The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John

Review Questions for Chapters 1-7; 8-14; 15-21

Chapter 1:1-18

Who wrote the Gospel According to Saint John?

1. Circle which of these accurately describes “Word” or “logos”

a) To lay forth (to relate in words)

b) Something said

c) Something thought

d) All of the above

2. Did God create the “Word”? ____ yes _____ no. Explain your answer


3. How many who have come to “be” have life in them? _________________________

4. Is the John of verse 6 the same as the John who wrote the Gospel? ___yes ____ no

5. What was the purpose of the “John” of verse 6? _______________________________

6. What is the purpose of the Word coming to His own? _________________________


7. What is the only way that we can know or see God and His grace? _______________



8. Why were the priests and Levites sent from Jerusalem to contact John?

7. Did John have authority to baptize with water? If so, who gave it to him and why did he do it? ______________________________________

8. How was John the Baptist able to recognize the “Word” What does John call the Word? _______________________________________________________________

9. What does the phrase “the Lamb of God” mean?

10. When is the first time in the book of John that Jesus is mentioned by name? ______

11. Where did Jesus’ first disciples come from? _______________________________

12: Name one fact or concept that you learned from the first chapter ______________


13. Name one question that you have from the first chapter of John ________________


John Chapter 2

1. The people who had the wedding feast were of the following financial status

a. Poor

b. Of moderate means

c. Rich

Give the reason for your answer __________________________________________

2. Why did Mary tell Jesus that there was no wine?

3. What did Jesus mean by “my hour is not yet come”? ___________________

4. For what purpose were the water pots traditionally used? ________________

5. Who actually knew what Jesus had done? ____________________________

6. Based on verse 11, what was the purpose of His turning the water into wine?


7. How many Passovers are counted during Jesus’ ministry in the gospel of John?

8. Why did Jesus drive out those who were selling livestock and exchanging money?


9. At this point in time did people believe that Jesus was their Messiah? ________

10. If so, what kind of Messiah did they think that He was? ___________________


John Chapter 3

1. What did Jesus mean when He told Nicodemus “unless a man is born again…”?


2. In your own words, describe in as much detail as you can the essence of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus _______________________________________



3. Jesus refers to the lifting up of the serpent in the desert. What is He referencing?


4. What does one get when they believe in Jesus? _______________ When do they get it? ___________________________________________________________

5. Who are the condemned and what is their condemnation? Be as specific as possible. _________________________________________________________


6. Why did both Jesus and John baptize people where there was much water?


7. John uses the analogy of a friend of the bridegroom, the bridegroom and the bride

Who is the Bride? _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. In John 3:30-31, who was it that came from heaven and what position does he hold?


9. Describe the relationship between the Father and the Son in verses 34-35


10. What are the results of either believing or not believing in the Son?



John Chapter Four

1. Who made and baptized the most disciples in their ministry? ___________________

2. Is there any difference between the baptism spoken of in verses 1-2 and the baptism spoken of in Acts 2:38 and 22:16? Please explain your answer________________



3. Thinking question: what does it mean that Jesus had to go through Samaria (verses 4-5)



4. Give two reasons why it was strange that Jesus would have been speaking to the Samaritan woman? ____________________________________________________________


5. What kind of water was Jesus offering the woman at the well; what did she hear and what did He mean? ________________________________________________________


6. What is the living water? _______________________________________________

7. Where is the fountain and who is the source of the fountain of Living water?




8. Where and how is it appropriate to worship God? ______________________________


9. What was the most important kind of food that Jesus had? _____________________


10. What did and does it mean, “the fields are white with harvest”? _________________



11. What caused the other Samaritans to say that “this is the Christ, the savior of the world?

12. Why could the Samaritans see this, but His own people could not? ______________


13. Why did Jesus seem to chastise the nobleman when he asked Jesus to heal his son?


14. How many other miracles had Jesus done before he healed the man’s son? ________

15. From verses 5-45 list some things that show Jesus to be a master teacher




John Chapter 5

From verses 1-15

1. What was the “certain time” that the angel went down and stirred up the water in the pool of Bethesda? ___________________________________________________

2. Why do you think Jesus didn’t just trouble the waters himself and then help the man get in the pool? ___________________________________________________________



3. While he was at it, why didn’t Jesus just go ahead and heal everyone by the pool?


4. What were the Jews concerned about when it came to the man being miraculously healed, taking his bed and walking? _____________________________________


5. What is the meaning of verse 14? ________________________________________


From verses 16-41

6. Why were the Jews so intent on persecuting and seeking to Kill Jesus? __________

7. Did Jesus or the healed man violate the Sabbath? Please explain your answer

8. ___________________________________________________________________


9. Who Does Jesus say that the Jews should honor? ___________________________

10. What are the “greater works” about which Jesus speaks in verses 20-21

11. Does the Father judge anyone? ________________________________________

12. Who has the power to judge? __________________________________________

What do you think? The Father has committed all things, (judgment included) to the son so that all can honor the Son. How do(should) we honor the Father and the Son? ______________




14. What event is Jesus talking about in verses 24-30? __________________________

From Verses 31-47

15. Who sent John? ______________________________________________________

16. Did the Jews believe the testimony of John the Baptist? ______________________

17. Support your answer: _________________________________________________

18. From this chapter, list the evidence and witnesses that shows the Jews they should be honoring and serving Jesus ____________________________________________


19. Who and how many bore witness to Jesus? ________________________________




John Chapter 6

Verses 1-14

1. Why was the multitude following Jesus at this point? ________________________



2. Discuss the purpose of Jesus performing miracles. Give as many examples as you can.



3. Who fed the 5,000? _____________________________________________________

4. From what you know of other scriptures, what was the reason that Jesus had the disciples gather the fragments which remained? ______________________________________


5. What was the statement of those who had seen the miracle of the loaves? __________


6. How many of the gospels give an account of this miracle?

Verses 15-21

7. Why did Jesus not want to be taken by the people after they had seen the miracle? ____


8. Why do you think Jesus went back to the mountain? _____________________________


9. What does the story of Jesus walking on water included in John teach us about him? ___


10. Why did the multitude follow and catch up with Jesus at Capernaum? ______________


11. What was His message to them? ____________________________________________

12. What is the work of God? _________________________________________________

13. What is the true bread? ___________________________________________________

14. verse 35 says “he who comes to me will never hunger” can you think of any other biblical passage that talks about this concept? _________________________________

15. Explain as much as you can about the statement “I am the bread of life…” what Jesus meant, how the people received it and His response to their position _______________




16. What does it mean to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man? __________


17. Why do you think the people had such a hard time understanding Jesus’ words in this chapter? _______________________________________________________________



John Chapter 7

Verses 1-9

What was the name of the feast that the Jews were celebrating? __________


Based on the conversation that Jesus had with His brothers about going up to Judea, describe what their relationship appeared to be at this time.




1. Why did the world hate Jesus? __________________________________________________

2. What did Jesus mean “my time has not yet fully come”? __________________________

Verses 10-24

3. Did all of the Jews think the same thing about who Jesus is? ______________________________________________________________________

4. Why were the Jews amazed when they heard Jesus as he stood up in the Temple to teach?



5. Who trained Jesus in what He taught? ____________________________________________

6. What is the “one work” to which Jesus referred in verse 21? _______________________

7. In verse 24, what does the phrase “judge righteous judgment” mean? ________________



Verses 25-36

8. Were the Jews accurate in saying that when messiah comes, no one will know where he came from? (see Micah 5:2)


9. verse 30 says “they sought to take him…” why didn’t they and what, or who stopped them? ________________________________________________________________________

10. The Jews wanted to know where Jesus was going. Based on what you know about other passages, where was Jesus going when He said “ where I AM, you cannot come”? _____


11. What are the rivers of living water? _____________________________________________

12. The chief priests and Pharisees had instructed their men to arrest Jesus. Why didn’t they do it? __________________________________________________________________

13. Were the chief priests and Pharisees operating within their law in wanting to arrest Jesus?


John Chapter 8 Questions

Verses 1-12

Jesus had an encounter with the scribes and Pharisees concerning a woman that they caught in the act of adultery. What was their purpose in bringing her to Him? Where was He when she was brought before Him? ____________________________________________________



According to Deuteronomy 17:7-9, who was responsible for casting the first stone at a person caught in adultery? ________________________________


What lesson can you learn and practice from this lesson? ______________


1. Did Jesus condemn the woman’s sin? _____ Did He condone it? ______ Please tell how you came to your answer __________________________________________________

2. Why do you think that Jesus used this incident to tell people that He is the light of the world?


Verses 13-20

What caused the Pharisees to say that Jesus’ witness was not true (valid)? ______________________________________________________

3. Who substantiated Jesus’ testimony? _______________________________________

4. Where did all of this teaching take place? ____________________________________

Verses 21-30

From what you understand, what did Jesus mean when He said “I am going away and you will seek Me and will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come”? _______________________________________________________


Verses 31-34

5. To whom was Jesus speaking in verse 31?______________________________________

6. What kind of bondage were the people in? _____________________________________

Verses 37-59

7. Why did Jesus tell people who believed Him that they were seeking to kill Him? ______________________________________________________________________

8. Was He mistaken about them? _____________________________________________

9. Who is the father of unbelievers? ___________________________________________

10. What do you think Jesus means in verse 51 ___________________________________



16. What did the Jews actually understand Jesus to say in verse 58? ______________________

17. Why did this cause them to want to stone Him? _______________________



John Chapter 9 Review

Verses 1-12

What do you think prompted the disciples to ask Jesus whether or not the man who had been born blind was in that condition because of sin?



According to Jesus, what was the purpose of the blind man’s condition?


Mixing clay with saliva was a common practice for eye infections. Why do you think Jesus used this method to heal the man who had NEVER seen before?

______________________________________________________ _


Verses 13-41

1. Based on his story, from the time that Jesus came to him until He came to him the second time, describe in as much detail as you can how God was glorified in the blind man’s healing.






2. There is a blindness that is worse than physical blindness. What is it, and how does it manifest itself in today’s world? __________________________________________



John Chapter 10 Review

Verses 1-6

1. Jesus was still talking to the scribes and Pharisees when He mentioned the illustration of the shepherd. Who were the thieves and robbers: ____________________________________________________________________

2. Describe all of the qualities of a “good shepherd” ___________________________




3. A shepherd knows his sheep and his sheep know his voice. Were the scribes and Pharisees His sheep? _________ Are you one of His sheep and do you hear His voice?


4. Give one example of how you heard His voice and followed Him





5. Have you ever found it difficulty to hear His voice? If so what happened? ______




John Chapter 11 Review

Verses 1-16

What was the purpose of Lazarus’ sickness and subsequent death? _____


1. What do verses 9-10 have to do with the situation of Lazarus’ death? What was the work that Jesus spoke about? _________________________________________________________

2. What was the main concern of the disciples in this incident? _________________


Verses 17-57

3. What do YOU think Jesus meant when He said “I am the resurrection and the life…”?



4. What made Jesus groan in the spirit and become troubled? ______________________


5. In the shortest verse in the bible (vs. 35) why did Jesus weep? ___________________



6. Since Jesus is the resurrection and the life, how will those who died before He came in the flesh be able to be resurrected? _________________________________________



7. Who do you think took away the grave stone and who took of Lazarus’ grave clothes after Jesus called him out of the tomb? _____________________________________


8. What was the significance of their participation in this miracle? ________________


9. When Caiaphas made his statement in v. 49 stating the one man should die so the whole nation wouldn’t perish, he was prophesying. How could God use a person who was against Christ to prophesy about His dying to save Israel? _____________________


John Chapter 12 Review

Verses 1-26

1. How many days before Jesus was crucified did Jesus visit Bethany? _______________

2. What was the significance of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet? ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. What do you think would make the Jews think that they could kill Lazarus after he had been raised from the dead? ________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________

6. In your own words, what was Jesus saying about a grain of wheat falling into the ground and dying? _____________________________________________________________


Verses 27-50

7. Why was Jesus’ soul troubled? ____________________________________________

8. How does one become a child of the light? ___________________________________

9. What are the two responses to Jesus? _______________________________________


John Chapter 13 Review

Verses 1-17

1. What is the “Feast of Passover”? ____________________________________________


2. How was the devil able to put the idea of betraying Jesus into the heart of Judas?



3. Why did Jesus need to wash the disciples’ feet? ________________________________



4. Why was Peter so resistant to Jesus washing his feet? ___________________________


5. What would be a modern day equivalent of washing a person’s feet?


6. Where was Judas when Jesus was washing the disciples’ feet? ____________________

Verses 18-30

7. If the scripture had to be fulfilled, “He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me”, does that mean Judas had no choice in the matter? Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________________


8. Verse 21 says that Jesus was troubled in spirit. List at least 2 reasons why you think He was. ___________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________________

Verses 31-38

10. How was Jesus to be glorified? ______________________________________________

11. Do you think that Peter was sincere when he said that he would lay down his life for Jesus? ______________________________________________________________

John Chapter 14 Review

Verses 1-11

12. Did the disciples know the way to the place prepared for them?

13. When does Jesus come to receive us to himself? ________________________________

14. How can anyone know the Father? ___________________________________________

Verses 12-24

15. What Are the greater works that he who believes in Jesus shall do? _______________________________________________________________________

16. What relationship does the “Spirit of Truth” have with believers and where is He now?



17. How many men named Judas were with Jesus as His disciples? ___________________

18. In verses 22, Judas asks Jesus How is it that He can manifest himself to His disciples and not to the world? How would you answer this question? _________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Verses 25-31

19. What was the primary task of the Holy Spirit as it related to the disciples? ______________________________________________________________________

20. Who was the ruler of this world when Jesus spoke? ____________________________

21. Who is the ruler of this world now? _________________________________________

22. Can you say like Jesus “he as nothing in Me”? _________________________________

John Chapter 15 review

Verses 1-8

Name two important aspects and or characteristics for each of these three:

50 The true vine



51 The vinedresser



52 The branches



What did Jesus mean when He said in the KJV “you are already clean because of the word…”? ________________________________________________ __


1. What is the difference between the vine and the branches? How does that analogy relate to our relationship with Jesus? ____________________________________________________________________

2. Verse 6 states that anyone not abiding in Jesus is cast out as a branch and is withered and ultimately burned. As a part of the vine, if you but don’t produce any fruit and are ultimately cast out, wither and are burned, in what condition does that place you? Can you be saved without producing any fruit? __________________________________



Verses 12-23

3. How are we to abide in the Love of Jesus? _____________________________________________________________________

4. How do you get and keep joy of Jesus? _____________________________________


5. List at least three ways that believers can fulfill the commandment to Love one another




6. What is the greatest love? _________________________________________________

7. Discuss the stages and the process that brought the disciples from being hearers to friends of Jesus. _______________________________________________________________


8. verse 16 says that Jesus chose us and appointed us to bear fruit. How did He come to choose us? Do we have any choice in the matter once we are chosen? _____________



Verses 18-27

9. Have you ever been hated or persecuted because you are a Christian? ______________

10. Has anyone ever been converted to Christianity because of the word spoken or lived by you? __________________________________________________________________

John Chapter 16 Review

Verses 1-4

1. Jesus speaks to the apostles things to strengthen them and to keep them from stumbling. On a scale of one to ten, give your impression of the apostles ability to understand what He was telling them: explain your answer _____________________________________________________________________

Verses 5-15

2. Explain as much as you can about the “comforter”: his purpose and his relationship to the apostles. ___________________________________________________________________




3. What is the purpose and relationship of the Holy Spirit to the world?




Verses 16-24

4. Explain what Jesus meant by “a little while and you won’t see me; and again, a little while and you will see me” . ______________________________________________________________________


5. Why do you think Jesus gives the analogy of the disciples experiences with Jesus’ immanent suffering and death to that of a woman giving birth to a child?



6. Describe the meaning of joy that the disciples would experience when they see Jesus again. ________________________________________________________________

7. What does it mean to ask in the name of Jesus? _______________________________


8. What has been your experience asking for anything in the Name of Jesus?




Verses 29-33

9. Jesus spoke to the disciples in figurative language. According to verse 25, He will begin to talk plainly about the Father and His disciples will be able to ask the Father in His name without Jesus praying for them (us). Has that day come for you? If so, list at least two things that you asked of the Father and received them. ____________________________________________________________________


10. The disciples thought that they finally understood what Jesus was saying. Did they?


11. What state are the Father’s people in today: United or scattered? Explain your answer.




John 17 Review

The Lord’s Prayer


1. In these verses “glorify” and “glory” are used often. Explain what they mean.


2. What is eternal life?

3. What did the men whom the Father gave Jesus do with the words which He gave them?


4. Jesus said that He was praying for them but not for the world. Why was He not praying for the world? ____________________________________________________________________

5. How is Jesus glorified in the believer? _________________________________________

6. Who is the son of perdition? _________________________________________________

7. What affect and effect should Jesus’ prayer have on believers?



7. In verse 17 what does it mean to be sanctified? How Does the Father sanctify us?



Verses 20-26

9. What does it mean for believers to be “one” as the Father and the Son are one?



10. According to verses 23 where is Jesus? Where is the Father? ______________________

11. Describe your understanding of verse 24 when Jesus says that the Father loved Him Before the foundation of the world. ___________________________________________________


12. How can the love with which the Father loved the Son be in you and me? ________




13. Contrast this prayer with the one that Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6:5-13.

Which one do you think most accurately depicts “the Lord’s Prayer? Why?





John 18 Review

Verses 1-11

1. How did the chief priests and Pharisees know where to find Jesus on the night that He was betrayed? __________________________________________________________

2. Did the troops find Jesus, or did He find them? ______________________________

3. Jesus asked the troops who they sought. When they told Him, He replied I Am He, they fell backwards. Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Jesus, after asking a second time who they were seeking said again, “I am He”. He then said let the others go. Why did He say that?


5. What did Peter do to protect Jesus and why? ________________________________


Verses 12-24

6. Once Jesus was arrested, where was He taken? _______________________________


7. Simon Peter followed while Jesus was taken to whom? ________________________

8. List the incidents in which Peter denied Jesus.




9. What was the first thing that the high priest asked Jesus? _______________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Verses 28-38

10. Where was the next place for Jesus to be taken? _______________________________

11. What happened in the Praetorian? ________________________________________

12. Pilate told the Jews to judge Jesus by their own law. Could they do this? __________

13. Is Jesus the King of the Jews? ____________________________________________

14. Is Jesus your King? ____________________________________________________

15. If you answered yes, when did He become your King? ________________________

16. Based on Pilate’s rhetorical question, what IS truth? __________________________



17. What is the significance of the crowd demanding the release of Barabbas over Jesus?




John Chapter 19 Review

Verses 1-16

1. What does it mean to scourge someone? _______________________________________


2. After having Jesus scourged, Pilate said that he found no fault in Jesus. Whey then, did he not just let Jesus go? ____________________________________________________________


3. In verse 8 Pilate was afraid when the Jews told him that Jesus made Himself the Son of God. What caused him to be so afraid? __________________________________________________


4. What do you think? What did Pilate’s conscience tell him to do with Jesus? _____________________________________________________________________________

5. What kind of threat did the Jews direct at Pilate to make him listen to them?



6. In verse 14, what is the Preparation Day of the Passover? ____________________________


7. Pilate says to the Jews “Behold your King”. The chief priest declare…”we have no King but Caesar. What is the spiritual significance of this statement?


Verses 17-38

9. When the soldiers crucified Jesus what happened to His clothes? ______________________

10. How many of Jesus’ followers were at the cross when He was crucified? State who they were. _______________________________________________________________________

10. What was the last thing that had to be fulfilled to complete Jesus’ purpose? ______________________________________________________________________

11. According to verse 30 how did Jesus die? ________________________________________

12. Why couldn’t the bodies remain on the cross as was usually the case?



13. How did the soldiers know that Jesus was dead? ___________________________________

14. Even after His death, what scriptures were being fulfilled?


15. Who took the body of Jesus and buried it? What was their relationship to Jesus?


16. The tomb that Jesus was laid in was also a fulfillment of prophecy. What Prophecy was fulfilled? ___________________________________________________________________

John Chapter 20 Review

Verses 1-10

1. There are three other accounts of the empty tomb recorded: where are they located?




2. Who was the “other disciple”, and in light of verse 9, what did he believe?



Verses 11-18

3. Who was the first to see the risen Lord? ________________________________________

4. List the sequence of events leading up to and after risen Lord was seen









Verses 19-23

5. When Mary Magdalene came to tell the disciples about Jesus, how many of them were there and why were they assembled? ______________________________________________________________

6. Describe the encounter that Jesus had with the disciples: what did He say, what did He do?



Verses 24-31

7. What state was Thomas in when the disciples told him that they had seen “the Lord”?


8. What did it take for Thomas to believe? ____________________________________


9. What does it take to believe today? _________________________________________



10. Why was the gospel of John written?



34. What is the consequence of believing or not believing (v36)?

35. List other passages that show whether or not a child of God can so sin as to fall from grace or be eternally lost.

36. Case Study: Some people claim that v36 proves one who believes “has everlasting life.” If we “have” it, then we can never be lost. How would you respond?

Faith leads to eternal life, unbelief leads to wrath.

Since Jesus speaks for God as in vv 31-35, faith in Jesus is essential to please God. We must believe He is all that the Bible claims Him to be, and we must believe His message and accept it as absolute truth.

If we have this faith, we have everlasting life. But if we do not believe (or do not obey — ASV), we will not see life but will abide under the wrath of God. Like v16, this confirms the abso-lute necessity of faith to please God (see on v16 and cf. Heb. 11:6; John 8:24; Mark 16:16; Rom. 10:9,10; etc.). Again, the faith here is comprehensive, saving faith, and that includes obedience (see notes on v16). Interestingly, the ASV even translates this verse in such a way as to demon-strate the true faith includes and requires obedience, exactly as we have explained on v16.

This is both a great promise and a great warning. There is a great blessing to those who choose to believe and a great warning to those who do not.

Does this teach “once saved, always saved”?

Some say we “have” eternal life because we believe, but if we already “have” it, then we can-not be lost. Therefore “once saved, always saved” - one who has believed can never afterwards become lost. But we “have” everlasting life now in the sense of a conditional promise or hope, not as an immutable possession (see 1 John 2:25; James 1:12; Titus 1:2; 3:7; 1 Peter 1:3,4; etc.). We receive eternal life as an actual possession only after this life is over (Luke 18:30; Rom. 2:5-7; Rev. 2:10).

Furthermore, the verse itself states a condition one must meet to have eternal life — he must believe. But it is possible for the believer to cease believing and become an unbeliever (Heb. 3:12; 2 Tim. 2:16-18; 1 Tim. 1:18-20; 5:8). If a believer ceases to believe, will he still be saved? The last part of this verse itself answers: it says the unbeliever does not have life but will receive God’s wrath. Hence, the passage itself shows that conditions must be met for one to receive eternal life in the judgment, and that one will be lost if he ceases meeting the conditions.

Further, if the first part of the verse teaches “once saved, always saved,” why doesn’t the last part teach “once lost, always lost”? It says the one who does not believe will not see life but abides under God’s wrath. If the first part is immutable and unconditional, why not also the last part? Hence, anyone who ever disbelieves is lost and can never be saved! On the other hand, if the state of the unbeliever in the last part of the verse can change by becoming a believer, then in the same way the state of the believer in the first part of the verse will change if he ceases to be-lieve. And remember that believing here includes obedience.

Finally, there are many other verses that show a saved person can so sin as to become lost. Verses like v36 should never be so viewed as to contradict other verses that plainly teach that a child of God may so sin as to be lost. See John 15:1-6; Acts 8:12-24; Romans 6:12-18; 8:12-17; Galatians 5:1-4; 6:7-9; 1 Corinthians 9:25-10:12; 1 Timothy 1:18-20; 5:8; 2 Timothy 2:16-18; He-brews 3:6,11-14; 4:9,11; 6:4-8; 10:26-31; 2 Peter 1:8-11; 2:20-22.

For further discussion of the security of the believer and “once saved, always saved,” see our articles on this subject on our Bible Instruction web site at instruct/.

© Copyright David E. Pratte, January 9, 2007

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