▪ Do I have to pay my own expenses?

Yes. It is possible that some scholarship assistance for volunteers in need may become available but there is no guarantee.

▪ If I have contributed the maximum amount to the campaign, may I participate in MASF?

Yes, individuals may spend up to $2,000 in travel expenses. All other personal expenses are unaffected by regulations.

▪ Where will I be sent?

The 13 key battleground states include: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. (subject to change as the campaign progresses). Volunteers will be working to help the Republican Party retain control of the U.S. Senate and House and win the White House. We hope to have most assignment decisions made no later than 60 days prior to departure dates so we can help our volunteers secure the lowest possible air fares. For those willing to travel anywhere that is needed, you may also choose this option and we will be in touch with you.

▪ What will I be doing?

You will be working with local Republican Party leadership in any capacity needed to get out the vote. You may be walking door to door, calling from a phone bank, social networking, or contacting people to attend rallies. We are there to assist and support the local effort…we are similar to the special forces in the military.

▪ What should I wear?

Be comfortable, but remember that you are representing the Republican Party and our nominees.

▪ When do we go?

Team Captains are responsible for coordinating travel and lodging arrangements with our MASF Travel Coordinator and our MASF Lodging Coordinator and notifying members of the team. Early voting advance teams will be deployed throughout the month of October arriving on the ground any time you are available between October 1st and October 30th. Most General Election Team Leaders will be traveling to their assigned state on Friday, October 28th. All General Election Team Volunteers need to be on the ground in their targeted state no later than November 1st,, but may always arrive earlier if their schedule permits. All General Election Team leaders and volunteers will return home on Wednesday, November 9th, the morning after Election Day.

▪ Who is my team leader?

Team leaders and teams will be assigned by the Mighty American Strike Force State Captain or you may request to be with a friend.

▪ How much money should I plan to spend?

Rates vary with the location. You should plan to spend approximately as much as you would for a week away from home. Logistics will be determined by the team leader. Some areas may have arranged for transportation and meals for team members.

▪ Will I be home on Election Day?

If at all possible, we hope you stay until the polls close on Election Night, November 8th, stay to finish the job! Please remember to vote early or by absentee ballot before deploying to your designated battleground state!

▪ How will I know what to do?

The Republican National Committee will be offering numerous training sessions in cities nationwide to equip all of our volunteers with important campaign training prior to their deployment. Conference calls with Team Captains will also take place to detail instructions and areas of assistance.

▪ I want to volunteer, but cannot travel out of state.

MASF is also working to build teams to help in targeted areas of every state that is recruiting and deploying volunteers to assist us with your home state’s internal campaign efforts. Complete a MASF application on our website, and indicate your home state as your preferred state. Local MASF representatives will contact you with more specific information on where you are needed and how you can help.

▪ I have friends and family in other states. How can they help?

“Honorary Strike Forcers” are always welcome! We are happy to include them as members of MASF.

▪ What can I do to help if I cannot travel?

You may help by volunteering with office time at the Republican Party office in your home state or by recruiting additional MASF team leaders and team members. We are recruiting volunteers in major contested Republican races in your home state and greatly appreciate any help you can provide. We will also have a “Stay at Home Team” for sending postcards and making phone calls into Battleground States.

Mighty American Strike Force

P.O. Box 5039

Austin, Texas 78763-5039

(512) 694-6848

email: info@



Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

1108 Lavaca St, Ste 500 · Austin, Texas 78701 · 512-477-9821·

Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

1108 Lavaca St, Ste 500 · Austin, Texas 78701 · 512-477-9821·

Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

1108 Lavaca St, Ste 500 · Austin, Texas 78701 · 512-477-9821·

Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

1108 Lavaca St, Ste 500 · Austin, Texas 78701 · 512-477-9821·


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