“Mormonism: Being Deceived by ‘Another’ Gospel”

Series: So, What’s the Difference?

“The Differences Between Christianity and Mormonism”

Selected Scriptures (Galatians 1:6-8)

O.S. In the Late 1990’s, One of Our Former Presidents Described Mormons as Our

Christian Brothers and Sisters

-> That Former President’s Name Was Jimmy Carter

-> He Claimed to be an Evangelical Christian; He Was Southern Baptist at the Time,

and Even a Sunday School Teacher

-> To His Credit, He Was Even Known for Occassionally Inviting Foreign

Dignitaries to Attend Bible Studies at the White House

-> But Even So, He Failed to Understand That Christian and Mormonism are Miles

Apart in Regards to Their Theology

-> Morris Chapman, Who Was the President of the Southern Baptist Convention

At the Time, Tried to Get President Jimmy Carter to Retract That Statement,

But He Would Not do It

-> So, Finally, Morris Chapman Called a Press Conference and Did All That

He Could Explain That Southern Baptist DO NOT Consider Mormons

to be Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Q.n = Why Not?

Ans = Because Mormonism is a Cult

-> Now, There are Some People Who Say That We Should Never Preach or Teach

About Cults; Instead, They Say Things Like…

“We should teach people the truth so well that they will be able to recognize

a counterfeit when it appears”

-> I Find It to be Interesting That Sonja Had a Conversation With Some Members

of the Jehovah’s Witness Cult a Few Years Ago, and They Tried to Use That

Same Logic to Explain Why They Would Not Allow Her to Give Them Some

Christian Materials

St = Well, I Certainly Agree That Teaching People the Truth Can Help Them

to Recognize a Counterfeit, But I Also Believe That a Careful Evaluation

of Both the Old and the New Testaments Will Reveal That the People of God

in Every Age Have Had to Confront False Religious Systems and Cults

-> As Early as Genesis Chapter Eleven, We are Presented With a False Religious

System as the People of That Day Tried to Make a Name for Themselves

and to Build a Tower to Heaven (Genesis 11:1-9)

-> Jeremiah Was Grieved Over the Fact That There Were Many False Prophets

Who Were Deceiving the People in His Day

-> Because Even While God’s True Prophet Was Attempting to Call the People -

to Repentance and Warning About the Consequences of Their Sin, a Group

of False Prophets Went Around Giving the People a False Sense of Hope

-> Jeremiah Says That They Were Crying “Peace, Peace, When There is no Peace,”

and They Were Giving the People a False Sense of Security (Jer 8:11)

-> In the New Testament, Jesus Mentioned “Wolves who will come to us in sheep’s

clothing (Matt 7:15); Paul Warned the Ephesian Elders That After He Departed

Savage Wolves Would Rise Up From Among Them Who Would Not Spare

the Flock (Acts 20:29), and Our Risen Lord Warned Us in the Book

of the Revelation About a Group Called “The Nicolatians”

-> Most Important of All, There Were Some New Testament Books That Were

Written Primarily to Confront Certain False Religious Groups

-> The Book of 1 John Was Written to Confront the Gnostic Heresy, the Book of Jude

Was Written to Confront the Antinomians, the Book of Colossians Was Written

to Confront the Mystery Cults and the Book of Galatians to Confront the Judaizers

-> So, I Don’t Think It is Inappropriate or Unbiblical to Preach About the Cults

T.S. Now, Having Said That Let Me Add That the Mormons, or the Latter Day Saints

as They Prefer to be Called, Ought to be at the Top of Our List of Cults That Need

to be Confronted and Exposed, Because They are Growing Very Rapidly

. There are Presently Over Four Million Mormons in the United States

. It is Estimated That the Mormon Cult is Growing at a Rate of 1,500 Members

Per Day (That’s a New Mormon Every Minute 24 Hours a Day in This Country)

. In a Mormon Based Newspaper Called “The Latter-Day Sentinel”, the Mormons

Have Claimed That 282 Baptist Were Joining the Mormon Church Every Seven

Days, and That’s Just the Baptists

. They Also Take in About 4.7 Billion Dollars a Year From Their Members,

and the Companies They Own Generate Another 4 to 8 Billion Dollars Per Year

. This Kind of Monetary Wealth is What Enabled Them to Hire an International

Public Relations Firm Back in 1995 to Quote “Combat Unfair Characterizations

of the Mormons”

. This, of Course, is Why They Have Such Slick Advertising; They are Trying

to Convey a Positive Image, a Pro-Family Image, and a Moral Image

-> But Even Though They do Support Family Values, and They are Good and Moral

People, This Does Not Change the Fact That They are Teaching What the Apostle

Paul Would Call “Another Gospel” or “A False Gospel”

-> And Ironically, They Claim That It Was Delivered to Them by an Angel

-> Their Founder, a Man by the Name of Joseph Smith, Claimed That an Angel

by the Name of Moroni Appeared to Him on September 21st, 1823 and Gave

Him a Book Written on Gold Plates Giving an Account of the Former

Inhabitants of This Continent. He Also Said That the Fulness of the Gospel

Was Contained in It, as It Was Delivered by the Savior to Those Ancient

Inhabitants, and This is How They Claim They Got “The Book of Mormon”

T.S. Now, in My Opinion, the Beliefs of the Mormons are so Bizarre, and so Strange,

and so Unbiblical, That It is Hard to Believe That Anyone Would Even Take Them


-> But Apparently, There are Many Who Do

-> So, for That Reason, I Believe We Need to be Able to Show How Their Belief

System is Incompatible With Our Own

-> In Other Words, We Need to Prove to Them That They are in Fact Teaching

Another Gospel

I. The Mormons Have “Another” Revelation

-> The Bible That I Read Contains Some Serious Warnings About Those Who Attempt

to Alter or Remove Something From God’s Inerrant Word or to Add Something

to It

-> The Prophet Isaiah, for Example, Said, in Isaiah 40:8

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever”

-> Jesus Himself, in the Sermon on the Mount Said,

“For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter

or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matt 5:18-19)

-> He Also Said This in Matthew 24:35; He Said,

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away”

-> And in the Last Paragraph of the Bible, Our Risen Lord Gave This Warning;

He Said,

“18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone

adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;

19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will

take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written

in this book” (Rev 22:18-19)

-> Now Unfortunately, the Mormons are Guilty of Both of These Sins

-> They Have Claimed That Our Bible is in Error and That It is Incomplete, and They

Have Added New Revelations That are Totally Incompatible With It

-> The Mormon’s Eighth Article of Faith Says This

“We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly”

-> If You Ask a Mormon What They Mean by This, They Will Typically Launch Into

the Mormon Belief That Because of Poor Transmission Large Portions of the Bible

Have Been Lost Down Through the Centuries

-> And They Also Believe That Some Portions of the Bible That Have Survived Have

Been Corrupted by Faulty Transmission.

St = There is a Verse in the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 13:38 to be Exact, That Says This

“Wherefore thou seest that after the book hath gone forth through the hands

of the great and abominable church, that there are many plain and precious

things taken away from the book, which is the book of the Lamb of God”

-> A Mormon so Called “Apostle” by the Name of Orson Pratt Once Went as Far

as to Say This; He Said,

“Who, in his right mind, could, for one moment, suppose the Bible in its present form

to be a perfect guide? Who knows that even one verse of the Bible has escaped pollution?”

Q.n = So, What are the Mormons Really Saying?

Ans= Well, It Seems Obvious to Me That the Implication is Given That the Book

of Mormon is More Reliable Than the Bible

-> But the Truth is That It is the Book of Mormon That is Completely Unreliable

-> In Fact, Over 4,000 Corrections Have Been Made in the Book of Mormon Since

It Was First Published Back in 1830

-> There is Also a Great Deal of Plagarism in the Book of Mormon That Came

Directly From the King James Bible

-> And This is Very Interesting Since the Mormons Claim That the Book of Mormon

Was Written Between 600 b.c. and 421 a.d.

-> We Know for a Fact That the King James Version Itself Was Published in 1611

-> Which Means That the Book of Mormon Contains Extensive Quotations From

a Book That Supposedly Did Not Come Along Until 1,200 to 2,000 Years Later

-> And in the Book of Mormon Claims are Made of There Being Large and Very

Advanced Civilizations on This Continent (Temples, Machinery, Elephants, Ships)

-> And Yet, There is Absolutely no Credible Archeological Evidence for This at All

“There is no archeological coorespondence whatever between archeological sites

and cultures as revealed by scientific investigations, and as recorded in the Book

of Mormon. Interpretations of archeological and ethnographic data, moreover,

are quite unlike the American prehistory which the book of Mormon describes

…It can be stated definitely that there is no connection between the archeology

of the new world and the subject matter of the book of Mormon”

II. The Mormons Have “Another” God

-> The God That the Mormons Worship is Very Different From the God of the Bible

-> Their God is a Physical Being; They do Not Recognize God the Father, God the Son,

and God the Holy Spirit as Being Co-Equal and Co-Eternal

-> They Believe, Instead, That These are Three Distinct Personages

-> And They are Really Polytheists, Because They Believe That We Can All Become


-> According to Milton R. Hunter, a General Authority in the Mormon Church

“God the Eternal Father was once a mortal man who passed through a school

of earth life similar to that through which we are now passing. He became

God – an exalted being – through obedience to the same eternal Gospel

truths that we are given an opportunity to obey”

-> Spencer W. Kimball, a former President of the church, Made the Following

Remarks to a Group About How They Can Become Gods, and I Quote

“Brethren 225,000 of you are here tonight. I suppose 225,000 of you may

become gods. There seems to be plenty of space in the universe. And the Lord

has proved that he knows how to do it. I think he could make, or probably

have us help make, worlds for all of us, for every one of us 225,000”

-> Now, This is How We Came Into Being According to Mormon Theology

-> According to the Mormons, Our Heavenly Father Inhabits a Planet Near a Giant

Star Called “Kolab”

-> “Kolab” (I Don’t Know if I’m Pronouncing That Correctly, But It Sounds Kind

of Like Skylab, Doesn’t It) is Mentioned in Their Book of New Revelations Called

“The Pearl of Great Price”

-> “Kolab” is a Giant Star a Thousand Times Larger Than Our Sun Located

Somewhere Out There in the Distant Universe

-> And According to the Mormons, Our Heavenly Father Lives Near This Residence

-> This is Sometimes Called “The First Estate” or “The Pre-Existence,”

St = They Say That He Lives There Along With Our “Heavenly Mother”

-> The Mormon Church Teaches That God is Married; That We Have Not Only

a Heavenly Father, But Also, a Heavenly Mother

-> In a Book Entitled “Answers to Gospel Questions” by the Tenth Prophet

of the Mormon Church Joseph Fielding Smith, Prophet, Seer and Revelator

Vol 3 Chapter 35, Page 142 & 143 He Discusses This

“Is it not feasible to believe that female spirits were created in the image

of a mother in heaven? …The fact that there is no reference to a mother

in heaven, either in the Bible or the book of Mormon or Doctrine

of Covenants is not sufficient proof that no such thing as a mother

did exist there. If we had a father, which we did for all these records speak

of him, then, does not good common sense tell us that we must have had

a mother there also”

-> Please Notice That He Said That We MUST Have a Heavenly Mother Even Though

She is Never Mentioned in the Bible or Even the Mormon Scriptures

-> Anyway, According to the Mormons, Our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother

Produced Billions of Spirit Babies on This Planet Near the Great Star “Kolab”

-> But in Order to Become gods, It Was Necessary for Us to Become Physical Beings

-> And It Was Determined That We Would Need a Savior

-> So, Two of Our Elder Brothers Desired to be the Savior of the World

-> Jesus Wanted to be Our Savior But so Did His Spirit Brother Named Lucifer

-> This is Found in a Book Called “The Gospel Through the Ages” by Milton R.

Hunter, a General Authority in the Mormon Church Page 15 of His Book

“The appointment of Jesus to be the savior of the world was contested by one

of the other sons of God. He was called Lucifer son of the morning, haughty

ambitious and covetous of power and glory. This spirit brother of Jesus

desperately tried to become the savior of mankind”

App: Now, Let Me Pause Here to Make a Comment About False Religions and Cults

-> False Religions and Cults Thrive on Appealing to Our Intellect and Providing

Answers for Subjects That are Not Addressed in the Bible (Elaborate)

St = The Mormons Also Say That God Had a Physical Relationship With Mary,

and They Say That the Phrase “the power of the Almighty will overshadow you”

That Appears in Luke 1:35 Proves That They Had Physical Intercourse

-> They Deny That the Holy Spirit Was Even Involved

-> Jesus Was Conceived in a Natural Way Just as You and I Were Conceived,

According to the Mormons

-> In Fact, They Use This to Justify the Fact That Jesus is Called “The Only Begotten

Son of God” in the Bible

-> They Say We are All Spirit Children of God; So, How is Jesus Different?

-> Well, Because Jesus Was the Only One That Came From This Physical Union

-> In “The Journal of Discourses” Volume 1, Pages 50-51 Brigham Young Said,

“When the virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, the father had begotten him

in his own likeness. He was not begotten by the Holy Ghost. And who was

the father? He was the first of the human family…Jesus our elder brother

was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the Garden

of Eden and who is our father in heaven”

-> Now, Strangely Enough, They Still Claim to Believe in the Virgin Birth, But This

Presents Them With Some Problems Within Their Own Theological System

-> The Apostle Orson Pratt, a Seer

“The fleshly body of Jesus required a mother as well as a father; therefore,

the father and mother of Jesus according to the flesh, must have been associated

with each other in the capacity of husband and wife. Hence, the virgin Mary

must have been for the time being the lawful wife of God the Father. We use

the term lawful wife, because it would be blasphemous in the highest degree

to say that he overshadowed her or begot the savior unlawfully”

“It would be unlawful for any man to interfere with Mary who was already espoused

to Joseph.”

Pt = Even This Mormon Apostle Realizes This is a Problem

-> In the Old Covenant Law, This Would Have Been a Crime Punishable by Death

Listen to His Answer

-> But God Having Created All Men and Women had the perfect right to do with his

own creation according to his holy will and pleasure”

Q.n = Why is That?

Ans = for the law which he gave to women was not intended to govern himself

-> So, Here is Steve Daily’s Interpretation of That

-> According to the Mormons, He is a Do as I Say and Not a Do as I Do God,

and he violates his own standards of holiness and morality

-> And of Course, I Have a Huge Problem With That One, Don’t You?

App: Now, I Hope That’s Enough to Convince You That the Mormons are Way Out

There Theologically

-> Their Beliefs are Totally Incompatible With Orthodoxed Christianity

-> And Yet, There are Scores of Naïve and Uninformed Christians Who Think

They’re Just Part of Another Denomination or Something

-> Including, as I Stated Earlier, Jimmy Carter, a Former President of the United

States, and a Former Southern Baptist

-> And I Say Former, Because He Was Opposed to Our Conservative Revisions

of the Baptist Faith and Message in the Year 2000

-> And Consequently, He Decided to Leave Our Denomination

-> So Now, Let’s Look at Our Bible and See How Our Scriptures Totally Contradict

the Quote “New Revelations” That These Mormons Claim to Have Had

1) The Bible Teaches That God is a Spirit Being

-> Now, It is True That Jesus, as God Incarnated Took on Human Flesh; He Became

the God Man Who Was Fully Human and Fully Divine

-> And He Did This in Order to Reveal the Nature and Character of God to Us

-> But the Bible Teaches That God the Father is a Spirit Being

-> John 4:24 Says Very Plainly That “God is Spirit”, and in Luke 24:39 Jesus Said

“a spirit does not have flesh and bones”

- > By the Way, the Context of John 4 is Important, Because This Was a Reference

to God’s Omnipresence; He Can be Worshipped From Any Place on Earth

-> The Mormons Like to Bring Up the Fact That the Bible Says That Moses Spoke

to God “Face to Face” in Exodus 33:11

-> But This is What We Call an “Anthropomorphism”, Which Means That It is Merely

Describing God in Human Terms

-> If We Take This Literally, We Also Have to Take Psalms 91:4 Literally and That

Could Mean That God is a Bird, Because Psalms 91:4 Says

“He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge”

-> And This Becomes Obvious When We Examine the Context, Because in That Same

Chapter and vs 18, Moses Made a Bold Request to See God’s Glory

-> And in Verse 20, of That Chapter This Was God’s Answer

“But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"

(Exodus 33:20)

-> They Also Bring Up Genesis 1:26-27 Which Says That Man Was Created

in the Image of God, and They Say This Proves That God is a Physical Being

-> But How Can We Reconcile This With Exodus 20:4 Which Clearly Teaches That

God is a Spirit Being Who Should Not be Depicted by Any Image

-> Or Romans 1:22-23 Which Describes Man in His Depraved Nature as Sinning

to Such and Extent That He Even Changes the Glory of the Incorruptible God

Into an Image Made Like to Corruptible Man

2) God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are Co-Equal and Co-Eternal

-> The First Verse Most Mormons Bring Up at This Point is Genesis 1:26 Which Says

“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let

them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle

and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

-> The Mormons Will Say That the Phrase “Let Us make man in Our image”

-> They Say This Proves That the “Gods” Plural Created Mankind and Not the “God”


-> But This is Actually What Theologians Call “A Plural of Majesty”

-> In Hebrew, the Plural Word “Our” is a Necessity, Because the Name for God Here

is Plural; It is the Word “Elohim”

-> But Listen Careful, This Same Name for God “Elohim” is Consistently Portrayed

as Being the One True God of Israel

-> And the Best Example of That is Found in the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4 Which

Says This

"Hear, O Israel! The LORD(Jehovah) is our God (Elohim), the LORD (Jehovah)

is one!”

-> Also, if We Can Simply Get a Mormon to Read the Next Verse in Genesis, We Can

Show Him That God is Presented in the Singular and not the Plural Tense

-> Listen Carefully to the Very Next Verse

-> Genesis 1:27 Says This

“God created man in His own image, (His own what? Images – no Image)

in the image of God (in the image of what God’s Plural – Not God Singular)

He created him; male and female He created them”

St = Often Mormons Will Also Bring Up Mathew 28:19 Which is Where Jesus Said,

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name

of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”

-> And They Will Say That This Proves That These are Separate Personages.

-> But the Opposite is Actually True, Because the Word “Name” is Singular

-> That Verse Does Not Say “In the Names of” Plural; It Says “In the Name of”



-> Their Own Scriptures Contradict This Doctrine of Separate Personages

in the Trinity

Alma 11:44 “Be arraigned before the bar of Christ Son, and God the Father,

and the Holy Spirit, which is one eternal God”

Mormon 7:7 “…unto the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Ghost,

which are one God”

-> This is Interesting Since They Claim That the Book of Mormon is the Most

Correct Book on the Earth

-> Now, What They Think is Their Clincher is Found in Psalms 82:1,6 Which

Says This

-> Psalms 82:1 Says

“God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods”

-> And Psalms 82:6 Goes on to Say

“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High”

-> Mormons Say That This Proves Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt That There

is a Plurality of Gods

-> But in the Context, the Psalmist Was Pronouncing Judgment Upon the Judges

Who Were Acting Unjustly, They Were Called “gods” or “rulers”, Because

They Could Pronounce Life and Death Judgments Against People

St = This is When We Need to Pull Out the Heavy Guns and Mention These


-> Isaiah 43:10 Says

“…Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me”

-> And Isaiah 44:6 Says

"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts:

'I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me”

-> And Isaiah 44:8 Says

“…Is there any God besides Me, or is there any other Rock? I know of none.'”

-> And Isaiah 45:5 Says

“I am the LORD, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God”

-> And Again in Isaiah 46:9, the Bible Says

“For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me”

3) What the Bible Teaches About Jesus Christ Contradicts Mormon Doctrine

-> Mormons Teach, for Example, That Jesus Was a Polygamist

-> According to Orson Hyde, in the Journal of Discourses, Jesus Married Both Mary

and Martha

-> Mormons Also Teach That Jesus is Not to be Worshipped

-> But There are Numerous Examples of Jesus Being Worshipped in the New

Testament, and in Every Instance Jesus Accepted This Worship

Ex. The Wise Men Worshipped Jesus in Matthew 2:11

Ex. A Leper Worshipped Jesus in Matthew 8:2

Ex. A Ruler Worshipped Jesus in Matthew 9:18

Ex . Thomas Worshipped Jesus in John 20:28

Ex. All of the Angels are Told to Worship Jesus in Hebrews 1:6

Ex. And in Phil 2:9-11, We are Told That Every Knee Shall Bow, of those who are in

heaven and on the earth”


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