Minutes of Council Meeting - 21 September 2020



MINUTES OF THE special Council Meeting

HELD via video conference

ON Monday 21 September 2020

The Mayor opened the meeting at 6.11 pm and stated the Council meeting is being held on the traditional country of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people and acknowledged them as Traditional Owners. The Mayor paid his respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging, and the Elders from other communities who may be here today.

|Present: |Time In |Time Out |

|Cr Lambros Tapinos (Mayor) |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr Oscar Yildiz JP (Deputy Mayor) |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr Natalie Abboud |6.11 pm |6.51 pm |

|Cr Sue Bolton |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan |6.11 pm |6.51 pm |

|Cr Helen Davidson |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr Jess Dorney |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr Ali Irfanli |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr John Kavanagh |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr Dale Martin |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |

|Cr Mark Riley |6.11 pm |7.12 pm |




Chief Executive Officer – Cathy Henderson

Acting Director City Infrastructure – Andrew Dodd

Director City Futures – Kirsten Coster

Director Engagement and Partnerships – Joseph Tabacco

Acting Executive Manager Finance –Melissa Baker

Manager Corporate Governance – Jodie Watson

Unit Manager Governance and Civic Protocols – Sally Curran

Team Leader Governance – Naomi Ellis


Cr Abboud declared a direct conflict of interest, noting Cr Tapinos’ intent to move a motion relating to Lygon Street, Brunswick East.

Council Reports:

|DEP21/20 Supporting Expanded Outdoor Dining Opportunities Across Moreland |

|Metropolitan Melbourne is currently under a declared State of Disaster due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The State Government recently issued a |

|‘roadmap for reopening’ containing provision for outdoor dining subject to case number thresholds. |

|The Premier announced the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Package which will provide $87.5 million to councils and businesses to make |

|widespread outdoor dining safe, practical and a reality this summer. |

|There are 578 currently registered food businesses in Moreland which employ more than 3,300 people, contributing approximately $378 million |

|to the local economy |

|In addressing the challenge of providing additional outdoor dining opportunities, this report discusses six options available to Moreland |

|food businesses. The options include: |

|• Expanded outdoor footpath trading to adjoining property; |

|• Expanded access to and take up of Moreland’s Parklet program; |

|• Conversion of sections of on-street carparking for outdoor dining opportunities; |

|• Closure of side streets off main streets, or laneways for outdoor dining purposes; |

|• Dining spaces in private carparks or adjoining property areas; and |

|• Set up of mobile food premises in large carparks or adjacent to public parks. |

|It is anticipated that the cost of facilitating this important initiative will exceed $500,000. Consequently, Council will be seeking an |

|equivalent amount from the State Government to support the delivery of the above options. |

|More than 2,000 responses have been received from the community in relation to the proposal to create further outdoor dining opportunities. |

|Overwhelmingly, 94% of respondents support the expansion of temporary outdoor dining to help local businesses emerge from the pandemic |

|lockdown. |

|COVID-19 has also impacted large scale events including the Sydney Road Street Party which was scheduled for March 2021. Due to bans on mass|

|gatherings it is proposed that smaller ‘pop-up’ events replace the event, therefore allowing food businesses an opportunity to continue to |

|participate in a COVID safe way. |

|Officer Recommendation |

|That Council: |

|1. Notes the continuing challenges for businesses across Moreland with regards to reopening and recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 |

|restrictions; |

|2. Notes the recent announcement of the Victorian Premier calling for councils and State Government departments to urgently |

|facilitate outdoor eating and entertainment opportunities. |

|3. Endorses the following temporary outdoor dining permit options for eligible local businesses: |

|a) Expanded outdoor footpath trading to adjoining property; |

|b) Expanded access to and take up of Moreland’s Parklet program; |

|c) Conversion of sections of on-street carparking for outdoor dining opportunities; |

|d) Closure of side streets off main streets, or laneways for outdoor dining purposes; |

|e) Dining spaces in private carparks or adjoining property areas; |

|f) Set up of mobile food premises in large carparks or adjacent to public parks. |

|4. Seeks up to $500,000 funding under the State Government Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Fund to support the temporary outdoor dining |

|options. |

|5. Waives fees for businesses for planning permit and other application fee costs for additional outdoor dining or trading that are lodged |

|for approval with Council prior to 25 October 2020, to be funded through the State Government Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Fund Grant. |

|6. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to implement the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment options. |

|7. Determines that further decision making to implement the endorsed approach to the outdoor dining and entertainment program, and other |

|service changes required, for COVID-19 pandemic recovery cannot be reasonably deferred until after the local government election period |

|which commences at 12 noon and concludes at 6 pm on 24 October 2020. |

|8. Notes that the 2021 Sydney Road Street Party will be delivered under a new model, subject to the requirements of the State Government |

|Road Map to recovery, to include expanded outdoor dining opportunities. |

|9. Receives a report evaluating the effectiveness of the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Program in Moreland in June 2021. |

|6.17 pm Cr Bolton left the meeting while the motion was being moved. |

|6.19 pm Cr Bolton returned to the meeting. |

|Motion |

|Cr Tapinos moved, Cr Irfanli seconded - |

|That Council: |

|Notes the continuing challenges for businesses across Moreland with regards to reopening and recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 |

|restrictions. |

|Notes the recent announcement of the Victorian Premier calling for councils and State Government departments to urgently facilitate outdoor |

|eating and entertainment opportunities. |

|Endorses the following temporary outdoor dining permit options for eligible local businesses: |

|Expanded outdoor footpath trading to adjoining property; |

|Expanded access to and take up of Moreland’s Parklet program; |

|Conversion of sections of on-street carparking for outdoor dining opportunities; |

|Closure of side streets off main streets, or laneways for outdoor dining purposes; |

|Dining spaces in private carparks or adjoining property areas; |

|Set up of mobile food premises in large carparks or adjacent to public parks. |

|Seeks up to $500,000 funding under the State Government Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Fund to support the temporary outdoor dining |

|options. |

|Waives fees for businesses for planning permit and other application fee costs for additional outdoor dining or trading that are lodged for |

|approval with Council prior to 25 October 2020, to be funded through the State Government Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Fund Grant. |

|Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to implement the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment options. |

|Determines that further decision making to implement the endorsed approach to the outdoor dining and entertainment program, and other |

|service changes required, for COVID-19 pandemic recovery cannot be reasonably deferred until after the local government election period |

|which commences at 12 noon and concludes at 6 pm on 24 October 2020. |

|Notes that the 2021 Sydney Road Street Party will be delivered under a new model, subject to the requirements of the State Government Road |

|Map to recovery, to include expanded outdoor dining opportunities. |

|Receives a report evaluating the effectiveness of the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Program in Moreland in June 2021. |

|Seeks to facilitate bulk hire or bulk purchase opportunities for outdoor furniture that has a high recycled content and can be recycled or |

|reused in the future. |

|Ensures disability access and disabled parking is maintained as a priority throughout the program with Council to monitor compliance and |

|include as part of the report back to Council. |

| |

|Amendment |

|Cr Martin moved, Cr Abboud seconded - |

|That a point 12 be added to the motion as follows: |

|12. Writes to residents that live in abutting streets that may be impacted by changes to on street parking informing them of the changes and|

|options that were agreed and available to them to as part of the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy and the current parking management |

|program and/or the current parking management policy. |

|6.31 pm Cr Riley left the meeting during the debate. |

|6.31 pm Cr Riley returned to the meeting. |

|Lost |

|Cr Riley called for a division. |

|For |

|Against |

| |

|Cr Bolton |

|Cr Carli Hannan |

| |

|Cr Abboud |

|Cr Davidson |

| |

|Cr Dorney |

|Cr Irfanli |

| |

|Cr Martin |

|Cr Kavanagh |

| |

|Cr Riley |

|Cr Tapinos |

| |

| |

|Cr Yildiz |

| |

|Total For (5) |

|Total Against (6) |

| |

| |

|The Motion was put to the vote. |

|Carried unanimously and became the resolution as follows: |

|Resolution |

|Cr Tapinos moved, Cr Irfanli seconded - |

|That Council: |

|1. Notes the continuing challenges for businesses across Moreland with regards to reopening and recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 |

|restrictions; |

|2. Notes the recent announcement of the Victorian Premier calling for councils and State Government departments to urgently |

|facilitate outdoor eating and entertainment opportunities. |

|3. Endorses the following temporary outdoor dining permit options for eligible local businesses: |

|a) Expanded outdoor footpath trading to adjoining property; |

|b) Expanded access to and take up of Moreland’s Parklet program; |

|c) Conversion of sections of on-street carparking for outdoor dining opportunities; |

|d) Closure of side streets off main streets, or laneways for outdoor dining purposes; |

|e) Dining spaces in private carparks or adjoining property areas; |

|f) Set up of mobile food premises in large carparks or adjacent to public parks. |

|4. Seeks up to $500,000 funding under the State Government Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Fund to support the temporary outdoor dining |

|options. |

|5. Waives fees for businesses for planning permit and other application fee costs for additional outdoor dining or trading that are lodged |

|for approval with Council prior to 25 October 2020, to be funded through the State Government Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Fund Grant. |

|6. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to implement the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment options. |

|7. Determines that further decision making to implement the endorsed approach to the outdoor dining and entertainment program, and other |

|service changes required, for COVID-19 pandemic recovery cannot be reasonably deferred until after the local government election period |

|which commences at 12 noon and concludes at 6 pm on 24 October 2020. |

|8. Notes that the 2021 Sydney Road Street Party will be delivered under a new model, subject to the requirements of the State Government |

|Road Map to recovery, to include expanded outdoor dining opportunities. |

|9. Receives a report evaluating the effectiveness of the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Program in Moreland in June 2021. |

|10. Seeks to facilitate bulk hire or bulk purchase opportunities for outdoor furniture that has a high recycled content and can be recycled |

|or reused in the future. |

|11. Ensures disability access and disabled parking is maintained as a priority throughout the program with Council to monitor compliance and|

|include as part of the report back to Council. |

| |

|Motion |

|Cr Abboud disclosed a conflict of interest, describing a direct interest as she operates a business that is located in the area that is the |

|subject of the debate. |

|6.51 pm Cr Abboud left the meeting and did not return |

|6.51 pm Cr Riley left the meeting. |

|6.51 pm Cr Carli Hannan left the meeting and did not return. |

|6.51 pm Cr Riley returned to the meeting. |

| |

|Cr Tapinos moved, Cr Yildiz seconded - |

|That Council: |

|Notes the feedback received from the community via the Conversations Moreland Website |

|Endorses the following temporary change, including an outdoor dining permit option for eligible local businesses: |

|Temporary closure of Lygon Street between Brunswick Road and Glenlyon Street, Brunswick East, subject to statutory processes and |

|identification of a funding source. |

|Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to undertake all necessary community consultation (including under Section 223 of the Local |

|Government Act 1989 as required) required to facilitate any temporary road closures. |

|Receives a further report on option a) detailing community consultation findings as well as costs prior to commencing implementation. |

|Advocates to the appropriate Minister seeking an exemption from the Section 223 process required to enable temporary road closures in |

|support out outdoor dining during the State of Emergency. |

|Lost |

|Cr Tapinos called for a division. |

|For |

|Against |

| |

|Cr Davidson |

|Cr Bolton |

| |

|Cr Kavanagh |

|Cr Dorney |

| |

|Cr Tapinos |

|Cr Irfanli |

| |

|Cr Yildiz |

|Cr Martin |

| |

| |

|Cr Riley |

| |

|Total For (4) |

|Total Against (5) |

| |

The meeting closed at 7.12 pm.


Cr Lambros Tapinos



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