Easily add Maps and Geo Analytics in MicroStrategy

Easily add Maps and Geo Analytics in MicroStrategy


Introduction Configure to use Maps in MicroStrategy MicroStrategy Geo Analysis Capabilities and Examples Key Takeaways and Q&A

Why Geospatial Analysis is Important?

? Better insights into data and additional context ? Works great at all levels ? big picture or detailed analysis ? Naturally inquisitive ? Lot of fun to work with!

Gartner now considers Geospatial and location intelligence to be one of its key criteria for evaluating Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms.

Maps + Data = Recipe for Great Insights!

1854. London. Broad Street cholera outbreak

A deadly outbreak of cholera occurred near Broad Street in Soho district of London.

Over 500 people died in a matter of days.

John Snow, an Epidemiologist studying the outbreak created a visual representation of the situation using a Map (on left)

Maps + Data = Recipe for Great Insights!

1854. London. Broad Street cholera outbreak

John Snow used a street map to plot every cholera related death to illustrate how cases of cholera were centered on the Broad Street pump.

The bars on the left represents death count due to cholera.

Great examples of how maps can provide tremendous insights help in solveing problems


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