Weekly Project for K200 Microcomputer Applications in ...

Evaluating Online ResourcesWeekly Project for K200 Microcomputer Applications in KinesiologyBy Margaret LionINTRODUCTION & PURPOSE: This weekly project will aid in identifying reliable sources from the Web. TASKS: Read the Website Research: Home pages from the Central Michigan University Libraries found linked in this document and on the class Website. Open the file Evaluating-Online-Resources-Weely-Project-SPHK200.docx on your computer Desktop. Save it as Lastname_Firstname_Evaluating_Online_Resources.docx. Go to Website Research: Home hosted by Central Michigan University Libraries You will see gold and maroon tabs towards the top of the page. These are the links you will use to complete the project. Read the Website Research: Home page. You do not need to click on any of the links in the page. When finished, go to URLs Webpage and read. Continue this process through all of the tabs: CRAAP Test, Evaluating Example Websites, Fake News, Wikipedia References, and Open Access Resources.Answer the below questions using the Website Research: Home pages as reference. Use as little or as much space as needed for the answers. When finished answering the questions, save the file and back it up to your OneDrive or Google Drive and a USB stick. Submit the document for grading in Evaluating Online Resources in Assignments. TYPE YOUR NAME HERE:Questions:1. Can Websites have information that is current and reliable for scholarly research? 2. List the Website URL types that can generally be trusted for containing reliable information for research. 3. Who developed the CRAAP Test?4. What does CRAAP stand for? 5. Scroll to the bottom of the Evaluating Example Websites page to find the Apply the CRAAP Test - Nutrition Resource text box. State below which Website(s) you would use for research purposes and why. 6. Have you ever been fooled by a Fake New site? Describe it below. (Don’t be embarrassed, Ms. Lion has been fooled too.)7. What does the Website Research: Wikipedia References page suggest the reader use for help in research?8. Wikipedia has a Marvel Cinematic Universe page. Find Reference number 5 on the page. Read the reference article. Write below what makes you believe it is true. NOTES: 1.) If you do not know what Bloomberg is, do a Google search. 2.) If asked DO NOT pay for anything. 3.) If you cannot access the information, give your best guess. 9. According to the Website Research: Open Access Resources page, what is public domain works?10. How are open access resources different from public domain works? Criteria for Success: Grading Rubric. This project is worth 20 points, each question being worth 2 point. Question will be graded on 1. Correct answer and 2. Enough information has been given so grader/instructor does not have to ponder meaning of answer. You will receive 5 points for putting your name in the correct location. ................

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