August 19, 2021 History NotesDARK/MIDDLE AGES—historical period from the fall of Rome to about 1400 Robin Hood, King Arthur, Knights are associated with this period of history lords were the wealthy land owners, and poor surfs worked the land no travel—very few people traveled more than 20 miles from where they lived hygiene was lacking and /germs/illness/plagues were the norm (Covid on steroids!) little advancement in technology, especially in communication and transportationCOLUMBUS’ DISCOVERY IN 1492-PIVOTAL EVENT IN HISTORY By the late 1400s, Europe was about to come out of the ‘dark age’ but Columbus just didn’t jump in a boat and say ‘America, here I come’World events over a long period of time would conspire to allow Columbus’ discovery CRUSADES 300 years of holy war Travel to foreign locales introduced Europeans to JEWELS, SPICES, SILKS, PERSIAN RUGS stimulated desire for TRADE/STUFFMARCO POLO first Europeans to cross Asia 20 years in China w/Kublai Khan wrote book about cities, products of the Far EastRISE OF THE MIDDLE CLASS # of Traders/merchants increased—merchants are those who buy and sell commerce began to flourish standard-of-living—comfort level at which one lives—gradually began to increase Middle Class—people who were neither rich or poor—began to growRENAISSANCE Renaissance—1300s—1500s increased interest in learning, art, science Idea that man could do pretty much what he set out to do Great curiosity about the worldIMPROVEMENTS IN NAVIGATION navigation—process of determining your position and following a specific route improvements in ship building rudders—used to steer ships compass astrolabe—instrument for calculating latitude Better mapsPRINCE HENRY THE NAVIGATOR, a famous Portuguese navigator, helped to develop navigational aids and taught young and courageous seamen the art of sailing COLUMBUS’ DREAM/GOAL Page 2 1) to find a shorter, quicker, less expensive trade route to Far East, but he also dreamed of…2) personal gain, riches, fame But he did not have sufficient $--voyages were expensive Royalty—kings and queens—were the only ones with enough capital to invest in such a voyage capital—extra money that can be used in an attempt to make more money invest—is to spend money (capital) in a way that you think will make more money Portugal—refused Columbus’s request Spain—After 6 long years of persuasion, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to provide the needed ships, crews, and suppliesCOLUMBUS DISCOVERS A NEW WORLD3 ships: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria Crew: some recruited from prisonsAfter days at sea, the crew threatened mutiny—rebellion against a captain at seaOct 12, 1492 an Island (San Salvador) in the Caribbean Sea was spottedQuestions for thought;Did Columbus actually discover America?If not, who did” (The Norse/Leif Ericson?) Why did Columbus get the credit for discovering the New World?Why did he think that he was near Japan and China when he landed on San Salvador? Who did he find on his arrival? Indigenous people—the first or original people of this area (aboriginal)Why did he call the indigenous people Indians?What did Columbus take with him on his return trip to Spain? (Indians, small amount of gold) Columbus’ return to Spain from his first trip was met with great fanfare/celebrationFerdinand quickly named Columbus governor of the newly discovered lands and declared these newly found lands Spanish territoryColumbus was immediately sent back to the New World with 6 ships, 3 of which were loaded with new colonists—people who were leaving Spain to live in the newly discovered lands Columbus’ greed leads to trouble for the indigenous peopleHis rule as governor was marked by tyranny—cruel, oppressive rule by government authoritiesColumbus eventually was replaced as governor by Ferdinand After 4 voyages to America, Columbus died in 1506 not receiving the rewards he had desiredCOLUMBUS’ LEGACY—what is left behind at death a whole New World for exploration and colonization by Europeansthe beginning of a brand new nation—The United States However, the New World was not named Columbia, but America thanks to German map makers partiality to German explorer AMERIGO VESPUCCI who publicized his travels to the New World…GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Page 3EXPLORATIONColumbus’ discovery triggered a wave of exploration led by Spain, France, and later, England 1. Explorers from European nations came to America to see just what was here2. Explorers came to claim land for their kings and their countries 3. Explorers came with the hope of getting rich and famousSPANISH EXPLORATIONBalboa—Pacific OceanMagellan—1st to lead expedition to circumnavigate the earth1519 - 15225 ships, 270 men (some from prisons)Strait of Magellan-tip of S. America named for him Philippines—killed there when got involved in local politics remaining crew loaded cloves and finally returned home in 1522 only 20 men remained, many starved to death on last leg of voyagePonce De Leon—Florida St. Augustine-1st Spanish settlement in U.S.A.Hernando De Soto—sent w/600 soldiers to explore/conquer Florida 1539, travels North to Western Carolina, then West over Smoky Mts rested for 3 weeks in Chiaha-Indian village on an island in the TENN River 1541-1st European to see Mississippi River—near Memphis Sick in May, 1542-died-soldiers wanted to keep death secret had told Indians he was a great god-dumped body in MISS River at night Coronado—American SW, 7 cities of gold (1st to encounter pueblo Indians) Santa Fe-oldest settlement west of the Mississippi, territorial capitalFRENCH EXPLORATIONsearch for Northwest Passage-quicker route to the Far EastVerrazano--explores New York/Hudson River valleyCartier—St. Lawrence RiverQuebec—1st permanent Fr. settlementChamplain—Canada, Great Lakes area Marquette, Jolliet—Mississippi River (Misi Sipi-Indian name for river) Marquette-Jesuit priest, Jolliet-fur trader with 5 voyageurs (explorers) 1673 1st Frenchmen to discover Mississippi River Birchbark canoes down Illinois River to the Mississippi (see picture below) down the Mississippi River to Chickasaw bluffs in Tennessee country Indians invited them to shore to Chickasaw village near present day Memphis feasted on buffalo, bear oil, white plums Marquette, Jolliet noticed guns, European products in village Indians had been trading already with SpanishPage 4La Salle—all the way to the mouth of the Mississippi River 23 Frenchmen, 31 Indians (10 squaws, 3 children) Lauderdale Co. TN Feb 24, 1682 Food low, looked like good hunting country, so they landed built small fort-1st structure built by Europeans in TN regular stopping place for French, called Fort Prudhomme for many years named area LOUISIANA, claimed for France 1st permanent French settlement in USA--NEW ORLEANSFrenchmen traveled by river in canoes all over Canada and Mississippi Valley NOTE!Generally, Spanish explorers and early colonists came with the hope of finding gold and other treasures. In their quest for riches, Spaniards were not friendly with Indigenous Indians and were not concerned with their well-being. Cortez used military force and trickery in conquering the Aztecs or Mexico as did Pizarro in conquering the Incas of Peru.On the other hand, French explorers were motivated to trade with Indians, and so the relationship was generally peaceful between them. Both the Indians and the French benefitted especially from the fur trade*, so they tended to become allies. It was typical for a French trader to marry an Indian woman. *Fur trade between the French and Indians flourished because Europeans thought wearing furs fashionable. Every fur French traders could get from the Indians quickly sold on the European market.However, French traders almost never settled down in one place—they were always moving from one Indian group to another in search of more furs.A MOVE TOWARD RELGIOUS FREEDOMSome of the earliest French settlers, French Huguenots, came to what we now call South Carolina, to escape religious persecution. These people came to America with the hope of worshipping without interference. However, the colony was not successful. In addition to the normal hardships of frontier life and local Indians who were hostile to the settlement, Spain at this time in history opposed Protestant religions and did not welcome them to the New World. A modern day birchbark canoe. (Google birchbark canoes to learn how they are made today.) ................

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