List of Data Files for Prices on Government Securities

List of Data Files for Prices on Government Securities

source: The New York Price Current

place: Butler microfilm, Columbia University

dates: Nov. 8, 1800 – Dec. 31, 1817

n: 917

notes: also has prices on other bank stocks and city/state loans

Security: Dates:

8% Nov. 8, 1800 – Jan. 14, 1809

6% Nov. 8, 1800 – Dec. 31, 1817

navy 6% Mar. 1, 1801 – Oct. 25, 1806

deferred 6% Nov. 8, 1800 – Dec. 27, 1800

3% Nov. 8, 1800 – Dec. 31, 1817

US Bank Stock Nov. 8, 1800 – June 5, 1813

7% Mar. 8, 1817 – Dec. 31, 1817

Louis. & converted Oct. 26, 1811 – Dec. 31, 1817

old & deferred Aug. 21, 1813 – Dec. 31, 1817

Trs. notes fundable April 1, 1815 – May 6, 1815

Trs. notes not fundable April 1, 1815 – May 6, 1815

Trs. notes Nov. 5, 1814 – April 26, 1817

source: New York Shipping and Commercial List

place: New York Public Library – Business, hard copies

dates: Feb. 21, 1817 – Dec. 30, 1829

n: 1,306

notes: also has specie dollars (premium); newspaper has prices in other cities (Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston) and exchange rates (Britain, France, Amsterdam, Bremen)

Security: Dates:

6% old & deferred Feb. 21, 1817 – Nov. 4, 1817

6% Louis. Feb. 21, 1817 – Nov. 20, 1820

6% War loans, 1812 Aug. 8, 1820 – Aug. 31, 1825

6% War loans, 1813 Aug. 8, 1820 – June 28, 1825

6% War loans, 1814 Aug. 8, 1820 – May 27, 1829

6% War loans, 1815 Aug. 8, 1820 – Dec. 30, 1829

6% War loan Feb. 21, 1817 – Aug. 4, 1820

5% 1832 June 23, 1827 – Dec. 30, 1829

5% 1835 June 23, 1827 – Dec. 30, 1829

5% new loan 1820 July 18, 1820 – June 16, 1827

5% loan 1821 Sept. 11, 1821 – June 16, 1827

exchanged 5s May 14, 1825 – Oct. 14, 1826

4 ½ % 1828 Aug. 9, 1828 – Dec. 30, 1829

4 ½ % 1829 Aug. 9, 1828 – Dec. 30, 1829

4 ½ % 1831 Sept. 2, 1826 – Dec. 30, 1829

4 ½ % 1832 Oct. 13, 1824 – Dec. 30, 1829

4 ½ % 1833 Jan. 29, 1825 – Dec. 30, 1829

7% Feb. 21, 1817 – Nov. 3, 1824

3% Feb. 21, 1817 – Dec. 30, 1829

US Bank Stock Feb. 21, 1817 – Dec. 30, 1829

trs. notes Feb. 21, 1817 – July 15, 1817

source: New York Shipping and Commercial List

place: New York Public Library – Business, hard copies

dates: Jan. 2, 1830 – Dec. 30, 1835

n: 608

notes: from Dec. 24, 1834 – Jan. 28, 1843 no government securities traded (no debt)

Security: Dates:

US Bank Stock Jan. 2, 1830 – Dec. 30, 1835

6% 1815 Jan. 2, 1830 – May 1, 1830

5% 1832 Jan. 2, 1830 – Oct. 1, 1831

5% 1835 Jan. 2, 1830 – Dec. 24, 1834

4 ½ % 1828 Jan. 2, 1830 – Jan. 12, 1831

4 ½ % 1829 Jan. 2, 1830 – Jan. 12, 1831

4 ½ % 1831 Jan. 2, 1830 – Feb. 8, 1832

4 ½ % 1832 Jan. 2, 1830 – July 18, 1832

4 1/2 % 1833 Jan. 2, 1830 – Oct. 16, 1833

3% Jan. 2, 1830 – July 13, 1833

source: New York Commercial Advertiser

place: New York University microfilm

dates: Jan. 28, 1843 – Aug. 28, 1847

n: 240

Security: Dates:

5 ½ % 1844 Jan. 28, 1843 – July 27, 1844

5s, 1853 July 8, 1843 – Aug. 28, 1847

6s, 1844 Jan. 28, 1843 – Feb. 1, 1845

6s, 1862 Jan. 28, 1843 – Aug. 28, 1847

6s, 1856 Dec. 19, 1846 – Aug. 28, 1847

6s, 1867 Aug. 7, 1847 – Aug. 28, 1847

trs. notes 5 2/5s Aug. 7, 1847 – Aug. 28, 1847

trs. notes 6s Aug. 7, 1847 – Aug. 28, 1847

source: New York Commercial Advertiser

place: New York University microfilm

dates: Sept. 4, 1847 – Oct. 1, 1859

n: 632

Security: Dates:

US loans 5s, 1853 Sept. 4, 1847 – July 9, 1853

US loans 6s, 1862 Sept. 4, 1847 – Oct. 1, 1859

US loans 6s, 1867 Sept. 4, 1847 – Oct. 1, 1859

US loans 6s, 1868 Nov. 25, 1848 – Oct. 1, 1859

US loans 6s, 1856 Sept. 4, 1847 – Oct. 13, 1855

trs. notes 5 2/5s Sept. 4, 1847 – Dec. 2, 1848

trs. notes 6s Sept. 4, 1847 – June 22, 1850

US loans 6s, 1862 coupon Oct. 13, 1849 – Oct. 1, 1859

US loans 6s, 1868 coupon Oct. 13, 1849 – Oct. 1, 1859

US loans 5s, 1865 April 24, 1852 – Oct. 1, 1859

US loans 5s, 1874 Aug. 21, 1858 – Oct. 1, 1859

US loans 5s, 1853 coupon Oct. 13, 1849 – July 9, 1853


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