News Release - Province of Manitoba

October 26, 2007


BizPaL Simplifies Permits and Licences for Canadian Businesses

BizPaL is an online service that benefits Canadian businesses by helping them identify which permits and licences they require and how to obtain them. Entrepreneurs simply answer a series of questions on the type of business they want to start or operate and the activities they plan to undertake. BizPaL then automatically generates a list of all required permits and licences from all levels of government, along with basic information on each, and links to government sites where the entrepreneur can learn more and, in some cases, apply online.

BizPaL also benefits governments by making it easier for them to provide accurate information on permits and licences to business. Although the service is offered online, it can also be used through other service channels (i.e., telephone and in-person centres) to improve services to clients.

The Government of Manitoba and the Government of Canada are pleased to sign a multi-jurisdictional Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that includes other participating provinces and territories. This MOU marks a critical milestone as it formally acknowledges a shared vision and investment in the BizPaL initiative to better serve business.

To date, BizPaL has been launched in more than 50 cities and towns in six provinces and territories (refer to for a complete list of participating jurisdictions). Within Manitoba, the City of Winnipeg joins a growing list of participating municipalities, including the Town of Morden, the City of Brandon, the City of Winkler, the Regional Municipality of Thompson and the Regional Municipality of Stanley.

The development of the BizPaL project involved consultations with stakeholders in business and government. It grew out of a working group of representatives from federal departments and from provincial, territorial and municipal governments across Canada. BizPaL was a commitment of the Government of Canada in Budget 2006. In November 2006, the Government of Canada released Advantage Canada, its long-term economic plan, in which it identified ways to give Canada an entrepreneurial advantage, as well as a 20-percent reduction in paperwork burden. Forging ahead, Budget 2007 committed to achieving this target by November 2008.


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