Los Saludos* Greetings - Spanish One

[Pages:12]Spanish One: Introducci?n

Los Saludos* Greetings

El Contenido * Contents

1. Spanish greetings. Los Saludos. 2. Los Saludos Flash-cards. 3. Los Saludos Tic Tac Toe. 4. Los Saludos Word Unscramble & Key 5. Los Saludos conversation: Chico y Sergio. 6. Mas Actividades. More Activities. 7. Un Tira C?mica. A make your own Spanish Comic Strip.

Copyright 2012

Los Saludos - Meeting & Greeting

Los Saludos

Hola Buenos d?as Buenas tardes Buenas noches Hasta pronto Hasta luego Adi?s ?C?mo te llamas? Me llamo ?l se llama Ella se llama . . Mucho gusto ?C?mo est?s?


Hello Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Night See you soon See you later Goodbye What is your name? My name is . . . His name is . . . Her name is . . . Nice to meet you How are you?



Copyright 2010 images by &

Greetings Flash Cards



Me llamo







y t??


, copyright 2010, images by

mucho gusto


Hasta luego. Adi?s

?C?mo est?s? ! !


, copyright 2010, images by

Estoy muy bien

!! !!

M?s o menos


, copyright 2010, images by

Tic Tac Toe

Play tic tac toe: Identify the expression before placing a marker over the picture. Three-in-a-row wins!

, copyright 2010, images by

Name ________________________ Spanish Greetings

Unscramble the Spanish greetings below 1. hlao 2. cmmolatesla 3. sc?meost? 4. ty? 5. cghsmuouto 6. ugoaltahse 7. dai?s 8. yoeseitbn 9. msmnoseo 10. maloseyt

?y t??"


adi?s" "


m?s o menos!

Word Bank

mucho gusto""

hola" "


estoy mal" " hasta luego" "

?C?mo estas? ?C?mo te llamas?

, copyright 2010, images by

Key for Spanish GKreeyetings.

1. hola 2. ?C?mo te llamas? 3. ?C?mo est?s? 4. ?y t?? 5. Mucho gusto 6. Hasta luego 7. Adi?s 8. Estoy bien 9. M?s o menos 10. Estoy mal



, copyright 2010, images by


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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