between |Read to connect and distinguish between individuals, ideas, or events in text |VU: Connect(ions), distinguish, |

|CCSS: RI.8.3 |individuals, ideas, or events. |using adapted text, graphic organizers, and peer support. |distinctions, events, similarities, |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 | | |differences |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Irregular and regular past tense |

| | | |verbs |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed Comparison-Contrast Chart|Completed Comparison Contrast Chart / |Partially completed Comparison-Contrast |Comparison-Contrast Chart / T-chart / |Comparison-Contrast Chart / T-chart / |

| |/ T-chart / Venn diagram Leveled |T-chart / Venn diagram Leveled text |Chart / T-chart / Venn diagram |Venn diagram |Venn diagram |

| |text and/or Adapted text |and/or Adapted text |Partner |Group work | |

| |Phrase citations |Sentence Citations | | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Adapted text | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |

|SLO: 8 |Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an 8th grade |Read to determine the figurative, connotative and technical meaning of words |VU: Figurative, connotative, meanings |

|CCSS: RI.8.4 |text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. |and phrases as they are used in informational text using online support and | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | |word walls. | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Word choice, part of speech, and |

| | | |meaning changes. |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Online support of |Online support of bilingual dictionaries |Online support of dictionaries, |Online support of |Online support of dictionaries, |

| |bilingual dictionaries, |and sites such |thesaurus, and sites such as: |dictionaries, |thesaurus, and sites such as: |

| |and sites such as: |as: Wordle, Word Sift, |Wordle, Word Sift |thesaurus, and sites |Wordle, Word Sift |

| |Google, Wordle, Word |Google |Idiom dictionaries |such as: Wordle, Word |Idiom dictionaries |

| |Sift |Visuals | |Sift | |

| |Word wall |Sentence frames | |Idiom dictionaries | |

| |Visuals/gestures |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 9 |Analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, as | Read and analyze the impact of word choices on meaning and tone using a figurative |VU: Word choice, meaning(s), tone, |

|CCSS: RI.8.4 |including analogies or allusions to other 8th grade texts. |language word wall, online support and dramatization of words and phrases with a |analogies, allusions, figurative, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | |partner. |connotative |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Word choice, part of speech |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Dramatizations |Dramatizations |Dramatizations |Dramatizations |Grade-level text |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Adapted text |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity |Partner |

| |Leveled text |Leveled text |Partner |level |Word wall |

| |Partner |Partner |Word wall | | |

| |Word wall |Word wall | | | |

| |Visuals/Gestures |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| | |Sentence frames | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 10 |Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including |Read and analyze the author’s choice(s) of sentence and paragraph structure(s) to |VU: Detail, structure, paragraph, |

|CCSS: RI.8.5 |the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept. |support a key idea within a text using a word bank, labels, and graphic |sentence, context, formal, informal, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | |organizers. | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Past tense verbs, gerunds and |

| | | |infinitives, past participles |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed outline |Completed outline |Partially completed outline |Outline |Outline |

| |Word/picture bank |Leveled text and/or Adapted text |Adapted text |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity level| |

| |Leveled text |Sentence Citations | | | |

| |Phrase citations |Visuals | | | |

| |Visuals |Partner | | | |

| |Partner |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 11 |Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the |Read to identify and analyze author’s point of view and response to conflicting |VU: Point of view, viewpoint |

|CCSS: |author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. |viewpoints in text using visuals and graphic organizers. | |

|RI.8.6 | | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Comparatives, transitional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Leveled text |Leveled text |Adapted text |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity level|Small group |

| |Completed graphic organizer |Completed graphic organizer |Partially completed graphic organizer |Graphic organizer | |

| |Phrase citations |Sentence Citations |Small group |Small group | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Word wall/bank | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |Word wall/bank |Word wall/bank | | | |

| | |Sentence frames | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 12 |Analyze a case in which two or more texts provide conflicting information on |Read to compare and contrast two or more texts on the same topic with |VU: Analyze, topic, factual, fact(s), |

|CCSS: RI.8.9 |the same topic and identify where the texts disagree on matters of fact. |conflicting information and factual differences using visuals, peer support, |conflict(-ing) / different, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | |and Venn diagram. |contradict(-ion), disagree/agree |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LCF: Comparatives, superlatives, |

| | | |conjunctions, comparative adjectives |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Leveled text |Leveled text Completed Venn diagram |Adapted text |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity | |

| |Completed Venn diagram |Sentence Citations |Partially completed Venn diagram |level | |

| |Phrase citations |Visuals |Partner |Venn diagram | |

| |Visuals |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 13 |Analyze a case in which two or more texts provide conflicting information on |Read to compare and contrast two or more texts on the same topic with conflicting |VU: Analyze, interpretation, |

|CCSS: RI.8.9 |the same topic and identify where the texts disagree on matters of |information and differences in interpretation using visuals, peer support, and / |conflict(-ing), contradict(-ion), |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |interpretation. |or graphic organizers. |disagree / agree |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Comparatives, superlatives, |

| | | |pronouns, conjunctions |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Leveled text |Leveled text |Adapted text |Texts from grades 7-8 complexity level| |

| |Completed Venn diagram |Completed Venn diagram |Partially completed Venn diagram |Venn diagram | |

| |Phrase citations |Sentence citations |Partner | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 14 |Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, |Write an explanatory response identifying relevant content using graphic drawings,|VU: Informative, explanatory, |

|CCSS: W.8.2 |concepts, and information through the selection of relevant content. |teacher model, and/or reference materials / peer support. |relevant, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences that refer to text using|

| | | |embedded clauses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model | |

| |Drawings |Sentence frames |Composition template | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Word wall | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support |Reference materials (bilingual, English | | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |dictionary/glossary) | | |

| |Reference materials (bilingual, |Reference materials (bilingual, English, | | | |

| |English dictionary/glossary) |picture dictionary/glossary) | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 15 |Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete |Develop a composition topic with important facts, quotations, and examples using |VU: Develop, topic, relevant, examples,|

|CCSS: W.8.2b. |details, quotations, or other information and examples. |teacher models and word wall. |quotations, quote, citations |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Subject-verb agreement, past tense|

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model | |

| |Drawings |Sentence frames |Composition template | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Word wall | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support |Reference materials (bilingual, English | | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |dictionary/glossary) | | |

| |Reference materials (bilingual, |Reference materials (bilingual, | | | |

| |English dictionary/glossary) |English, picture dictionary/glossary) | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 16 |Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the |Apply effective transitions to produce conceptually clear and cohesive |VU: Transitional words and phrases, |

|CCSS: W.8.2c. |relationships among ideas and concepts. |compositions by using a word bank of transitional words and phrases, a |cohesion, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | |semantic web and peer support. | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sequence / transition words, |

| | | |prepositional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed semantic web |Completed semantic web |Semi-completed semantic web |Semantic web | |

| |Transitional word/phrase bank |Transitional word/phrase bank |Transitional word/phrase bank | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support Partner |L1 text and/or support Partner | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 17 |Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, |Write an explanatory composition using a clear introduction with organized, |VU: Introduction, categories |

|CCSS: W.8.2a. |concepts, and information through organization of relevant content; introduce|categorized ideas using graphic organizer(s), composition models and technological| |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 |a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and |resources. | |

|Writing |information, into broader categories. | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sequence / transition words, |

| | | |pronouns, adverbs of time, |

| | | |prepositional phrases, verb forms |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model | |

| |Drawings |Sentence frames |Composition template | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Word wall | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support |Reference materials (bilingual, English | | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |dictionary/glossary) | | |

| |Reference materials (bilingual, |Reference materials (bilingual, | | | |

| |English dictionary/glossary) |English, picture dictionary/glossary) | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 18 |Include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and |Write a conclusion with logical and supportive statements with formatting, |VU: Formatting, graphics, multimedia, |

|CCSS: W.8.2.a.f. |multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension; provide a concluding |graphics, and multimedia using a template, teacher models, peer support, and |conclude, conclusion |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |statement or section that follows from and supports the information or |technological resources. | |

|Writing |explanation presented. | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LCF: MLA and APA documentation |

| | | |guidelines, transition words |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model |Graphic organizers | |

| |Graphic organizers |Graphic organizers |Graphic organizers |Technological resources | |

| |Technological resources |Technological resources |Technological resources |(graphics, charts, subtitles, tables) | |

| |(graphics, charts, subtitles, |(graphics, charts, subtitles, tables) |(graphics, charts, subtitles, tables) | | |

| |tables) |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Sentence frames | | | |

| |Visuals |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support | | | | |

| |Captions | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 19 |Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, |In writing, analyze the relevance of content in explanatory text using graphic |VU: Relevant, relevance, |

|CCSS: W.8.2 |concepts, and information through the analysis of relevant content; |organizer, teacher model, and technological resources. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC Prepositional phrases, embedded |

| | | |clauses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model | |

| |Graphic organizers |Graphic organizers |Graphic organizers |Graphic organizers | |

| |Technological resources |Technological resources |Technological resources |Technological resources | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |Drawings |Sentence frames | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 20 |Establish and maintain a formal style when writing. |Write to apply formal stylistic conventions of standard English grammar and usage |VU: Formal vs. informal, style |

|CCSS: W.8.2e. | |using a language reference sheet, peer support, and technological resources. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LCF: Relative clauses; subjunctive |

| | | |complements, “if” –clauses, |

| | | |active/passive verb tenses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Language reference sheet |Language reference sheet |Language reference sheet |Language reference sheet |

| |Technological resources |Technological resources |Technological resources |Technological resources |

| |Teacher model |Teacher model |Teacher model | |

| |Partner |Partner |Partner | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | |

| |Visuals |Sentence frames | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | |

| |

| |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 21 |Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain |Apply specific language and vocabulary in informative / explanatory texts using |VU: Precise, academic |

|CCSS: W.8.2d. |the topic when writing informative/explanatory text. |multiple resources (i.e. dictionaries, thesaurus, glossaries, checklists) and | |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 | |peer support. | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Synonyms, antonyms, multiple |

| | | |meaning words |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and English|Multiple resources (dictionary, | |

| |English dictionary, glossary, thesaurus)|English dictionary, glossary, |dictionary, glossary, thesaurus) |glossary, thesaurus) | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |thesaurus) |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Word/Picture Wall | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support Partner |Sentence frames | | | |

| | |L1 text and/or support Partner | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 22 |Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization |Produce clear and coherent writing suitable for task, purpose, and audience using |VU: Purpose, task, audience |

|CCSS: W.8.4 |are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. |a graphic organizer (specific to task and purpose). | |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LCF: Sentence structure, transition |

| | | |words |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer appropriate |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer appropriate to task |

| |appropriate to task |appropriate to task |to task |appropriate to task | |

| |Multiple reference |Multiple reference |Multiple reference materials |Multiple reference | |

| |materials (thesaurus, |materials (thesaurus, |(thesaurus, English & |materials (thesaurus, | |

| |English & bilingual |English & bilingual |bilingual dictionary, |dictionary, translation) | |

| |dictionary, translation) |dictionary, translation) |translation) | | |

| |Pictures |Sentence frames |Template (completed model) | | |

| |Word Wall/bank |Pictures |Word Wall/bank | | |

| |L1 text and support |Word Wall/bank | | | |

| | |L1 text and support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 23 |With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen |Apply the writing process to hone in on specific purpose using a graphic |VU: Purpose, revise, edit |

|CCSS: W.85. |writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new |organizer (i.e. an audience and purpose planning chart). | |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 |approach, focusing on how well purpose has been addressed. | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Edit, revise text |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer | |

| |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and English|Multiple resources (dictionary, | |

| |English dictionary, glossary, thesaurus)|English dictionary, glossary, |dictionary, glossary, thesaurus) |glossary, thesaurus) | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |thesaurus) |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Word/Picture Wall | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support Partner/teacher |Sentence frames | | | |

| | |L1 text and/or support Partner/teacher| | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 24 |With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen |Apply the writing process to hone in on the audience using a graphic organizer |VU: Process, revise, edit |

|CCSS: W.8.5. |writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new |(i.e. an audience and purpose planning chart). | |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 |approach, focusing on how well audience has been addressed. | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Editing marks, rewriting sentences|

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer | |

| |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and English|Multiple resources (dictionary, | |

| |English dictionary, glossary, thesaurus)|English dictionary, glossary, |dictionary, glossary, thesaurus) |glossary, thesaurus) | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |thesaurus) |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Word/Picture Wall | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support Partner/teacher |Sentence frames | | | |

| | |L1 text and/or support Partner/teacher| | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 25 |Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and |Write using technology to produce, publish, and collaborate using a checklist of|VU: Publish, collaborate |

|CCSS: W.8.6. |present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as |publishing steps. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 2-5 |to interact and collaborate with others. | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases, embedded |

| | | |clauses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Checklist of publishing steps |Checklist of publishing steps |Checklist of publishing steps |Checklist of publishing steps |Checklist of publishing steps |

| |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and |Multiple resources (bilingual and English|Multiple resources (dictionary, | |

| |English dictionary, glossary, thesaurus)|English dictionary, glossary, |dictionary, glossary, thesaurus) |glossary, thesaurus) | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |thesaurus) |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Word/Picture Wall | | | |

| |L1 text and/or support Partner |Sentence frames | | | |

| | |L1 text and/or support Partner | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 26 |Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and |Identify evidence, in writing, from informational texts that supports analysis, |VU: Analysis, reflection |

|CCSS: W.8.9b. |research. |reflection, and research using a graphic organizer and marking the text. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Format as per MLA and APA |

| | | |documentation guidelines, document |

| | | |skills |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic organizer (semi- completed)|Graphic organizer (semi-completed) |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |Online resources |

| |Marking the text |Marking the text |Marking the text |Marking the text | |

| |L1 support |Sentence starters |Word bank |Online resources | |

| |Word/picture bank |L1 support |Online resources | | |

| |Online resources |Word/picture bank | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Online resources | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 27 |Write narratives routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection, |Write narratives routinely over extended and shorter time frames to create a |VU: Personal narrative, journal entry, |

|CCSS: W.8.10 |and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for |portfolio for a specific purpose or audience using a checklist and rubrics. |purpose, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Different structures for different|

| | | |registers and genres |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist | |

| |Rubrics |Rubrics |Rubrics |Rubrics | |

| |Word wall/bank |Word wall/bank |Templates | | |

| |Visuals/drawings |Visuals |Word wall/bank | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |

| | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 28 |Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in |Participate in a variety of collaborative discussion settings using a graphic |VU: Engage, collaborative discussions, |

|CCSS: SL.8.1 |groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and |organizer for content-based vocabulary and grammatical structure. |diverse, topics, issues, building on |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. | |ideas |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: First person phrases, contrastive |

| | | |transitions, restate, tone, voice |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic organizer (completed) |Graphic organizer (completed) |Graphic organizer (partially completed) |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |

| |Word wall |Word wall |Peer group | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Word wall | | |

| |Yes / no questions |Sentence frames |Personal dictionary | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |

| |

| |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 29 |Come to discussions prepared having read or researched required material; |Speak and listen to share ideas on a synthesis of research materials relevant to |VU: Cite, research, evidence, probe, |

|CCSS: SL.8.1.a |explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, |the discussion using Cornell-notes and peer support. |reflect |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LCF: Declarative sentences, |

| | | |interrogatives, prosodic features |

| | | |(e.g., stress) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Completed Cornell notes |Completed Cornell notes |Cornell notes (partially completed) |Cornell notes |Cornell notes |

| |Peer support (partner / small group)|Peer support (partner / small group) |Word wall |Peer support (partner / small group) | |

| |Word/picture wall |Word/Picture Wall |Peer support (partner / small group) | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |Yes/ no questions |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 30 |When participating in collaborative discussions, follow rules for collegial |Speak and listen to participate with peers in a variety of collaborative |VU: Rules, collaborative, discussions, |

|CCSS: SL.8.1b |discussions and decision making, track progress toward specific goals and |discussions using a speaking rubric/checklist for appropriate ways to participate | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. |in a discussion type. | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Signal words, action verbs, |

| | | |appropriate language, tone, voice |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Reference sheet of specific rules |Reference sheet of specific rules |Reference sheet of specific rules |Reference sheet of specific rules |Reference sheet of specific rules |

| |Speaking rubric / checklist |Speaking rubric / checklist |Speaking rubric / checklist |Speaking rubric / checklist |Speaking rubric / checklist |

| |Word wall |Word wall |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Visuals | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |WH- questions | | | |

| | |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 31 |Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to |Pose and respond to questions in order to clarify, respond, and probe a topic |VU: Pose, connect, questions, comments |

|CCSS: SL.8.1c |others’ questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and |using sentence frames, graphic organizers, and L1 support. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |ideas. | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Questions for: clarifications; |

| | | |probing, ask for examples/evidence; |

| | | |tone, voice |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic organizer (completed) |Graphic organizer (completed) |Graphic organizer (partially completed) |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |

| |Personal dictionary |Personal dictionary |Personal dictionary |Personal dictionary | |

| |Word wall |Word wall |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Visuals | | | |

| |Choice questions |Sentence frames | | | |

| |Sentence frames |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 32 |Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, qualify |Speak and listen to evaluate evidence presented using a speaking rubric / |VU: Qualify, justify, point of view |

|CCSS: SL.8.1d |or justify their own views in light of the evidence presented. |checklist or L1 support. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Affirming sentence frames, |

| | | |appropriate language, tone, voice |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Speaking rubric/checklist |Speaking rubric / checklist |Speaking rubric / checklist |Speaking rubric/checklist |Speaking rubric/checklist |

| |Speaking protocol (memorized single|Speaking protocol (repetitive phrases) |Speaking protocol (simple sentences) |Speaking protocol | |

| |word expressions) |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Bilingual dictionary |Bilingual dictionary |Bilingual dictionary | | |

| |Visuals/ gestures |Visuals | | | |

| |Yes / no questions |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 33 |Analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media and formats |Speak and listen to analyze the purpose of information in various forms of |VU: Point of view, purpose, bias, |

|CCSS: SL.8.2 |(e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally). |multimedia presentations using a checklist. |misinformation, convince, allusions |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Superlatives, active and passive |

| | | |voice |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist |

| |Video clips and/or PowerPoint |Video clips and/or PowerPoint |Video clips and/or PowerPoint |Video clips |Video clips |

| |Teacher led discussion |Teacher led discussion |Peer group |Peer group | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Dictionaries (picture, bilingual) |Dictionaries (picture, bilingual) |Dictionaries (personal, bilingual and | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Visuals |English) | | |

| |Cloze Sentence |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 34 |Evaluate the motives (e.g., social, commercial, political) behind its |Speak and listen to evaluate the motives behind multimedia presentations using a |VU: Motive, social, commercial, |

|CCSS: SL.8.2 |presentation. |checklist and peer support. |political |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Superlatives, negatives, |

| | | |prepositional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist |Checklist |

| |Video clips and/or PowerPoint |Video clips and / or PowerPoint |Video clips and/or PowerPoint presentations|Video clips |Video clips |

| |Word/Picture Wall |presentations |Peer group |Peer group | |

| |Dictionaries (picture, bilingual) |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals/ gestures |Dictionaries (picture, bilingual) |Dictionaries (personal, bilingual and | | |

| |Yes / no questions |Visuals |English) | | |

| |L1 support |Sentence frames | | | |

| | |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 35 |Adapt speech to a variety of contexts using verbs in the active and passive |Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by using a speaking rubric |VU: Verbs, active/passive voice |

|CCSS: SL.8.6; L.8.3|voice and in the conditional and subjunctive mood to achieve particular |specific to task. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |effects (e.g., emphasizing the actor or the action, expressing uncertainty or| | |

|Speaking |describing a state contrary to fact). | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Verb tenses in active/passive |

| | | |voices, conditional / subjunctive |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Rubrics specific to task Reference |Rubrics specific to task Reference Sheet |Rubrics specific to task Reference Sheet |Rubrics specific to task | |

| |Sheet |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Visuals | | | |

| |Visuals/gestures |Sentence frames | | | |

| |Cloze Sentence |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 36 |Explain the function of verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives) in |Speak and write to demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English |VU: Function, gerunds, participles, |

|CCSS: L.8.1a |general and their function in particular sentences. |grammar and usage of verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives) by analyzing |infinitives |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | |examples and using a chart. | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Verbals, infinitives, gerunds, |

| | | |participles |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Chart |Chart |Chart |Chart | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Reference sheet |Reference sheet |Reference sheet | | |

| |Visuals/ gestures |Visuals | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 37 |Form and use verbs in the active voice when speaking and writing. |Speak and write to form and use verbs in active voice by using a reference sheet, |VU: Verbs, active voice, emphasis, |

|CCSS: L.8.1b | |picture s and word wall. |action |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Past and present verb tenses, |

| | | |action verbs, subject/predicate |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Reference sheet |Reference sheet |Reference sheet |Reference sheet | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Pictures |Pictures | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 38 |Form and use verbs in the passive voice. |Speak and write to form and use verbs in the passive voice by transforming active |VU: Passive, verbs, voice |

|CCSS: L.8.1b. | |to passive voice using a reference sheet, pictures and word wall. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Speaking | |Note: Passive voice is usually not mastered until ELL has reached ELP level 4. | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Passive verbs, passive tense, past|

| | | |participles |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Pictures |Pictures |Reference sheet |Reference sheet | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames |Word wall |Partner | |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Partner | | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall | | | |

| |Reference sheet |Reference sheet | | | |

| |Partner |Partner | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 39 |Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break. |Write to apply the conventions of standard English punctuation by producing, |VU: Punctuation: comma, ellipsis, dash;|

|CCSS: L.8.2a | |editing and revising using written examples and punctuation rules checklist. |pause, break |

|WIDA EDLS: 1-5 | | | |

|Reading Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional words/phrases, |

| | | |coordinating conjunctions, |

| | | |main/subordinate clauses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames |Adapted written examples Template |Punctuation rules checklist | |

| |Leveled written examples |Leveled written examples |Punctuation rules checklist | | |

| |Punctuation rules checklist |Punctuation rules checklist | | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 40 |Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English using |Write to apply the usage of the conventions of standard English capitalization |VU: Conventions, standard English, |

|CCSS: L.8.2a |capitalization, when writing. |using a capitalization reference sheet. |capitalization |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Common and proper nouns, titles, |

| | | |names, initial capitalization rules |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames |Capitalization reference sheet |Capitalization reference sheet | |

| |Capitalization reference sheet |Capitalization reference sheet |Word wall | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Word wall |Word wall | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 41 |Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English to spell |Write to apply the conventions of standard English spelling in all content areas |VU: Standard English, spell(ing) |

|CCSS: L.8.2b |correctly. |by using spelling rules chart and technology. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Spelling rules and patterns |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Technology resources (i.e. |Technology resources (i.e. Microsoft Word|Technology resources (i.e. Microsoft Word &|Technology resources (i.e. Microsoft | |

| |Microsoft Word & spell check) |& spell check) |spell check) |Word & spell check) | |

| |Spelling rules chart |Spelling rules chart |Spelling rules chart | | |

| |Word/picture bank |Word/picture bank |Word bank | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 42 |Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and |Identify and define unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases within the |VU: Determine, clarify, |

|CCSS: L.8.4a |phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range |context of specific grade 8 reading and content by creating cue cards in small |multiple-meaning, phrases. strategies |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |of strategies. |groups. | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Multiple-meaning words, |

| | | |synonyms, antonyms, homonyms |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Teacher selected words and phrases |Teacher selected words and phrases |Adapted text |Dictionary and thesaurus |Grade level text |

| |Picture and bilingual dictionary |Picture and bilingual dictionary and |Small group |Vocabulary cue cards |Small group |

| |and thesaurus |thesaurus |Dictionary and / or thesaurus | |Dictionary and / or thesaurus |

| |Small group |Small group |Vocabulary cue cards | |Vocabulary cue cards |

| |Pictures/gestures |Pictures | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Vocabulary cue cards |Vocabulary cue cards | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 43 |Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word’s |Use context clues in order to comprehend unfamiliar vocabulary using a reference |VU: Multiple meaning words / phrases, |

|CCSS: L.8.4a |position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or |sheet and multiple resources. |context, context clues |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |phrase. | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Word functions, positions, and |

| | | |meanings |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Reference sheet on context clues |Reference sheet on context clues |Reference sheet on context clues |Reference sheet on context clues |Multiple resources (print and digital) |

| |Multiple resources (print and |Multiple resources (print and digital, |Multiple resources (print and digital, |Multiple resources (print and digital)| |

| |digital, bilingual) |bilingual) |bilingual) | | |

| |Picture dictionaries |Picture dictionaries | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Cognates |Cognates | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 44 |Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and |Repeat of SLO 42 |VU: |

|CCSS: L.8.4b |phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |of strategies. | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 45 |Use common grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the|Identify and/or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and |VU: Common, affixes, prefixes, |

|CCSS: L.8.4b. |meaning of a word (e.g., precede, recede, secede). |phrases based on grade 8 reading and content by using cognates, when feasible, and|suffixes, roots, clues, word meaning(s)|

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 | |by creating a root and affix poster. | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Affixes, prefixes, suffixes, word|

| | | |functions |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |

|Learning Supports |Leveled text |Leveled text |Adapted text |7-8 level text |Grade level text |

| |Roots and affixes poster |Roots and affixes poster |Roots and affixes poster |Roots and affixes poster |Roots and affixes poster |

| |Cognates |Cognates |Cognates | | |

| |Word/Picture Wall |Word/Picture Wall |Word wall | | |

| |Teacher selected words |Teacher selected words | | | |

| |Pictures |Pictures | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |

| |

| |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 46 |Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and |Read, speak, and listen to identify, define, and practice the meaning and |VU: Parts of speech, strategies, |

|CCSS: L.8.4c.d |phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range |pronunciation of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases and parts of |consult(ation), general, specialized, |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |of strategies; Consult general and specialized reference materials to find |speech at leveled grade 8 level reading and content by consulting reference |reference materials, print, digital, |

|Reading |the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or |materials and utilizing technology. |pronunciation |

|Speaking |its part of speech; verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a | | |

|Listening |word or phrase | | |

| | | |LFC: Definition genre |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 | |ELP 1 |

|Learning Supports |Leveled text |Leveled text / Adapted text |Adapted text |Grade 7-8 level band text Technology |Grade-level text |

| |Technology to record self |Technology to record self |Technology to record self |to record self |Technology to record self |

| |Word wall |Word wall |Word wall |Reference materials | |

| |Reference materials |Reference materials |Reference materials | | |

| |Teacher selected words |Teacher selected words and phrases | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 47 |Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and |Read, write, speak, and listen to apply grade-appropriate general academic and |VU: Academic, general, domain-specific |

|CCSS: L.8.6 |domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when |domain-specific words and phrases using reference materials. | |

|WIDA ELDS: 1-5 |considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Embedded clauses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Leveled reference materials |Leveled text |Adapted reference materials (digital and |Grade 7-8 level band reference |Grade-level reference materials |

| |(digital and print, bilingual, |reference materials (digital and print, |print) |materials (digital and print) |(digital and print) |

| |picture) |bilingual, picture) |Word wall | | |

| |Teacher selected words |Teacher selected words | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence frames | | | |

| |L1 support |Visuals | | | |

| | |L1 support | | | |


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