Gothic Short Story Unit – Culminating Activity

Gothic Short Story Unit – Culminating Activity


Ms. Beckley

During this unit, you have been introduced to gothic literature, and read some of the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Charlotte Perkins Gillman, Shirley Jackson, and Guy de Maupassant. We have looked at gothic motif, symbolism, theme, and characterization, and debated what makes a gothic story gothic.

So far, you have been confined to reading, answering questions, and examining and proving insightful theses into each gothic work, but little else. For this final activity, the parameters are intentionally vague in order for you to venture into many creative directions.

You must:

Choose one of the following activities for your culminating project. They are to be done in PAIRS OR INDEPENDENTLY, in class and in your own time. I will give you several computer days, and sufficient class time to create, work on, and complete your activities. The choices are:


• Invent a “fractured” gothic short story by incorporating one or more Mother Goose nursery rhymes or popular fairy tales into a new one (see example in class). Please include a summary of the original tale with your story.

• You must incorporate at least three gothic motifs into your story, but much of the original fairy tale or nursery rhyme should be recognizable in your fractured version (see note on the difference)

• Your story must follow the narrative structure. It must have a setting, inciting incident, rising action, climax, conflict, falling action, resolution, etc.

• You must include at least three illustrations in your new story (this can be your own art work or previously published art which you must cite)

• Should be “bound” into a fairy tale or nursery rhyme book style

• This should be at least 500 words, and it should leave the reader somewhat disturbed!


• Create a 45-60 second movie trailer on one of the short stories studied during the gothic short story unit

• You are the director/producer/creator here: Your job is to “sell” your new movie based on a Poe, Jackson, Gillman or de Maupassant story.

• You may film original scenes or use existing video or still photography from the Internet, but the end result needs to be a movie trailer (advertisement) that has smooth transitions and is relevant to the short story. Oh, and gothic too! (see examples in class)

• Incorporate music, text, and suspense into your trailer; don’t give everything away though – a good trailer omits some “good stuff” but hints at it

• The movie trailer has to incorporate at least three gothic motifs in it and it should be obvious which short story you are advertising

• The more imagery the better – try to incorporate an important symbol or theme in the trailer to grab your viewer’s interest, and yes, disturb them!


• Create an original gothic short story similar to ones studied during this unit

• You must incorporate at least three gothic motifs into your story

• Include at least one illustration to highlight a symbol, character, or main idea from your story

• Emphasis will be on form here; the story should be free of errors, follow some sort of narrative structure (but not necessarily traditional) and leave your reader disturbed somehow! Stories should be double spaced, 12 pt font, and contain a cover page. Make it look official.

• Story should be at least 750 words, but no longer than 1000

You will receive constant feedback on this assignment. I am here to help and guide you through this process.

The final project should look “professionally gothic”. Because you will have plenty of time to complete this, I should be very impressed with your final products!

The rubric for each choice is attached. Refer to this so you know exactly how your group will be evaluated.

**Note** All rough work will be handed in with your culminating activity. This includes brainstorming notes, rough drafts, ideas, edited work, etc. I should be able to map your progress through the rough notes.

Due Date: Monday, November 5th

Good Luck!


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