Delaware Valley School District / Overview

The Delaware Valley School District Health and Safety Plan outlines our school entity instructional and non- instructional school reopening activities for the 2020-2021 school year and was created in consultation with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, Northampton/Monroe/Pike County Emergency Management Services, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Bethlehem Department of Health, and StarWellness. As with all emergency plans, the Health and Safety Plan developed for each school entity should be tailored to the unique needs of each school and should be created in consultation with local health agencies. All school activities are informed by Governor Wolf's Process to Open Pennsylvania.The Governor’s plan has categorized reopening into three broad phases: red, yellow, or green. These designations signal how counties and/or regions may begin easing some restrictions on school, work, congregate settings, and social interactions. Depending upon the public health conditions in our county, there could be additional actions, orders, or guidance provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) designating our county as being in the red, yellow, or green phase. There may be times that our county may not experience a straight path from a red designation, to a yellow, and then a green designation. Instead, cycling back and forth between less restrictive to more restrictive designations may occur as public health indicators improve or worsen in our local area. The Delaware Valley School District Health and Safety Plan accounts for changing conditions to ensure fluid transition from more to less restrictive conditions in each of the phase requirements as needed. PROTOCOLS, POLICIES, AND PROCEDURES that have been developed reflect the current recommendations and considerations put forth by the Center for Disease Control, Local Health Departments, Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and by orders and considerations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. These items may be revised in the future to ensure compliance with future orders, recommendations, and considerations from the Center for Disease Control, Local Health Departments, Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.Addressing Community Spread in K-12 Schools LEVEL OF COMMUNITY SPREAD (AS DETERMINED BY STATE AND LOCAL HEALTH OFFICIALS)Phase 1(Substantial Spread)Phase 2(Minimal/Moderate Spread)Phase 3(Low/No Spread)Schools that are closed, remain closed. Implement distance/remote learning (see Serving School Meals and Supporting Teaching and Learning).Coordinate with local and state DOH health officials.Participate in contact tracing efforts and specimen collection efforts as directed by local health officials (to the extent feasible).Close off affected areas and if possible, wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting.Consider ways to accommodate needs of children, teachers/staff, and families at higher risk for severe illness (see Protecting Vulnerable Populations for considerations).Schools remain closed and no sports are allowed in counties designated as being in the Red Phase.Schools may provide in-person instruction only in accordance with Department of Education guidance.Schools Subject to CDC and Commonwealth Guidance.Schools may provide in-person instruction after developing a written Health and Safety Plan, to be approved by the local governing body (e.g. board of directors/trustees) and posted on the school entity’s publicly available website.Establish and maintain communication with local and state DOH health officials.Participate in contact tracing efforts and specimen collection efforts as directed by local health officials (to the extent feasible).Implement enhanced social distancing measures.Post signage in classrooms, hallways, and entrances to communicate how to stop the spread.COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures (including staying home when sick), good hygiene, and school/district specific protocols.Establish a protocol for students/staff who feel ill/experience symptoms when they come to school.Isolate and deep clean impacted classrooms and spaces.Consider ways to accommodate needs of children, teachers/staff, and families at higher risk for severe illness.Districts have the authority and flexibility to close school buildings and utilize distance/remote learning as needed.Schools may resume sports-related activities after developing a written Athletics Health and Safety Plan, to be approved by the local governing body (e.g. board of directors/ trustees) and posted on the school entity’s publicly available website.Schools Subject to CDC and Commonwealth Guidance.Schools may provide in-person instruction after developing a written Health and Safety Plan, to be approved by the local governing body (e.g. board of directors/trustees) and posted on the school entity’s publicly available website.Establish and maintain communication with local and state DOH.Participate in contact tracing efforts and specimen collection efforts as directed by local health officials (to the extent feasible).Post signage in classrooms, hallways, and entrances to communicate how to stop the spread. COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures (including staying home when sick), good hygiene, and school/district specific protocols.Establish a protocol for students/staff who feel ill/experience symptoms when they come to school.Consider ways to accommodate needs of children, teachers/staff, and families at higher risk for severe illness.Schools may resume sports-related activities after developing a written Athletics Health and Safety Plan, to be approved by the local governing body (e.g. board of directors/ trustees) and posted on the school entity’s publicly available website.For additional guidance on addressing community spread, see the CDC's Consideration for SchoolsDelaware Valley School District Decision Tree The Delaware Valley School District Path to Reopening for K-12 Schools: Health and Safety Plan not only provides considerations for school leaders as they develop plans for restarting school this fall but provides a flexible framework to address challenges that may develop throughout the 2020-2021 school year. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, the below Delaware Valley SD Decision Tree provides a menu of instructional models and responses districts can adopt to ensure the continued success and safety of students and staff members.Level of Community Spread (as determined by state and local health officials) Phase 1(Substantial Spread)Phase 2(Minimal/Moderate Spread)Phase 3(Low/No Spread)?????Instructional Model Distance/Remote Learning School is closed to students.Teaching and learning will be conducted using Schoology (LMS) - online learning system and/or other distance/remote learning methods.Distance/Remote Learning Hybrid learning including alternating day schedules may be implemented.Teaching and learning will be conducted using Schoology (LMS) - online learning system and/or other distance/remote learning methods.TraditionalHybrid learning including alternating day schedules may be implemented.Teaching and learning will be conducted in person at school on a regular five-day a week schedule. Schools will follow traditional school hours unless directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education or other local emergency that would prevent a traditional instructional day. Distance /Remote Learning Hybrid learning including alternating day schedules may be implemented.Teaching and learning will be conducted using a Schoology (LMS) - online learning system and/or other distance/remote learning methods.Traditional Hybrid learning including alternating day schedules may be implemented.Teaching and learning will be conducted in person at school on a regular five-day a week schedule. ?????Response (as determined by local school entity in partnership with local departments of public health and community stakeholders) Extended ClosureSchool is closed to students.Minimal Use of School Building(s) Implement distance/remote learning Targeted ClosureIsolate and disinfect affected areas-or-Short-term ClosureClose for facility-wide cleaningSchool Building(s) OpenImplement more intensive mitigation strategies; encourage enhanced social distancingMinimal Use of School Building(s) Implement distance/remote learning Targeted ClosureIsolate and disinfect affected areas-or-Short-term ClosureClose for facility-wide cleaningSchool Building(s) Open Implement preventative practices and additional proactive processes/protocols. Prevention PracticesOPERATIONSSchools are closed to students.Daily Cleaning Process: Implement/continue regular cleaning and sanitation procedures in buildings along with the increased/additional cleaning of high touch points and bathrooms in accordance with facility usage. All cleaning supplies and procedures will be in accordance with local, state, federal, CDC and Department of Health recommendations. Distribution of Cleaning Supplies to Guests and Public Areas: Hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, to be made available at all staff and guest entrances.Distribution of Cleaning Supplies to Staff: Disinfectant wipes, gloves, and/or sanitizer, when possible, will be available in offices and classrooms where staff can clean surfaces throughout the school day. Sharing of Water Supply and Public Water Fountains: Discontinue use of water fountains. Encourage use of water bottles from home or provide water bottles, when possible.Cleaning Supply Storage: Ensure safe and correct usage/storage of cleaning and disinfection products, including storing them securely away from students.Positive Test Result: All areas used by an infected individual will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.Building HVAC and Air Circulation: All building HVAC systems are regularly inspected, air filters are changed frequently and where available, additional fresh air will be increased. Buildings will maintain proper temperatures and air circulation.Cleaning Material Standards: All cleaning supplies will meet or exceed local, state, federal, and CDC recommendations and guidelines.Disinfection Process: Custodial and Maintenance staff use approved disinfectant and a cleaning process that ensures proper dwell time, cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces and horizontal surfaces, focusing on common gathering and public areas.Training and Instruction for Staff: Custodial and Maintenance staff have and will continue to receive training and instruction relative to COVID-19, mitigating infection and proper cleaning procedures. Teachers and staff will review the Phased Reopening Plan and be informed about daily disinfection procedures. All buildings will have proper notification, notification and COVID-19 prevention signage through the buildings and office areas. Teach and reinforce the use of masks/face shields for staff. All staff are required to wear masks/face shields.Daily Reminders and Messaging: Use of PA system, email, and call system reminders for sanitizing throughout the day/overall reminders for social distancing.Personal Protection Equipment (PPE): All Staff will be provided with face covering and PPE materials as needed or required. Hygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices: Staff and Students are expected to adhere to hygiene practices set forth by CDC and DOH. Hand soap and hand sanitizer, when available, will be provided with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked areas.Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germs: Signage will be posted at entrances, bathrooms, and throughout the facility. Limiting the sharing of materials among staff and students: When possible, items should not be shared between staff and students to reduce the spread of infectious bodily fluids. Items that may need to be shared will be disinfected when possible. Personal Issuance of materials will be completed to the degree feasible.Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed (List materials, resources and supports) CDC Hand Hygiene: Hand Hygiene RecommendationsCDC Disinfecting Your Facility: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your FacilityCDC Protect Yourself: How to Protect Yourself & OthersCDC Symptoms: Symptoms of CoronavirusCDC COVID-19 and Children: Communication Resources:Communication ResourcesDaily Cleaning Process: Implement/continue regular cleaning and sanitation procedures in buildings along with the increased/additional cleaning of high touch points and bathrooms in accordance with facility usage. All cleaning supplies and procedures will be in accordance with local, state, federal, CDC and Department of Health recommendations. Distribution of Cleaning Supplies to Guests and Public Areas: Hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, to be made available at all staff and guest entrances.Distribution of Cleaning Supplies to Staff: Disinfectant wipes, gloves, and/or sanitizer, when possible, will be available in offices and classrooms where staff can clean surfaces throughout the school day.Sharing of Water Supply and Public Water Fountains: Discontinue use of water fountains. Encourage use of water bottles from home or provide water bottles, when possible.Cleaning Supply Storage: Ensure safe and correct usage/storage of cleaning and disinfection products, including storing them securely away from students.Positive Test Result: All areas used by an infected individual will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.Building HVAC and Air Circulation: All building HVAC systems are regularly inspected, air filters are changed frequently and where available, additional fresh air will be increased. Buildings will maintain proper temperatures and air circulation.Cleaning Material Standards: All cleaning supplies will meet or exceed local, state, federal, and CDC recommendations and guidelines.Disinfection Process: Custodial and Maintenance staff use approved disinfectant and a cleaning process that ensures proper dwell time, cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces and horizontal surfaces, focusing on common gathering and public areas.Training and Instruction for Staff: Custodial and Maintenance staff have and will continue to receive training and instruction relative to COVID-19, mitigating infection and proper cleaning procedures. Teachers and staff will review the Phased Reopening Plan and be informed about daily disinfection procedures. All buildings will have proper notification, and COVID-19 prevention signage through the buildings and office areas. Teach and reinforce the use of masks/face shields for staff. All staff are required to wear masks/face shields. Daily Reminders and Messaging: Use of PA system, email, and call system reminders for sanitizing throughout the day/overall reminders for social distancing.Personal Protection Equipment (PPE): All Staff will be provided with face covering and PPE materials as needed or required. Hygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices: Staff and Students are expected to adhere to hygiene practices set forth by CDC and DOH. Hand soap and hand sanitizer, when available, will be provided with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked areas.Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germs: Signage will be posted at entrances, bathrooms, and throughout the facility. Limiting the sharing of materials among staff and students: When possible, items should not be shared between staff and students to reduce the spread of infectious bodily fluids. Items that may need to be shared will be disinfected when possible. Personal Issuance of materials will be completed to the degree feasible.Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed (List materials, resources and supports) CDC Hand Hygiene: Hand Hygiene RecommendationsCDC Disinfecting Your Facility: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your FacilityCDC Protect Yourself: How to Protect Yourself & OthersCDC Symptoms: Symptoms of CoronavirusCDC COVID-19 and Children: Communication Resources:Communication ResourcesHuman Resources Instructional, Office, Support Staff (up to PA State occupancy maximums)are expected to report to work.are required to complete a self-assessment prior to coming to work. are required to follow the prescribed steps if the self-assessment indicates they are not to report to work.An employee, by entering the work site, acknowledges that s/he has complied with DVSD protocols concerning the required steps to be taken prior to entering the work site or while at the work site and meets the criteria to be present at the work site. CARENon Essential Work determination: DVSD will need to determine if it is feasible or permitted for non-essential staff to work remotely.Face Coverings: Staff will wear face coverings when they leave their work space. Virtual Tools: School Staff will utilize Schoology (LMS) to conduct essential business and keep in-person reporting to an absolute minimum during school closures.Healthy Environment: Employees will abide by all occupancy requirements, social distance rules and shared equipment rules issued by DVSD. Prevention Practices Use social media and other communications to inform parents, students, and staff about COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures, good hygiene, and school specific protocols.Encourage COVID-19 testing when signs are presentedPosting of Employment Rights. All federal and state employment postings relating to COVID will be followed.Workplace PostersHygiene Practice for essential employees will be followed as per phase 2.Instructional, Office, Support Staff (up to PA State occupancy maximums)are expected to report to work.are required to complete a self-assessment prior to coming to work. are required to follow the prescribed steps if the self-assessment indicates they are not to report to work. An employee, by entering the work site, acknowledges that s/he has complied with the protocols issued by DVSD concerning the required steps to be taken prior to entering the work site or while at the work site and meets the criteria to be present at the work site. CARENon Essential Work determination: DVSD will determine if it is feasible or permitted for non-essential staff to work remotely.Face Coverings: All Staff will wear face coverings when they leave their desks. Education staff in self-contained classrooms and other staff working face-to-face with students (speech therapists, psychologists, one-to-one instructional assistants) will be provided face shields and if appropriate, gloves.Virtual Tools: School Staff will utilize Schoology (LMS) to conduct essential business and keep in-person reporting to an absolute minimum during school closures.Healthy Environment: Employees will abide by all occupancy requirements, social distance rules and shared equipment rules issued by DVSD.Hygiene practices for Staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices will be communicated and encouraged as set forth by CDC and DOH. Staff Training Video: How to Wear a Mask?Encourage COVID-19 testing when signs are presented.Prevention Practices Use social media and other communications to inform parents, students, and staff about COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures, good hygiene, and school specific protocols.Hand soap and hand sanitizer, when available, will be provided with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked areasPosting of Employment Rights. All federal and state employment postings relating to COVID will be followed.Workplace PostersAll staff are expected to report to work:are required to complete a self-assessment prior to coming to work. are required to follow the prescribed steps if the self- assessment indicates they are not to report to work. An employee, by entering the work site, acknowledges that s/he has complied with the protocols issued by DVSD concerning the required steps to be taken prior to entering the work site or while at the work site and meets the criteria to be present at the work site. CAREStaff Not Reporting to Work: DVSD will initiate a review process for staff who indicate they are unable to report to work due to a COVID-19 related circumstance following leave rights, absence protocols and the school entity’s policy.Face Coverings: Staff will wear face coverings when entering the buildings and during all transitions. Face coverings will be worn in the presence of others when a 6ft distance is not feasible. Education staff in self-contained classrooms and other staff working face-to-face with students (speech therapists, psychologists, one-to-one instructional assistants) will be provided face shields and if appropriate, gloves.Virtual Tools: School District staff will utilize virtual tools and platforms wherever possible to conduct essential business and keep in-person reporting to an absolute minimum during school closures.Healthy Environment: Employees will abide by all occupancy requirements, social distance rules and shared equipment rules issued by DVSD. Hygiene practices for Staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices will be communicated and encouraged as set forth by CDC and DOH. Staff Training Video: How to Wear a Mask?Encourage COVID-19 testing when signs are presented.Prevention Practices Use social media and other communications to inform parents, students, and staff about COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures, good hygiene, and school specific protocols.Hand soap and hand sanitizer, when available, will be provided with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked areas. Posting of Employment Rights. All federal and state employment postings relating to COVID will be followed.Workplace PostersTransportation Schools are closed to students. Transportation will not be provided. Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating all school vehicles used by students.Transportation will conduct daily cleaning and sanitizing of the school bus/vehicle fleet.During the day/between transportation runs: Touch points of each school bus/vehicle will be cleaned and sanitized (all handrails, tops of student seats, window ledges, etc.) End of school day/after school activities: Thorough sanitation of all buses/school vehicles. Sanitization of buses: All cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting will be conducted using products that meet or exceed the CDC requirements for COVID-19.Adjusting transportation schedules and practices to provide for social distancing between studentsAll students riding School District transportation are required to wear PPE masks/face coverings. Students who have documented complex medical or behavioral needs that prevent them from wearing PPE face coverings will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.All bus drivers, vehicle drivers, and transportation assistants are required to wear PPE masks/face coverings.There will be no more than 2 students per seat. Professional Development and Training Plan for transportation staffProfessional development and training will occur for all staff on the changes in a school district's policy and procedures in response to COVID-19. Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating all school vehicles used by students.Transportation will conduct daily cleaning and sanitizing of the school bus/vehicle fleet.During the day/between transportation runs: Touch points of each school bus/vehicle will be cleaned and sanitized (all handrails, tops of student seats, window ledges, etc.) End of school day/after school activities: Thorough sanitation of all buses/school vehicles. Sanitization of buses: All cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting will be conducted using products that meet or exceed the CDC requirements for COVID-19.Adjusting transportation schedules and practices to provide for social distancing between studentsAll students riding School District transportation are required to wear PPE masks/face coverings. Students who have documented complex medical or behavioral needs that prevent them from wearing PPE face coverings will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.All bus drivers, vehicle drivers, and transportation assistants are required to wear PPE masks/face coverings.There will be no more than 2 students per seat. Professional Development and Training Plan for transportation staffProfessional development and training will occur for all staff on the changes in a school district's policy and procedures in response to COVID-19.Type of ReopeningBased on your county’s current designation and local community needs, which type of reopening has your school entity selected? (SELECT ONE BOX BELOW)XTotal reopen for all students and staff (but some students/families opt for distance learning out of safety/health concern).?Scaffolded reopening: Some students are engaged in in-person learning, while others are distance learning (i.e., some grade levels in-person, other grade levels remote learning).?Blended reopening that balances in-person learning and remote learning for all students (i.e., alternating days or weeks).? Total remote learning for all students. (Plan should reflect future action steps to be implemented and conditions that would prompt the decision as to when schools will re-open for in-person learning).Anticipated launch date for in-person learning (i.e., start of blended, scaffolded, or total reopening): All DVSD K-12 programs and services will begin on August 31, 2020. Pandemic Coordinator/TeamIndividual(s)Pandemic Team RolesChristopher LordiPandemic Team Coordinator John BellSuperintendentPeg SchafferEmergency Preparedness/Human Resources/Curriculum Victoria McNeelyTechnology and Elementary EducationMarvin EversdykeBuilding and Grounds/Facilities/Transportation Diana BixbyCheryl NielsenSpecial Education/Mental Health ServicesBrian BlaumSecondary Education/DV Cyber Academy William HesslingBusiness ManagerLisa MatarazzoCommunications Key Strategies, Policies, and ProceduresThe action plan documents the Delaware Valley School Districts thorough plan for each of the requirements outlined in the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Preliminary Guidance for Phased Reopening of PreK-12 Schools. The table belows identifies a detailed summary describing the key strategies, policies, and procedures the Delaware Valley School District will employ to ensure the health and safety of every stakeholder in the local education community. The information below provides key information that staff, students, and families will require to clearly understand the Delaware Valley School Districts local plan for the phased reopening of schools. RequirementsLevel of Community Spread (as determined by state and local health officials)Phase 1(Substantial Spread)Phase 2 (Minimal/Moderate Spread)Phase 3 (Low/No Spread)Lead Individual and Position Professional DevelopmentY/NLevel of Community Spread (as determined by state and local health officials)Schools are closed to students.Schools may provide in-person instruction only in accordance with Department of Education guidanceSchools may provide in-person instruction only in accordance with Department of Education guidancePA Dept. of Health NPrevention PracticesSchools are closed to students.Prevention PracticesUse social media and othercommunications to informparents, students, and staffabout COVID-19 symptoms,preventative measures, goodhygiene, and school/districtspecific protocols. Encourage COVID-19 testing.Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and VentilationCleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting will be performed in accordance with current CDC, and DOH guidelines. EPA approved products will be used in accordance with labeling requirements and staff will be trained on how to appropriately use these products.EPA Disinfectants -EPA#47371-129-EPA#82972-1Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfectingContinue routine cleaning and disinfecting for areas where minimal staff is utilizing facilityContinue cleaning excessively touched items throughout dayAreas not being used or occupied for 7 days or longer only need routine cleaning when reopening (virus does not live past the 7 day mark) Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed CDC Hand Hygiene: Hand Hygiene RecommendationsCDC Disinfecting Your Facility: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your FacilityCDC Protect Yourself: How to Protect Yourself & OthersCDC Symptoms: Symptoms of CoronavirusCDC COVID-19 and Children: Communication Resources:Communication ResourcesHygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practicesStaff and Students are expected to adhere to hygiene practices set forth by CDC and DOH. Personal Protective equipment will be utilized by staff and students in accordance with current CDC and DOH recommendations. Handwashing toolkitPersonal Protective Equipment Classroom Hygiene Procedure Hand soap and hand sanitizer, when available, will be provided with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked areas.Prevention PracticesAll high-touch surfaces will be disinfected regularly, including door handles, light switches, playground equipment, and student desks. Students and Staff will be encouraged to use individual water bottles from home or disposable plastic bottles. Where available, bottle filling stations will remain available for use. All individuals in school will sanitize or wash their hands on a frequent basis. Hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be made available in all common areas, hallways, and/or in classrooms where sinks for handwashing are not available. Classrooms and common areas will be ventilated with additional circulation of outdoor air when possible, using windows, doors, and/or fans. Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and VentilationCleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting will be performed in accordance with current CDC, and DOH guidelines. EPA approved products will be used in accordance with labeling requirements and staff will be trained on how to appropriately use these products.EPA Disinfectants -EPA#47371-129-EPA#82972-1Day shift custodial staffContinue everyday responsibilities and tasksClean excessively touched items throughout the daydoor knobshand railingslight switches printer/copierswater fountains if not disabledRestrooms will be cleaned midday (using the proper PPE)wet mopping with disinfectantdisinfecting toilets, urinals, sinks, paper dispensers and partitionsPerform classroom cleaning between am/pm classesdry mopwet mopwipe down and disinfect hard surfacesNight shift custodial staffContinue everyday responsibilities and tasksCleaning restrooms using proper PPE Vacuum Dry mopping wet mop with disinfectant wipe down, clean and disinfect ChairsDesksTables Doors/door handles, door framesLight switchesComputersPhones CountersCorridor wallsHand railingsAny dirty surfaces will be washed with soap/water or cleaner before disinfectingElectrostatic disinfecting fogger dailyCustodial/Maintenance PPEPPE will be utilized in coordination with job duties performed and as indicated in guidelines set forth by the CDC and PA DOH.Ventilation There will be an increase of outside air introduced to the building through our HVAC systemsAir filter changes will remain a priority windows will be opened in areas where HVAC system is not capable of outside air transferHygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practicesStaff and Students are expected to adhere to hygiene practices set forth by CDC and DOH. Personal Protective equipment will be utilized by staff and students in accordance with current CDC and DOH recommendations. Handwashing toolkitPersonal Protective Equipment Classroom Hygiene Procedure Hand soap and hand sanitizer, when available, will be provided with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked areas.Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germsSignage will be posted at entrances, bathrooms, and throughout the facility. Signage to be Posted Limiting the sharing of materials among studentsItems should not be shared between students, when possible, to reduce the spread of infectious bodily fluids. Items that may need to be shared should be disinfected in accordance with CDC and DOH guidelines after use.Classroom hygiene planTurn off drinking fountains and allow students and staff to bring water bottles from home. Where available, bottle filling stations will remain available for use.Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Signage to be Posted Handwashing toolkitTypes of PPEClassroom Hygiene Procedure Prevention PracticesAll high-touch surfaces will be disinfected regularly, including door handles, light switches, playground equipment, and student desks. Students and Staff will be encouraged to use individual water bottles from home or disposable plastic bottles. Where available, bottle filling stations will remain available for use. All individuals in school will sanitize or wash their hands on a frequent basis. Hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be made available in all common areas, hallways, and/or in classrooms where sinks for handwashing are not available. Classrooms and common areas will be ventilated with additional circulation of outdoor air when possible, using windows, doors, and/or fans. Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and VentilationCleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting will be performed in accordance with current CDC, and DOH guidelines. EPA approved products will be used in accordance with labeling requirements and staff will be trained on how to appropriately use these products.EPA Disinfectants -EPA#47371-129-EPA#82972-1Day shift custodial staffContinue everyday responsibilities and tasksClean excessively touched items throughout the daydoor knobshand railingslight switches printer/copierswater fountains if not disabledRestrooms will be cleaned midday (using the proper PPE)wet mopping with disinfectantdisinfecting toilets, urinals, sinks, paper dispensers and partitionsPerform classroom cleaning between am/pm classesdry mopwet mopwipe down and disinfect hard surfacesNight shift custodial staffContinue everyday responsibilities and tasksCleaning restrooms using proper PPE Vacuum Dry mopping wet mop with disinfectant wipe down, clean and disinfect ChairsDesksTables Doors/door handles, door framesLight switchesComputersPhones CountersCorridor wallsHand railingsAny dirty surfaces will be washed with soap/water or cleaner before disinfectingElectrostatic disinfecting fogger dailyCustodial/Maintenance PPEPPE will be utilized in coordination with job duties performed and as indicated in guidelines set forth by the CDC and PA DOH.Ventilation There will be an increase of outside air introduced to the building through our HVAC systemsAir filter changes will remain a prioritywindows will be opened in areas where HVAC system is not capable of outside air transferHygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practicesStaff and Students are expected to adhere to hygiene practices set forth by CDC and DOH. Personal Protective equipment will be utilized by staff and students in accordance with current CDC and DOH recommendations. Handwashing toolkitPersonal Protective Equipment Classroom Hygiene Procedure Hand soap and hand sanitizer, when available, will be provided with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked areas.Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germsSignage will be posted at entrances, bathrooms, and throughout the facility. Signage to be Posted Limiting the sharing of materials among studentsItems should not be shared between students, when possible, to reduce the spread of infectious bodily fluids. Items that may need to be shared should be disinfected in accordance with CDC and DOH guidelines after use. Classroom hygiene planTurn off drinking fountains and allow students and staff to bring water bottles from home. Where available, bottle filling stations will remain available for use.Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Signage to be Posted Handwashing toolkitTypes of PPEClassroom Hygiene ProcedureChris Lordi, DV Pandemic CoordinatorMarvin Eversdyke, Building and Grounds Lisa Matarazzo, CommunicationsYTransportation of Students Schools are closed to students; buses used to deliver materials and resources to students. Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededScreening Symptom screening will be done by all parents/guardians at home each morning before the school day. No children with symptoms will be sent on a bus/ van or brought to school. Symptomatic or sick transportation staff will not be permitted on the bus/van.Social Distancing PracticesThe number of people on the bus/ van at one time will be minimized within reason to create social distance between students: 2 students per seat Assigned seating will be provided and students will load the bus/ van by filling seats from back to front to limit students walking past students to find a seat.Tape marks will be utilized to show where students sit.Parents, guardians, and other caregivers will not be allowed on the bus.Face Coverings and other PPE equipment Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth. Expanded Masking OrderBus Drivers are required to wear face covering in the form of a mask or face shield at all times. Additionally, Bus Drivers will be required to wear a face shield during loading and unloading of students.Monitors will be required to wear face covering in the form of a mask and face shield at all times on the bus/van.Please follow the Activities for PPE Use Chart as embedded in Disinfect, Cleaning, and Ventilation Windows will remain open while transporting students, if weather allows to improve ventilation. All high-touch surfaces on buses will be disinfected after each run and thoroughly cleaned daily.Other Strategies:Hand sanitizer for Students, Bus Driver, and MonitorsHand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be provided for Students, Bus Drivers, and Monitors.All Students will be required to sanitize hands before entering the bus/ van.Bus Drivers/Monitors will be required to wash hands in accordance with Handwashing infection control guidelines will be followed.HANDWASHING PROTOCOLNo field trips will be provided.No food or drink allowed on the bus/van.Posters encouraging staying at home when sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands often will be placed on the bus in sight of all passengers. Bus/van will be aired out when not in useMaterials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Types of PPESignage to be PostedHANDWASHING PROTOCOLCDC What bus transit operators need to know about COVID-19: What Bus Transit Operators Need to Know About COVID-19 CDC Educational Materials: Educational Materials | Nonpharmaceutical InterventionsScreening Symptom screening will be done by all parents/guardians at home each morning before the school day. No children with symptoms will be sent on a bus/ van or brought to school. Symptomatic or sick transportation staff will not be permitted on the bus/van.Social Distancing PracticesThe number of people on the bus/ van at one time will be minimized within reason to create social distance between students: 2 students per seat Assigned seating will be provided and students will load the bus/ van by filling seats from back to front to limit students walking past students to find a seat.Tape marks will be utilized to show where students sit.Parents, guardians, and other caregivers will not be allowed on the bus.Face Coverings and other PPE equipment Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth. Expanded Masking OrderBus Drivers are required to wear face covering in the form of a mask or face shield at all times. Additionally, Bus Drivers will be required to wear a face shield during loading and unloading of students.Monitors will be required to wear face covering in the form of a mask and face shield at all times on the bus/van.Please follow the Activities for PPE Use Chart as embedded in Disinfect, Cleaning, and Ventilation Windows will remain open while transporting students, if weather allows to improve ventilation. All high-touch surfaces on buses will be disinfected after each run and thoroughly cleaned daily.Other Strategies:Hand sanitizer for Students, Bus Driver, and MonitorsHand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be provided for Students, Bus Drivers, and Monitors.All Students will be required to sanitize hands before entering the bus/ van.Bus Drivers/Monitors will be required to wash hands in accordance with Handwashing infection control guidelines will be followed.HANDWASHING PROTOCOLNo field trips will be provided.No food or drink allowed on the bus/van.Posters encouraging staying at home when sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands often will be placed on the bus in sight of all passengers. Bus/van will be aired out when not in useMaterials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Types of PPESignage to be PostedHANDWASHING PROTOCOLCDC What bus transit operators need to know about COVID-19: What Bus Transit Operators Need to Know About COVID-19 CDC Educational Materials: Educational Materials | Nonpharmaceutical InterventionsChris Lordi, DV, Pandemic CoordinatorMarvin Eversdyke, Transport. CoordinatorYesEntering School BuildingsSchools are closed to students.District/school leaders utilize virtual tools and platforms wherever possible to conduct essential business and keep in-person reporting to a minimum during school closuresTemperature screening will not be required upon entrance to school for Students or Staff. Symptom screening will be done by all parents/guardians at home each morning before the school day. No Student with symptoms will be sent on a bus or brought to school. All Delaware Valley School District Staff will perform a symptom screen on themselves prior to leaving for work, and will stay home if ill.Temperature screening will not be required upon entrance to school for Students or Staff. Symptom screening will be done by all parents/guardians at home each morning before the school day. No Student with symptoms will be sent on a bus or brought to school. All Delaware Valley School District Staff will perform a symptom screen on themselves prior to leaving for work, and will stay home if ill. Identifying and restricting non-essential visitors and volunteersVisitors will be permitted on an as needed basis following building access procedures.Minimal movement around the facility is expected. Signage will be posted in hallways, and entrances to communicate how to stop the spread, COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures (including staying home when sick), good hygiene, and Delaware Valley School District Specific protocols.Hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be provided to all Staff, Students, and visitors prior to entering the building. Follow protocol for Students/Staff who feel ill/experience symptoms when they come to school. Symptom screening flow chartLimit unnecessary congregations of Students and Staff.Spaced lines marked to enter the building and designate entrance and exit flow paths.Screening of symptoms of illness will be required for staff and visitors prior to entering the school. Visitor Access Procedure Symptomatic or sick Staff, Students and visitors will not be permitted into the Delaware Valley School District operated buildings. Face coverings will be required for all visitors entering the building and while visiting the building in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth. Expanded Masking OrderNonessential visitors and volunteer will be restrictedStudent drop off/pick up procedures will be posted on each elementary school website. Secondary student drop off directions will be sent home in the opening day letter and placed on the school website.Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Signage to be PostedFaculty and Staff COVID-19 Safety AgreementTemperature screening will not be required upon entrance to school for Students or Staff. Symptom screening will be done by all parents/guardians at home each morning before the school day. No Student with symptoms will be sent on a bus or brought to school. All Delaware Valley School District Staff will perform a symptom screen on themselves prior to leaving for work, and will stay home if ill. Identifying and restricting non-essential visitors and volunteersVisitors will be permitted on an as needed basis following access procedures.Minimal movement around the facility is expected. Signage will be posted in hallways, and entrances to communicate how to stop the spread, COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures (including staying home when sick), good hygiene, and Delaware Valley School District specific protocols.Hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be provided to all Staff, Students, and visitors prior to entering the building.Limit unnecessary congregations of Students and Staff.Follow protocol for Students/Staff who feel ill/experience symptoms when they come to school. Symptom screening flow chart Visitor Access Procedure Symptomatic or sick Staff, students and visitors will not be permitted into the Delaware Valley School District operated buildings. Face coverings will be required for all visitors entering the building and while visiting the building in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth.Expanded Masking OrderNonessential visitors and volunteer will be restrictedMaterials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Signage to be PostedFaculty and Staff COVID-19 Safety AgreementJohn Bell, Superintendent of schoolsChris Lordi, Pandemic CoordinatorServing Meals Schools are closed to students. Practice established socialdistancing protocols for necessary staffProvide PPE to staff participating in meal preparation and distribution All Students will eat meals in the cafeteria or designated area and will adhere to the policies and procedures of the individual school district/buildings. Individuals will be urged to sanitize or wash their hands prior to, and after, eating. Serving meals:Spaced serving lines Staggered schedules for serving meals will be instituted whenever possible. Spaced seating Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth.Expanded Masking OrderHand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be provided for students and staffDisposable utensils will be utilized No sharing of foods and utensils permitted Cafeteria and serving lines (to the extent practicable) will utilize designate entrances and exit flow paths; stagger useCleaning of cafeterias and high-touch surfaces throughout the school day will be conducted after each meal service Posters encouraging covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands often will be placed in cafeteria in sight of all students and staff Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Types of PPECDC Educational Materials: Educational Materials | Nonpharmaceutical InterventionsAll Students will eat meals in the cafeteria or designated area and will adhere to the policies and procedures of the individual school district/buildings. Individuals will be urged to sanitize or wash their hands prior to, and after, eating. Serving meals in Cafeteria:Spaced serving lines Staggered schedules for serving meals will be instituted whenever possible.Spaced seating Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth. Expanded Masking OrderHand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, will be provided for students and staffDisposable utensils will be utilized No sharing of foods and utensils permitted Cafeteria and serving lines (to the extent practicable) will utilize designate entrances and exit flow paths; stagger useCleaning of cafeterias and high-touch surfaces throughout the school day will be conducted after each meal service Posters encouraging covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands often will be placed in cafeteria in sight of all students and staff Materials, Resources and/or Supports Needed Types of PPECDC Educational Materials: Educational Materials | Nonpharmaceutical InterventionsPeg Schaffer, HRSocial Distancing and Other Safety Protocols Schools are closed to students.Main office and meeting room occupancySix-foot distancing will be in place where feasible. Virtual conferencing will be utilized to the maximum extent possible.Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth.Expanded Masking OrderClassroom/learning space occupancy Six-foot distancing will be in place where feasible.Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth.Expanded Masking OrderHigh-traffic hallway use will be limited when feasible, by either staggering the end of classroom periods to reduce the number of students in the hallways simultaneously, and/or by requiring masking.Other social distancing and safety practicesSignage will be utilized and posted throughout the DVSD buildings. Building Access Protocol Classroom Hygiene ProceduresHandwashing toolkitSignage to be Posted Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededSignage to be Posted Handwashing toolkitTypes of PPEClassroom Hygiene Procedure Main office and meeting room occupancySix-foot distancing will be in place where feasible. Virtual conferencing will be utilized to the maximum extent possible.Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth. Expanded Masking OrderClassroom/learning space occupancy Six-foot distancing will be in place where feasible.Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth. Expanded Masking OrderHigh-traffic hallway use will be limited when feasible, by either staggering the end of classroom periods to reduce the number of students in the hallways simultaneously, and/or by requiring masking.Other social distancing and safety practicesSignage will be utilized and posted throughout the DVSD buildings. Building Access Protocol Classroom Hygiene ProceduresHandwashing toolkitSignage to be Posted Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededSignage to be Posted Handwashing toolkitTypes of PPEClassroom Hygiene Procedure John Bell, Superintendent of SchoolsMarvin Eversdyke, Director of Support ServicesTransitioning in Congregate Settings Schools are closed to students. Restricting the use of cafeterias and other congregate settings, and serving meals in alternate settings such as classroomsIn meeting rooms and other group settings when feasible, individuals will be seated in staggered arrangements to avoid “across-the-table” seating. Individuals will be required to sanitize or wash their hands prior to, and after use. Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallwaysHigh-traffic hallway use will be limited when feasible, by either staggering the end of classroom periods to reduce the number of students in the hallways simultaneously, and/or by requiring masking.Other social distancing and safety practicesSignage will be utilized and posted throughout the DVSD buildings. Building Access Protocol Classroom Hygiene ProceduresHandwashing toolkitSignage to be Posted Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededSignage to be Posted Handwashing toolkitTypes of PPEClassroom Hygiene ProcedureDistrict/School Transitioning Considerations:Limit mixing between groups (to the extent practicable)For class changes and other transitions throughout the school day:Provide additional time for transitionsWhere necessary, designate areas of the hallway (i.e. lanes) as flow paths to keep students separatedPlan staggered class (ex: by hall, odd/even room numbers, grade/discipline) changes to decrease number of students in hallways at one timeHave the same group of students stay with the same staff (whenever possible)Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededFaculty and Staff COVID-19 Safety AgreementRestricting the use of cafeterias and other congregate settings, and serving meals in alternate settings such as classroomsIn meeting rooms and other group settings when feasible, individuals will be seated in staggered arrangements to avoid “across-the-table” seating. Individuals will be required to sanitize or wash their hands prior to, and after use. Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallwaysHigh-traffic hallway use will be limited when feasible, by either staggering the end of classroom periods to reduce the number of students in the hallways simultaneously, and/or by requiring masking.Other social distancing and safety practicesSignage will be utilized and posted throughout the DVSD buildings. Building Access Protocol Classroom Hygiene ProceduresHandwashing toolkitSignage to be Posted Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededSignage to be Posted Handwashing toolkitTypes of PPEClassroom Hygiene ProcedureDistrict/School Transitioning Considerations:Limit mixing between groups (to the extent practicable)For class changes and other transitions throughout the school day:Provide additional time for transitionsWhere necessary, designate areas of the hallway (i.e. lanes) as flow paths to keep students separatedPlan staggered class (ex: by hall, odd/even room numbers, grade/discipline) changes to decrease number of students in hallways at one timeHave the same group of students stay with the same staff (whenever possible)Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededFaculty and Staff COVID-19 Safety AgreementLarge Group Gatherings Schools are closed to students.Abide by the maximum number of people allowed as defined by Governor’s current statewide order Health and safety guidance from the CDC and DOH will be followed regarding large group gatherings.During the COVID-19 Pandemic all events including workshops, training, student events (e.g. field trips and assemblies), family/ community events, and job-alike meetings will be canceled for the first marking period or until deemed appropriate.Preventative measures in place for all other large group activities (e.g. recess and school/security safety drills):Abide by the maximum number of people allowed to congregate as defined by the Governor.Discourage the congregation of students in parking lots and common areasStagger the schedule for large group gatherings (i.e. recess and school meals)Identify and utilize large spaces (i.e. gymnasiums, Auditoriums, outside spaces – as weather permits) for social distancingFace coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth.Expanded Masking OrderFollow the building access proceduresFollow DVSD Emergency Drill ProceduresHealth and safety guidance from the CDC and DOH will be followed regarding large group gatherings.During the COVID-19 Pandemic all events including workshops, training, student events (e.g. field trips and assemblies), family/ community events, and job-alike meetings will be canceled for the first marking period or until deemed appropriate.Preventative measures in place for all other large group activities (e.g. recess and school/security safety drills):Abide by the maximum number of people allowed to congregate as defined by the Governor.Discourage the congregation of students in parking lots and common areasStagger the schedule for large group gatherings (i.e. recess and school meals)Identify and utilize large spaces (i.e. gymnasiums, Auditoriums, outside spaces – as weather permits) for social distancingFace coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth.Expanded Masking OrderFollow the follow building access proceduresFollow DVSD Emergency Drill ProceduresTeaching, Learning, and Support Services Schools are closed to students. All instruction must be provided via remote learning, whether using Schoology (LMS) and school entities will adhere to Continuity of Education Plan Traditional Instructional ModelSchools can deliver traditional instruction under Minimal/Moderate spread by implementing the recommendations outlined in this guidance.District or school-wide distance/remote learning is allowable and an individual decision of each student/family. All elementary students attend in-person or via Zoom for a full day of classes (unless they choose cyber or home schooling) Secondary students would attend via zoom on alternating days. Use scheduling to balance class numbers as much as possible to ensure maximize social distancing.Standard operating procedures will be implemented while taking preventative measures such as: Providing hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, for students and staff; conducting cleaning of classrooms and high-touch surfaces each day; limiting physical interaction through partner or group work.Utilize large spaces (i.e. gymnasiums, auditoriums, outside spaces – as weather permits) for social distancing.Special education students will be encouraged to continue in person instruction as these students often rely on daily routines and social interactions to address their individual learning needs.Students that are vulnerable and high risk for illness will be encouraged to continue remote instruction as these students’ health can be affected by COVID-19Schedules Alternating Days: Secondary students would be divided into 2 groups. Groups would alternate face-to-face and virtual instruction during the week. One example: Group A would attend Monday and Tuesday and work virtually the remainder of the week. Group B would attend Thursday and Friday and work virtually the other days of the week. Wednesday would be a rotating alternating day. INFECTION CONTROL:Classroom Hygiene Procedure Traditional Instructional ModelSchools can deliver traditional instruction under Minimal/Moderate spread by implementing the recommendations outlined in this guidance.District or school-wide distance/remote learning is allowable and an individual decision of each student/family. All students attend in-person or via Zoom for a full day of classes (unless they choose cyber or home schooling).Use scheduling to balance class numbers as much as possible to ensure maximize social distancing.Standard operating procedures will be implemented while taking preventative measures such as: Providing hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol, for students and staff; conducting cleaning of classrooms and high-touch surfaces each day; limiting physical interaction through partner or group work.Special education students will be encouraged to continue in person instruction as these students often rely on daily routines and social interactions to address their individual learning needs.Students that are vulnerable and high risk for illness will be encouraged to continue remote instruction as these students’ health can be affected by COVID-19INFECTION CONTROL:Classroom Hygiene Procedure Behavioral Health Supports and SEL ConsiderationsEmployees have access to a variety of Behavioral Health Supports that may include:Community resourcesHR DepartmentStudents and Families have access to the following Behavioral Health Supports:Monroe/Pike County residents- Find a Provider: HealthChoices MembersCarbon-Monroe-Pike Mental Health and Development ServicesSEL Instructional Practices/Supports (Trauma Impacts of COVID-19) Employees have access to a variety of Behavioral Health Supports that may include:Community resourcesHR DepartmentStudents and Families have access to the following Behavioral Health Supports:Monroe/Pike County residents- Find a Provider: HealthChoices MembersCarbon-Monroe-Pike Mental Health and Development ServicesSEL Instructional Practices/Supports (Trauma Impacts of COVID-19)Employees have access to a variety of Behavioral Health Supports that may include:Community resourcesHR DepartmentStudents and Families have access to the following Behavioral Health Supports:Monroe/Pike County residents- Find a Provider: HealthChoices MembersCarbon-Monroe-Pike Mental Health and Development ServicesSEL Instructional Practices/Supports (Trauma Impacts of COVID-19)Protecting Students and Staff at High Risk for Severe Illness Schools are closed to students. Protecting students and staff at higher risk for severe illnessStaff will have the opportunity to self-Identify as high risk so accommodation or leave can be determined (leave also available if daycare/school impacted) prior to returning to face to face instruction. Continuity of education plan should be followed for those students that may not be able to attend due to high risk. Remote learning and telework will continue as appropriate. Establish point-of-contact with the local health departmentIdentify local COVID-19 testing sitesEstablish a process for regular check-ins with vulnerable students and staffAdministrative Procedures Faculty Staff COVID-19 Safety Plan AcknowledgementDepartment of Labor “Determining FFCRA Eligibility” web toolUse of face coverings:Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth.Expanded Masking OrderUnique safety protocols for students with complex needs or other vulnerable individualsAllow vulnerable students to complete their coursework virtuallyAllow an early transition for vulnerable students to go to classesTraining provided to all staff working with populations of students with complex needs and classified as vulnerable individuals Training provided to all staff on infection control and how to mitigate the spread of germs. Training will be focused on:How germs are spread.Hand hygiene procedures Daily health screening proceduresWhen to quarantine When not to report to work due to exposure or illnessReview of classroom hygiene procedures When and how to use PPE deployment of staffSubstitute Teacher Training Program for Delaware Valley SDTemporary reassignment of staff to vacant positionsMaterials, Resources and/or Supports NeededFaculty and Staff COVID-19 Safety AgreementCOVID-19 Guidance for Pennsylvania BusinessesProtecting students and staff at higher risk for severe illnessStaff will have the opportunity to self-Identify as high risk so accommodation or leave can be determined (leave also available if daycare/school impacted) prior to returning to face to face instruction. Continuity of education plan should be followed for those students that may not be able to attend due to high risk. Remote learning and telework will continue as appropriate. Establish point-of-contact with the local health departmentIdentify local COVID-19 testing sitesEstablish a process for regular check-ins with vulnerable students and staffAdministrative Procedures FacultyStaff COVID-19 Safety Plan AcknowledgementDepartment of Labor “Determining FFCRA Eligibility” web toolUse of face coverings:Face coverings will be required in accordance with the orders set forth by the Commonwealth. Expanded Masking Order Unique safety protocols for students with complex needs or other vulnerable individualsAllow vulnerable students to complete their coursework virtuallyAllow an early transition for vulnerable students to go to classesTraining provided to all staff working with populations of students with complex needs and classified as vulnerable individuals. Training provided to all staff on infection control and how to mitigate the spread of germs. Training will be focused on:How germs are spread.Hand hygiene procedures Daily health screening proceduresWhen to quarantine When not to report to work due to exposure or illnessReview of classroom hygiene procedures When and how to use PPE deployment of staffSubstitute Teacher Training Program for Delaware Valley School DistrictTemporary reassignment of staff to vacant positionsMaterials, Resources and/or Supports NeededFaculty and Staff COVID-19 Safety AgreementCOVID-19 Guidance for Pennsylvania BusinessesSports, Extracurricular Activities, and Field Trips Handling sporting activities for recess and physical education classes consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth SportsSchools are closed to students.Handling sporting activities for recess and physical education classes consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth SportsPK-12 Athletics Health and Safety Plan Students attending DVSD that participate in school sports, would adhere to their school district’s PK-12 Athletics Health and Safety PlanCommunity Based and Work-based instructionDVSD schools will follow PDE and DOH guidelines regarding community and work-based instruction.Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededPA Guidance for All Sports Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency: COVID-19 Guidance for SportsCDC Considerations for Youth Sports: Considerations for Youth SportsGuidance for Business in the Restaurant Industry (Concessions): COVID-19 Guidance for Businesses in the Restaurant IndustryHandling sporting activities for recess and physical education classes consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth SportsPK-12 Athletics Health and Safety Plan Students attending DVSD that participate in school sports, would adhere to their school district’s PK-12 Athletics Health and Safety munity Based and Work-based instructionDVSD schools will follow PDE and DOH guidelines regarding community and work-based instruction.Materials, Resources and/or Supports NeededPA Guidance for All Sports Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency: COVID-19 Guidance for SportsCDC Considerations for Youth Sports: Considerations for Youth SportsGuidance for Business in the Restaurant Industry (Concessions): COVID-19 Guidance for Businesses in the Restaurant IndustryHealth and Safety Plan Professional Development The success of your plan for a healthy and safe reopening requires all stakeholders to be prepared with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the plan as intended. Professional learning plans is documented with the following components listed in the table below:Topic Audience Lead Person and Position Session Format Materials, Resources, and/or Supports Needed Start DateCompletion DateCoronavirus AwarenessAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making & Using Closh Face CoveringsAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Coronavirus: Cleaning and Disinfecting your WorkplaceAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Coronavirus: Managing Stress and AnxietyAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Coronavirus: Preparing your HouseholdAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Coronavirus: Reopening your OrganizationAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Coronavirus: Transitioning to a Remote WorkforceAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Pandemic FluAll DVSD EmployeesHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginJuly 3, 2020August 28, 2020Schoology- “Self-Paced Getting Started with Schoology”Teachers/Instructional staffHR Office/Technology Virtual TrainingsSchoology loginJuly 20, 2020August 28, 2020Leveraging Schoology in a Leadership RoleInstructional AdministratorsHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSchoology loginAugust, 2020August 28, 2020Schoology Train the trainer sessionsLead TeachersHR Office/TechnologyVirtual TrainingsSchoology loginAugust, 2020August, 2020New Teacher OrientationNew FacultyHR OfficeVirtual Trainings/or social distancing in DVHSInduction manualAug.25, 2020June, 2021School Opening TrainingCoronavirus modulesMental Health First AidPLC or First in Math TrainingAll Instructional StaffHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsSafe Schools LoginZOOMGo-To-MeetingAug. 28, 2020Aug. 28, 2020Substitute Teacher OrientationSubstitute TrainingsHR OfficeVirtual TrainingsZOOMAug. 26, 2020August, 26, 2020Health and Safety Plan CommunicationsTimely and effective communication with families and staff about health and safety protocols and schedules is critical. Additionally, LEAs should establish and maintain ongoing communication with local and state authorities to determine current mitigation levels in your community. Health and Safety Plan Communications is documented with the following components listed in the table below:Topic Audience Lead Person and Position Mode of CommunicationsStart DateCompletion DateParent Survey #1 about possible reopening options All ParentsSuperintendentWebsite, Automated Call, Social Media7/1/207/12/20Staff Survey #1 about ability to return and needsAll StaffAssistant SuperintendentAutomated Call, Email7/6/207/15/20Reopening Options PresentationEntire CommunitySuperintendentPowerPoint presentation broadcast live via DV YouTube Channel; posted on DV website7/16/20Ongoing via websiteParent Survey #2 about Options A-CAll ParentsSuperintendentWebsite, Automated Call, Social Media7/20/207/26/20Staff Email about Reopening OptionsAll StaffSuperintendentAutomated Call, Email7/20/207/26/20Reopening PlanEntire CommunitySuperintendentPowerPoint presentation broadcast live via YouTube channel; posted on DV website8/6/20Ongoing via websiteSummer Letter to Families Parents & Students PrincipalsU.S. Mail; posted on website8/14/208/14/20RESOURCES: Regional Members of Pandemic Committees: Committees included members from Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, the 13 school districts in the CIU20 region, 3 career technical schools in the CIU20 region, and local health officials. The purpose of the committees was to plan and prepare for reopening schools for the 2020-21 school year. Due to COVID-19, reopening schools needed to be adapted/modified to incorporate safety and health guidance for all students, staff, and school community. The committees examined guidance and routines used to prepare for the 2020-21 school year and develop alternative means for accomplishing the needed outcomes. The plans incorporated social distancing and remote learning alternatives to provide education and services throughout the various phases of re-opening directed by the state of Pennsylvania and the Department of Health and recommendations by CDC. Special accommodations were considered and implemented for students and staff that are at high risk for exposure to infectious disease. Superintendent's Advisory CouncilChristopher Wolfel, Executive Director, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 William Haws, Superintendent, Bangor Area School DistrictJoseph Roy, Superintendent, Bethlehem Area School DistrictJohn Bell, Superintendent, Delaware Valley Area School DistrictWilliam Riker, Superintendent, East Stroudsburg Area School DistrictDavid Piperato, Superintendent, Easton Area School DistrictDennis Riker, Superintendent, Nazareth Area School DistrictJoseph Kovalchick, Superintendent, Northampton Area School DistrictWalter Schlegell, Superintendent, Pen Argyl Area School DistrictLee Lesisko, Superintendent, Pleasant Valley Area School DistrictElizabeth Robison, Superintendent, Pocono Mountain Area School DistrictCraig Butler, Superintendent, Saucon Valley Area School DistrictCosmos Curry, Superintendent, Stroudsburg Area School DistrictDouglaas Wagner, Superintendent, Wilson Area School DistrictAdam Lazarchick, Executive Director, Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School Adrianne Jones, Administrative Director, Career Institute of TechnologyDennis Virga, Administrative Director, Monroe Career and Technical Institute Teaching and Learning Michelle Bozzini, Director of Professional Learning and Curriculum, CIU20Heather Heimer, Supervisor of STEM and School Improvement, CIU20Denise Kaminski, Assistant Director of Professional Learning and Curriculum, CIU20Renee Harris, Supervisor of Online and Cyber Services, CIU20Susan Kandianis, Supervisor of Educational Technology, CIU20Ariel Hartman, TaC, CIU20Ryan Moran, Assistant Superintendent, East Stroudsburg SDWanda Lesoine, Assistant Superintendent, Stroudsburg Area SDKristine Rosenberger, Assistant Superintendent, Saucon Valley SDDavid Wright, Assistant Superintendent, Wilson SDIsabel Resende, Assistant Superintendent, Nazareth SDSpecial Education and Pupil ServicesJackie Bartek, Director of Special Education, CIU20James McDonald, Director of Resolve Behavioral Health ServicesLynda Hopkins, Director of Special Education, Stroudsburg Area School DistrictTricia Viglione, Director of Special Education, Pen Argyl Area School DistrictClaire Hogan, Chief Pupil Services Office, Bethlehem Area School DistrictTechnologyAdam S. Lazarchak, Executive Director, Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical SchoolAlex Sterenchock, Network Administrator, Pleasant Valley School DistrictAnn Bauer, Student Information Data Specialist, Pleasant Valley School DistrictAnne McEntire, Supervisor of Education Technology K-5, Easton Area School DistrictBeth Rajan Sockman, Assistant Professor Media Communication and Technology, East Stroudsburg UniversityBrian Borosh, Director of Technology, East Stroudsburg Area School DistrictBrian Dravecz, Supervisor of Technology, Colonial IU 20Carise Comstock, Principal, Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the ArtsCraig Brown, Technology Services, Delaware Valley School DistrictCristal McCollum, Director of Technology Integration, K-12, Lehigh Valley AcademyDavid Ifkovits, Supervisor of Management Information Systems, Pen Argyl School DistrictDr. David Wright, Assistant Superintendent, Wilson Area School DistrictGarry Musselman, Technology Coordinator, Wilson Area School DistrictGuylaine Campbell, Technology Administrator, Bethlehem Catholic High SchoolHeather Heimer, Assistant Director of Professional Learning, Colonial IU 20James Colbert, Instructional Technology, Saucon Valley School DistrictJamie Quick, Technology Coordinator, Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical SchoolJD Eates, Assistant Director of Information Technology, Nazareth Area School DistrictJennifer Levernier, Executive Office & Technology Manager, Student Support Associate, Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the ArtsJeremy Sawicki, Director of Technology Services, Pocono Mountain School DistrictJoann McCarthy, Technology Coordinator, Career Institute of TechnologyJoe Curran, Network Administrator, Stroudsburg Area School DistrictJoe Robinson, Technology Manager, Lehigh Valley AcademyKathleen DePietro-Covey, Director of Instructional Technology, Stroudsburg Area School DistrictKathleen H. Bondi, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Technology / Government Programs, Allentown DioceseKurt Paccio, Director of Technology, Northampton Area School DistrictLee Gaudreau, Director, Network Administration, Moravian AcademyLee Lesisko, Superintendent, Pleasant Valley School DistrictMarie E. Bachman, Chief Technology Officer, Bethlehem Area School DistrictMichael Peck, PAACA Cyber Coordinator, Pen Argyl School DistrictMichael Uelses, Director of Information Technology, Nazareth Area School DistrictMichael Uelses, Director of Information Technology, Nazareth Area School DistrictMr. Kristopher Dorshimer, Supervisor of Technology, Monroe Career and Technical InstituteMrs. Jaime Arnts, Supervisor of Education Technology 6-12, Easton Area School DistrictMs. Dolores Notari , Business Instructor, Pocono Mountain School DistrictPatti Hannon, Tech Support, Delaware Valley School DistrictPaul Bien, Tech Support, Moravian AcademyRenee Harris, Supervisor of Online Teaching & Learning, Colonial IU 20Scott Best, Supervisor of IT Support Services, Bethlehem Area School DistrictStacy Famoso, Director of Instructional Technology, Stroudsburg Area School DistrictStephen Spengler, Director of Instructional Technology, Pocono Mountain School DistrictSusan Kandianis, Supervisor of Educational Technology, Colonial IU 20Susan Stem, Director of Information Technology, Easton Area School DistrictTim Curran, Technology Director, Bangor Area School DistrictTom Kalinoski, Director of Technology and Operations, Colonial IU 20Victoria McNeely, Director of Technology and Elementary Education, Delaware Valley School DistrictTransportationRobert Sutjak, Director of Transportation, CIU20Thomas Hendel, Coordinator of Transportation, CIU20 Sandy McKeon, Transportation Manager, BethlehemDawn Rohrer, Director of Transportation, East StroudsburgRon Pacchioli, Director of Transportation, EastonPatricia Quinn, Supervisor of transportation, NazarethBrian Leskowich, Director of Transportation, NorthamptonWilliam Gasper, Director of Operations, Pleasant ValleyPatricia Diehl, Admin Asst. to Supervisor of Operations, Saucon ValleyStacy Polak, Admin. Asst. to Supervisor of Operations, Saucon ValleyJohn McCabe, Supervisor of campus operations, Saucon ValleyKevin Aul, Supervisor of Transportation, StroudsburgKen Case, Director of Operations, WilsonDora LeBar, Liason for West Campus Transportation, Pocono Mt.Barb Hufnagel, Liason for East Campus Transportation, Pocono Mt.Jean Cantania, Supervisor of Transportation, Pocono Mt. First StudentJennifer Kulp, Asst. Supervisor of Transportation, NazarethDana Farace, Coordinator of Transportation, Pen Argyl FacilitiesBrad Pensyl, exec director of support staff services, Pocono MountainJohn McCabe, Supervisor of Campus Operations, Saucon ValleyJonathan Jenny, Director of Maintenance, NorthamptonKen Case, Supervisor of Facilities Operations, WilsonMark Stein, Chief Facilities and Operations Officer, BethlehemMarvin Eversdyke, Director of Support Services, Delaware ValleyMr. Frank Pecci, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, Monroe Career and Technical InstituteMr. Michael Farace, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, Pen ArgylMr. William Gasper, Director of Operations, Pleasant ValleyMrs. Katie Vietro, Supervisor of District Operations, EastonNick Kornafel, , CITRobert P. Zemanick, Director of Facilities & Operations, NazarethRon Baker, , BangorRyan Davis, Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds, BAVTSScott Ihle, Director of Facilities, East StroudsburgTerry Eilber, Supervisor of Buildings and grounds, StroudsburgSafety, Health, Dining and Security: Emergency PreparednessFrank DeFelice, Assistant Executive Director, CIU20Christina Williams, Supervisor of Health and Wellness, CIU20Joseph Kondisko, Director of Student Services, Bangor ASDAdam Lazarchak, Executive Director, BAVTTodd Repsher, Coordinator School Safety / Emerg. Mgmt, Bethlehem ASDKathy Halkins, Supervisor Health Services, BethlehemKim Zsitek-Brannan, Supervisor Health Services, BethlehemAngela Cummings, Dietary, BethlehemCarolyn Krotowski, Principal,Colonial Academy/ CIU20Mike Halmar, Assistant Principal, Colonial Academy/ CIU20Chris Lordi, Director of Administrative Services, Delaware Valley SDEric Forsyth, Director of Admin Services, John Remaley, Chief Security Officer,Easton SDJill Mahad, Chief Security Officer, Nazareth SDKathleen E. Ott, Director of Data, Grants, and Special Programs, NorthamptonRobert Steckel, Assistant Superintendent, NorthamptonWalter Schlegel, Superintendent, Pen ArgylKaren Waitz, Food Service Coordinator, Pen Argyl SDDana Farace, Transportation Coordinator, Pen Argyl SDJamie Achenbach, Business Administrator Pen Argyl SDMai Korinchak. School Nurse, Pen Argyl SDLynn Courtright, Chief of Police & Security, Pleasant ValleyBrad Pensyl, Executive Director of Student and Support Staff Services, Pocono Mountain School DistrictBeth Delay, Director, Health/Physical Education,Guidance & Nursing Services, Pocono Mountain School DistrictDavid Bonenberger, Business Manager,Saucon Valley SchoolKeith Albert, Chief of School Security/Safety, Stroudsburg SDDouglas Wagner, Superintendent, WilsonGarry Musselman, Technology Director, WilsonLaura Sampson, Supervisor of Student Services, Wilson SDTodd Weaver, Director NEMS, Northampton CountySherri Penchishen, Bethlehem Dept of HealthAlycia Walty, Chief Medical Director, StarWellnessHuman ResourcesFrank DeFelice, Assistant Executive Director, CIU20Franchesca Phalen, Supervisor of HR & Research Services, CIU 20Braden Hendershot, Assistant to the Superintendent, Bangor SDRussell Giordano, Chief Human Resources Officer, Bethlehem SDStephen Zall, Director of HR, East Stroudsburg SDAlyssa Emili, Assistant Superintendent, Easton SDDennis Riker, Superintendent, Nazareth SDDonna Teklits, Supervisor of HR & Child Accounting, Northampton SDWalter Schlegel, Superintendent, Pen Argyl SDDavid Bonenberger, Business Manager, Saucon Valley SDLaura Connolly, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, Stroudsburg SDDouglas Wagner, Superintendent, Wilson SDAdam Lazarchak, Executive Director, BAVTSStephen Curran, Business Manager, CITDiane Serfass, Business Manager, MCTIJohn Burrus, Chief Human Resources Officer, Easton SDKathleen Smith, Executive Director of HR, Pocono Mountain SDMargaret Schaffer, Assistant Superintendent, Delaware Valley SDRobert Mauro, Interim Director of HR, Pleasant Valley SDResources: CDC Considerations for Schools: the Schools Decision Tree: the Interim Guidance for Schools and Day Camps: to Reopen Pennsylvania: People Who Need Extra Precautions: Print Resources: Considerations for Youth Sports: Guidance for Businesses Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency to Ensure the Safety and Health of Employees and the Public: Guidance on Home Isolation or Quarantine and Returning to Work: Important Information About Your Cloth Face Coverings: on Homemade Masks During COVID-19: COVID-19 PPE and Supplies Business-2-Business Interchange Directory: How to clean and disinfect: of Bucks: Guidance for Bucks County Schools Reopenings - DAVID C. DAMSKER, M.D., M.P.H. (June 15, 2020) World Health Organization Academy of Pediatrics: COVID-19 Planning Considerations Guidance for School Re-entry Kids: Recommendations For School Reopening School Reopening Task Force Report June 18, 2020 Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation Statement The Board of Directors for the Delaware Valley School District reviewed and approved the Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan on August 6, 2020.The plan was approved by a vote of: 5 Yes 4 NoAffirmed on: August 6, 2020By:Cory Homer, President *Electronic signatures on this document are acceptable using one of the two methods detailed below.Option A: The use of actual signatures is encouraged whenever possible. This method requires that the document be printed, signed, scanned, and then submitted. Option B: If printing and scanning are not possible, add an electronic signature using the resident Microsoft Office product signature option, which is free to everyone, no installation or purchase needed. ................

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