
2G commercialeUDA My free time (house,like/dislike,hobby,ordering food, what time is it?)Grammar: to be,to have got, personal subject and object pronouns,plurals,present simple,frequency adverbs,possessive adj. and pronouns, this/that,articles, love/like+ing form, can/can’t, countable/uncountable nouns, some/any/no, much/many/a lot of/lots of, too many/too much/enough, how much/how manyPlurale-sTabletablesChairchairs-s,-ss,-ch,-sh,-x,-oesBusbusesAddressaddressesDishdishesChurchchurchesBoxboxesPotatopotatoes-o-sDiscodiscosPianopianosVideovideosRodeorodeosKangarookangaroos-cons+y-voc+y-ies-sBabybabiesLadyladiesStorystoriesBoyboysDaydaysToytoys-f/fe-vesHalfhalvesCalfcalvesWifewivesWolfwolvesLeafleavesLifelivesLoafloavesShelfshelvesEccez:roofs,chiefs,cliffs,dwarfsPlurali irregolarimanmenpersonpeoplewomanwomenmousemicepolicemanpolicementoothteethfiremanfiremenfootfeetchildchildrengoosegeeseoxoxenInvariabilicrossroadsIncrocio/ifishPesce/imeansMezzo/isalmonSalmone/iseriesserietroutTrota/especiesspeciesheepPecora/edeerCervo/iSingolari in inglesehairmoneyhomeworkluggagehouseworkfurnitureinformationnewsspaghettiSempre pluraliCattle=bestiame ex.The cattle are in the farm.People=gente ex.People are weird/strange!Police=polizia ex.The police are comingPresent simple -3rd sing. Person-ch/o/sh/x/ss+esCons –yies VS voc. –y-sTo Makehe makesGrowhe growscrossHurryshe hurriesMissshe missessayCarryit carriesKisshe kissesreadDohe doesCatchshe catcheswashEnjoyshe enjoysTeachhe teachesplayGoit goesworkcryStudyhe studieswatchtreatDirectshe directsrepairpaintHelpit helpslooksingTakehe takes/it takesflyfinishEatshe eatsdrinksellLiveit livesspeakneedrelaxPresent simpleForma neg. I do not walk/He does not walk…f.interr. Do you walk?/does he walk?Short answers Yes,I do/No,I don’t.Avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza0% 10% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%Never/ever- hardly ever- seldom/rarely-sometimes-often-usually/generally-alwaysPrima del verbo principaleThey often eat meat.They don’t often eat meat.Do they often eat meat?Dopo il verbo to beshe is always lateSometimes può trovarsi anche all’inizio o alla fine della fraseEver è usato nelle interrogative ed affermativedo you ever buy CDs?/this is the best book I have ever readCon never il verbo è alla forma affermativaI never drink coffeeEspressioni di frequenzaOnce a day/a week/a month/a yearTwice a dayThree/four times a dayEvery dayEvery two daysMany timesSeveral timesEx . I go to the cinema about twice a month.How often…?How often do you go to the pub?Aggettivi possessivi(si accordano al genere della persona che li possiede)Pronomi possessivimymineyouryourshishisherhersitsitsouroursyouryourstheirtheirsUSO:senza articoli My favourite book./her bagal posto di “the” (parti del corpo/vestiti+holiday,exams,homework) ex she washed her hands/he took off his hat/I’m worried about my examfrasi comparative ex My car is older than hers/their house is bigger than oursof mine=uno dei miei/una delle mie ex a friend of mine/a brother of hers/a portrait of theirswhose ex whose bike is this?It’s mine/whose are these books?they ‘re oursAggettivi dimostrativiThistheseThatthoseArticoli indeterminativi: a/anA book, a catAn onion, an ugly manUSO:descrizioni generali ex. A footballer is a person who plays football.per parlare di lavori ex. Mary is a doctor.per descrivere il carattere di una persona ex. Helen is a genius!/Paul is a star!Esclamazioni (con what!) ex. What a lovely day!Attenzione: eu,u/ju/ ex. A university/ a European country; y ex.A yellow box;h muta ex.An hour/an heirArticolo determinativo: theUSO:Con oggetti unici ex.The moon circles around the Earth.Cose/persone già citate ex.The shop was full.Nazionalità/gruppi di persone ex.The Spanish love dancing./The Beatles were a famous pop group.Aggettivi che descrivono gruppi di persone ex.The old need our help.Nomi collettivi ex.Call the police!Fiumi/oceani/mari/deserti ex.The Loire/The Atlantic/The MediterraneanStrumenti musicali ex.Do you play the violin?Con i superlative ex.The biggestThere is/there areThere is/there’sthere is not/there isn’tis there?there arethere are notthere aren’tare there?There is a party on SaturdayThere isn’t a bus on SundayThere are four studentsIs there a bank near here?Yes,there is/No,there isn’tUSO:Per parlare di qualcosa per la prima volta:there is a hospital in the centreQuando ci si riferisce ad una cosa,luogo o oggetto già citato si usa it o they:there is a book on the table.It is very old/there are six books on the table.They are history books.Per indicare/chiedere dove sono persone/luoghi:is there a supermarket near here?there is a dog in the carIndicare il numero di persone/cose:there are three people in the roomSi può usare there/here=ecco! Ex there are the taxis!/here is my umbrella!/here are my keys.Seguiti da pron.pers=ecco! Ex here I am/here she is/there she is/here//there we are[there is a shop and a bank in that street]Love+ing formLike/dislikeVerbi di stato:Emozioni,sentimenti:adore,care,desire,feel,hate,like,love,wish ex I love jazz/I don’t careAttività della mente:believe,forget,know,remember,think,understand ex I don’t know them/she remembers you perfectly[to think:1avere un’opinionepresent simple2rifletterepresent continuous]Verbi di possesso:have,own,belong ex this book belongs to the schoolAttività dei sensi:hear,sound,feel,see,look,taste,smell ex.It smells good(agg)/this pasta tastes awful!/this material feels like velvet/you look tiredVerbi con l’infinito o il gerundio ex I don’t like running/she decided not to leaveTo +infinitogerundioAfford,agree,appear,choose,decide,fail,forgetHappen,hope,learn,offer,prepare,pretend,promiseRefuse,seem,tend,wantEx.he agreed to sign the documentShe failed to notice the faultI won’t forget to lock the doorShe pretends to be honestI promised not to do it againAdmit,Avoid,Consider,dislike,enjoy,escape,Fancy,finish,give up,imagine,keep,mind,open,Risk,speak,stand,stop,waitEx.go skiing/fishing/dancingHe admitted opening the letterThey denied speaking to the bossDo you mind waiting?Do you fancy going out for a drink?Did you enjoy skiing?I can’t stand sitting at home all day.He’s stopped drinkingVerbi con l’infinito ed il gerundioBegin,start,continue,prefer,hate,love,like ex He began working when he was 18./he began to work when he was 18.Like ex I like going shopping/I like to go to the dentist’s once a year[uguale significato]Stop ex He stopped to smokeVS he stopped smokingRemember and forget ex.remember to lock the doorVS she said she remembered locking the doorTry ex.he tried to open the door but he failed VS have you tried oiling the door hinges?I like swimming VS I would like to go for a swim/I’d rather leave today than wait until tomorrow[they suggested taking the 5.30 train]ModaliEsprimono le tre modalità di eseguire un’azione: potere,dovere,volereReggono sempre un verboCanmayCouldmightpotereMustshallShouldOught todoverewillwouldvolere Regole:Non hanno la forma base, né le derivate (infinito,-ing, participio passato)Sono sempre seguiti dall’infinito senza “to” (eccezione: ought to)I canswimverywell.non prendono la –s alla 3° persona singolare del presente He/shemustleaveimmediately.La forma negativa si costruisce aggiungendo “not” dopo il modaleTheymaynotarrive.La forma interro-negativa si costruisce anteponendo il verbo modale al soggettoMayI leave a message for Mr Spears?CANAffermativanegativainterrogativaInterrogativa-negativaRisposte breviI can studyI cannot studyI can’t studyCan I study?Can’t I study?Yes,you can/No,you can’tYou can studyYoucan’tstudyCan youstudy?Can’tyoustudy?Yes,I can/No,I can’tHe/she/it can studyHe/she/it can’t studyCan he/she/it study?Can’t he/she/it study?Yes,he/she/it canNo,he/she/it can’tWe can studyWe can’t studyCan we study?Can’t we study?Yes,you can/No,you can’tYou can studyYou can’t studyCan you study?Can’t you study?Yes,we can/No,we can’tThey can studyThey can’t studyCan they study?Can’t they study?Yes,they can/No,they can’tEx: They can play tennis/They can’t play tennisCan they play tennis?/Can’t they play tennis?Yes, they can/No, they can’tQuestion tagsShe can surf the net,can’t she?She can’t surf the net,can she?UsoCapacità, abilità, saper fare qualcosaEsprimere possibilitàFare richiesteChiedere,dare,rifiutare il permesso (informale)Esprimere incredulità/deduzione negativaMAYSoggetto+may+infinito senza to (AFF.)Esprime probabilità,possibilità nel presente o nel futuroperhaps/maybe/it is possible that/it is probable that John may arrive lateIndica permesso legislativoonly authorized personnel may use this exit.Sogg+may+not+infinitosenza to(NEG.)Esprime probabilità al negativohe may not win againIndica proibizione,mancanza di permesso di tipo ufficialestudents may not park their bikes hereMay+I/we+infinito senza to…?Chiedere permessoMay I/we smoke in here? (formale)Countable/uncountable nounsAdviceLuggageInformationWeatherBusinessKnowledgehouseworkHairSpaghettiFurnitureHealthWorkTravelhomeworkSostantivi numerabili/non numerabiliA fish/some fishA coffee/some coffeeA paper/some paperA wood/some woodAn iron/some ironA glass/some glass(nomi collettivi,verbo al plurale ex peoplethere are some people in the garden;policethe police are coming!)(desinenza plurale,verbo al singolare ex the news is on TV/Maths is more difficult than English)There is no much time/there aren’t many seats/there is a lot of timeHow much homework have you got?-Lots!How many pages do you have to read?-Ten[too much/too manyEnough]Breada loaf of bread(pagnotta)Milka carton of milkToasta slice of toast(fetta)Haira strand of hair(ciocca)Coffeea cup of coffee(tazza)Soapa bar of soap(saponetta)Watera bottle of water(bottiglia)Some/any/noSi usano con sostantivi non numerabili ex.homework,milk,butterI don’t like coffee/My money is in the bank.SOME si usanelle frasi affermative e per quantità indeterminate ex.There are some chairs in the other roomper offrire qualcosa/richiedere qualcosa ex.Have you got some milk,please?/would you like some wine?ANY si usanelle frasi negative ed interrogative ex.There aren’t any chairs in the other room/are there any chairs in the other room?(there are no chairs)Much/many/a lot of/lots ofA lot of/lots of/plenty of/very,much,many,a little,a fewPer indicare quantità indeterminate di cose e persone:some+sost num/non num exI’ve lost some weight recently(=un po’)a little+sost non num ex.I’d like a little milk in my tea(=un po’)a few+sost num pl exI’ve got a few things to do before leaving(=alcune/delle cose)little+sost non num ex She eats little bread(formale=poco)few ex she has few friends(pochi/e)[can I have a little milk?(un po’)VS you need little milk for the cake(non molto);there were a few people in the restaurant(alcune)VS there were few people …(poche,non molte)]Little e fewsignif neg=non molto/iA lot of/lots of/plenty of(no nelle frasi neg) ex there is a lot of noise in the street(un sacco di) there isn’t much noise in the street(non c’è molto) is there much noise in the street?(molto) there are a lot of children;there are lots of children(informale);there aren’t many children, are there many children?Too many/too much/enoughHow much/how many? ................

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