The Crucible Vocabulary Words and Definitions

The Crucible Vocabulary Words and Definitions

Abrogate To abolish; to do away with

Abyss bottomless hole; a vast expanse or depth

Adamant inflexible; immovable; obstinate

Ameliorate to make better; to relieve; to improve

Apparition ghost

Augury an omen or prophecy

Autocrat a person with unlimited influence and authority (usually a negative word)

Baseness the quality of lacking higher values

Begrudge to give reluctantly; to envy a possession or one’s enjoyment

Beguile to deceive; to mislead; to persuade with charm

Bemuse to confuse or to bewilder

Blasphemous irreverent; profane

Calamity a serious event causing distress or misfortune

Conciliate to reconcile; to pacify; to renew a friendship

Confound to cause one to become confused

Conspiracy the act of plotting together

Contempt scorn; extreme dislike or disdain

Contentious quarrelsome; stirring controversy

Corroboration confirmation

Credulous believing on slight evidence; gullible

Defamation act of harming or ruining another’s reputation

Deference courteous going along with the opinions or wishes of another

Deposition written statement by a witness

Dissemble to disguise; to pretend

Dogmatic strongly opinionated in an unwarranted manner

Ecstasy extreme happiness

Effrontery extreme boldness; audacity

Exalt to glorify; to praise; to raise in rank

Fiend the devil; demon

Formidable menacing; causing fear or awe

Gaunt very thin; emaciated; angular

Guile deceitful cunning; duplicity

Heretical contrary to church doctrine or accepted beliefs or standards

Hypocrite one who is insincere or deceitful

Indictment an accusation

Indigenous native to a certain area

Indignation anger as a result of something unjust

Ineptness lack of competence or judgment

Inert unable to move or to act; sluggish

Ingratiate to make an effort to gain good favor with someone

Iniquity wickedness; immorality

Innate existing from birth; inborn

Junta a group of people who join in running a government (after a revolution)

Licentious lacking in moral or sexual restraint; wanton

Malevolence ill will or evil intentions

Malign to utter injuriously misleading reports about

Methodical proceeding in a regular or systematic order

Orthodox conforming to established standards; conventional

Pallor extreme paleness usually relating to the face

Paradoxical something that appears false or contradictory but is actually correct

Parochial limited in range or scope; narrow; provincial

Partisan one who exhibits extreme or possibly blind allegiance to a group or cause

Penitence regret or sorrow for sins or faults

Pious religious

Placid peaceful; calm

Predilection preference

Prodigious extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree; great in size; enormous

Propriety correct conduct

Providence sign of good fortune; God’s will; God’s intervention in human affairs

Prudent wise and careful about practical matters

Quake to shake from shock or instability

Reprieve to delay punishment

Reproach to blame for something; a disgrace

Rescind to cancel

Resurge to rise again

Savory appetizing

Sectarian a member of a sect that is a faction with extreme beliefs

Sublime exalted; noble; uplifting

Theocracy governed by religion

Trafficked had dealings with

Trepidation fear; trembling; agitation

Vestry room in a church used for nonreligious meetings or church business

Vindictive revengeful; spiteful

Wily cunning; crafty; sneaky


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