Seychelles Conservation Climate Adaptation Trust (2019)

Seychelles Conservation Climate Adaptation Trust (2019)1 0-LG Large GrantGo NowApplicant detailsApplicant name Lisa BastienneApplication detailsProject Title Go NowSeyCCAT Strategic Objective - as listed in the Request for ProposalsDOvwqaEXTrial and nurture appropriate business models to secure the sustainable development of Seychelles‘ blue economy.Name of applicantPhone number of lead applicant Email address of lead applicant Status of the lead applicantProject location SeychellesDuration - start and end dates Total budget requestedIndicative co-financingAmount of co-finance: SCR 91,600 Source: PersonalSummaryLisa Bastienne+2482633940Iigi1 7bastienne@ Individual24632,647.40In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) to replace the Millennial Development Goals (MDG’s) that expired that same year. These 17 SDG’s work collectively to tackle the pertinent issues affecting peoples across the world with the purpose of creating a better future for all. In the context of Seychelles, considering it has an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 1.37 million km2 and a land area of just 455 km2, it is therefore no surprise that the country’s current and future prosperity is directly linked to its marine and coastal assets. This creates a unique scenario where all other SDG‘s link back to SDG 14: Life below water, or the Blue Economy as it has been coined.Since the shift to SDG‘s, there has been a significant number of sustainable development projects implemented and research carried out by civil society organisations, educational institutions and other stakeholders in Seychelles. Most recently, with the increase in government initiatives and access to finance in the Blue Economy, many projects and research have focused on understanding, developing and promoting this important but largely untapped resource. Unfortunately, all these achievements and progress are under-emphasized by the civil society’s limited capacity for outreach. Most organisations in Seychelles depend on members who are part-time volunteers in full-time employment, therefore they are not able to commit to a consistent outreach programme, especially in schools. As a consequence, there is a lack of youth involvement with organisations and projects that relate to the Blue Economy or the SDG’s as a whole. Even more worrisome is that we have a generation of young people who are are not well-versed on sustainable practices, nor are they educated on the importance of sustainable development.Go Now is a proposed social venture to be piloted in Seychelles that will act as the bridge between potential volunteers and civil society organisations that are actively working to promote, conduct research, or implement projects focused on the SDGs, especially the Blue Economy. Our goal is to see a drastic increase in the number of young people involved in volunteering opportunities related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to achieve this, a two-fold approach will be used. Firstly, Go Now will provide outreach services to civil society organisations in Seychelles who are SDG-focused, and secondly, create written and visual resources of the SDG-related work being done in Seychelles and translate this information into youth-friendly language. The materials will be available on our website and in hard copy, if needed.This projects is in line with the Seychelles Blue Economy Strategic Framework and Roadmap, and is consistent with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 (SDG‘s), Aichi Target 1 1 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (201 5). The main beneficiaries will be school students insecondary and post-secondary institutions, Civil society organisations, Non-governmental organizations, and all other stakeholders working towards the implementation of the SDG’s and the development of the Blue Economy in ANIZATIONAL BACKGROUND AND CAPACITYGo Now is a proposed project that has the overarching vision of seeing the youth of Seychelles more involved in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals through volunteerism. In order to achieve this Go Now will focus on education on sustainable development through outreach, producing youth-friendly written and visual resources on the SDG’s in the context of Seychelles and acting as a bridge between civil society and NGO’s and potential volunteers.The lead proposers, Shafira Charlette and Lisa Bastienne, have beMeen them ten years of experience in the implementation of sustainable development projects, youth empowerment and outreach. Both proposers have been a member of SYAH-Seychelles since 2015. The SIDS Youth AIMS Hub (SYAH) is a non-governmental organisation which is part of a regional network that connects young people working for sustainable development in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, and South China sea (AIMS region).ExperienceSYAH-SeychellesLisa Bastienne: Board member (2015) and Vice president (2016-2018). Shafira Charlette: Vice treasurer (2015) and Treasurer (2016-present)Projects involved in as a member of SYAH‘A Seychelles Free from plastic bag’ campaign (201 5-2017)A campaign aimed at ridding Seychelles of single-use plastic bags by lobbying to the Government and encouraging the use of anising committee for the Campaign that was launched on the 3rd of July 2015.-Lisa conducted a workshop at the University of Seychelles for Post-secondary schools as part of SYAH‘s ’Sustainability tours‘ initiative.Lisa was the project leader for‘A Seychelles free from plastic bag’ inter-school competition.-Shafira designed the banners and posters used throughout the campaign. (Graphics design) Prosperity and Environment- Youth opportunity in the Blue Economy (2016-2018)A Blue Economy Internship programme that aims to encourage young people to pursue careers in the Blue Economy sector.-Shafira created the Blue Economy Internship programme Toolkit for SYAH.-Lisa: Presentation on *How to write a blog post‘ for the launching ceremony of all 3 editions of the internship.‘ARWI LONTAN’ (201 6-201 8)Promoting the culture pillar of sustainable development; cooking class organised by SYAH at the Seychelles Tourism Academy for secondary school students. This was followed by traditional story-telling and a cultural bus tour the next day. (2016)-Organising committee of two editions of‘Arwi Lontan. Climate Accountability Advocates (2017-presentA UNDP-GEF-Small Grants funded project implemented by SYAH. This project seeks to engage citizens, between 1 5 to 30 years old, in the climate change national and international processes as well as playing an active role in the delivery of the SDGs through monitoring and tracking the implementation of SDG 13 and related sustainability goals (SDG 7, 14 and 15) and the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of the Government of Seychelles.Professional tutor (201 7-201 8)Lisa provided tutoring services to secondary school students, specialising in the academic subjects of Geography, History, Mathematics, Sciences and History. Graphics designShafira is the graphics designer for Simple Creativity.-Offers corporate advertising for companies, such as Savy and Sons and Bodco Ltd. Designed Logos, business cards and adverts for small companies. Simple creativity also offers craft work, namely, invitation cards, greeting cards, menu and programmes for special events like weddings, birthdays, christening and Holy Communion.-Worked with NGO’s such as SYAH-Seychelles for their posters, advertisements, flyers and photography. Created the Blue Economy Internship programme Toolkit for SYAH.PROJECT OUTCOME, OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED RESULTSRationaleIn January 2018, the Government of Seychelles approved the Seychelles Blue Economy strategic framework and Road map which is an integrated approach to ocean- based sustainable development that brings together economy, environment and society, consistent with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 (SDG’s). This Road map will work in tandem with existing government efforts to transform Seychelles into a sustainable ocean-based economy. In preparation for this there has been a shift in the priority fields of employment in the country to include opportunities in the Blue Economy and prospective university students are encouraged to further their studies in this field. Despite these efforts, the blue economy remains a largely untapped resource. It can be argued that one of the reasons for this slow progress lies in a lack of education and outreach aimed at school students at varying levels. Lack of engagement of young people in the Blue Economy is due to a number of factors namely: Education on the Sustainable Development Goals are not integrated in any permanent form within the school curriculum, secondly, there is a lack of training aimed at teachers to equip them to stir up their students’ interest in the blue economy and the SDG’s. Moreover, the majority of the visual and written materials on SDG’s and the Blue economy are not written in youth-friendly language and are not framed within the context of Seychelles. As a result, we see ageneration of young people emerging who are not well-versed on matters pertaining to the SDG’s, especially the Blue economy, and consequently are less likely to get involved in SDG-focused projects or take up careers in the Blue Economy.On a similar note, there are a number of civil society organizations in Seychelles that work to tackle the Sustainable Development Goals through campaigns, projects, research and other initiatives. However, the greatest weakness of civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations is a lack of resources for outreach as their members are part-time volunteers in full-time employment. Therefore, despite having a wealth of experience and knowledge on the progress of Seychelles in implementing sustainable projects, they lack the adequate resources to conduct outreach in schools. This further adds to the challenge that we face in Seychelles which is education on sustainable development, especially for young people.Go Now aims to create youth-friendly written and visual materials focused on the Sustainable Development Goals in the context of Seychelles and link all other sixteen SDG’s with SDG 14: Life Below water (Blue Economy). In order to achieve our aim, Go Now will work closely with the different civil society organizations in the country that work to promote the SDG‘s, effectively creating a bridge between these organizations and potential volunteers. The outcome in the long-term will be an increase in interest in the SDG’s, especially the Blue Economy, which will in turn result in an increase in the number of volunteers and students who go on to do further studies in fields related to the Blue Economy.The project will start in January 2020 and end in December 2021 for a period of two years producing a website, an online database of civil society organisations and SDG-related projects and research carried out in Seychelles that will be of interest to potential volunteers, a minimum of 6 educational videos, written and visual materials produced on a monthly basis for SDG 1 through 17 and two annual reports. To successfully run this project, Go Now requires funding for a website that will will be the centre piece of the project, equipment necessary for graphics designing, outreach in schools, video equipment to produce and edit educational videos, a printer, workshops or trainings and a monthly salary for the two co-founders of this project.Outcome and impactsThe outcome will have achieved our aim of seeing a more involved and well-versed generation of young people, and the general public at large, that will have easy access to written and visual information on projects and research being carried out in Seychelles related to the sustainable development goals, with special focus on the Blue Economy, and all the opportunities available for young people to get involved as volunteers, interns or even offer employment opportunities in the long- term.All materials produced will also be available for use by organisations, government agencies and the private sector to assist in research or outreach.ObjectivesObjective 1: Compile an online database of civil society organisations, SDG-related projects and research being carried out in Seychelles that are seeking volunteers or new members.Objective 2: Produce written and visual resources to be used in our outreach programme in schools in Seychelles (secondary and post-secondary schools). All the resources will be made available on our website in soft copy.OutputsObjective 1-During the first three months of operations, focus will be on the creation of a database of civil society organisations, research being carried out, as well as projects currently being implemented in Seychelles that are seeking to recruit new members or volunteers. The database will be essential to connect potential volunteers to volunteer opportunities. The website will also be used to showcase soft copies of the written and visual materials that will be produced (objective 2). These materials will be readily available for download and to be used as a toolkit for anyone to learn more about the SDG's in the context of Seychelles.The ease to which this database is created will depend largely on the willingness of stakeholders to get involved in this initiative.Objective 2-A number of written and visual materials will be produced from the information gathered from stakeholders and through other mediums such as articles. These will include, but will not be limited to infographics, powerpoint presentations and educational videos. These will be used for our outreach programme and given to schools for further sensitization.-A website where all the resources created will be made available in digital format, and where potential volunteers will be able to obtain further information on the work different organisations are involved with, and easily connect with them when they are ready to get involved.-A Video that will introduce Go Now, our mission and the services we offer.ActivitiesObjective 1: The first four months will focus on establishing the venture and doing preparations for the outreach including: A)Creation of a database of projects and research currently being carried out in Seychelles, and a profile of the civil society organisations working on sustainable development projects or initiatives in the Blue economy. B) Set up Go Now website and social Media presence.Objective 2: All activities in the second phase of our proposal will focus on producing written and visual materials on SDG-related worlc/projects in Seychelles in youth- friendly language. Go Now will focus on producing materials on one SDG every month and link them all with SDG 14: Life below water. Outreach in schools will start in the fifth month. One schools will be chosen every month to conduct short workshops and presentations.Gantt Chart Updated.docx (19 KiB download)DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES AND THEIR EFFECTIVENESSRISKS TO SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION AND MITIGATION MEASURESRisk/FactorsRisk category (e.g. political, social, economic, technological, environmental, legal)Potential level of impact (e.g.Risk mitigation measures low, medium, high)6065924140365802387417313Social media presence through Facebook, as well as using233492583576ET i@a@t°i I tt^f iL ui 5Luut°T iL3i i ieuiuii itools to increase the visibility of the website.Assessment/Exam periods as well as school vacationsEducationHighWithin the 24 month schedule there are three months left available to cover school holiday timetable.Some SDG’s may take longer than one month to coverPolitical, social, economic, etc..lowWithin the 24 month schedule theire are three months available and can be used as an extension in cases where there is more to cover.EVALUATION AND INDICATORSEvaluation and indicatorsEvaluation will be carried out as per the schedule/Gantt chart. Since on average one SDG will be selected per month evaluation will be done on a monthly basis, followed by two annual reports. All materials produced during the course of the project will be made available in soft copy on the website, and it is expected that at the end of the project all seventeen SDG’s will be covered with a minimum of six videos, as well as accompanying written and visual materials.211415134749Engagement on social media and the Go Now website will be measured through website traffic analysis and Facebook Analytics, including the number of people reached, likes and shares. Search Engine optimization tools will also be used to increase the visibility of our website and reach more young people in an age group. This information will be compiled to show changes in trends on a monthly and yearly basis. The number of individuals who apply online or download the application forms through the website will also be used as a measure of success.Membership of civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations will also be monitored and used as an evaluation of engagement. Students will be given an evaluation form to fill that will briefly evaluate how engaging the presentations, workshops or activities were which will serve as a form of self-evaluation for Go Now as well.The number of participants who attend the workshops/seminars outside of school outreach will also be used as an indicator.SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATIONSustainability and replication207255474633 (1 88 KiB download)1330453375250Following this two-year project, all the written and visual materials produced for the seventeen SDG*s will be compiled into a textbook aimed at secondary schools students and A level students. All the information will be in the context of Seychelles which means that students preparing to sit their IGCSE or GCE in subjects such a! Geography and Economics will benefit from case studies from Seychelles. The textbook will have to be approved by the Ministry of Education to be used in schools asChecklistHave you read the Application Guidelines?Have you read the environmental and social safeguards policy*Have you referred to the glossary for explanations of different terms used in the proposal applicationHave you used the correct Template for Stage II / Large Grant proposals?Have you checked the deadline time and date for the submission of the project? Have you indicated the correct SeyCCAT strategic objective for this caII7I confirm I am eligible to apply for the Blue Grants Fund.Have you included a CV’s for all the key project personnel?2706805-1070962706805109333Have you included a letter of support from the main partner organizations identified on the cover page?2706805110092Have you provided actual start and end dates for your project (and checked they synchronize with when SeyCCAT would make grant monies available)?2706805104378Have you provided actual start and end dates for your project?2706805109458If required following your Stage 1 feedback letter, have you prepared and submitted here your supplemental environmental safeguards instrument(s)?2706805105012Have you provided your budget and used the correct template provided for large / stage II proposals?2706805109458Have you checked that your budget is complete, correctly adds up and that you have included the correct final total on the top page of the application?2706805105012If you are supported by co-finance - have you included the value of, and supporting organization for the co-finance, and indicated if it is cash or in kind?2627552166194 ................

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