D1 - OTE, a.s.

D1.4 CS OTE External InterfaceSection D1.4.2G XML Message Formats - GasSpecification for gas market Project No.:420/ECF0867Document No.:D1.4.2GDoc. version:1.40Date of issue:26.3.2015CONTENT TOC \o "1-3" \h \z 1.INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc350769141 \h 301.1.Data flows PAGEREF _Toc350769142 \h 311.1.1.Parties to the communication PAGEREF _Toc350769143 \h 311.1.2.Method of data provision PAGEREF _Toc350769144 \h 311.1.3.Formats of automatic communication PAGEREF _Toc350769145 \h 321.1.4.Security PAGEREF _Toc350769146 \h 342.PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION PAGEREF _Toc350769147 \h 353.GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF USING MESSAGES PAGEREF _Toc350769148 \h 374.OVERVIEW OF MESSAGES PAGEREF _Toc350769149 \h 405.Description of the format according to OTE specification PAGEREF _Toc350769150 \h 685.1.CDSGASCLAIM PAGEREF _Toc350769151 \h 695.2.CDSGASINVOICE PAGEREF _Toc350769152 \h 725.3.CDSGASPOF PAGEREF _Toc350769153 \h 785.4.CDSGASREQ PAGEREF _Toc350769154 \h 915.5.CDSEDIGASREQ PAGEREF _Toc350769155 \h 945.MONGASREQ PAGEREF _Toc350769156 \h 985.MONMARKETREQ PAGEREF _Toc350769157 \h 1005.2.CDSGASMASTERDATA PAGEREF _Toc350769158 \h 1025.3.GASRESPONSE PAGEREF _Toc350769159 \h 1095.4.CDSGASTEMPERATURE PAGEREF _Toc350769160 \h 1155.5.ISOTEDATA PAGEREF _Toc350769161 \h 1185.6.ISOTEMASTERDATA PAGEREF _Toc350769162 \h 1205.7.ISOTEREQ PAGEREF _Toc350769163 \h 1215.8.RESPONSE PAGEREF _Toc350769164 \h 1225.9.SFVOTGASBILLING PAGEREF _Toc350769165 \h 1235.10.SFVOTGASBILLINGSUM PAGEREF _Toc350769166 \h 1255.11.SFVOTGASCLAIM PAGEREF _Toc350769167 \h 1265.12.SFVOTGASCLAIMSUM PAGEREF _Toc350769168 \h 1275.13.SFVOTGASTDD PAGEREF _Toc350769169 \h 1285.14.SFVOTGASTDDNETT PAGEREF _Toc350769170 \h 1295.15.SFVOTLIMITS PAGEREF _Toc350769171 \h 1305.16.SFVOTGASREQ PAGEREF _Toc350769172 \h 1315.17.SFVOTREQ PAGEREF _Toc350769173 \h 1335.18.Global XSD templates PAGEREF _Toc350769174 \h 1345.munication scenarios PAGEREF _Toc350769175 \h 1355.19.1.Entering claims PAGEREF _Toc350769176 \h 1355.19.2.Registration of PDT PAGEREF _Toc350769177 \h 1375.19.3.Change of supplier PAGEREF _Toc350769178 \h 1395.19.4.Change of balance responsible party at a PDT PAGEREF _Toc350769179 \h 1515.19.5.Observer assignment at the PDT PAGEREF _Toc350769180 \h 1535.19.6.Imbalance responsibility transfer PAGEREF _Toc350769181 \h 1536.Formats according to EDIGAS specification PAGEREF _Toc350769182 \h 1566.1.Metering and allocations PAGEREF _Toc350769183 \h 1586.2.Nominations PAGEREF _Toc350769184 \h 1726.3.Imbalances PAGEREF _Toc350769185 \h 193list of diagrams TOC \h \z \c "Obr." Fig. 1 – Basic principle of exchange of messages (target state) PAGEREF _Toc299089934 \h 30Fig. 2 – Sending a claim PAGEREF _Toc299089935 \h 102Fig. 3 – Request for claim PAGEREF _Toc299089936 \h 103Fig. 4 – OTE information sending PAGEREF _Toc299089937 \h 103Fig. 5 – Request for OTE information PAGEREF _Toc299089938 \h 103Fig. 6 – Registration of PDT PAGEREF _Toc299089939 \h 105Fig. 7 – Change of PDT data PAGEREF _Toc299089940 \h 105Fig. 8 – Request for PDT data PAGEREF _Toc299089941 \h 106Fig. 9 – Standard change of supplier PAGEREF _Toc299089942 \h 110Fig. 10 – Quick change of supplier PAGEREF _Toc299089943 \h 115Obr. 10 –Supply extension / reduction PAGEREF _Toc299089944 \h 116Fig. 11 – Sending of a statement of change of supplier PAGEREF _Toc299089945 \h 117Fig. 12 – Change of balance responsible party by the existing BRP PAGEREF _Toc299089946 \h 118Fig. 13 – Change of balance responsible party by the existing supplier PAGEREF _Toc299089947 \h 119Fig. 14 – Change of balance responsible party by the existing supplier PAGEREF _Toc299089948 \h 121Abreviations usedAbrev.ExplanationBRPBalance Responsible PartyCDSCentrum of data servicesDSODistribution system operatorCHMICzech hydrometeorological institute EICETSO coding systemIDIdentifierIS OTEOTE information systemISOInternational standartisation organisationIS-UBranch SAP solution for utilitiesITInformation technologyLPLoad profilesMSGMessagePDTPoint of delivery / TransferPEGProducer?s extractive gas-linePKIPublic Key InfrastructurePOFData for grid usage invoicing RMPRegistered market participantOTEOTE a.s. (Czech energy market operator)TSOTransmission system operatorSAPSystems Applications and Products in Data ProcessingSBRPSuper Balanace Responsible PartySPService providerSSOStorage system operatorWASWeb Application ServerXMLExtensible markup languageXSDXML document schemeREVISION HISTORYDateSubjectRevision30.9.2009First draft of the document finalisedV1.013.10.2009Chap. 5.8.2 Registration of PDT – change of SLR Disabled attribute to optional V. 5.8.2 Registration of PDT – change of SLR Active attribute to SLR-ACTIVEV. 6.2 Nomination – NOMRES message amended (RECIPIENT ROLE field) as well as the communication scenario for sending OS/OT nominations of VO subtype (sum of nominations to settle preliminary and actual imbalance for all BRP) to TSOV. 6.3 Imbalances – IMBNOT message amended (SUBCOTRACT REFERENCE and RECIPIENT ROLE fields) as well as the communication scenario for sending summary imbalance for all BRP to TSOV. 6.3 Imbalances – IMBNOT message amended (TYPE field) for the purpose of sending final (i.e. corrective) actual imbalancesV. 3 – General principles of using messages – time formats corrected with regard to definition of gas day. Definition of numerical formats for Edigas messages amended.V1.120.10.2009Definition of CDSGASPOF message data types and filling of the individual items reviewed. The changes do not affect the structure, only the format of allowed values.V1.120.10.2009Definition of CDSGASMATERDATA message – the following optional attributes were added to the OPM element:est-cons-2 – estimate of annual consumption (in m3)dpi-disable – SLR disableddpi-active – SLR mode active/inactivealloc-sch-entry – input allocation rulealloc-sch-exit – output allocation ruleV1.120.10.2009Definition of GASMASTERDATA message - Activity element changed from optional to required. The element may be repeated as of now. Date-time attribute change from required to optional.V1.120.10.2009Definition of CDSGASMASTERDATA message – description changed for the action GAT – Statement from the journal of change of supplier (restriction for attribute type el. Activity) V1.120.10.2009EDIGAS formats - standard XSD templates according to the EDIGAS standard were modified for the purposes of OTEP, including amendment of namsapces. The changes do not affect the structure (except the earlier ones), only on the optional/required parameter of the individual fields in the form of separate code lists.V1.120.10.2009The code list CLCLCDS024 - Product was amended with the following items:QC10 – Change of accumulation (in m3)QS10 – Planned estimate of annual consumption in?m3 V1.120.10.2009The code list CLCDS012 – Metering unit was changed to:MWZ (MWh/d) substituted by KWH (kWh)MTQ (m3) substituted by MQ5 (nm3)Z99 - Not specified (to be used for coefficients)V1.120.10.2009the code list CLCLCDS025 – Type of imbalance was amended with the following items:PSUM – Sum of preliminary imbalances for all BRPDSUM - Sum of actual imbalances for all BRPV1.122.10.2009The code list CLCDS013 – Value status – the value 02G deletedV1.122.10.2009The code list CLCDS014 – Status type – the values 15G, 16G, 17G, 18G, 19G, 21G deletedV1.122.10.2009Definition of GASMASTEDATA – attributes alloc-sch-entry and allloc-sch-entry amended with restriction of relevant values (according to the code list CLCDS014):04G - Pro rata05G - SBA Shipper balancing agreement06G - OBA Operational balancing agreement22.10.2009Definition of SHPCDS - attribute Type added for identification of document type. The code list CLCDS001 was amended with the item SHP (Shipper codes). V1.123.10.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – time format modified (now: locally valid time with off-set from UTC)V. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – use of metering units (KWh and other units) and numbers of decimal places modifiedV. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – GASDAT message – the volume currently includes a signV. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – APERAK message – rules of using APERAK message in communication with OTE modifiedV. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – SHPCDS message – TYPE field added and method of using message modifiedV. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – Communication scenarios of OS/OT nominations modified so that they currently include the agreed flows between OTE and TSO for FK and VO nomination subtypes.V. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – NOMRES message – codes 19G (amended) and 07G (originally incorrectly specified as 01G) in TYPE field correctedV. code list CLCDS024 - Product – aggregated data products added:ASA1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering A, productionASA2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, consumptionASB1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering B, productionASB2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, consumptionASC2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, consumptionASD2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering CM, consumptionASA4 Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, consumptionASB4 Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, consumptionASC4 Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, consumptionASD4 Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering CM, consumptionA3A1 Aggregated actual value of supply, metering A, points of transferA3B1 Aggregated actual value of supply, metering B, points of transferA3A2 Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, points of transferA3B2 Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, points of transferA81Aggregated values consumption - per BRPA82Aggregated values production - per BRPV1.123.10.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – NOMRES message – filling of TYPE field changed.V1.123.10.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – IMBNOT message – filling of TYPE field changed.V1.119.11.2009A new format of COMMONGASREQ introduced for administration of RMP – CDS communication. A separate chapter is dedicated to the format.V1.219.11.2009Definition of CDSGASREQ message – the Location element amended with the following optional attributes:anlart – PDT typetypm – metering typegrid-id – gridV1.219.11.2009Definition of CDSGASMATERDATA message – restriction of the role attribute of the Party element was amended with the following identifiers:117 – LP administrator118 – Weather data provider201 – New supplier (note: 101 – Old supplier)211 – Old balance responsible party (note: 111 – Old supplier)The following identifiers were removed: 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 (observer).V1.219.11.2009Definition of CDSGASMATERDATA message – restriction of the type attribute of the Activity element was amended with the following identifiers:SCR – request for change of supplierV1.219.11.2009Definition of CDSGASMASTERDATA message – the element OPM was amended with the following optional attributes:sopm - EIC of neighbouring PDTsum-opm - EIC of summary PDTV1.219.11.2009Definition of CDSGASPOF message – the element head (invoice->head) was amended with the optional pofId attribute.V1.219.11.2009Definition of CDSEDIGASREQ message – restriction of the message-code attribute of the CDSEDIGASREQ root element was amended with the following identifiers:GL2 – Inquiry about data of reserved capacityGML – Inquiry about aggregated values for BRPGMN - Inquiry about data for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMGMP – Inquiry about summary data for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMGMR – Inquiry about summary values for BRP and grid broken down to A, B, C, CMGT9 – Inquiry about estimated consumption diagram of a PDT group (C, CM)V1.219.11.2009Definition of GASRESPONSE message – restriction of the message-code attribute of the GASRESPONSE root element was amended with the following identifiers:GL4 - Confirmation / Error in inquiry about the data of the reserved capacityGMM - Confirmation / Error in inquiry about the aggregated values for BRPGMO - Confirmation / Error in inquiry about the data for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMGMQ - Confirmation / Error in inquiry about the summary values for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMGMS - Confirmation / Error in inquiry about the summary values for BRP and network broken down to A, B, C, CMGTA - Confirmation / Error in inquiry about the estimated consumption diagram of a PDT group (C, CM)GX2 – Error/confirmation of sending a request for provision of output dataGX4 – Confirmation within control of server-server connection and sending of unsent messagesV1.219.11.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – time interval format modified. The global data type TimeInterval according to the standard was adopted in the global data types of CDS (cdscc). Unlike in the standard, the interval values are entered including off-sets (e.g. +01:00).This component was replaced in all messages and on all locations of CDS Edigas.V1.219.11.2009Gasdat message – data type of the Role (RelevantParty->Role) element changed from?cdscc:PartyType to cdscc:RoleType.V1.219.11.2009The code list CLCDS003 – Role of entity – SU (Supplier) value added V1.219.11.2009The code list CLCDS021 – Nomination status - values 15G (Processed by adjacent System Operator) and 18G (Nominated by counter party) addedV1.219.11.2009The code list CLCDS022 – Allocation type - value Z05 (Forecast) addedV1.219.11.2009The code list CLCDS024 - Product – products were revised. The following changes were made:Descriptions of aggregated products were changed.LP diagram products and temperatures correction coefficients were removed for all areas except 9 (Czech Rep) and products A50Products added:TA9 – Actual weather conditions (temperatures) – actualTAB - Actual weather conditions (temperatures) – normalDNxy, DKxy – Normal and recalculated values of LP diagrams for TO x and class TDD yJ42 – Calculated residual profile of DS - consumptionJ50 – Behaviour diagram of correction coefficient for residual balance of DSV1.219.11.2009The code list CLCDS051 – Message acceptance status - value 37 (Accepted with amendment) addedV1.22.12.2009CDSGASCLAIM – addition of type specification for the element claim-text – xsd:stringV1.32.12.2009CDSGASCLAIM – review of the claim-type code listADM1?? ????????? Contractual relationshipsCDS1??? ????????? MeteringCDS2??? ????????? Registration of PDTCDS3??? ????????? Change of supplierCDS4??? ????????? Acceptance of responsibility for imbalanceCDS5??? ????????? Acceptance and processing of dataCOM1?? ????????? Automatic communicationCOM2?? ????????? Configuration of communicationFIN1???? ????????? Invoicing (finance)OTH1??? ????????? OtherRMN1?? ????????? Financial securitySET1??? ????????? Settlement in generalSET2??? ????????? Settlement of imbalancesTRA6??? ????????? NominationTRA7??? C????????? Registration of contracts with NTTRA8??? C????????? Day-ahead gas marketTRA9??? C ???????? ?Intra-day gas marketV1.32.12.2009Definition of the CDSGASPOF message – addition of the MOSettlementUnitPrice attribute to the element InstrumentReading as required and DitributionSum (sublement InstrumentReadingC) as optional.V1.32.12.2009Definition of CDSGASPOF message – the following identifier was deleted from the restriction of the msg-code attribute of the CDSGASPOF root element:GP3 - Data copy (to Supplier / BRP)The data copy will be sent via the message with?msg_code GP6 as well as the data upon request.V1.32.12.2009Definition of EDIGASREQ message – the element Location amended with the attribute version for specification of the required version of the data from the settlement viewpoint. If not filled, the currently valid data will be sent.The attribute is optional and the following identifiers will be relevant:00 - Data for daily settlement10 - Data for monthly settlement20 - Data for final monthly settlement99 – Current version of dataIdentical values are used in newly introduced code list for messages Edigas CLCDS026 – Data version.V1.32.12.2009Definition of CDSEDIGASREQ message – restriction of the message-code attribute of the CDSEDIGASREQ root element was amended with the following identifiers:GIB – Inquiry about corrective imbalancesV1.32.12.2009Definition of CDGASMASTERDATA message – the Data element amended with the attributes rejection-reason (Reason of rejection of a change of supplier) and rzu-reason (Reason of change of supplier by registration of data). Both attributes are optional. The following identifiers shall be relevant for the attribute rejection-reason:01?– Non-confirmation of reservation of distribution capacity by DSO/TSO02 – Non-confirmation of acceptance of responsibility for imbalance by BRP03?– PDT not registered for the period04?– Suspended by the new supplier05 – Suspended by the original supplier06 – Negative verification of financial security of the new BRP07 – Non-confirmation of continuation of gas supplies by the existing balance responsible party08 – Non-confirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplier09 – Request for change of supplier not sent99 - Otherthe following identifiers are allowed for the attribute rzu-reason:01 – New connection02 - Overwriting03 – Unauthorised consumption/distribution (commencement)04 – Unauthorised consumption/distribution (renewal)V1.32.12.2009Definition of CDGASMASTERDATA message – the element OPM amended with the optional attribute info-text (information about changes at PDT).V1.32.12.2009Definition of CDSGASMASTERDATA message – restriction of the attribute message-code of the CDSGASMASTERDATA root element was amended with the following identifiers:GR7 – Information about SLR activationGR8 – Information about PDT terminationV1.32.12.2009Definition of GASMASTERDATA message – restriction of the attributes alloc-ch-entry and alloc-sch-exit of the element OPM was amended with the following identifier:07G - Pro-rata/SBAV1.32.12.2009Format GASMASTERDATA, RESPONSE – correction of mismatched msg_codes for the processes of change of supplier:GAE – Confirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplier – CDSGASMASTERDATA formatGAF – Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation of customer’s consent with the change of supplier – RESPONSE formatGAG – Copy of confirmation of the customer’s consent with the change of supplier – CDSGASMASTERDATA formatV1.32.12.2009Definition of GASRESPONSE message – restriction of the attribute message-code of the GASRESPONSE root element was amended with the following identifier:GIC – Confirmation / Error in inquiry about corrective imbalancesV1.32.12.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – NOMINT message – code 02G (sending of financially secured nomination from OTE to the operator) added to TYPE fieldV1.32.12.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – NOMRES message – filling of STATUS field changed (code lists amended and corrected).V1.32.12.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – NOMINT message – notes on using the NOMINT message amendedV1.32.12.2009Chap. 6 Formats according to EDIGAS specification – Nominations – Communication scheme – ending message (5a) added to the graphics – only a correction of an error in graphicsV1.32.12.2009the code list CLCDS001 – Document type – the following types of document were added for using in the Alocat message:97G – for allocation in the data version for final monthly settlement98G – for allocation in the current data version The document type 16G for designation of an Ibmnot message with data of actual imbalance was deleted. The type of imbalance stated in the message shall be used for distinguishing.V1.32.12.2009The code list CLCDS014 – Status category – amended with the 07G value for the allocation rule Pro-rata/SBA in an Alocat message.V1.32.12.2009Edigas messages – code list CLCDS024 – Product – products for sending historical data amended:QH11 – Metered volume – production (interval metering) – historical dataQH12 - Metered volume – consumption (interval metering) – historical dataAH11 – Energy produced (interval metering) – historical dataAH12 – Energy consumed (interval metering) – historical dataThe name of the product used for designation of the temperature correction coefficient was changed to:JKxy – Temperature correction coefficient for TO x, LP yV1.32.12.2009The code list CLCDS024 – Product – amendment of products for diagrams of correction re-calculation to actual temperature for LPJKxy – Coefficient of re-calculation to actual temperature LP for thermal area (TO) x and class LP y. Only thermal area 9=Czech Rep is currently used.V1.32.12.2009Edigas message – Revision of the code list CLCDS025 – Imbalance type was done. The list was amended with the following types of imbalances:DDOS – Actual difference in allocations and nominations at a Virtual UGS on outputDDOT - Actual difference in allocations and nominations at BDS, CGd on outputPDOS – Preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at Virtual UGS on outputPDOT – Preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at NDS, CGD on outputEIMB –?Final actual total imbalance of BRP EINP?– Final actual input imbalance EINP –?Final actual output imbalance of BRP EOTI?– Final off-tolerance imbalance of BRP after inclusion of trading with unused toleranceThe following were removed from the code list:PSUM – Sum of preliminary imbalances for BRPDSUM – Sum of actual imbalances for BRPV1.32.12.2009A new code list CLCDS026 – Data version was introduced. It will be used in a Gasdat output message (element Version, attribute v) to determine the data version in relation to the individual phases of aggregation. As regards input messages, data versions may be sent without limitation.V1.32.12.2009The code list CLCDS051 – Response code – the values from the standard code list Edigas CL9321 were added to the existing values.V1.32.12.2009Specification of access to provision of versions of metered data – see chapter 6.1.V1.315.12.2009CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – restriction of the attribute anlart of the OPM element was expanded with the following identifier:1007 – Vitual PDT for BRP and networkChange was applied at CDSGASREQ as well.V1.415.12.2009CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - restriction of the rejection-reason attribute of the Data element was expanded with following identifiers:51 - Ditribution capacity reservation was not confirmed by DSO/TSO + supply is not procured52 - Imbalance resposibility overtake was not confirmed by BRP + supply is not procured 54 - Suspended by new supplier + supply is not procuredV1.415.12.2009CDSEDIGASREQ definition - new atribute anlart (PDT type) with use optional was addeed into the Location element.V1.415.12.2009GASRESPONSE definition - restriction of the messge-code attribute was expanded with following identifiers:GX5 - Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)GX6 - Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)V1.415.12.2009Edigas message - the pattern was changed at data type cdscc:TimeIntreval. Sending data valid until 9999 is enabled.V1.421.12.2009Edigas message - data type VersionType was adopted to the core components specified by OTE (core-cmpts-cds). Specification od ?00“ version is enabled (nomenclature for data version used for daily settlement).V1.528.12.2009CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - the use of the typm attribute of the OPM element was changed form required to optional. Meterig type is not specified for virtual PDTs.V1.628.12.2009CDSGASCLAIM definition - data type of atributes processor and submitter was changed from ote:ean13 to ote:mp_id. RMP can use EAN or EIC. V1.620.1.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - the use of the contract-type attribute of the Data element was changed from required to optional.V1.720.1.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – restriction of the attribute anlart of the OPM element was expanded with the following identifier:1099 – Vitual PDT for LP (coeficients)Change was applied at CDSGASREQ as well.V1.720.1.2010CDSGASCLAIM definition - data type was changed at Action element from undefined to xsd:string. Any claim text is possible to write straight to the element. V1.720.1.2010CDSGASCLAIM definition - data type at the submitter attribute was changed from ote:mp_id na xs:string. Using of various signs to identify the submitter is enabled.V1.720.1.2010CDSGASREQ definition - new tdd-class attribute was added to Location element with use optional. Value thus specified serve for specification of LP class.V1.720.1.2010CDSGASREQ - the use of the anlart attribute of the Location element was changed from requiered to optional.V1.720.1.2010CDSEDIGASREQ definition - restriction of the messge-code attribute was expanded with following identifiers:GML - Request for aggregated vaules per BRPV1.720.1.2010Edigas messages – code list CLCDS024 – Product – missing products were added:ASE1 - Allocation entryASE2 - Allocation exitASC1 - Aggregated values, supplier, metering type C, generationA81 - Aggregated values - generation (per BRP)A82 - Aggregated values - consumption (per BRP)V1.75.2.2010Chap. 5.1 - 5.8 OTE schema. Graphical description of shchemas was replaced by field filling guidlines. V1.718.2.2010CDSGASREQ definition - new attribute pof-id with use optional was added to the Location element. Value serves for straight aimed POF request. V1.818.2.2010CDSGASREQ definition - new attribute version with use optional was added to the Location element. Value serves to specify request version of POF document. V1.818.2.2010Definice zprávy CDSGASPOF - permitted format of value was changed at the priceTotal and priceTotalDph attributes of the head element. It is possible to fill negative values. V1.818.2.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - permitted format of value was changed at the est-cons, est-cons-2 and resrv-cap of the OPM element. It is possible to fill integer number only. Values shall be of a non-negative form.V1.818.2.2010CDSGASCLAIM definition - a typing error was corrected at the obj-type attribute of the Claim-reference element. Enumeration valeue BM_SEAN_DT shall be used for identify a Daily market seance. V1.818.2.2010Edigas messages – code list CLCDS024 – Product – product CT20 for sending actual metered values of combustible heat was amended.V1.825.4.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – max. lenght of the info-text atribute of the OPM element was changed to 512 characters. V1.925.4.2010CDSGASREQ definition - new attribute import-date-time- from and import-date-time- to with use optional were added to the Location element. Value serve as a supplemetary criterium for POF request (import date and time of original data message).V1.925.4.2010New message formats were introduced for SFVOT module (system for imbalance financial settlement). These are SFVOTGASBILLING, SFVOTGASBILLINGSUM, SFVOTGASCLAIM, SFVOTGASCLAIMSUM, SFVOTGASTDD, SFVOTGASREQ. New chapters are sacrified to the formats.V1.926.4.2010Edigas messages – all mesaage formats, except Nomint and Aperak, were extended by OriginalMessageIdentification with v attribute. The element is only Output one and serve to refer original message (i.e. used for requests). V1.914.5.2010Byly zavedeny nové formáty zpráv pro modul IS OTE (oblast VDP a DTP). Jedná se o zprávy ISOTEDATA, ISOTEMASTERDATA, ISOTEREQ a RESPONSE. Nov?m formát?m jsou věnovány zvlá?tní kapitoly; detailní popis je obsa?en v?dok. D1.4.4 – Rozharní automatické komunikace IS OTE.V1.1010.5.2010New communication scenario was introduced for imbalance responsibility transfer. Detailed description is to be found in a separete chapter. For enable AC support, following changes were made im the format definitions: CDSGASMASTERDATA definition: - the use of Action and Activity elements was changed from required to optional - the use of opm-id and chs-type attributes (el. Data el.) was changed from required to optional - the enumeration of the role attribute (Party el.) was expanded by: DST – BRP at the default position SST – BRP at the secondary position TMP – RMP trasfrering the imbalance responsibility DSF – present BRP at the defaltu position - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by: GB1 - Request for registration of imbalance responsibility transfer GB3 - Information about registration of imbalance responsibility transfer GB4 - Approbation / Refusal of imbalance responsibility transfer GB8 - Information about imbalance responsibility transfer (on the request)CDSGASRESPONSE definition:- the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by: GB2 - Confirmation of / Error in request for registration of imbalance responsibility transfer receiving GB5 - Confirmation of / Error in approbation / refusal of imbalance responsibility transfer receivnig GB7 - Confirmation of / Error in request for imbalance responsibility transfer receivingCDSGASREQ definition:- the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by: GB6 - Request for imbalance responsibility transferV1.1014.5.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - following attributes were added to OPM element; all with use optional:ps-dod – supplier ps-sz – balance responsible partyps-poz-1 – guardian at the 1st positionps-poz-2 – guardian at the 2nd positionps-poz-3 – guardian at the 3rd positionps-poz-4 – guardian at the 4th position ps-poz-5 – guardian at the 5th positionAttributes serve to give an information about service providers, who is providing the service to the PDT.V1.1014.5.2010CDSGASREQ definition following attributes were added to OPM element; all with use optional:ps-dod – supplier ps-sz – balance responsible partyps-poz – guardian at any positionAttributes serve to specify further criterion in request for PDT master data. The access right concept remains untouched.V1.1014.5.2010CDSEDIGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GMT - Request for C metering day valuesGTB - Request for clearing results for PDTV1.1014.5.2010GASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GMU - Confirmation of / Error in request C metering day valuesGTC - Confirmation of / Error in request for clearing results for PDTV1.1014.5.2010SFVOTGASTDD definition - below stated elements were added to the structutre. Both are with use required.Period - enable to specify the periodSummary - enable to give summary information about message data V1.1014.5.2010Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS013 – Value status - following items were added:14G - No counter nomination91G - Reduced due to imbalance check92G - Reduced due to emergency93G - Invalid shipper codeV1.1014.5.2010Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS021 - Nomination status - following items were added:99G - RejectedV1.1014.5.2010Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS024 - Product - following items were added:AD92 - Day values based on estimated year consumptionCL11 - Clearing – PDT positive imbalanceCL12 - Clearing – PDT negative imbalanceChange of description:AI91 - Substitute values – Energy consumed (based on real data)AI92 - Substitute values – Energy produced (based on real data)V1.1014.5.2010New message formats were introduced for IS OTE module (DMG and IDMG area). These are ISOTEDATA, ISOTEMASTERDATA, ISOTEREQ and RESPONSE. New chapters are sacrified to the formats; detailed description is to be found in the document D1.4.4 – IS OTE automatic communication interface.V1.1027.5.2010There was introduced new communication scenario for change of supplier process Extension / reduction of supply. Separate sub-chapter is dedicated to the new scenarion in chapter. 5.19.3 - Change of supplier.Within the implementation, following cheges werw submitted in xsd schema definitions: CDSGASMASTERDATA definition:- the enumeration of the chs-type attribute (Data el.) was expanded by: SVA - Supply extension / reduction- the enumeration of the type attribute (Action el.) was expanded by: IVC - Confirmation of imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reduction IVD - Decline of imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reduction VAR - Request for supply extension / reduction- the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by: GBA - Request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplier GBC - Copy of the request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplier GBD - Approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reduction GBF - Copy of the approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionCDSGASRESPONSE definition:- the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by: GBB - Confirmation of / Error in request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplier GBE - Confirmation of / Error in approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionV1.1127.5.2010Definition of CDSGASMASTERDATA message – restriction of the attribute message-code of the CDSGASMASTERDATA root element was amended with the following identifiers:GAU - Information about insufficient funding of RMP at PDTGAV - Information about unsecured supply due to unfinished change of supplierGAW - Information about unsecured supply or imbalace resp. transfer at PDTGAX - Information about unsecured imb. resp. transfer at PDTGR9 - Information about PDT changesNew msg_codes are to be used at PDT service monitoring.V1.1123.8.2010Definition of CDSGASMASTERDATA message – restriction of the attribute message-code of the CDSGASMASTERDATA root element was amended with the following identifiers:GRA - Information about PDT termination because of supply unprovision or imb. resp. transferV1.1223.8.2010Definition of GASRESPONSE message – restriction of the attribute message-code of the GASRESPONSE root element was amended with the following identifiers:050 - Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)051 - Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)100 - Syntax error - invalid message format (from CDS to message sender)101 - Syntax error - invalid message format (from message receiver to CDS)New msg_code will be used in case of communication channel fault.V1.1223.8.2010CDSGASPOF definition - description of meter reading reasons was supplied (Invoice.Reading.Type data type).V1.1227.9.2010Edigas message formats - SHCDS definition. Following subelements were added to ShipperCodeInformation element with use optional:Direction - specifies directionAllocationScheme - specifies alloctaion shemeFurther the use of ExternalShipperAccount element was changed from optional to requiered.Correspondig part od documentation, use of SHPCDS message format, was updated.V1.1327.9.2010Provision of assumed imblances information.CDSEDIGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GID - Request for assumed preliminary imbalancesGIF - Request for assumed closing imbalancesGIH - Request for assumed real metered imbalancesGASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GIE - Confirmation of / Error in request for assumed preliminary imbalancesGIG - Confirmation of / Error in request for assumed real metered imbalancesGII - Confirmation of / Error in request for assumed closing imbalancesEdigas messages - the code list CLCDS025 – Imbalance type was expanded with the following types of imbalances:PIMR - Preliminary own total imbalance of BRPDIMR - Real metered own total imbalance of BRPEIMR - Closing own total imbalance of BRPRespective part of documentation was updated..V1.1310.11.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - the enumeration of the tdd-class atribute of the OPM element was expanded by values 9, 10, 11, 12. The modification is evoqued by introduction of four new TDD classes. Values? tags were modified concurrently. V1.1410.11.2010CDSGASPOF definition - change of allowed value format of the quantity attribute of the Invoice.Days data type. From these days forward it is possible to enter negative vaules also. V1.1415.11.2010CDSGASPOF definition - by request of market participants, following changes were applied: 1. Append of the otherItems subelement with multiple use at the level of the body element. Detailed description is provided in the respective chapter. 2. Append of the cancelled attribute at the level of invoice head. The presence of attribute indicates cancelled invoice. The use is optional.3. Append of the startState and endState attributes to the Invoice.Meter data type.The attributes will serve to enter start and end metering states at points of supply with A/B metering type. The attributes are of optional use.4. An expansion of the enumeration of the segment attribute of the data Invoice.Type type. New identifiers CAN - Invoice cancel and EOC - End of contract of the invoice type were appended.5. Append of the addBillConsumption attribute to the consumption element of the Invoice.MetersCCM data type. The attribute, with use optional, is designed to enter charge for prejudged power consumption. 6. Append of the from and to attributes to the consumption element of the Invoice.MetersCCM data type, permission of the consumption element repetition.The expansion attend on entering consumption budget per meters at the point of supply with C metering.V1.1415.11.2010With the introduction of new communication scenario Observer assignnment at the PDT followinf modification of xsd schemas were applied:CDSGASMASTEDATA definition: - the enumeration of the msg_code attribute was expanded: GBG - Request for assigning an observer to PDT GBI - Information about observer assignement to PDT GBL - Assigned observers data- v??et povolen?ch hodnot atributu role el. Party roz?í?en o hodnotu: 119 - Pozorovatel- the enumeration of the chs-type attribute of the Data element was expanded: OBS - Observer assignment- change of use of the id attribute of the Party element from required to optional- append of the ps-obs attribute to the OPM elementGASRESPONSE definition:- the enumeration of the msg_code attribute was expanded: GBH - Error in / Confirmation of request for assigning an observer to PDT receiving GBK - Error in / confirmation of assigned observers request receiving CDSGASREQ definition:- the enumeration of the msg_code attribute was expanded: GBJ - Request for assigned observers data- append of the ps-obs attribute to the Location elementV1.1415.11.2010New message format CDSGASTEMPERATURE was introduced. The message serve for reception of real and predicted temperatures sent from CHMI to CDS OTE. The message wil not be used within communication with other market participants. V1.1415.11.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - the enumeration of the anlart attribute of the OPM element was expanded by:1011 - Producer?s extractive gas-line The homonymic CDSGASREQ?s attribute was modified simultaneously.V1.1415.11.2010CDSGASMASTEDATA definition - the enumeration of the msg_code attribute was expanded by:GBM - Copy of the change of supplier progress informationV1.1415.11.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - the enumeration of the rejection-reason attribute of the Data element was modified: - erase of the reasnons no. 08 and no. 09V1.1415.11.2010CDSEDIGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the msg_code attribute was expanded by:GMV - Request for planned month consumptionGIJ - Request for closing allocation imbalancesV1.1415.11.2010CDSGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the tdd-class atribute of the OPM element was expanded by values 9, 10, 11, 12. Values? tags were modified concurrently.15.11.2010GASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the msg_code attribute was expanded by:GIK - Confirmation of / Error in request for closing allocation imbalancesGMW - Confirmation of / Error in request for planned month consumptionGTQ - Confirmation of / Error in receiving message for sending of predicted and metered average daily temperatureV1.1415.11.2010Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS024 - Product - following items were added:ES10 - Planned month consumptionQS10 - Planned month consumption (m3)DN99 - DN9C - Normalised LP values for TO x, LP class 9 - 12DK99 - DK9C - Re-calculated LP values for TO x, LP class 9 - 12SK99 - SK9C - Group LP corrected for TO x, LP class 9 - 12, supplier and gridSN99 - SK9C - Group LP not corrected for TO x, LP class 9 - 12, supplier and gridJK99 - JK9C - Temperature correction coefficient for TO x, LP class 9 - 12V1.1415.11.2010Edigas message – Revision of the code list CLCDS025 – Imbalance type was done. The list was amended with the following types of imbalances:EDIT - Final difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD, on the inputEDIS - Final difference in allocations and nominations at UGS, on the inputEDOT - Final difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD, on the outputEDOS - Final difference in allocations and nominations at UGS, on the outputESYS - Final system imbalanceThe following were removed:POTI - Off-tolerance imbalance of BRPDOTI - Off-tolerance imbalance of BRP after inclusion of trade with unused toleranceEOTI - Final off-tolerance imbalance of BRPAn were replaced by:POTI - Preliminary off-tolerance imbalance of BRPDOTI - Actual off-tolerance imbalance of BRPDOTT - Actual off-tolerance imbalance after inclusion of trading with unused toleranceEOTI - Final off-tolerance imbalance of BRPV1.1415.11.2010ISOTEDATA definition - following modification were made: - the append of the trade-market-flag attribute to the Trade element.The attribute is of use optional. The same change was made in ISOTEREQ definition. - the enumeration of the profile-role attribute of the Trade element was expanded by: SP36 - Day-ahead Market Settlement purchase, negative price of negative energy SP37 - Day-ahead Market Settlement sale, positive price of positive energy SC36 - Day-ahead Market Settlement purchase, negative energy at negative price SC37 - Day-ahead Market Settlement sale, positive energy at positive price SC50 - Final plan – DM - negative energy - DER bid SC51 - Final plan – DM - positive energy - DER bid SC77 - Matched amount of bids for purchase on PXE-futures market SC78 - Matched amount of bids for sale on PXE-futures market SC55 - Rounding of imbalances - amount - the change of description at one of the code list value of the trade-state attribute of the Trade element: ?S“ - so far ?DVS standart derfinition” , now ?System order“Detailed description and impact of the changes is to be found in the document D1.4.4 - IS OTE automatic communication interface.V1.147.12.2010CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - the enumeration of the type attribute of the Action element was expanded by: - OBS - Observer assignmentNew value will be used within observer assignment scenarion. The example message was corrected.V1.147.12.2010Nomination: the actualisation of the communication scenarios including chages for 2011:- notification duty to the facility operators at the PDT type PEG- counter party nomination notification against TSO for nominations from DM and IMV1.148.12.2010ISOTEDATA definition - the enumeration of the profile-role attribute of the Trade element was expanded by: SP77 - Matched price of bids for purchase on PXE-futures market SP78 - Matched price of bids for sale on PXE-futures marketV1.143.2.2011Chap. 5.20.3 - Change of supplier - new cases for quick change of supplier were added in the text. These result from legislative changes applicable from 1.1.2011.V1.1516.2.2011RESPONSE definition - restriction for msg-code attribute was extended::981 - Notification, gate open/closure time of RRD/DM has been changedV1.1616.2.2011New reports for Netting and LP clearing introduced (SFVOTGASTDDNETT and SFVOTGASTDDSUM). These are described in separate chapters.Besides, the enumeration of the msg_code attribute was extended in the definition of SFVOTGASREQ:GFV - LPG netting - request GFY - BRP LPG summ - request GG2 - OTE LPG summ - requestAnd in the definition of GASRESPONSE: GFX - LPG netting - confirmation/error GG1 - BRP LPG summ - confirmation/errorGG4 - OTE LPG summ - confirmation/errorV1.1618.2.2011CDSGASPOF definition - at the level of the body element , there was appended an optional maxHistory subelement with attributes size, effect. price. Detailed description is provided in the respective chapter. The change was applied by request of market participants,V1.174.3.2011SFVOTGASTDDNETT definition - new attribute variableSymbol with use optional was added to the Netting element.V1.174.3.2011CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - new attribute fc-grp was addedto the OPM element. It serves to specify the group for predicted consumption calculation, the PDT belongs to. The value is filled only at the output from the market operator system.V1.1728.3.2011GASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GXA - Notification about expiration of periodic request validityV1.188.4.2011XML message formats - at tehe particpant’s request there was made revision of refence message codes for all message formats. Discrepancies were corrected.V1.188.4.2011Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS020 - Nomination (sub)type - following items were added:DI - demand information (OTE-TSO)New value will be used relative to TSO for announcing expected summary consumption of end customers (according to article18) Commission Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009).V1.1810.5.2011CDSGASPOF definition - at the request of market participants following modification were made: 1. Append of the yearInterruptibleCapacity subelement at the level of contractValue.The element serves for entering values of Not-specified interruptible capacity. Description of attributes is to be found in the respective chapter. 2. Append of the monthInterruptibleCapacity subelement with multiple use at the level of contractValue.The element serves for entering values of Month interruptible capacity. Description of attributes is to be found in the respective chapter.3. Append of the yearReCalculatedValue attribute at the level of the invoice head.The attribute serves for entering year recalculated value. The attribute is optional.4. Append of corReason and complId attributes at the level of invoice head (head->attributes).Attribues serve for entering a correction reason and a identification number of complaint. Warning: From 1.7.2011 the COR kind of invoicing will be used any longer. I such a case, there will be filled original kind of invoicing and the correction will be indicated with filled correction reason.V1.1910.5.2011Edigas message - code list CLCDS025 - Imbalance type. The enumeration of was expanded by following values: PTOR - Preliminary own tolerance od BRP PTOL - Preliminary tolerance od BRP DTOR - Actual own tolerance od BRP DTOL - Actual tolerance od BRP ETOR - Final own tolerance od BRP ETOL - Final tolerance od BRPNew imbalance types were added in the overview of the respective chapter. V1.1910.5.2011There was introduced new communication scenario announcing the nomination deadline shift with a Nomint message. Code list addition was brought about:CLCDS001 - Dokument type by value INF - Informative message. CLCDS020 - Nomination (sub)type by value DEADLINE SHIFT - Nomination deadline shiftV1.1910.5.2011Chapter Nomination - there were enhanced schemes for placing nomination of natural settlement of imbalances (type ZDZO, subtype PO, SO).V1.1910.5.2011SFVOT reports - by reason of zero use, the report for sending summary information Clearing LPG. Message formats were modified as follows: SFVOTGASTDDSUM format - removedSFVOTGASREQ format - the?enumeration of the msg_code attribute was reduced: GFY - Summary LPG by BRP - request GG2 - Summary LPG by OTE - requestGASRESPONSE format - the?enumeration of the msg_code attribute was reduced: GG1 - Summary LPG by BRP - error/confirmation GG4 - Summary LPG by OTE - error/confirmationRespective chapter was removed from the document.V1.1916,5.2011CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - new attibute chs-reason with use optional was added to the Data element. The attribute serve for entering a reason of change of supplier. For the communication scenario of standart change of supplier the completion is required. V1.1916.5.2011New message format SFVOTLIMITS for passing the status of financial limit will be introduced. The format is common both for gas and electricity.The form will be published within final version of documentation. At the same time as SFVOTLIMITS formats, there was introduced new format SFVOTREQ for sending requests for reports, that are common for both commodities. V1.1920.5.2011CDSGASPOF definition - at the request of market participants, the entering of negative values is allowed with following attributes: meter element, sumGasM3, sumGaskWh attributes dayConsumption element, gasConsumption, reductionConsumption, sumGas attributes consumption element, addBillConsumption attributeV1.193.6.2011At the request of market paticipants, there was updated chapter devoted to the change of supplier respecting the changes going to be applied from 1.7.2011. The xml examples were also updated.V1.1910.6.2011The shape of SFVOTLIMITS message format was published. The format will be used for passing the status of financial limit. Another message formats were modified as follows:SFVOTREQ definition - the message-code attribute enumeration was extended by: 463 - Financial limit status - requestRESPONSE definition - the message-code attribute enumeration was extended by: 465 - Financial limit status - error/confirmationV1.1913.6.2011Chapter Nomination - at the request of market participants the message format for announcing the deadline shift for placing nomination of natural settlement of imbalances was changed from Nomint to Nomres. The change doesn?t impact the definition of concerned message formats. V1.1924.6.2011CDSEDIGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GMX - Request for day values CMV1.2024.6.2011GASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GMY - Confirmation of / Error in request for day values CMV1.2024.6.2011Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS024 - Product - following items were added:CL10 - Day value of meter readingCL20 - Day estimated value for imbalance settlement V1.2022.7.2011New SFVOT report was introduced for Loss clearing. Data will be ditributed with actual SFVOTGASTDD message format. Following modifications of message definitions were applied:SFVOTGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by:GFY - Loss clearing - requestGG2 - Loss clearing OTE - requestSFVOTGASTDD definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by: GFZ - Loss clearing GG3 - Loss clearing OTEGASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the msg-code attribute was expanded by: GG1 - Loss clearing - error/confirmation GG4 - Loss clearing OTE - error/confirmationV1.2122.7.2011CDSGASREQ definition - new attribute chs-status with use optional was added to the Location element. The attribute can be used as an additional criterion when requesting the extract of chage of supplier processing. V1.2122.7.2011CDSEDIGASREQ - new attributes import-date-time-from and import-date-time-to with use optional were added to the Location element. The attributes can be used as an additional criterion when requesting the clearing results.V1.2122.7.2011Definice zprávy CDSGASTEMPERATURE - the enumeration of the temp-area attribute was expanded by: 1 - South Bohemia; 2 - South Moravia; 3 - Prague; 4 - South Bohemia; 5 - North Moravia; 6 - Central Bohemia; 7 - East Bohemia; 8 - West BohemiaThe expansion enables the receipt of regional temperatures for OTE keeping on file.V1.2111.8.2011SFVOTLIMITS definition - new subelement ds:Signature with use optional was added to the root element. The element serve for signing at the level of data.V1.2111.8.2011Chapter of CDSGASPOF - at the request of customers, update of examples was done. Former examples were syntactically correct, but the content was confusing, as for the relationship among figures. V1.2122.8.2011ISOTEDATA - the enumeration of the ?profile-role“ attribute was extended by: XC01 - Aggregated imbalance SBRP positive for positive price (Mwh) XC51 - Aggregated imbalance SBRP positive for negative price (Mwh) XC02 - Aggregated imbalance SBRP negative for positive price (Mwh) XC52 - Aggregated imbalance SBRP negative for negative price (Mwh) XP01 - Payments for aggregated imbalance SBRP positive - positive price for positive energy (K?) XP51 - Payments for aggregated imbalance SBRP positive - negative price for positive energy (K?) XP02 - Payments for aggregated imbalance SBRP negative - positive price for negative energy (K?) XP52 - Payments for aggregated imbalance SBRP negative - negative price for negative energy (K?)V1.2212.9.2011Chapter CDSGASPOF - the unit in the description of the combustible heat was changed from MWh to kWh.V1.2212.9.2011Edigas messages - code list CLCDS020 - Nomination (sub)type - new type was added:TRA_DIV - Transport - divided capacity New type will be used for divided E-E contracts.V1.2224.10.2011Following the introduction of negative prices at the electricity DM, modification in shemas? SFVOTDTEXPIMP, SFVOTBILLING, SFVOTBILLINGEMO, SFVOTCLAIM, SFVOTCONFDATA were applied. These changes are not relevant for gas communication scenarios. V1.2324.10.2011ISOTEDATA definition - the enumaration of the profile-role attribute was expanded by XC03 - XC10; XC53 - XC60 a XP03 - XP10; XP53 - XP60. This change are not relevant for gas communication scenarios.V1.2324.10.2011Chapter 4 - Message overview - new table with supporetd message formats was inserted. Translation will be done to final version.V1.2324.10.2011 CDSGASMASTERADATA message format - at the request of market participants, there were added examples of messages used in the communication scenarios of RMP enclosing, SLR switching and disconnection. .V1.2325.10.2011CDSEDIGASREQ definition - new attribute select-method with use optional was appended to the Location element. The attribute serves to specify method of selection for msg_code GM7 - Request for metered data (non-interval metering). V1.2313.11.2011CDSGASPOF definition - at the request of market participants, there was allowed entering negative values for metering typ C, CM (attribuesy distributionSum, consumption, renumVolume, ditribVolume).V1.2313.11.2011ISOTEDATA definition - the restiction of the period attribute of the Data element was corrected.V1.2326.11.2011CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - new attributes with ue optional were added: - categ-cust at the level of OPM element (customer category) - categ-emer at the level of OPM element (customer group for state of emergency) - reason at the level of Activity element (activity reason) The enumeration of the message-code attribute was extended: GRX - Request for PDT termination GRZ - Copy of request for PDT terminationV1.2426.11.2011GASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the message-code attribute was extended: GRY - Confirmation of / Error in request for PDT terminationV1.2426.11.2011SFVOTGASBILLING and SFVOTGASBILLINGSUM definition - the enumeration of the tradeType attribute was extended: DP6 – Unused tolerance PL6 - Unused tolerance feeV1.2426.11.2011Edigas messages - CLCDS020 codelist - Nomination (sub)type - following types were added:NTT - Unused tolerance, UT market (BRP1-OTE)V1.2426.11.2011Edigas messages - Nomint and Nomres formats - at the level of the Period element were added price and currency attributes with use optional. The attributes serve for entering price and currency for UT market. V1.2426.11.2011Chapter change of supplier - update of reasons for accelerated change of supplier and communication scenarios at wording of activity reasons.V1.2413.12.2011Chapter change of supplier - update of reasons for accelerated change of supplier.V1.2422.12.2011CDSGASMASTERDATA definition - the enumeration of the categ-emer attribute of the OPM element was expanded by ?C“.V1.2421.2.2012SFVOTLIMITS definition - the enumeration of the type attribute of the Date element (Limits->Participant->DataGroups->UtilizationData) was expanded:ZTR - loss clearing - gasDP6 - NT market - gasV1.2520.4.2012New message format COMMONMARKETREQ was introduced. It will serve for message handover within asynchronous MarketService communication. Description can be found in a separate chapter.In this context, definition of RESPONSE message formar was applied. The enumeration of the message-code attribute was expanded by: 924 - Confirmation/error message for sending of request for output data handover - MarketService996 - Confirmation of server-server connection control and sending of non-sent messages - MarketService.V1.2613.5.2012There was made an update of examples of the CDSGASPOF and CDSGASMASTERDATA message format.V1.2621.6.2012RESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the message code attribute was expanded for the needs of electricity comodity. For comodity gas without impact.V1.2724.8.2012RESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the message code attribute was expanded for the needs of electricity comodity. For comodity gas without impact.V1.2824.8.2012CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – the enumeration of the anlart atribute was expanded by: 1027 - PDT consumption with transport nominationV1.2824.8.2012Due to the introduction of new communication scenário for Security of supply following modification were applied:CDSGASREQ definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GRB – Request for PDT data for Security of supply - append of optional attributes categ-cust and categ-emer at the OPM element CDSGASMASTERDATA definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GRD – PDT data for Security of supply GASRESPONSE definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GRC - Confirmation of / Error in request for PDT master data for Security of supplyV1.2824.9.2012CDSGASPOF definition – append of a SCNumber attribute with use optional at the level of invoice head (invoice/head/attributes).V1.2924.9.2012CDSGASPOF definition – change of use from optional to required for following attributes: priceTotal (invoice/head) endState (invoice/meters/meter/; invoice/metersC/meter/) flueGasHeat (invoice/meters/meter/dayConsumption/) factor (invoice/metersC/meter/consumption/) unitPrice (invoice/instrumentReadingC/distributionSum/) MOSettlementUnitPrice (invoice/instrumentReadingC/distributionSum/)V1.295.10.2012Due to the introduction of new communication scenário for list of PDT according to service following modification were applied:CDSGASREQ definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GRE – Request for list of PDT according to service CDSGASMASTERDATA definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GRG – List of PDT according to service GASRESPONSE definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded byGRF - Error in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT according to serviceV1.295.10.2012Due to the introduction of new communication scenário for list of PDT submitted to clearing following modification were applied:CDSGASREQ definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GTD – Request for list of PDT submitted to clearing - append of optional attributes categ-cust and categ-emer at the OPM element CDSGASMASTERDATA definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GTF – List of PDT submitted to clearing GASRESPONSE definition: - mesage-code atribute was expanded by GTE - Error in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT submitted to clearingV1.295.10.2012Edigas message - code list CLCDS025 - Imbalance type. The enumeration of was expanded by following values: PSYD – Rounding of preliminary system imbalance DSYD - Rounding of actual system imbalance ESYD - Rounding of final system imbalanceThese types of imbalance will be sent only to the Transmission System Operator as of regular maintenance period of CS OTE in 11/2102. New imbalance types were added in the overview of the respective chapter.V1.295.10.2012Definition of CDSGASMASTERDATA message – the root element was expanded with the following optional attributes:split-counter - Message order within responsesplit-last - Last messageV1.295.11.2012Definition of CDSGASMASTERDATA message – the Workflow element was expanded with the following optional attributes:date-time-start – Change of supplier startdate-time-eval – Change of supplier evaluationAttributes are filled by OTE only.V1.3015.11.2012Due to legislative changes effective from 1st January 2013 following changes were applied to CDSGASMASTERDATA format: - append of the contract-negotiation-type attribute at the level of Data element with use optional - the enumeraton of the chs-reason attribute of the Data element was expanded by: Z1 – Supply reduction - standard ZA - Supply reduction – contract withdrawal according to § 11and par. 2 EL Z2 - Supply reduction - contract withdrawal according to § 11and par. 3 a 4 EL P1 - Supply extension - standard P2 - Supply extension - contract withdrawal according to § 11and par. 2 ELV1.311.2.2013CDSGASPOF definition – the enumeration of bellow stated attributes was expanded: - segment attribute of the attributes element – append of the value ?HST“ - itemType attribute of the otherItems element – append of the value ?FNOP“ - unit attribute of the otherItems element – append of the value ?kWh“V1.321.2.2013New message format CDGASINVOICE was introduced. A descriptionis to be found in the separate chapter. The term of implementation for test and productive systems will be specifie later. V1.3212.2.2013CDSEDIGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the message-code attribute was extended: GO1 - Request for real value histrory (interval metering)V1.3212.2.2013Definice zprávy GASRESPONSE - the enumeration of the message-code attribute was extended: GO2 - Confirmation/error in request for real value history (interval metering)V1.3213.3.2013CDSEDIGASREQ definition – the enumeration of the version attribute of the Location element was expanded by: 11 – Data version for monthly clearing 21 – Data version for final monthly clearingThe same values will be used for outgoing messages of the Gasdat format.V1.327.3.2013 CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – the chage of use for anlart and grid-id attributes at the level of OPM element. The attribues are with use optional.V1.3211.3.2013SFVOTGASREQ definition - the enumeration of the message-code attribute was extended: GG5 - Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - request GG8 - Final Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - requestV1.3211.3.2013GASRESPONSE definition - the enumeration of the message-code attribute was extended: GG7 - Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - confirmation/error GGA - Final Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - confirmation/errorV1.3211.3.2013SFVOTGASTDD definition - the enumeration of the message-code attribute was extended: GG6 - Final Settlement of Clearing Differences GG9 - Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - OTEV1.3211.3.2013SFVOTGASTDD definition – append of new version attribute at the level of Data element (Clearing -> Rut -> Period -> Data) and at the level of Summary element (Clearing -> Rut -> Period -> Summary). The attribute is of use optional.V1.3211.3.2013SFVOTGASTDDNETT definition – append of new version attribute at the level of Clearing element. The attribute is of use optional.V1.3224.4.2013CDSGASREQ definition – new attributes rut-service and rut-identification were added at the level of Location element. The attribues ar of use optional. V1.3324.4.2013CDSGASINVOICE definition – change of the namespace to ?“V1.3324.4.2013CDSGASINVOICE definition – changes in the structure; the fomat is to be changed, therefore the modifications are not listed now. Final form will be published before Sandbox OTE deployment. V1.3310.5.2013CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – change of use at the uitext attribute at the OPM element. The attribute is optional. V1.3325.7.2013CDSGASINVOICE definition – the enumeration of the item-type attribute of the BillingItem elementu was expanded by: GG019 - AdvanceV1.3425.7.2013CDSGASINVOICE definition – the unification of unit marking for kilowatthour to ?kWh“.V1.348.8.2013CDSGASINVOICE definition – on request of market participants, the use of DocHeader, DocDates and ListOfItems elements was chaged to optional. V1.3411.11.2013CDSEDIGASREQ definition – append of new optional attributes at the level of Location element:grid-id - Gridtypm – Metering typecateg-cust – Customer categorycateg-emer - Customer group for state of emergencyV1.3511.11.2013CDSGASREQ definition: - from the?enumeration of the message-code attribute was removed value GTD - Request for list of PDT submitted to clearingCDSEDIGASREQ definition: - to the?enumeration of the message-code attribute was added value GTD - Request for listof PDT readings submitted to clearingCDSGASMASTERDATA definition: - from the?enumeration of the message-code attribute was removed value GTF - List of PDT submitted to clearing CDSGASRESPONSE definition, message-code attribute: - the change of description GTE to ?Error in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT readings submitted to clearing“V1.3511.11.2013Edigas message fomat – codelist CLCDS013 – Value status. The enumeration was expanded by: 94G – Subject of settlement lockedV1.359.12.2013CDSGASCLAIM definition – change of use of the attributes: action-id of the Action element from required to optional date-time of the Action element from required to optionalThe change is made at the request of market paticipants.V1.359.12.2013CDSGASCLAIM definition – removal of the enumeratin of the content-type attribute at the Attachment element.V1.3521.3.2014CDSGASINVOICE definition – change of use at tax-percent, tax-value a tax-value-currency attributes of the Tax element. The use is optional.V1.3626.3.2014CDSGASPOF definition – change of use at following attributes: meterType at the meter element (body -> meters) meterType at the meter element (body -> metersC)The attributes are of the use required.V1.3628.4.2014CDSGASINVOICE definition – change of maximum occurances of the DocumentTotal element (DocumentEnveloppe -> Document -> DocSummary) from 2 to 10.V1.3727.6.2014CDSGASPOF definition – change of definition by following details: meterType – change of max. characters from 15 to 20 effect – change of max. number of digits after decimals from 7 to 12Change was applied at all occurances of the details.V1.381.12.2014CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – due to legislative changes effective from 1st January 2015, following modifications were applied: - append of an optional attribute resrv-cap-k at the level of OPM element - the message-code attribute – modification of description at GA7, GAH, GAJ - the rejection-reason attribute of the Data element – append of value 08, modification of description at 51, 52, 54 - the reason attribute of the Activity element – append of value AREV1.391.12.2014CDSGASINVOICE definition – change of description concerning the filling of the doc-id attributeV1.391.12.2014SFVOTGASBILLING, SFVOTGASBILLINGSUM, SFVOTGASCLAIM, SFVOTGASCLAIMSUM definition – the enumeration of the trade-type attribute was expanded by: EMP – State of emergency - gasV1.391.12.2014Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS024 - Product - following items were added:TC20 – Transport capacity (kWh)V1.3915.12.2014Edigas message formats - codelist CLCDS024 - Product – was expanded by values TA1 to TA8 for particular regions.V1.3918.12.2014CDSGASMASTERDATA definition – due to final version of legislative changes, effective from 1st January 2015, following modifications were applied: - removal od value D – Distant from the?enumeration of the contract-negotiation-type attribute of the Data elementV1.3926.3.2015RESPONSE definition – append of an optional attribute result-code at the level of the Reason element.V1.4026.3.2015GASRESPONSE definition – append of an optional attribute result-code at the level of the Reason element.V1.40INTRODUCTIONThe CS OTE communication server provides for central communication with other elements of the central system and for support of gas market processes in the following areas (target state):Registration of market participantsRegistration of PDT’sRegistration of responsibility for imbalance and change of supplierNomination and re-nominationDay-ahead gas market and intra-day gas market – under constructionRegistration of unused tolerance tradingCollection of preliminary and metered data and aggregationCalculation of substitute values using LPCalculation of imbalances (daily and monthly)Financial settlementFinancial securityClaimsThe communication server solution is built upon the platform of SAP Netweaver integrated product.The principles of secure access to data using PKI technology and electronic signature are applied throughout the CS OTE infrastructure.Data flowsParties to the communication OTE a.s. in the role of the Gas Market Operator communicates with market participants in the following areas. Activities under development are in italic:Market participantProvided informationTransmission system operatorNomination of transport Allocation at border points of a transmission systemReserved capacities at PDT A and BDistribution system operatorNomination of distributionAllocation at cross-border gas ductsMetered data of natural gas consumption and production in the domestic zoneRegistration of points of deliveryReserved capacities at PDT A and BInputs (approval) in the change of supplier processStorage system operatorNomination of storageAllocation of storageSubject of settlementNomination of obligations to supply / takeNomination of transportNomination of distributionNomination of storageAcquisition of information about results of gas settlementProposals of organised short-term marketsAcquisition of information about results of trading on organised short-term marketsInputs (approval) in the change of supplier processRegistration of responsibility for imbalanceAcquisition of data for financial settlement of OTERegistered market participant – gas supplierInitiation of and inputs in the change of supplier processAcquisition of data for gas invoicing to end customersRegistration of responsibility for imbalanceMethod of data provisionData shall be provided between OTE and market participants as follows:Interactive web interface Participants access the secured website of OTE and use it for sending data and acquiring results of OTE supported processes.Automatic communication Participants provide and acquire data via the system of automatic communication that provides for interconnection of a market participant’s system with the CS OTE communication server. Data are provided in the agreed standardised formats.The principles of automatic communication are described in the document D1.4.3 Interface of web services. Formats of automatic communication The communication formats are based on the XML communication protocol, using the following standards:FormatDescriptionEDIGAS v4.0 (XML)Communication standards for a gas market proposed and administered by EASEE-gas organisation. This format is expected to be supported as the communication standard for the gas market developed by ENTSO-G organisation.The external interface of automatic communication uses the format for the following processes:Provision of information (NOMINT, NOMRES, SHPCDS messages)Provision of allocations (ALOCAT message)Provision of metered data by distribution system operators and the transmission system operator (GASDAT message)Provision of results of imbalance settlement (IMBNOT message)Provision of information about acceptance or rejection of sent data (APERAK message) Utilisation of formats in the processes is proposed in accordance with the EDIGAS standards, or with application of the standards to the communication scenarios applicable to the specific situation of the Market Operator (the described scenarios of the EDIGAS standard do not primarily anticipate the role of an independent market operator).XML according to OTECommunication standards proposed and administered by OTE ?R. The proposal is based on the existing OTE standards for the electricity market. Special templates shall be used for gas.Messages in this format are used for communication in the areas that are not supported by the EDIGAS standard, i.e. for the following processes:Registration of PDTChange of supplierTrading on short-term organised markets (under development)Data for financial settlement of OTE (under development)Filing claimsInquiries about CDS dataProvision of data for invoicing of distributionSecurityThe security concept is described by the separate document D1.4.3 Interface of CS OTE web services.PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATIONBASIC PRINCIPLE Sender applicationWeb ApplicationServerMessage ErrormessageProcessing result CDS appl. serveriDocMsg contentiDocProcessing resultPKI serverIS OTELDAP serverIS OTE IS OTEApplication Processing resultIM&BM trade data messageInternal communication Sender applicationWeb ApplicationServerMessage ErrormessageProcessing result CDS appl. serveriDocMsg contentiDocProcessing resultPKI serverIS OTELDAP serverIS OTE IS OTEApplication Processing resultIM&BM trade data messageInternal communicationFig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 1 – Basic principle of exchange of messages (target state)Messages will be automatically exchanged among the systems of the individual participants following the basic principle, in the below steps:a market participant sends a message to the CDS OTE system. A message may contain either data intended for processing by the central system, or a request for provision of data from the central system of CDS OTE.the message is received by the CDS-WAS module; the electronic signature of the sender is verified by the LDAP server of IS OTE and the message is decrypted by the PKI serverCDS-WAS will verify the message syntax; if an error has been detected in the previous steps, CDS-WAS will send back a system error report.if everything is OK, WAS will forward the message to the CDS application server for further processing. The application server compiles a SAP iDoc internal document that includes the message data, and the message is forwarded to IS-U application for processing.the application server processes the data and returns the result of processing in the form of an iDoc document to the CDS-WAS module for sending back (the result may be either a confirmation of data acceptance by CDS, or the data requested from CDS or an error message).the CDS-WAS module encodes and signs the response and sends it back to the defined address via the selected channel. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF USING MESSAGESThe following principles shall apply to using messages specified in this document:Registered market participants are designated by ETSO EIC (16) coding; the code is assigned by ?EPSPoints of delivery and transfer are designated by ETSO EIC (16) coding; the code is assigned by OTE or operators of transmission and distribution systems within the sub-series assigned to themMessages including interval metering data shall cover an entire day (commonly 24 hours)If corrected data have to be sent again, the new message shall contain all the data included in the original message. Processing data will not take the entire previous message into consideration.A single data exchange (a data file with a message) shall contain a single message onlyMESSAGE FORMATS ACCORDING TO THE OTE SPECIFICATIONDate and time are provided in local timePeriods are defined by the time of beginning and end of the periodDATE FORMATA XML message header, attribute date-time shall always include the date and time of the message, including the off-set representing the shift of date and time of the message from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If the off-set is not provided, the value will be interpreted as being GMT. Definition of usage for interval data:Interval data are sent by the message format according to the Edigas standard (see below).Definition of usage for non-interval data:a) Specification for providing date and time (date type xsd:date-time):Date and time are stated in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM+HH:MM format. The beginning of the day is determined as 06:00 hours, the end as 06:00 hours of the next day. An example of a date:2009-10-27T06:00+01:00An example of entering an interval (January 2010):Date from - 2010-01-01T06:00+01:00Date to - 2010-02-01T06:00+01:00b) Specification for providing date only (date type xsd:date):The meaning of the date items is date from/to INCLUSIVE. The date is provided in the YYYY-MM-DD format.An example of a date:2009-10-27An example of entering an interval (January 2010):Date from - 2010-01-01Date to - 2010-01-31SWITCHING TO SUMMER TIME AND BACKDate and time are provided in real time.If the date is provided in the date and time format, the time-offset from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is provided. The following applies to dates in summer time time-offset=+02:00, and to dates in winter time time-offset=+01:00. NUMERICAL DATA FORMATNumerical data are provided without spaces and separators of thousands, e.g.: 25000000Decimal places shall be separated by a dot (.), e.g.: 3.14Incomplete notation is not allowed, e.g.: .5 or 2.Introductory zeroes are not allowed, e.g.: 02Positive values are provided without the sign, e.g.: 112Negative values are provided with the minus sign (-) immediately in front of the first digit, e.g.: -112There may be no sign in front of the zero value, e.g.: 0MESSAGE FORMATS ACCORDING TO THE EDIGAS FORMATDATE FORMATDate and time are provided in local timePeriods are defined by the time of beginning and end of the periodUsage and specification of time zones shall be governed by the ISO 8601 standard. The offset shall be specified directly in the date and time identifier:An example: - date and time with 2-hour shift from UTC: 2009-10-26T21:00:00+02:00 - time interval: 2009-10-27T06:00+01:00/2009-10-28T06:00+01:00NUMERICAL DATA FORMATNumerical data are provided without spaces and separators of thousands, e.g.: 25000000All values are provided as integral numbers (unless stipulated otherwise)*Introductory zeroes are not allowed, e.g.: 02Positive values are provided without the sign, e.g.: 112Negative values are provided with the minus sign (-) immediately in front of the first digit, e.g.: -112There may be no sign in front of the zero value, e.g.: 0*Note: With the exception of product CT10/CT20 – Combustible heat and AD92 - Day values based on estimated year consumption, where 4 decimal places are allowed. More decimal places are allowed respecive to TDD koef. Formats of other data are governed by general recommendations regarding implementation of the EDIGAS 4.0 format (general guidelines), unless stipulated otherwise in the text.OVERVIEW OF MESSAGESTABLE msg_CODEEach type of message is explicitly identified by a msg_code determining the nature of the message and the procedure of its processing. The below table provides a list of all messages going through the external interface of the CS OTE system. Provided for each message is the msg_code, the description, the message format, the source system and the destination system.Msg_codeDescriptionMessage formatInput/ OutputSourceDestinationGA1Request for change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAInputRMPCDSGA2Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a request for change of supplier (if a response is not required, then only in case it is required)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGA3Copy of a request for a change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGA4Message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityCDSGASMASTERDATAInputTSO / DSOCDSGA5Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityGASRESPONSEOutputCDSDSO/TSOGA6Copy of a message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSBRP, TSO/DSOGA7Request for continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery (valid till 31.12.2014)CDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSSupp, BRPGA8Request for suspension of the change of supplier processCDSGASMASTERDATAInputSupp.CDSGA9Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with a request for suspension of the change of supplier processGASRESPONSEOutputCDSSupp.GAACopy of a message with a request for suspension of the change of supplier processCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSSupp, BRPGABConfirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryCDSGASMASTERDATAInputBRPCDSGACConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGADCopy of confirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSTSO / DSO, BRP, Supp.GAEConfirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAInputSupp.CDSGAFConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierGASRESPONSEOutputCDSTSO / DSO, BRP, Supp.GAGCopy of confirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSSupp.GAHConfirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery by the existing supplier and its balance responsible party (valid till 31.12.2014)CDSGASMASTERDATAInputBRP, Supp.CDSGAIConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery (valid till 31.12.2014)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRP, Supp.GAJCopy of confirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery by the existing supplier and its balance responsible party (valid till 31.12.2014)CDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSTSO / DSO, BRP, Supp.GAKResults of evaluation of request for change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSTSO / DSO, BRP, Supp.GALRequest for change of balance responsible party at a PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAInputBRP, Supp.CDSGAMSending of confirmation of acceptance/rejection of request for change of balance responsible partyGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRP, Supp.GANCopy of a request for change of balance responsible partyCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSBRP, Supp.GAOApproval/rejection of request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyCDSGASMASTERDATAInputBRPCDSGAPSending of confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGAQCopy of approval/rejection of request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSBRPGARRequest for sending the status of change of supplierCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGASConfirmation/error in request for statement from the journal of change of supplierGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGATStatement from the journal of change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGAUInformation about insufficient funding of RMP at PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGAVInformation about unsecured supply due to unfinished change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGAWInformation about unsecured supply or imbalace resp. transfer at PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGAXInformation about unsecured imb. resp. transfer at PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGAZInformation about RMP locking at a PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGB1Request for registration of imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASMASTERDATAInputRMPCDSGB2Confirmation of / Error in request for registration of imbalance responsibility transfer receiving GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGB3Information about registration of imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMP, BRPGB4Approbation / Refusal of imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASMASTERDATAInputSOFSCDSGB5Confirmation of / Error in approbation / refusal of imbalance responsibility transfer receivnigGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGB6Request for imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGB7Confirmation of / Error in request for imbalance responsibility transfer receivingGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGB8Information about imbalance responsibility transfer (on request 455)CDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGBARequest for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAInputRMPCDSGBBConfirmation of / Error in request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGBCCopy of the request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGBDApprobation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionCDSGASMASTERDATAInputSupp.CDSGBEConfirmation of / Error in approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionGASRESPONSEOutputCDSSupp.GBFCopy of the approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGBGRequest for assigning an observer to PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAInputBRP, DSO/TSOCDSGBHError in / Confirmation of request for assigning an observer to PDT receivingGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGBIInformation about observer assignement to PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGBJRequest for assigned observers dataCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGBKError in / confirmation of assigned observers request receivingGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGBLAssigned observers dataCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGBMCopy of the change of supplier progress informationCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGC1Entering/updating of informationGASCLAIMInputRMPCDSGC2Acceptance/error of sent claimGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGC3Copy of claimGASCLAIMOutputCDSRMPGC4Inquiry about claim dataCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGC5Acceptance/error in inquiry about claim dataGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGC6Copy of claimGASCLAIMOutputCDSRMPGC7OTE messagesGASCLAIMOutputCDSRMPGC8Inquiry about OTE messagesCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGC9Confirmation/error in inquiry about OTE messagesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGCACopy of OTE messagesGASCLAIMOutputCDSRMPGD1Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation (DMG)ISOTEDATAInputRMPIS OTEGD2Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGD3Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation - Copy of data (DMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGD4Bid cancelation (DMG)ISOTEDATAInputRMPIS OTEGD5Bid cancelation - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGD6Bid cancelation - Copy of data (DMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGD7Own bid data - State detection (DMG)ISOTEREQInputRMPIS OTEGD8Own bid data - State detection - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGD9Own bid data - Copy of data (DMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGDATrading results nominations sending (DMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGDDRequest - DM marginal prices (DMG)ISOTEREQInputRMPIS OTEGDERequest - DM marginal prices - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGDFRequest - DM marginal prices - Data copy (DMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGF1Invoicing base data - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGF2Invoicing base dataSFVOTGASBILLINGOutputCDSRMPGF3Invoicing base data - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGF4OTE Invoicing base data - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGF5OTE Invoicing base dataSFVOTGASBILLINGOutputCDSRMPGF6OTE invoicing base data - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGF7Payments and refunds overview - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGF8Payments and refunds overviewSFVOTGASCLAIMOutputCDSRMPGF9Payments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFAOTE Payments and refunds overview - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFBOTE Payments and refunds overviewSFVOTGASCLAIMOutputCDSRMPGFCOTE payments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFDLP differences settlement - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFELP differences settlementSFVOTGASTDDOutputCDSRMPGFFPayments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFGOTE LP differences settlement - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFHOTE LP differences settlementSFVOTGASTDDOutputCDSRMPGFIOTE LP differences settlement - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFJInvoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFKInvoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASBILLINGSUMOutputCDSRMPGFLInvoicing base data - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFMOTE Invoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFNOTE Invoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASBILLINGSUMOutputCDSRMPGFOOTE invoicing base data - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFPClaim overview - summarySFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFQClaim overview - summarySFVOTGASCLAIMSUMOutputCDSRMPGFRClaim overview - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFSOTE claim overview - summarySFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFTOTE claim overview - summarySFVOTGASCLAIMSUMOutputCDSRMPGFUOTE Claim overview - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFVLPG netting - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFWLPG nettingSFVOTGASTDDNETTOutputCDSRMPGFXLPG netting - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGFYLoss clearing - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGFZLoss clearingSFVOTGASTDDOutputCDSRMPGG1Loss clearing - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGG2Loss clearing OTE - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRMPCDSGG3Loss clearing OTESFVOTGASTDDOutputCDSRMPGG4Loss clearing OTE - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGG5Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - requestSFVOTGASREQInputRUTCDSGG6Final Settlement of Clearing DifferencesSFVOTGASTDDOutputRMPCDSGG7Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGG8Final Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - requestSFVOTGASREQInputCDSRMPGG9Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - OTESFVOTGASTDDOutputRMPCDSGGAFinal Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGI1Request for data of preliminary imbalanceCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGI2Confirmation of / Error in request for data of preliminary imbalanceGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGI3Request for preliminary difference in allocationsCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGI4Confirmation of / Error in request for preliminary difference in allocationsGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGI5Request for data of actual imbalanceCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGI6Confirmation of / Error in request for data of actual imbalanceGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGI7Request for actual difference in allocationsCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGI8Confirmation of / Error in request for actual difference in allocationsGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGI9Request for off-tolerance deviations after inclusion of trading with unused toleranceCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGIAConfirmation of / Error in request for off-tolerance deviationsGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGIBRequest for closing imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGICConfirmation of / Error in request for closing imbalancesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGIDRequest for assumed preliminary imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGIEConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed preliminary imbalancesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGIFRequest for assumed closing imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGIGConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed real metered imbalancesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGIHRequest for assumed real metered imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGIIConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed closing imbalancesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGIJRequest for closing allocation imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGIKConfirmation of / Error in request for closing allocation imbalancesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGL1Request for allocation dataCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGL2Confirmation/error in request for allocation dataGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGL3Requets for data of reserved capacityCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGL4Confirmation/error in request for data of reserved capacityGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGM1Request for metered values (interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGM2Confirmation/error in request for metered values (interval metering)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGM3Request for substitute values (interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGM4Confirmation/error in request for substitute values (interval metering)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGM5Request for change of accumulationCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGM6Confirmation/error in request for change of accumulationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGM7Request for metered values (non-interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGM8Confirmation/error in request for metered values (non-interval metering)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGM9Request for planned estimate of annual consumptionCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMAConfirmation/error in request for planned estimate of annual consumptionGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMBRequest for combustible heatCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMCConfirmation/error in request for combustible heatGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMDRequest for distribution capacityCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMEConfirmation/error in request for distribution capacityGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMFRequest for transport capacityCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMGConfirmation/error in request for transport capacityGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMHRequest for actual own lossesCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMIConfirmation/error in request for actual own lossesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMJRequest for planned own lossesCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMKConfirmation/error in request for planned own lossesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMLInquiry about aggregated values at BRPCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMMConfirmation/error in inquiry about aggregated values at BRPGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMNInquiry about data for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMOConfirmation/error in inquiry about data for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMPInquiry about summary values for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMQConfirmation/error in inquiry about summary values for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMRInquiry about summary values for BRP and network broken down to A, B, C, CMCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMSConfirmation/error in inquiry about summary values for BRP and network broken down to A, B, C, CMGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMTRequest for C metering day valuesCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMUConfirmation of / Error in request C metering day valuesGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMVRequest for planned month consumptionCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMWConfirmation of / Error in request for planned month consumptionGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGMXRequest for day values CMCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGMYConfirmation of / Error in request for day values CMGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGN1Inquiry about nominations of the BRP of all typesCDSEDIGASREQInputBRPCDSGN2Confirmation/error in inquiry about nominations of the BRPGASRESPONSEOutputCDSBRPGN3Inquiry about all nominations of transportCDSEDIGASREQInputTSOCDSGN4Confirmation/error in inquiry about all nominations of transportGASRESPONSEOutputCDSTSOGN5Inquiry about all nominations of distribution for the DSOCDSEDIGASREQInputDSOCDSGN6Confirmation/error in inquiry about all nominations of distribution for the DSOGASRESPONSEOutputCDSDSOGN7Inquiry about all nominations of storage for the SSOCDSEDIGASREQInputSSOCDSGN8Confirmation/error in inquiry about all nominations of storage for the SSOGASRESPONSEOutputCDSSSOGN9Inquiry about shipper code listCDSEDIGASREQInputDSO / TSOCDSGNAConfirmation/error in inquiry about shipper code listGASRESPONSEOutputCDSTSO / DSOGO1Request for real value histrory (interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGO2Confirmation/error in request for real value histrory (interval metering)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGP1DGI data for invoicing of distributionCDSGASPOFInputDSOOTEGP2Confirmation of acceptance/error in a message with data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSDSOGP4Inquiry about data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)CDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGP5Response in case of error in verification of message with data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGP6Message with data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)CDSGASPOFOutputCDSRMPGP7Electronic invoiceCDSGASINVOICEInput / OutputDSOCDSCDSSupplierGP8Confirmation/error in electrtonic invoice receiptGASRESPONSEOutputCDSPDSSupplierGP9Request for electronic invoiceCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGPAConfirmation/error in request for electronic invoiceGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGPBElectronic invoice (OTE)CDSGASINVOICEOutputCDSRMPGPCRequest for informaction about electronic invoice handoverCDSGASREQInputDSOCDSGPDConfirmation/error in request for informaction about electronic invoice handoverGASRESPONSEOutputCDSDSOGPEInformaction about electronic invoice handoverCDSGASINVOICEOutputCDSDSOGR1Request for registration/update of PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAInputTSO / DSOCDSGR2Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for registration/update of PDTGASRESPONSEOutputCDSDSO / TSOGR3Copy of a message with request for registration/update of PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSDSO / TSOGR4Request for PDT dataCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGR5Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for PDT dataGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGR6Copy of a message with request for PDT dataCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGR7Information about DPI activationCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGR8Information about PDT terminationCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGR9Information about PDT changesCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGRAInformation about PDT termination because of supply unprovision or imb. resp. transferCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGRBRequest for PDT data for Security of supplyCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGRCConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for PDT data for Security of supplyGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGRDCopy of a message with request for PDT data for Security of supplyCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGRERequest for list of PDT according to serviceCDSGASREQInputRMPCDSGRFError in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT according to serviceGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGRGList of PDT according to serviceGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGRXRequest for PDT terminationCDSGASMASTERDATAInputDSO/TSOCDSGRYConfirmation of / Error in request for PDT terminationGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGRZCopy of request for PDT terminationCDSGASMASTERDATAOutputCDSRMPGSDRequest - Day settlement (DMG)ISOTEREQInputRMPIS OTEGSERequest - Day settlement - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGSFRequest - Day settlement - Data copy (DMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGT1Request for data of normal and actual weather conditions (temperatures)CDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGT2Confirmation/error in request for data of normal and actual weather conditions (temperatures)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGT3Request for LP dataCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGT4Confirmation/error in request for LP dataGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGT5Request for data of temperature correlation coefficientCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGT6Confirmation/error in request for data of temperature correlation coefficientGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGT7Inquiry about residue diagramsCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGT8Confirmation/error in inquiry about residue diagramsGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGT9Inquiry about estimated diagram of consumption of a PDT group (C, CM)CDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGTAConfirmation/error in inquiry about estimated diagram of consumption of a PDT group (C, CM)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGTBRequest for clearing results for PDTCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGTCConfirmation of / Error in request for clearing results for PDTGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGTDRequest for list of PDT readings submitted to clearingCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGTEError in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT readings submitted to clearingGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGTPMessage for sending of predicted and metered average daily temperatureCDSEDIGASREQInputRMPCDSGTQConfirmation of / Error in receiving message for sending of predicted and metered average daily temperatureGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGV1Order place / replace (IDMG)ISOTEDATAInputRMPIS OTEGV2Order place / replace - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGV3Copy of order data - place (IDMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGV4Order annulation (IDMG)ISOTEDATAInputRMPIS OTEGV5Order annulation - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGV6Copy of order data - annulation (IDMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGV7One?s own order data - state request (IDMG)ISOTEREQInputRMPIS OTEGV8One?s own order data - state request - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGV9Copy of order data - one?s own order (IDMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGVATrading results nomination sending (IDMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGVBTrading results nomination sending (IDMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGVCTrade request - one?s own (IDMG)ISOTEREQInputRMPIS OTEGVDTrade request - one?s own - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGVECopy of one?s own trades data (IDMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGVFProduct data request (IDMG)ISOTEREQInputRMPIS OTEGVGProduct data request - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGVHProduct master data (IDMG)ISOTEMASTERDATAOutputIS OTERMPGVJNotification about change of trading screen (IDMG)RESPONSEOutputIS OTERMPGVKCopy of trading screen - market depth (IDMG)ISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERMPGX1Request for provision of a message from the queueCOMMONGASREQInputRMPCDSGX2Response – notification that there are no more messages in the message queueGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGX3Request for verification of the server-server connectionCOMMONGASREQInputRMPCDSGX4Response forwarded to call-back service during verification of the server-server connectionGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGX5Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMPGX6Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)GASRESPONSEOutputRMPCDSGXANotification about expiration of periodic request validityGASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMP050Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMP051Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)GASRESPONSEInputRMPCDS100Syntax error - invalid message format (from CDS to message sender)GASRESPONSEOutputCDSRMP101Syntax error - invalid message format (from message receiver to CDS)GASRESPONSEInputRMPCDS463Financial status limit - requestSFVOTREQInputRMPIS OTE464Financial status limitSFVOTLIMITSOutputIS OTERMP465Financial status limit - error/confirmationRESPONSEOutputIS OTERMP923Request for IS OTE data handover - MarketServiceCOMMONMARKETREQInputService providerWAS (IM&BM)924Confirmation/error message for sending of request for output data handover - MarketServiceRESPONSEOutputIS OTEExternal subject981Notification, gate open/closure time of RRD/DM has been changed.GASRESPONSEInputRMPCDS964Data request - Statistic data of imbalances settlementISOTEREQInputRUTIS OTE965Request for imbalance settlement statistic data - error / confirmationRESPONSEOutputIS OTERUT966Request for imbalance settlement statistic data - copy of dataISOTEDATAOutputIS OTERUT983Notification about BM product aggregationRESPONSEOUTIS OTERUT984Notification about BM product announceRESPONSEOUTIS OTERUT985Notification about product dealing opening on BMRESPONSEOUTIS OTERUT986Notification about product dealing termination on BM RESPONSEOUTIS OTERUT987Notification about dealing result finalization of product on BMRESPONSEOUTIS OTERUT988Notification about BM product non-announceRESPONSEOUTIS OTERUT994Request for server-server connection control and for delivery of non-sent IS OTE messages - MarketServiceCOMMONMARKETREQInputExternal subjectWAS (IM&BM)996Confirmation of server-server connection control and sending of non-sent messages - MarketServiceRESPONSEOutputCDSExternal subjectOverview of acceptable message formatsThere is determined, for each message, which are acceptable message format for entering or leaving CS OTE system. The overview is stated bellow.Msg_codePopisFormát zprávyXMLTXT (pouze SMTP, ne?ifrované)PDF/HTML /RTF (pouze SMTP)PodpisGA1Request for change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGA2Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a request for change of supplier (if a response is not required, then only in case it is required)GASRESPONSEXXGA3Copy of a request for a change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGA4Message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGA5Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityGASRESPONSEXXGA6Copy of a message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGA7Request for continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery (valid till 31.12.2014)CDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGA8Request for suspension of the change of supplier processCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGA9Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with a request for suspension of the change of supplier processGASRESPONSEXXGAACopy of a message with a request for suspension of the change of supplier processCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGABConfirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGACConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryGASRESPONSEXXGADCopy of confirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAEConfirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGAFConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierGASRESPONSEXXGAGCopy of confirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAHConfirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery by the existing supplier and its balance responsible party (valid till 31.12.2014)CDSGASMASTERDATAXXGAIConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery (valid till 31.12.2014)GASRESPONSEXXGAJCopy of confirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery by the existing supplier and its balance responsible party (valid till 31.12.2014)CDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAKResults of evaluation of request for change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGALRequest for change of balance responsible party at a PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGAMSending of confirmation of acceptance/rejection of request for change of balance responsible partyGASRESPONSEXXGANCopy of a request for change of balance responsible partyCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAOApproval/rejection of request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGAPSending of confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyGASRESPONSEXXGAQCopy of approval/rejection of request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGARRequest for sending the status of change of supplierCDSGASREQXGASConfirmation/error in request for statement from the journal of change of supplierGASRESPONSEXXGATStatement from the journal of change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAUInformation about insufficient funding of RMP at PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAVInformation about unsecured supply due to unfinished change of supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAWInformation about unsecured supply or imbalace resp. transfer at PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAXInformation about unsecured imb. resp. transfer at PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGAZInformation about RMP locking at a PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGB1Request for registration of imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGB2Confirmation of / Error in request for registration of imbalance responsibility transfer receiving GASRESPONSEXXXGB3Information about registration of imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGB4Approbation / Refusal of imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGB5Confirmation of / Error in approbation / refusal of imbalance responsibility transfer receivnigGASRESPONSEXXGB6Request for imbalance responsibility transferCDSGASREQXGB7Confirmation of / Error in request for imbalance responsibility transfer receivingGASRESPONSEXXGB8Information about imbalance responsibility transfer (on request 455)CDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGBARequest for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGBBConfirmation of / Error in request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierGASRESPONSEXXGBCCopy of the request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGBDApprobation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGBEConfirmation of / Error in approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionGASRESPONSEXXGBFCopy of the approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGBGRequest for assigning an observer to PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGBHError in / Confirmation of request for assigning an observer to PDT receivingGASRESPONSEXXGBIInformation about observer assignement to PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGBJRequest for assigned observers dataCDSGASREQXGBKError in / confirmation of assigned observers request receivingGASRESPONSEXXGBLAssigned observers dataCDSGASMASTERDATAXXXGBMCopy of the change of supplier progress informationCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGC1Entering/updating of informationCDSGASCLAIMXXGC2Acceptance/error of sent claimGASRESPONSEXXGC3Copy of claimCDSGASCLAIMXXXGC4Inquiry about claim dataCDSGASREQXGC5Acceptance/error in inquiry about claim dataGASRESPONSEXXGC6Copy of claimCDSGASCLAIMXXXGC7OTE messagesCDSGASCLAIMXXXGC8Inquiry about OTE messagesCDSGASREQXGC9Confirmation/error in inquiry about OTE messagesGASRESPONSEXXGCACopy of OTE messagesCDSGASCLAIMXXXGD1Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGD2Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEXGD3Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation - Copy of data (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGD4Bid cancelation (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGD5Bid cancelation - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEXGD6Bid cancelation - Copy of data (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGD7Own bid data - State detection (DMG)ISOTEREQXGD8Own bid data - State detection - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEXGD9Own bid data - Copy of data (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGDATrading results nominations sending (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGDDRequest - DM marginal prices (DMG)ISOTEREQXGDERequest - DM marginal prices - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEXGDFRequest - DM marginal prices - Data copy (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGF1Invoicing base data - requestSFVOTGASREQXGF2Invoicing base dataSFVOTGASBILLINGXXXGF3Invoicing base data - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEXGF4OTE Invoicing base data - requestSFVOTGASREQXGF5OTE Invoicing base dataSFVOTGASBILLINGXXXGF6OTE invoicing base data - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEXGF7Payments and refunds overview - requestSFVOTGASREQXGF8Payments and refunds overviewSFVOTGASCLAIMXXXGF9Payments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEXGFAOTE Payments and refunds overview - requestSFVOTGASREQXGFBOTE Payments and refunds overviewSFVOTGASCLAIMXXXGFCOTE payments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEXGFDLP differences settlement - requestSFVOTGASREQXGFELP differences settlementSFVOTGASTDDXXXGFFPayments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEXGFGOTE LP differences settlement - requestSFVOTGASREQXGFHOTE LP differences settlementSFVOTGASTDDXXXGFIOTE LP differences settlement - error/confirmationGASRESPONSEXGFJInvoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASREQXGFKInvoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASBILLINGSUMXXXGFLInvoicing base data - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEXGFMOTE Invoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASREQXGFNOTE Invoicing base data - summarySFVOTGASBILLINGSUMXXXGFOOTE invoicing base data - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEXGFPClaim overview - summarySFVOTGASREQXGFQClaim overview - summarySFVOTGASCLAIMSUMXXGFRClaim overview - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEXXGFSOTE claim overview - summarySFVOTGASREQXGFTOTE claim overview - summarySFVOTGASCLAIMSUMXXXGFUOTE Claim overview - summary - confirmation / errorGASRESPONSEXGFVLPG netting - requestSFVOTGASREQXGFWLPG nettingSFVOTGASTDDNETTXXXGFXLPG netting - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEXGFYLoss clearing - requestSFVOTGASREQXGFZLoss clearingSFVOTGASTDDXXXGG1Loss clearing - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEXGG2Loss clearing OTE - requestSFVOTGASREQXGG3Loss clearing OTESFVOTGASTDDXXXGG4Loss clearing OTE - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEXGG5Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - requestSFVOTGASREQXGG6Final Settlement of Clearing DifferencesSFVOTGASTDDXXXGG7Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEXGG8Final Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - requestSFVOTGASREQXGG9Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - OTESFVOTGASTDDXXXGGAFinal Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - confirmation/errorGASRESPONSEXGI1Request for data of preliminary imbalanceCDSEDIGASREQXGI2Confirmation of / Error in request for data of preliminary imbalanceGASRESPONSEXGI3Request for preliminary difference in allocationsCDSEDIGASREQXGI4Confirmation of / Error in request for preliminary difference in allocationsGASRESPONSEXGI5Request for data of actual imbalanceCDSEDIGASREQXGI6Confirmation of / Error in request for data of actual imbalanceGASRESPONSEXGI7Request for actual difference in allocationsCDSEDIGASREQXGI8Confirmation of / Error in request for actual difference in allocationsGASRESPONSEXGI9Request for off-tolerance deviations after inclusion of trading with unused toleranceCDSEDIGASREQXGIAConfirmation of / Error in request for off-tolerance deviationsGASRESPONSEXGIBRequest for closing imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQXGICConfirmation of / Error in request for closing imbalancesGASRESPONSEXGIDRequest for assumed preliminary imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQXGIEConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed preliminary imbalancesGASRESPONSEXGIFRequest for assumed closing imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQXGIGConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed real metered imbalancesGASRESPONSEXGIHRequest for assumed real metered imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQXGIIConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed closing imbalancesGASRESPONSEXGIJRequest for closing allocation imbalancesCDSEDIGASREQXGIKConfirmation of / Error in request for closing allocation imbalancesGASRESPONSEXGL1Request for allocation dataCDSEDIGASREQXGL2Confirmation/error in request for allocation dataGASRESPONSEXGL3Requets for data of reserved capacityCDSEDIGASREQXGL4Confirmation/error in request for data of reserved capacityGASRESPONSEXGM1Request for metered values (interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQXGM2Confirmation/error in request for metered values (interval metering)GASRESPONSEXGM3Request for substitute values (interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQXGM4Confirmation/error in request for substitute values (interval metering)GASRESPONSEXGM5Request for change of accumulationCDSEDIGASREQXGM6Confirmation/error in request for change of accumulationGASRESPONSEXGM7Request for metered values (non-interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQXGM8Confirmation/error in request for metered values (non-interval metering)GASRESPONSEXGM9Request for planned estimate of annual consumptionCDSEDIGASREQXGMAConfirmation/error in request for planned estimate of annual consumptionGASRESPONSEXGMBRequest for combustible heatCDSEDIGASREQXGMCConfirmation/error in request for combustible heatGASRESPONSEXGMDRequest for distribution capacityCDSEDIGASREQXGMEConfirmation/error in request for distribution capacityGASRESPONSEXGMFRequest for transport capacityCDSEDIGASREQXGMGConfirmation/error in request for transport capacityGASRESPONSEXGMHRequest for actual own lossesCDSEDIGASREQXGMIConfirmation/error in request for actual own lossesGASRESPONSEXGMJRequest for planned own lossesCDSEDIGASREQXGMKConfirmation/error in request for planned own lossesGASRESPONSEXGMLInquiry about aggregated values at BRPCDSEDIGASREQXGMMConfirmation/error in inquiry about aggregated values at BRPGASRESPONSEXGMNInquiry about data for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMCDSEDIGASREQXGMOConfirmation/error in inquiry about data for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMGASRESPONSEXGMPInquiry about summary values for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMCDSEDIGASREQXGMQConfirmation/error in inquiry about summary values for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMGASRESPONSEXGMRInquiry about summary values for BRP and network broken down to A, B, C, CMCDSEDIGASREQXGMSConfirmation/error in inquiry about summary values for BRP and network broken down to A, B, C, CMGASRESPONSEXGMTRequest for C metering day valuesCDSEDIGASREQXGMUConfirmation of / Error in request C metering day valuesGASRESPONSEXGMVRequest for planned month consumptionCDSEDIGASREQXGMWConfirmation of / Error in request for planned month consumptionGASRESPONSEXGMXRequest for day values CMCDSEDIGASREQXGMYConfirmation of / Error in request for day values CMGASRESPONSEXGN1Inquiry about nominations of the BRP of all typesCDSEDIGASREQXGN2Confirmation/error in inquiry about nominations of the BRPGASRESPONSEXGN3Inquiry about all nominations of transportCDSEDIGASREQXGN4Confirmation/error in inquiry about all nominations of transportGASRESPONSEXGN5Inquiry about all nominations of distribution for the DSOCDSEDIGASREQXGN6Confirmation/error in inquiry about all nominations of distribution for the DSOGASRESPONSEXGN7Inquiry about all nominations of storage for the SSOCDSEDIGASREQXGN8Confirmation/error in inquiry about all nominations of storage for the SSOGASRESPONSEXGN9Inquiry about shipper code listCDSEDIGASREQXGNAConfirmation/error in inquiry about shipper code listGASRESPONSEXGO1Request for real value histrory (interval metering)CDSEDIGASREQXGO2Confirmation/error in request for real value histrory (interval metering)GASRESPONSEXGP1DGI data for invoicing of distributionCDSGASPOFXXGP2Confirmation of acceptance/error in a message with data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)GASRESPONSEXGP4Inquiry about data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)CDSGASREQXGP5Response in case of error in verification of message with data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)GASRESPONSEXGP6Message with data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)CDSGASPOFXXGP7Electronic invoiceCDSGASINVOICEXXGP8Confirmation/error in electrtonic invoice receiptGASRESPONSEXGP9Request for electronic invoiceCDSGASREQXGPAConfirmation/error in request for electronic invoiceGASRESPONSEXGPBElectronic invoice (OTE)CDSGASINVOICEXXGPCRequest for informaction about electronic invoice handoverCDSGASREQXGPDConfirmation/error in request for informaction about electronic invoice handoverGASRESPONSEXGPEInformaction about electronic invoice handoverCDSGASINVOICEXXGR1Request for registration/update of PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGR2Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for registration/update of PDTGASRESPONSEXGR3Copy of a message with request for registration/update of PDTCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGR4Request for PDT dataCDSGASREQXGR5Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for PDT dataGASRESPONSEXGR6Copy of a message with request for PDT dataCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGR7Information about DPI activationCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGR8Information about PDT terminationCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGR9Information about PDT changesCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGRAInformation about PDT termination because of supply unprovision or imb. resp. transferCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGRBRequest for PDT data for Security of supplyCDSGASREQXGRCConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with request for PDT data for Security of supplyGASRESPONSEXGRDCopy of a message with request for PDT data for Security of supplyCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGRERequest for list of PDT according to serviceCDSGASREQXGRFError in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT according to serviceGASRESPONSEXGRGList of PDT according to serviceCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGRXRequest for PDT terminationCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGRYConfirmation of / Error in request for PDT terminationGASRESPONSEXGRZCopy of request for PDT terminationCDSGASMASTERDATAXXGSDRequest - Day settlement (DMG)ISOTEREQXGSERequest - Day settlement - error / confirmation (DMG)RESPONSEXGSFRequest - Day settlement - Data copy (DMG)ISOTEDATAXXGT1Request for data of normal and actual weather conditions (temperatures)CDSEDIGASREQXGT2Confirmation/error in request for data of normal and actual weather conditions (temperatures)GASRESPONSEXGT3Request for LP dataCDSEDIGASREQXGT4Confirmation/error in request for LP dataGASRESPONSEXGT5Request for data of temperature correlation coefficientCDSEDIGASREQXGT6Confirmation/error in request for data of temperature correlation coefficientGASRESPONSEXGT7Inquiry about residue diagramsCDSEDIGASREQXGT8Confirmation/error in inquiry about residue diagramsGASRESPONSEXGT9Inquiry about estimated diagram of consumption of a PDT group (C, CM)CDSEDIGASREQXGTAConfirmation/error in inquiry about estimated diagram of consumption of a PDT group (C, CM)GASRESPONSEXGTBRequest for clearing results for PDTCDSEDIGASREQXGTCConfirmation of / Error in request for clearing results for PDTGASRESPONSEXGTDRequest for list of PDT readings submitted to clearingCDSEDIGASREQXGTEError in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT readings submitted to clearingGASRESPONSEXGTPMessage for sending of predicted and metered average daily temperatureCDSEDIGASREQXGTQConfirmation of / Error in receiving message for sending of predicted and metered average daily temperatureGASRESPONSEXGV1Order place / replace (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGV2Order place / replace - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEXGV3Copy of order data - place (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGV4Order annulation (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGV5Order annulation - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEXGV6Copy of order data - annulation (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGV7One?s own order data - state request (IDMG)ISOTEREQXGV8One?s own order data - state request - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEXGV9Copy of order data - one?s own order (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGVATrading results nomination sending (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGVBTrading results nomination sending (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGVCTrade request - one?s own (IDMG)ISOTEREQXGVDTrade request - one?s own - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEXGVECopy of one?s own trades data (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGVFProduct data request (IDMG)ISOTEREQXGVGProduct data request - error / confirmation (IDMG)RESPONSEXGVHProduct master data (IDMG)ISOTEMASTERDATAXXGVJNotification about change of trading screen (IDMG)RESPONSEXGVKCopy of trading screen - market depth (IDMG)ISOTEDATAXXGX1Request for provision of a message from the queueCOMMONGASREQXGX2Response – notification that there are no more messages in the message queueGASRESPONSEXGX3Request for verification of the server-server connectionCOMMONGASREQXGX4Response forwarded to call-back service during verification of the server-server connectionGASRESPONSEXGX5Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)GASRESPONSEXGX6Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)GASRESPONSEXGXANotification about expiration of periodic request validityGASRESPONSEX050Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)GASRESPONSEX051Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)GASRESPONSEX100Syntax error - invalid message format (from CDS to message sender)GASRESPONSEX101Syntax error - invalid message format (from message receiver to CDS)GASRESPONSEX463Financial status limit - requestSFVOTREQX464Financial status limitSFVOTLIMITSXX465Financial status limit - error/confirmationRESPONSEX923Request for IS OTE data handover - MarketServiceCOMMONMARKETREQX924Confirmation/error message for sending of request for output data handover - MarketServiceRESPONSEX981Notification, gate open/closure time of RRD/DM has been changed.ISOTEREQX964Po?adavek na statistická data zú?tování odchylekRESPONSEX965Po?adavek na statistická data zú?tování odchylek - chyba / potvrzeníISOTEDATAXX966Po?adavek na statistická data zú?tování odchylek - Opis datRESPONSEX983Notification about BM product aggregationRESPONSEX984Notification about BM product announceRESPONSEX985Notification about product dealing opening on BMRESPONSEX986Notification about product dealing termination on BM RESPONSEX987Notification about dealing result finalization of product on BMRESPONSEX988Notification about BM product non-announceRESPONSEX994Request for server-server connection control and for delivery of non-sent IS OTE messages - MarketServiceCOMMONMARKETREQX996Confirmation of server-server connection control and sending of non-sent messages - MarketServiceRESPONSEXDescription of the format according to OTE specificationProvided below is the description of the individual formats of messages used in communication with CS OTE in the area of gas. For each format, there is a brief characteristics, an overview of usage, filling guidlines and refences to XML scheme (*.XSD) including examples.Correct functioning of references in a document requires that the files are structured as follows on a workstation (arrows point to the content of the folders) and that the document is launched from this location: Description of some messages contains the “Reference” message that includes the msg_code of the message that triggered sending of the message within the general communication scenario (e.g. an inquiry about data and a response to the inquiry). CDSGASCLAIM PURPOSEAn XML message in the CDSGASCLAIM format is used for sending data about claims and OTE messages (notice board) for market participants. Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGC1Entering/updating a claim-InputRMPCDSGC3Copy of a claimGC1OutputCDSRMPGC6Copy of a claim (upon sending an inquiry)GC4OutputCDSRMPGC7Sending of OTE information-InputRMPCDSGCACopy of OTE messageGC8OutputCDSRMPFilling cdsgasCLAIM structureXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionCDSGASCLAIMXMessage headeridX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ 1language2LanguageData languageSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReferenceid XReference msg idReference to preceding messageCLAIMX1 for messageclaim-id1 - 20Claim IDID assigned by CS OTEclaim-typeenum.Claim typeClaim type by content. Selected from claim type code lists. priorityenum.Priorita(not used so far)processor16AssigneeParticipant assigned to resolve the claimsubmitter16SubmitterThe participant to have submitted the claimdate-timeDate and time of submittingDate and time of submitting of the claimpublicAttribute of public claimDetermines whether the claim is public, i.e. visible for all participantsstatusenum.StatusClaim status claim-subject1 - 100SubjectBrief text – subject of claimactivityXenum.ActivitySpecifies the activity – i.e. either a claim, a change request, an information request or an OTE message.claim-data-catenum.Type of claimed dataType of claimed data – data or results – it is relevant only for some processes related to organised trading. Just an informative item.valid-fromPlatnost odData validity from (for OTE message only)valid-toPlatnost doData validity to (for OTE message only)Claim-textX1 for message (claim text in the elementu)TextText describing the request / claimClaim-reference0 - N for message obj-typeXenum.Object typeType of referenced object – e.g. PDT, message number, ID of a Block Market product, session dateobj-keyXObject IDID of referenced object (e.g. EIC)Attachment0 - N for one message (attachachment content in the element)AttachmentContent of the file; if automatic communication is used, the content shall always be encrypted in Base64.file-nameX1 - 100File nameName of attached filecontent-typeX1 - 100File typeType of attached file (doc, txt, jpg, etc.)Action0 - N for message (action text in the element)action-id1 - 10Action IDSerial number of actiondate-timeDate and timeDate and time of execution of actionaction-typeXenum.Text Text amended by the participant executing the action (e.g. a statement, response, inquiry, etc.)The complex CDSGASCLAIM file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\CDSGASCLAIMAN EXAMPLE OF A MESSAGE IN CDSGASCLAIM FORMATDescriptionReferenceEntering / updating a claim (GC1)XML\CDSGASCLAIM\EXAMPLES\CDSGASCLAIM_msg_code_GC1.xmlCDSGASINVOICEPurposeXML message in CDSINVOICE format is used for exchange of electronic invoice for distributrion services. The invoice is sent by distributor to supplier. Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGP7Electronic invoice-Input / OutputDSOCDSCDSSupplierGPBElectronic invoice (OTE)GP9OutputCDSRMPGPEInformaction about electronic invoice handoverGPCOutputCDSDSOFilling cdsgasinvoice structureDescription of filling of chosen attributes is stated bellow.XML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionCDSGASINVOICEXMessage headeridX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ 1language2LanguageData languageSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICDataProviderXidX16Data providerEIC of message creatorcoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReferenceid XReference msg idReference to preceding messageDocumentXdoc-typeXenum.Receipt type Receipt typetax-relevancyXenumTax yes/noTax or non-tax receiptdoc-levelXenumReceipt levelMain or partial receiptdoc-idX12Receipt idTax receipt number, without leading zerosdoc-atnAttachmentsNumber of attachmentsdoc-ver35VersionReceipt versionDocHeaderReceipt headPartyPartnerparty-roleXenumRolePartner rolePartyIDPartner identificationident-num20I?Identification number (ie. I?)tax-num20DI?Tax identification numbercomp-register160Trade registerRegistration in trade registerBankAccountBank detailsbank-idX15Bank codeBank codeaccount-numX18AccountAccount numberbank-countryX3StateBank statebank-name60NameBank nameiban24IbanIbanSWIFT-code8 - 12SWIFTSWIFT codeNameAdressName and addressnameXNamePartner namecountyCountryCountrycityCityCitycity-subentityDistrictCity districtstreetStreetStreethouse-numDescriptive numberDescriptive numberhouse-num2Nunber of directionNunber of directionpostal-codePS?PS?po-boxPO BoxPO BoxCommunicationCommunicationemailE-mailE-mail addresswwwWWWWeb pagesContactLiaison officernameNameNametel-numPhonePhone numberemailE-mailE-mail addressfunctionPostPost or rolefaxFaxFax numberReferencePartyIDPartner reference number (e.g. in a supplier system)CustomerIDCustomerCustomer idContractAccountIDContract accountCountract account numberItemReceipt item dataitem-typeXenumItem typeItem type, constant ?G01“doc-numberTax receiptTax receipt numberBaseItemDetailItem basic detailsitem-id4IdItem numberitem-textTextItem textquantityQuantityQuantityunitenumUnitMeasuring unitPricingDetailPricing detailUnitPriceUnit pricevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyItemNet ValueXNet valuevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyTaxTaxtax-typeXenumTypeTax typetax-percent2Per centTax per centtax-value31ValueTax valuetax-value-currencyCurrencyTax value currencyItemGrossValueGross valuevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyPaymentInfoPayment infovar-symbolVar. symbolVariable symbolconst-symbolConst. symbolConstant symbolspec-symbolSpec. symbolSpecific symbolItemDatesItem datesdue-datedateDue dateDue datebilling-period-startdateOdStart of settlement periodbilling-period-enddateDoEnd of settlement periodpayment-datePaymentDate of paymentBillingItemPDT settlement itemitem-typeenumTypeItem typeBaseItemDetailItem basic detailsitem-id4IdItem numberitem-textTextItem textquantityQuantityQuantityunitenumUnitMeasuring unitPricingDetailPricing detailsUnitPriceUnit pricevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyNetValueXNet valuevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyTaxTaxtax-typeXenumTypeTax typetax-percentX2Per centTax per centtax-valueX31ValueTax valuetax-value-currencyXCurrencyTax value currencyGrossValueGross valuevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyItemDatesItem datesdue-datedateDue dateDue datebilling-period-startdateOdStart of settlement periodbilling-period-enddateDoEnd of settlement periodSumItemReceipt summ itemitem-typeenumItemItem type, constant S01doc-numberReceiptReceipt numberBaseItemDetailItem basic detailsitem-id4IdItem numberitem-textTextItem textquantityQuantityQuantityunitenumUnitMeasuring unitNetValueXNet valuevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyTaxTaxtax-typeXenumTypeTax typetax-percentX2Per centTax per centtax-valueX31ValueTax valuetax-value-currencyXCurrencyTax value currencyGrossValueGross valuevalueX31ValueValuecurrencyXenumCurrencyCurrencyPDTblockList of PDT blocksPDT-idX18ID OPMID OPM (EIC)premise-idPremisePremise idrateRateRateTDD-classXLP classLP classcons-bandXBand cosumptionConsumption for band assignmentDGI-idX1 - 35ReceiptPartial receipt idThe complete CDSGASINVOICE file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\CDSGASINVOICEExemple of the CDSGASINVOICE message foramatPopisOdkazElectronic invoice (GP7)XML\CDSGASINVOICE\EXAMPLES\CDSGASINVOICE_msg_code_GP7.xmlCDSGASPOFPURPOSEAn XML in CDSGASPOF format is used for sending additional data for invoicing of distribution services by the distribution system operator to the gas trader.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGP1Data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)-OutputDSOCDSGP6Message with invoicing data (DGI)GP4OutputCDSRMPFILLING CDSGASPOF STRUCTUREThe below table presents the method of filling of the individual items of a message. The table is divided for a DGI message sent for PDT with metering type A or B and type C or CM. Sending of an AB message (PDT type A or B)SectionNamePath to parameterTypeUnitsIdentification information1x in Invoice??Invoice headerHighlightedinvoice/head/??Id dgiInvoice/head@pofidstringEIC PDTsubjects/@opmEIC-Invoicing type atributes/@segmentenum DruhFakturace-POF numberatributes/@numberCHAR(15)-Number of cor. invoiceatributes/@SCNumberCHAR(15)Reason of cor. invoiceatributes/@corReasonCHAR(2)Claim id for cor. invoiceatributes/@complIdCHAR(16)invoicing period from@periodFromdatetime-invoicing period to@periodTodatetime-Number of aggregated invoice (non-mandatory information)atributes/@anumberCHAR(25)-Total price excl. VAT (non-mandatory information)@priceTotal(-) number 12,2CZKTotal price incl. VAT (non-mandatory information)@priceTotalDph(-) number 12,2CZK-invoice version@versionCHAR(15)-Cancel flag@cancelledboolean-Year recalculated value@yearReCalculatedValue?íslo 14,2kWhMetering data1x in Invoice??PDT A or B?????Distributed volume of gas28..31x in Metering data??Highlightedinvoice/instrumentReading/distributionSum/??Day@daydatetime-Distributed volume@quantity(-) number 14,2kWhPrice1x in Metering data??Highlightedinvoice/instrumentReading/??Fixed per unit price of consumed gas@unitPrice9,5CZK/kWhPer unit price for activity of market operator settlement@MOSettlementUnitPrice9,5CZK/kWhAgreed values1x in Invoice??PDT A or B?????Annual distribution contract1x in Agreed values??annual distribution contractHighlightedinvoice/contractValue/year/??Volume of allocated distribution capacity@sizenumber 14,2m3Number of periods (share of evaluated period in per unit price)@effectnumber 12,12-Fixed annual per unit price of daily reserved capacity@pricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3?Monthly distribution contractNx in Agreed values??monthly distribution contractHighlightedinvoice/contractValue/month/??Volume of allocated distribution capacity@sizenumber 14,2m3Beginning of validity of allocated distribution capacity@relevanceFromdatetime-End of validity of allocated distribution capacity @relevanceTodatetime-Share of evaluated period in per unit price@effectnumber 12,12-Per unit price of daily reserved capacity@pricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3?Flexible distribution contractNx in Agreed values??flexible distribution contractHighlightedinvoice/contractValue/slide/??Volume of allocated distribution capacity@sizenumber 14,2m3Beginning of validity of allocated distribution capacity@relevanceFromdatetime-End of validity of allocated distribution capacity @relevanceTodatetime-Beginning of validity of allocated distribution capacity in the invoiced month@monthrelevanceFromdatetime-End of validity of allocated distribution capacity in the invoiced month@monthRelevanceTodatetime-Share of evaluated period in per unit price – resulting coefficient for the month@effectnumber 12,12-Fixed per unit price for daily reserved capacity@pricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3?Exceeding of allocated distribution capacity1x in Agreed values??Exceeding of allocated distribution capacityHighlightedinvoice/contractValue/overSize/??Maximum volume of exceeding of allocated distribution capacity@maxSizenumber 14,0m3Date of exceeding @overDatedate-Calendar month factor@monthFactornumber 12,7-Fixed per unit price for exceeding daily allocated distribution capacity@unitPricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3?Distribution capacity by hist. maximum1x in Agreed values??Distribution capacity by hist. maximumHighlightedinvoice/contractValue/maxHistory/??Volume of allocated distribution capacity@sizenumber 14,2m3Number of periods (share of evaluated period in per unit price)@effectnumber 12,12-Fixed price @pricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3Indefinite interruptible capacityIndefinite interruptible capacity1x v?in Contracted valuesHighlightedinvoice/contractValue/yearInterruptibleCapacity/??Volume of interruptible capacity@sizenumber 14,2m3Number of periods (part of considered on unit price)@effectnumber 12,12-Fixed annual unit price for daily interruptible capacity@pricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3Monthly interruptible capacityNx in Contracted valuesHighlightedinvoice/contractValue/monthInterruptibleCapacity/??Volume of interruptible capacity@sizenumber 14,2m3Beginning of interrubptible capacity validity@relevanceFromdatetime-End of interrubptible capacity validity@relevanceTodatetime-Part of considered on unit price@effectnumber 12,12-Fixed unit price for daily interruptible capacity@pricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3Attachment – Metering dataNx in Invoice??PDT A or B?????Meter identificationNx in Metering data??Highlightedinvoice/meters/meter/??Number of meter: (re-calculator)@rateIdCHAR(15)-Type of meter: (re-calculator)@rateTypeCHAR(15)-Name of meter: (gas meter)@meterNameCHAR(15)-Number of meter: (gas meter)@meterIdCHAR(15)-Type of meter: (gas meter)@meterTypeCHAR(20)-Date from:@fromdatetime-Date to:@todatetime-Original state of meter@startStatenumber 14,0m3End state of meter@endStatenumber 14,0m3Total consumption per meter@sumGasM3(-) number 14,0m3total consumption per meter@sumGaskWh(-) number 14,2kWhGas consumption28..31x in Meter identification??Highlightedinvoice/meters/meter/dayConsumption/??Day@gasdaydatetime-Non-recalculated consumption@gasConsumption(-) number 14,0m3Re-calculation coefficient to m3 @reductionFactornumber 10,4 not sent-Re-calculated consumption@reductionConsumption(-) number 14,0m3Combustible heat volume in?kWh/m3@flueGasHeat(-) number 10,4kWh/m3Distributed volume of gas@sumGas(-) number 14,2kWhOther items (fees)Nx in InvoiceInvoiced itemHighlightedinvoice/OtherItems??Item type@itemTypeCHAR(4)Invoice period from @periodFromdateInvoice period to @periodTodateQuantity@quantity?(-) number 14,2?Measure unit@unitCHAR(6)Coefficient@effect(-) number 12,12Unit price @unitPricenumber 9,5Total price without VAT @itemPrice(-) number 12,2CZK Rem.: (-) - if present, also negative value can be entered in the fieldThe Item type code list contains following values (column Item type):Item type?DescriptionFXIVExtra invoice feeFXMRExtra meter reading fee DFLDFlood discountDDSCDicruption discountFNOPUnauthorised offtakeThe Measure unit code list contains following values (column Unit):UnitDescriptionpcPiecem3Cubic meterkWhKilowatt hourNot specifiedThe code list of reasons of correctional facturation contains:ReasonDescription01Correction based on fault learned by distribution system operator02Correction based on claimRem: In case of correctional invoice, the kind of invoice COR will be used no more, but there remains original value. The correction is indicated by providing the correction reason in separate attribute.Sending of a CCM message (PDT type C or CM)SectionNamePath to parameterTypeUnitsIdentification information1x in Invoice??Invoice headerHighlightedInvoice/head/??Id dgiInvoice/head@pofidstringEIC OPM subjects/@opmEIC-Invoicing type atributes/@segmentenum DruhFakturace-POF number atributes/@numberCHAR(15)-Number of cor. invoiceatributes/@SCNumberCHAR(15)Reason of cor. invoiceatributes/@corReasonCHAR(2)Claim id for cor. invoiceatributes/@complIdCHAR(16)invoicing period from @periodFromdatetime-invoicing period to @periodTodatetime-Number of aggregated invoice (non-mandatory information) atributes/@anumberCHAR(25)-Total price excl. VAT (non-mandatory information) @priceTotal(-) number 12,2CZKTotal price incl. VAT (non-mandatory information) @priceTotalDph(-) number 12,2CZKinvoice version @versionCHAR(15)-Cancel flag@cancelledboolean-Year recalculated value@yearReCalculatedValuenumber 14,2kWh????PDT C or CMDistributed gas volumeNx in Metering data???Highlightedinvoice/instrumentReadingC/distributionSum/???Date of beginning of evaluated period @fromdatetime-Date of end of evaluated period @todatetime-Distributed volume of gas for the evaluated period @distributionSum(-) number 14,2kWhFixed per unit price of consumed gas @unitPrice9,5CZK/kWhPer unit price for activity of market operator settlement@MOSettlementUnitPrice9,5CZK/kWh1x in Invoice??Agreed values???PDT C or CMEvaluated periodNx in Agreed values???Highlightedinvoice/contractValueC/period/???Date of beginning of evaluated period @fromdatetime-Date of end of evaluated period @todatetime-Calculated distribution capacity1x in Evaluated period???Highlightedinvoice/contractValueC/period/??calculated distribution capacityVolume of allocated distribution capacity capacity/@volumenumber 14,3m3Share of evaluated period in per unit price @effectnumber 12,12-Fixed annual per unit price for daily reserved capacity @pricenumber 12,2CZK/ thousand m3Permanent monthly salary1x in Evaluated period???Highlightedinvoice/contractValueC/period/??Permanent monthly salaryShare of evaluated period in per unit price payment/@effectnumber 12,12-Permanent monthly per unit price for furnished capacity capacity/@rentnumber 12,2CZKNx in Invoice??Attachment – Metering data – meters???PDT C or CMMeter identificationNx in Metering data???Highlightedinvoice/metersC/meter/???Number of meter: (re-calculator) @rateIdCHAR(15)-Type of meter: (re-calculator) @rateTypeCHAR(15)-Name of meter: (gas meter) @meterNameCHAR(15)-Number of meter: (gas meter) @meterIdCHAR(15)-Type of meter: (gas meter) @meterTypeCHAR(20)-Date from: @fromdatetime-Date to: @todatetime-Original state of meter @startStatenumber 14,0m3Date of reading @startReadingdatetime-End state of meter @endStatenumber 14,0m3Date of reading @readingEnddatetime-Method of reading @readingTypeenum ReadingType-?Gas consumptionNx in Meter identification???Highlightedinvoice/metersC/meter/consumption/???Start of period in view@fromdatetime-End of period in view@todatetime-Difference <end state – orig. state> for invoicing period @consumption(-) number 14,0m3Additonally billed consumption@addBillConsumption(-) number 14,0m3Re-calculation coefficient to m3 @factornumber 10,4-Re-calculated volume in m3 (15°C, 101,325 kPa, dry) @renumVolume (-) number 12,4m3Combustible heat volume for invoiced period in?kWh/m3 @flueGasHeadnumber 10,4kWh/m3Distributed volume of gas for invoiced period @distribVolume(-) number 12,4kWhOther items (fees)Nx in InvoiceInvoiced itemHighlightedinvoice/OtherItems??Item type@itemTypeCHAR(4)Invoice period from @periodFromdateInvoice period to @periodTodateQuantity@quantity?(-) number 14,2?Measure unit@unitCHAR(6)Coefficient@effect(-) number 12,12Unit price @unitPricenumber 9,5Total price without VAT @itemPrice(-) number 12,2CZKRem.: (-) - if present, also negative value can be entered in the fieldThe Item type code list contains following values (column Item type):Item type?DescriptionFXIVExtra invoice feeFXMRExtra meter reading fee DFLDFlood discountDDSCDicruption discountFNOPUnauthorised offtakeThe Measure unit code list contains following values (column Unit):UnitDescriptionpcPiecem3Cubic meterkWhKilowatt hourNot specifiedThe code list of reasons of correctional facturation contains:ReasonDescription01Correction based on fault learned by distribution system operator02Correction based on claimRem: In case of correctional invoice, the kind of invoice COR will be used no more, but there remains original value. The correction is indicated by providing the correction reason in separate attribute.The complete CDSGASPOF file in the.xsd format is saved here:XML\CDSGASPOFAN EXAMPLE OF A MESSAGE IN THE CDSGASPOF FORMATDescriptionReferenceDGI data for invoicing of distribution (GP1)HYPERLINK "C:\\Documents and Settings\\sedmihradskym\\Desktop\\OTE\\Externi rozhrani\\XML plyn\\Specifikace XML Plyn - 1.14 - poupravene\\XML\\CDSGASPOF\\EXAMPLES\\CDSGASPOF_msg_code_GP1_A.xml"XML\CDSGASPOF\EXAMPLES\CDSGASPOF_msg_code_GP1_A.xmlHYPERLINK "C:\\Documents and Settings\\sedmihradskym\\Desktop\\OTE\\Externi rozhrani\\XML plyn\\Specifikace XML Plyn - 1.14 - poupravene\\XML\\CDSGASPOF\\EXAMPLES\\CDSGASPOF_msg_code_GP1_AC.xml"XML\CDSGASPOF\EXAMPLES\CDSGASPOF_msg_code_GP1_AC.xmlHYPERLINK "C:\\Documents and Settings\\sedmihradskym\\Desktop\\OTE\\Externi rozhrani\\XML plyn\\Specifikace XML Plyn - 1.14 - poupravene\\XML\\CDSGASPOF\\EXAMPLES\\CDSGASPOF_msg_code_GP1_C.xml"XML\CDSGASPOF\EXAMPLES\CDSGASPOF_msg_code_G1_C.xmlCDSGASREQPURPOSEAn XML message in the CDSGREQ format is used for requesting a document / message from CDS. The basis of the format represents an approximate equivalent of the REQDOC message by the UN/EDIFACT standard. With regard to communication with the Centre of Data Services (CDS), the format may be used for purposes listed in the below table.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGARRequest for sending change of supplier status-InputRMPCDSGB6Request for imbalance responsibility transfer-InputRMPCDSGBJRequest for assigned observers data-InputRMP CDSGC4Inquiry about claim data-InputRMPCDSGC8Inquiry about OTE messages-InputRMPCDSGP4Inquiry about data for invoicing of distribution (DGI)-InputRMPCDSGP9Request for electronic invoice-InputRMPCDSGPCRequest for informaction about electronic invoice handover-InputDSOCDSGR4Request for PDT data-InputRMPCDSGRBRequest for PDT data for Security of supply-InputRMPCDSGRERequest for list of PDT according to service-InputRMPCDSFilling cdsgasREQ structureXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionCDSGASREQXMessage headeridX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ language2LanguageData languageSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICDocumentperiodicenum.PeriodocityPeriodocity of sendingLocationXPDT (1-N for message)ext-ui16Point of deliveryEIC of point of deliverydate-time-fromXDate and time fromBeginning of requested perioddate-time-toXDate and time toEnding of requested periodtypmenum.Type of measurementSupplementary criterion (type of measurement)grid-id1 - 10GridSupplementary criterion dotazu (grid id)anlartenum.PDT categorySupplementary criterion (PDT category)tdd-classenum.LP classSupplementary criterion (LP class)pof-id12POF idSupplementary criterion (POF id)versionenum.POF versionSupplementary criterion (POF requested versions)claim-methodenum.Claim methodSupplementary criterion (claim method)claim-id1 - 20Claim idSupplementary criterion (claim id)statusenum.Claim statusSupplementary criterion (claim status)seanceenum.SeanceSupplementary criterion (seance); not used yetimport-date-time-fromImport date and time fromBeginning of asked import date and time (POF requests only) import-date-time-toImport date and time toEnding of asked import date and time (POF requests only)ps-dod16SupplierService provider, assigned as supplierps-sz16Subject of settlementService provider, assigned as BRPps-poz16GuardianService provider, assigned as guardian at any positionps-obs16ObserverService provider, assigned as observerchs-statusenum.Status CHSChange of supplier processing statuscateg-cust3Customer categoryCustomer category (VO – wholesale, SO – middlesale, MO – retail sale, DOM – household)categ-emer2Customer group for state of emergencyCustomer group for state of emergency (A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D, E, F).inv-sender16Invoice senderElectronic invoice sender inv-typeenum.Receipt typeElectronic invoice receipt typeinv-doc-idenum.Receipt numberElectronic invoice receipt numberrut-serviceenum.Service typeProvider service typerut-identification16ProviderProvider EICThe complete CDSGASREQ file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\CDSGASREQAN EXAMPLE OF A MESSAGE IN CDSGREQ FORMATDescriptionReferenceRequest for PDT data (GR4)XML\CDSGASREQ\EXAMPLE\GASGASREQ_msg_code_GR4.xmlCDSEDIGASREQPURPOSEAn XML message in the CDSEDIGASREQ format is used for requesting a document / message from CDS in the format according to the EDIGAS standard. The basis of the format represents an approximate equivalent of the REQDOC message by the UN/EDIFACT standard. With regard to communication with the Centre of Data Services (CDS), the format may be used for purposes listed in the below table.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGI1Request for preliminary imbalance-InputBRPCDSGI3Request for preliminary allocation difference-InputBRPCDSGI5Request for real metered imbalance-InputBRPCDSGI7Request for real metered allocation difference-InputBRPCDSGI9Request for outher imbalace after including trade with unused tolerance-InputBRPCDSGIBRequest for closing imbalance-InputBRPCDSGIDRequest for assumed preliminary imbalances-InputBRPCDSGIFRequest for assumed closing imbalances-InputBRPCDSGIHRequest for assumed real metered imbalances-InputBRPCDSGIJRequest for closing allocation imbalances-InputBRPCDSGL1Request for data of allocations-InputRMPCDSGL3Request for data of reserved capacity-InputRMPCDSGM1Request for values (interval metering)-InputRMPCDSGM3Request for substitute values (interval metering)-InputRMPCDSGM5Request for change of accumulation-InputRMPCDSGM7Request for metered values (non-interval metering)-InputRMPCDSGM9Request for planned estimate of annual consumption-InputRMPCDSGMBRequest for combustible heat-InputRMPCDSGMDRequest for distribution capacity-InputRMPCDSGMFRequest for transport capacity-InputRMPCDSGMHRequest for actual own losses-InputRMPCDSGMJRequest for planned own losses-InputRMPCDSGMLInquiry about aggregated values for BRP-InputRMPCDSGMNInquiry about data for DS broken down to A, B, C, CM-InputRMPCDSGMPInquiry about summary values for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CM-InputRMPCDSGMRInquiry about summary values for BRP and grid broken down to A, B, C, CM-InputRMPCDSGMTRequest for C metering day values-InputRMPCDSGMVRequest for planned month consumption-InputRMP CDSGMXRequest for day values CM-InputRMP CDSGO1Request for real value histrory (interval metering)-InputSupplier CDSGN1Inquiry about nominations of the BRP of all types-InputBRPCDSGN3Inquiry about all nominations of transport-InputTSOCDSGN5Inquiry about all nominations of distribution of the DSO-InputDSOCDSGN7Inquiry about all nominations of storage for the SSO-InputSSOCDSGN9Inquiry about shipper code list-InputDSO / TSOCDSGT1Request for data of normal and actual weather conditions (temperatures)-InputRMPCDSGT3Request for LP data-InputRMPCDSGT5Request for data of correction coefficient for temperature-InputRMPCDSGT7Inquiry about residual diagrams-InputRMPCDSGT9Request for estimated consumption diagram for group of PoD (C, CM)-InputRMPCDSGTBRequest for clearing results for PDT-InputRMPCDSGTDRequest for list of PDT readings submitted to clearing-InputRMPCDSFilling cdsEDIgasREQ structureXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionCDSEDIGASREQXMessage headeridX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ language2LanguageData languageSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICDocumentperiodicenum.PeriodocityPeriodocity of sendingLocationXPDT (1-N for message)ext-ui16Point of deliveryEIC of point of deliverydate-time-fromXDate and time fromBeginning of requested perioddate-time-toXDate and time toEnding of requested periodgrid-id?1.10GridSupplementary criterion dotazu (grid id)typm?enum.Type of measurementSupplementary criterion (type of measurement)anlartenum.PDT categorySupplementary criterion (PDT category)tdd-class1 - 3LP classSupplementary criterion (LP class)versionenum.Data versionSupplementary criterion (data version regarding imbalance settlement)import-date-time-fromData import fromData import period from (used for entering cleared period)import-date-time-toData import toData import period to (used for entering cleared period)select-methodenum.Select methodMethod of selection (used for meter readings request only)categ-cust?3Customer categoryCustomer category (VO – wholesale, SO – middlesale, MO – retail sale, DOM – household)categ-emer?2Customer group for state of emergencyCustomer group for state of emergency (A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D, E, F).The complete CDSEDIGASREQ file in the.xsd format is saved here:XML\CDSEDIGASREQan example of a CDSEDIGASREQ format messageDescriptionReferenceRequest for current version data (interval metering) (GM1)XML/CDSEDIGASREQ/EXAMPLES/CDSEDIGASREQ_msg_code_GM1.xmlCOMMONGASREQpurposeAn XML message in the COMMONGASREQ format is used for requesting data of asynchronously processed messages, for verifying the connection with CDS and for sending requests for provision of unsent messages. The basis of the format represents an approximate equivalent of the REQDOC message by the UN/EDIFACT standard. With regard to communication with the Centre of Data Services (CDS), the format may be used for purposes listed in the below table.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGX1Request for provision of data of asynchronous requests-InputService providerWAS (VVT)GX3Request for verification of server-server connection and for provision of unsent messages of IS OTE-InputExternal entityWAS (VVT)Filling COMMONgasREQ structureXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionCOMMONGASREQXHlavi?ka zprávyidX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ 1language2LanguageData languageSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICDocumentmarketenum.MarketType of market (not used yet)task-id1 - 10Task idTask id within asynchronous data exchange The complete COMMONGASREQ file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML/COMMONGASREQan example of a COMMONGASREQ format messageDescriptionReferenceRequest for provision of data of asynchronous requests (GX1)XML/COMMONGASREQ/EXAMPLE/COMMONGASREQ_msg_code_GX1.xmlCOMMONMARKETREQpurposeXML message in COMMONMARKETREQ format is used to request for non-synchronous proceeded data, for CDS connection control and for request for handover unsended messages within MarketService. The format can be used in cases from the following table when communicating with Centre of Data Services CDS. Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTarget923Request for IS OTE data handover - MarketService-InputService providerWAS (IM&BM)994Request for server-server connection control and for delivery of non-sent IS OTE messages - MarketService-InputService providerWAS (IM&BM)Filling COMMONMARKETREQ structureXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionCOMMONMARKETREQXHlavi?ka zprávyidX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ 1language2LanguageData languageSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICDocumentmarketenum.MarketType of market (not used yet)task-id1 - 10Task idTask id within asynchronous data exchange Full message scheme COMMONMARKETREQ in .xsd format can be found here:XML\COMMONMARKETREQexemple of COMMONMARKETREQ format messageMessage structure is identical with exemple of CDSGASREQ message format.CDSGASMASTERDATApurposeAn XML message in the CDSGASMASTERDATA format is used for exchanging information about points of delivery between market participants and CDS. The basis of the format represents an approximate equivalent of the PRODAT message by the UN/EDIFACT standard. With regard to communication with the Centre of Data Services (CDS), the format may be used for purposes listed in the below table.The message has universal use for the individual steps of processing a change of supplier; it performs different functions determined by the function code in the message header.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGA1Request for a change of supplier-InputRMPCDSGA3Copy of a request for change of supplierGA1OutputCDSRMPGA4Message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacity-InputTSO / DSOCDSGA6Copy of a message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityGA4OutputCDSBRP, TSO/DSOGA7Request for continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery (valid till 31.12.2014)-OutputCDSSupp., BRPGA8Request for suspension of the change of supplier process-InputSupp.CDSGAACopy of a report with request for suspension of the change of supplier processGA8OutputCDSSupp., BRPGABConfirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of delivery-InputBRPCDSGADCopy of a confirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryGABOutputCDSTSO / DSO, BRP, Supp.GAEConfirmation of customer consent with change of supplier-InputSupp.CDSGAGCopy of confirmation of customer consent with change of supplierGAEOutputCDSSupp.GAHConfirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery by the existing supplier and its balance responsible party (valid till 31.12.2014)-InputBRP, Supp.CDSGAJCopy of confirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery by the existing supplier and its balance responsible party (valid till 31.12.2014)GAHOutputCDSTSO / DSO, BRP, SuppGAKResults of evaluation of request for change of supplier-OutputCDSTSO / DSO, BRP, Supp.GALRequest for change of balance responsible party at the PDT-InputBRP, Supp.CDSGANCopy of a request for change of balance responsible partyGALOutputCDSBRP, Supp.GAOApproval/rejection of a request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible party-InputBRPCDSGAQCopy of approval/rejection of a request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyGAOOutputCDSBRPGATStatement from the journal of change of supplierGAROutputCDSRMPGAUInformation about insufficient funding of RMP at PDT-OutputCDSRMPGAVInformation about unsecured supply due to unfinished change of supplier-OutputCDSRMPGAWInformation about unsecured supply or imbalace resp. transfer at PDT-OutputCDSRMPGAXInformation about unsecured imb. resp. transfer at PDT-OutputCDSRMPGAZInformation about RMP locking at PDT-OutputCDSRMPGB1Request for registration of imbalance responsibility transfer-InputRMPCDSGB3Information about registration of imbalance responsibility transferGB1OutputCDSRMP, BRPGB4Approbation / Refusal of imbalance responsibility transferGB3InputBRPCDSGB8Information about imbalance responsibility transfer (on request)GB6OutputCDSRMPGBARequest for extension / reduction of supply by current supplier-InputRMPCDSGBCCopy of the request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierGBAOutputCDSRMPGBDApprobation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reduction-InputSup.CDSGBFCopy of the approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionGBDOutputCDSRMPGBGRequest for assigning an observer to PDT-InputBRP, DSO / TSOCDSGBIInformation about observer assignement to PDTGBGOutputCDSRMPGBLAssigned observers dataGBJOutputCDSRMPGBMCopy of the change of supplier progress information-OutputCDSRMPGR1Request for registration / update of PDT-InputTSO / DSOCDSGR3Copy of a message with request for registration / update of PDTGR1OutputCDSDSO / TSOGR6Copy of a message with request for PDT dataGR4OutputCDSRMPGR7Information about activation SLR-OutputCDSRMPGR8Information about termination of PDT-OutputCDSRMPGR9Information about PDT changes-OutputCDSRMPGRAInformation about PDT termination because of supply unprovision or imb. resp. transfer-OutputCDSRMPGRDCopy of a message with request for PDT data for Security of supplyGR4OutputCDSRMPGRGList of PDT according to serviceGREOutputCDSRMPGRXRequest for PDT termination-InputTSO / DSOCDSGRZCopy of request for PDT terminationGRXOutputCDSRMPFilling CDSGASMASTERDATA structureXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionCDSGASMASTER DATAXMessage headeridX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ language2LanguageData languagesplit-counter5Message orderMessage order within responsesplit-last1Last messageLast messageSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReferenceidXReference msg idReference to preceding messageOPMXor1 - N for PDT master data messageext-ui16Point of deliveryEIC of point of deliverydate-fromXDate fromValidity period fromdate-toXDate toValidity period touitext 0 - 60PDT nameDescription of PDTanlartXenum.PDT categoryNumeric expression of PDT categorytypmenum.Type of measurementgrid-idX1 - 10GridNumeric expression of gridgrid-id-ps1 - 10Adjacent gridNumeric expression of adjacent grid (case points of transfer)partner16PDT ownerEIC of PDT ownertdd-classenum.LP classNumeric expression of LP classest-cons12Estimed consumptionEstimed year consumption unit kWhest-cons-212Estimed consumptionEstimed year consumption unit m3city 0 - 40Citypost-code5Post codePost code without spacestreet0 - 60Streethouse-num0 - 10Building numberOrientational or descriptive numberpof-typeenum.POF typeType of sent grid usage invoicing messagepof-freq1 - 2POF sent cycleNumber of supposed reading cycles pro yearmr-first1 - 2First meter readingMontrh of supposed first meter readingresrv-cap12Reserved capacityReserved capacity unit m3 resrv-cap-k12Reserved capacity in kWhReserved capacity unit kWhmrsend-suspData sending suspensionSetting or information about suspension of PDT data sending dpi-disableDPI disablePDT can not be switched to the mode of supplier of the last resort (DPI)sourceenum.Source typeSource type (for combined PDTs)dpi-activeDPI activePDT was switched to the mode of supplier of the last resort (DPI)alloc-sch-entryenum.Allocation entryAllocation schema at the entryalloc-sch-exitenum.Allocation exitAllocation schema at the exitsopm16Adjacent PDTEIC of the adjacent PDT (for specify mirror PDT at point of transfer)opm-sum16Summary OPMEIC of summary PDT (if PDT excluded from sum for the network)info-text0 - 60Information about changesInformation about changes at PDTps-dod16SupplierPDT service provider in the role of supplierps-sz16Subject of settlementPDT service provider in the role of balance responsible partyps-poz-116Guardian at position 1PDT service provider in the role of guardian at position 1ps-poz-216Guardian at position 2PDT service provider in the role of guardian at position 2ps-poz-316Guardian at position 3PDT service provider in the role of guardian at position 3ps-poz-416Guardian at position 4PDT service provider in the role of guardian at position 4ps-poz-516Guardian at position 5PDT service provider in the role of guardian at position 5ps-obs16ObserverPDT service provider in the role of observerfc-grp2Forcast groupGroup of PDT, the PDT belong to for predicted consumption calculation. categ-cust3Customer categoryCustomer category (VO – wholesale, SO – middlesale, MO – retail sale, DOM – household)categ-emer2Customer group for state of emergencyCustomer group for state of emergency (A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D, E, F).DataXor1 - N for message with change of servicesopm-id16Point of deliveryEIC of point of deliverystart-dateXDate fromBeginning of period requested for service changeend-dateXDate toEnding of period requested for service changeprocess-statusenum.Process statusProcess status of change of supplier reg-neededRegistration neededRequest for PDT registration (PDT concerned in changed of supplier process)chs-typeenum.Change typeType of service change or kind of change of supplier processcontract-typeenum.Contract typeContract type regarding provided servicesrejection-reasonRejection reasonChange of supplier rejection reasonrzu-reason1 - 20Change reasonReason for change of supplier in the form of registration data changechs-reasonenum.Change reasonReason for standart change of supplier contract-negotiation-typeenum.Contract negotiation typeContract negotiation type for standart change of supplierWorkflow0 - 1 for messageidX1 - 12Workflow idChange of supplier process iddate-time-startChange of supplier start Change of supplier start date and timedate-time-evalChange of supplier evaluationChange of supplier evaluation date and timeParty0 - 14 for messageid16Service providerService provider (EIC), featuring in service change processroleXenum.Service provider roleService provider roleActivityX1 - N for messagetypeXenum.Action typeAction type within change of supplier processparty16Service providerService provider (EIC), performing the action date-timeDate and timeAction date and time (supplied by OTE)commentCommentAction additional informationreasonenum.Activity reasonActivity reasonThe complete CDSGASMASTERDATA file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\CDSGASMASTERDATAan example of a CDSGASMASTERDATA format messageDescriptionReferenceRequest for registration / update of PDT (GR1)XML/CDSGASMASTERDATA/EXAMPLE/CDSGASMASTERDATA_msg_code_GR1.xmlMessages for change of supplierSet of messages: XML/CDSGASMASTERDATA/EXAMPLESDescription of examples is provided in the document: HYPERLINK "C:\\Documents and Settings\\sedmihradskym\\Desktop\\OTE\\Externi rozhrani\\XML plyn\\Specifikace XML Plyn - 1.14 - poupravene\\XML\\CDSGASMASTERDATA\\EXAMPLES\\CS_OTE_Plyn_Zmenadod_priklady_popis.xls"XML\CDSGASMASTERDATA\EXAMPLES\CS_OTE_Plyn_Zmenadod_priklady_popis.xlsRequest for registration of imbalance responsibility transfer (GB1)XML/CDSGASMASTERDATA/EXAMPLES/CDSGASMASTERDATA_msg_code_GB1_zadost.xmlInformation about registration of imbalance responsibility transfer (GB3) - copy sent to the proposed BRPXML\CDSGASMASTERDATA\EXAMPLES\CDSGASMASTERDATA_msg_code_GB3_opis_zadosti_na_noveho.xmlApprobation / Refusal of imbalance responsibility transfer (GB4)XML\CDSGASMASTERDATA\EXAMPLES\CDSGASMASTERDATA_msg_code_GB4_vyjadreni_noveho.xmlRequest for assigning an observer to PDT (GBG)XML\CDSGASMASTERDATA\EXAMPLES\CDSGASMASTERDATA_msg_code_GBG.xmlGASRESPONSEpurposeAn XML message in the GASRESPONSE format is used for confirmation of data exchange between market participants and CDS. The basis of the format represents an approximate equivalent of the CONTRL and APERAK messages by the UN/EDIFACT standard. With regard to communication with the Centre of Data Services (CDS), the format may be used for purposes listed in the below table.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGA2Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a request for change of supplier (if response is not required, then only in case it is required)GA1OutputCDSRMPGA5Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message about possible reservation of distribution or transport capacityGA4OutputCDSDSO/TSOGA9Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with a request for suspension of the change of supplier processGA8OutputCDSSupp.GACConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation/rejection of assignment of responsibility for imbalance for the point of deliveryGABOutputCDSBRPGAFConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierGAEOutputCDSSupp.GAIConfirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with confirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery (valid till 31.12.2014)GAHOutputCDSBRP, Supp.GAMSending of confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a request for change of balance responsible partyGALOutputCDSBRP, Supp.GAPSending of confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a request for change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyGAOOutputCDSBRPGASConfirmation/error in a request for statement from the journal of change of supplierGAROutputCDSRMPGB2Confirmation of / Error in request for registration of imbalance responsibility transfer receiving GB1OutputCDSRMPGB5Confirmation of / Error in approbation / refusal of imbalance responsibility transfer receivnigGB4OutputCDSBRPGB7Confirmation of / Error in request for imbalance responsibility transfer receivingGB6OutputCDSRMPGBBConfirmation of / Error in request for extension / reduction of supply by current supplierGBAOutputCDSRMPGBEConfirmation of / Error in approbation with imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionGBDOutputCDSSupp.GBHError in / Confirmation of request for assigning an observer to PDT receivingGBGOutputCDSRMPGBKError in / confirmation of assigned observers request receivingGBJOutputCDSRMPGC2Acceptance/error of a sent claimGC1OutputCDSRMPGC5Acceptance/error in an inquiry about claim dataGC4OutputCDSRMPGC9Confirmation/error in an inquiry about OTE messagesGC8OutputCDSRMPGF3Invoicing base data - error/confirmationGF1OutputCDSRMPGF6OTE invoicing base data - error/confirmationGF4OutputCDSRMPGF9Payments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGF7OutputCDSRMPGFCOTE payments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGFBOutputCDSRMPGFFPayments and refunds overview - error/confirmationGFDOutputCDSRMPGFIOTE LP differences settlement - error/confirmationGFGOutputCDSRMPGFLInvoicing base data - summary - confirmation / errorGFJOutputCDSRMPGFOOTE invoicing base data - summary - confirmation / errorGFMOutputCDSRMPGFRClaim overview - summary - confirmation / errorGFQOutputCDSRMPGFUOTE Claim overview - summary - confirmation / errorGFSOutputCDSRMPGFXLPG netting - confirmation/errorGFVOutputCDSRMPGG1Loss clearing - confirmation/errorGFYOutputCDSRMPGG4Loss clearing OTE - confirmation/errorGG2OutputCDSRMPGG7Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - confirmation/errorGG5OutputCDSRMPGGAFinal Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - confirmation/errorGG8OutputCDSRMPGI2Confirmation/error in a request for data of preliminary imbalanceGI1OutputCDSBRPGI4Confirmation/error in a request for preliminary difference in allocationsGI3OutputCDSBRPGI6Confirmation/error in a request for data of actual imbalanceGI5OutputCDSBRPGI8Confirmation/error in a request for actual difference in allocationsGI7OutputCDSBRPGIAConfirmation/error in a request for off-tolerance imbalancesGI9OutputCDSBRPGICConfirmation/error in a request for corrective imbalancesGIBOutputCDSBRPGIEConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed preliminary imbalancesGIDOutputCDSBRPGIGConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed real metered imbalancesGIFOutputCDSBRPGIIConfirmation of / Error in request for assumed closing imbalancesGIHOutputCDSBRPGIKConfirmation of / Error in request for closing allocation imbalancesGIJOutputCDSBRPGL2Confirmation/error in a requst for allocation dataGL1OutputCDSRMPGL4Confirmation/error in a request for preliminary difference in allocationsGL3OutputCDSRMPGM2Confirmation/error in a request for metered values (interval metering)GM1OutputCDSRMPGM4Confirmation/error in a request for substitute values (interval metering)GM3OutputCDSRMPGM6Confirmation/error in a request for change of accumulation GM5OutputCDSRMPGM8Confirmation/error in a request for actual values (non-interval metering)GM7OutputCDSRMPGMAConfirmation/error in a request for planned estimate of annual consumptionGM9OutputCDSRMPGMCConfirmation/error in a request for combustible heatGMBOutputCDSRMPGMEConfirmation/error in a request for distribution capacityGMDOutputCDSRMPGMGConfirmation/error in a request for transport capacityGMFOutputCDSRMPGMIConfirmation/error in a request for actual own lossesGMHOutputCDSRMPGMKConfirmation/error in a request for planned own lossesGMJOutputCDSRMPGMMConfirmation/error in an inquiry about aggregated values for BRPGMLOutputCDSRMPGMOConfirmation/error in an inquiry about data for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMGMNOutputCDSRMPGMQConfirmation/error in an inquiry about summary values for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMGMPOutputCDSRMPGMSConfirmation/error in an inquiry about summary values for BRP and grid broken down to A, B, C, CMGMROutputCDSRMPGMUConfirmation of / Error in request C metering day valuesGMTOutputCDSRMPGMWConfirmation of / Error in request for planned month consumptionGMVOutputCDSRMPGMYConfirmation of / Error in request for day values CMGMXOutputCDSRMPGO2Confirmation/error in request for real value histrory (interval metering)GO1OutputCDSSupplierGN2Confirmation/error in an inquiry about nominations of the BRPGN1OutputCDSBRPGN4Confirmation/error in an inquiry about all nominations of transportGN3OutputCDSTSOGN6Confirmation/error in an inquiry about all nominations of distribution for the DSOGN5OutputCDSDSOGN8Confirmation/error in an inquiry about all nominations of storage for the SSOGN7OutputCDSSSOGNAConfirmation/error in an inquiry about shipper code listsGN9OutputCDSTSO / DSOGP2Confirmation of acceptance/error in message with data for invoicing of distribution (GDI)GP1InputCDSDSOGP5Response in case of an error in verification of a message with data for invoicing of distribution (GDI)GP4OutputCDSRMPGP8Confirmation/error in electrtonic invoice receiptGP7OutputCDSDSOSupplierGPAConfirmation/error in request for electronic invoiceGP9OutputCDSRMPGPDConfirmation/error in request for informaction about electronic invoice handoverGPCOutputCDSRMPGR2Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with a request for registration / update of a PDTGR1OutputCDSDSO / TSOGR5Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with a request for PDT dataGR4OutputCDSRMPGR5Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of a message with a request for PDT data for Security of supplyGR4OutputCDSRMPGRFError in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT according to serviceGREOutputCDSRMPGRYConfirmation of / Error in request for PDT terminationGRXOutputCDSRMPGT2Confirmation/error in a request for data of normal and actual weather conditions (temperatures)GT1OutputCDSRMPGT4Confirmation/error in a request for LP dataGT3OutputCDSRMPGT6Confirmation/error in a request for data of a temperature correction coefficientGT5OutputCDSRMPGT8confirmation/error in an inquiry about residual diagramsGT7OutputCDSRMPGTAConfirmation/error in an inquiry about estimated diagram of consumption of a PDT group (C, CM)GT9OutputCDSRMPGTCConfirmation of / Error in request for clearing results for PDTGTBOutputCDSRMPGTEError in / Confirmation of request for list of PDT readings submitted to clearingGTDOutputCDSRMPGTQConfirmation of / Error in receiving message for sending of predicted and metered average daily temperatureGTPOutputCDSCHMIGX2Error/confirmation in case of sending a request for provision of output dataGX1OutputCDSRMPGX4Confirmation within verification of server-server connection and sending unsent messagesGX3OutputCDSRMPGX5Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)-OutputCDSRMPGX6Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)-InputRMPCDSGXANotification about expiration of periodic request validity-OutputCDSRMP050Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from CDS to message sender)-OutputCDSRMP051Syntax error in incoming message - error on communication channel level (from message receiver to CDS)-InputRMPCDS100Syntax error - invalid message format (from CDS to message sender)-OutputCDSRMP101Syntax error - invalid message format (from message receiver to CDS)-InputRMPCDSFilling GASRESPONSE structureXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionRESPONSEXMessage headeridX1 - 35Msg idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Msg codeDetail of message content date-timeXMsg date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ SenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message receivercoding-schemeX2Coding-schemeFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReferenceidXReference msg idReference to preceding messageReasonXor1 - N for message (response text in the element)Response textStatement of processing result, ev. rejection reason codeX1 - 8Fault codeInternal fault codetypeXv??etResponese typeProcessing resulttrade-idTrade id(not used yet)version1 - 10Data versionData version specificationOPM-idv??etPDT PDT EIC result-code6Fault idFault id and source systemThe complete CDSGASRESPONSE file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\GASRESPONSEan example of a message in response formatDescriptionReferenceConfirmation /rejection of a message with a request for registration / update of a PDT (GR2)XML\GASRESPONSE\EXAMPLE\GASRESPONSE_msg_code_GR2.xmlCDSGASTEMPERATUREPURPOSEThe XML message in the CDSGASTEMPERATURE format serves for reception of real and predicted temperatures sent from CHMI to CDS OTE.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceDestinationGTPMessage for sending of predicted and metered average daily temperature-InputCHMICDSFilling CDSGASTEMPERATURE STRUCTUREXML attributeM.LenghtFieldDescriptionGASGASTEMPERATUREXMessage headeridX1 - 35Message idUnique message identifiermessage-codeX3Message codeDetail of message content date-timeXMessage date and timeMsg creation date and time dtd-versionX1Schema versionSchema version, filled with constant ?1“dtd-releaseX1ReleaseRelease within version, filled with constant ?1“ answer-requiredX1Ans. requiredAnswer required flagSenderIdentificationXidX16SenderEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Encoding schemaFilled with constant ?15“ for EICReceiverIdentificationXidX16ReceiverEIC of message sendercoding-schemeX2Encoding schemaFilled with constant ?15“ for EICProfileX1 - N for group of values of the same typetemp-areaXenum.Temperature areaTemperature area identificationvalue-typeXenum.Value typeTemperature profile value type; filled with const. ?P“ for predicted, ?R“ for realDataX1 - N for days of unique value typedate-time-fromXDate and time fromStart of validity perioddate-time-toXDate and time toEnd of validity periodqtyXQuantityQuantity or countunitXenum.UnitUnit; filled with const. ?CEL“ for centigrade degree The complete CDSGASTEMPERATURE file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\CDSGASTEMPERATUREan example of a message in CDSGASTEMPERATURE FORMATDescriptionReferenceZpráva pro zaslání predikované a skute?né pr?měrné denní teplotyXML\CDSGASTEMPERATURE\EXAMPLE\CDSGASTEMPERATURE_msg_code_GTP.xmlISOTEDATA??elXML message in ISOTEDATA format is used to exchange the data related to IS OTE (DMG, IDMG) between the market participants and the IS OTE.The message format is used for electricity commodity as well. It contains elements (msg_code, profile roles), which are not used for gas. The format can be used in cases from the following table when communicating through CDS-WAS.Msg_codePopisReferen?ní zprávaInput / OutputZdrojCílGD1Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation (DMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGD3Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation - Copy of data (DMG)GD1OutputIS OTERMPGD4Bid cancelation (DMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGD6Bid cancelation - Copy of data (DMG)GD4OutputIS OTERMPGD9Own bid data - Copy of data (DMG)GD7OutputIS OTERMPGDATrading results nominations sending (DMG)-OutputIS OTERMPGDFRequest - DM marginal prices - Data copy (DMG)GDDOutputIS OTERMPGSFRequest - Day settlement - Data copy (DMG)GSDOutputIS OTERMPGV1Order place / replace (IDMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGV3Copy of order data - place (IDMG)GV1OutputIS OTERMPGV4Order annulation (IDMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGV6Copy of order data - annulation (IDMG)GV4OutputIS OTERMPGV9Copy of order data - one?s own order (IDMG)GV7OutputIS OTERMPGVATrading results nomination sending (IDMG)-OutputIS OTERMPGVBTrading results nomination sending (IDMG)-OutputIS OTERMPGVECopy of one?s own trades data (IDMG)GVCOutputIS OTERMPGVKCopy of trading screen - market depth (IDMG)-OutputIS OTERMP966Request for imbalance settlement statistic data - copy of data964OutputIS OTERMPFilling ISOTEDATA structureUse guidlines and description of fields is specified in the separate manual D1.4.4 – IS OTE automatic communication interface in actual version.The complex ISOTEDATA file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\ISOTEDATAISOTEMASTERDATA PurposeXML message in ISOTEMASTERDATA forma is used for exchange of IS OTE object master data.The message format is used for electricity commodity as well. It contains elements (msg_code), which are not used for gas. The format can be used in cases from the following table when communicating through CDS-WAS.Msg_codePopisReferen?ní zprávaInput / OutputZdrojCílGVHProduct master data (IDMG)GVFOutputIS OTERMPFilling ISOTEMASTERDATA structureUse guidlines and description of fields is specified in the separate manual D1.4.4 – IS OTE automatic communication interface in actual version.The complex ISOTEMASTERDATA file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\ISOTEMASTERDATAISOTEREQPurposeXML message in ISOTEREQ format is used to request the data related to IS OTE (DMG, IDMG) between the market participants and the IS OTE.The message format is used for electricity commodity as well. It contains elements (msg_code), which are not used for gas. The format can be used in cases from the following table when communicating through CDS-WAS.Msg_codePopisReferen?ní zprávaInput / OutputZdrojCílGD7Own bid data - State detection (DMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGDDRequest - DM marginal prices (DMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGSDRequest - Day settlement (DMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGV7One?s own order data - state request (IDMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGVCTrade request - one?s own (IDMG)-InputRMPIS OTEGVFProduct data request (IDMG)-InputRMPIS OTE964Data request - Statistic data of imbalances settlement-InputRMPIS OTEFilling ISOTEREQ structureUse guidlines and description of fields is specified in the separate manual D1.4.4 – IS OTE automatic communication interface in actual version.The complex ISOTEREQ file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\ISOTEREQRESPONSEPurposeXML message in RESPONSE format is used to confirm data exchange beetween market participants and IS OTE (DMG, IBMG). Aside above stated, the RESPONSE format is ised for sending confirmation or error state within communication for electricity. It contains elements (msg_code, profile roles), which are not used for gas. The format can be used in cases from the following table when communicating through CDS-WAS.Msg_codePopisReferen?ní zprávaInput / OutputZdrojCílGD2Bid creation / Bid replacement / Nomination creation - error / confirmation (DMG)GD1OutputIS OTERMPGD5Bid cancelation - error / confirmation (DMG)GD4OutputIS OTERMPGD8Own bid data - State detection - error / confirmation (DMG)GD7OutputIS OTERMPGDERequest - DM marginal prices - error / confirmation (DMG)GDDOutputIS OTERMPGSERequest - Day settlement - error / confirmation (DMG)GSDOutputIS OTERMPGV2Order place / replace - error / confirmation (IDMG)GV1OutputIS OTERMPGV5Order annulation - error / confirmation (IDMG)GV4OutputIS OTERMPGV8One?s own order data - state request - error / confirmation (IDMG)GV7OutputIS OTERMPGVDTrade request - one?s own - error / confirmation (IDMG)GVCOutputIS OTERMPGVGProduct data request - error / confirmation (IDMG)GVFOutputIS OTERMPGVJNotification about change of trading screen (IDMG)-OutputIS OTERMP465Financial limit status - error/confirmation463OutputIS OTERMP924Confirmation/error message for sending of request for output data handover - MarketService923OutputIS OTEExternal subject965Po?adavek na statistická data zú?tování odchylek - chyba / potvrzení964OutputIS OTERMP981Notification, gate open/closure time of RRD/DM has been changed.-OutputIS OTERMP983Oznámení o agregaci produktu na BT-OutputIS OTERMP984Oznámení o vypsání produktu na BT-OutputIS OTERMP985Oznámení o za?átku obchodování produktu na BT-OutputIS OTERMP986Oznámení o finalizaci v?sledk? obchodování produktu na BT-OutputIS OTERMP987Oznámení o finalizaci v?sledk? obchodování produktu na BT-OutputIS OTERMP988Oznámení o nevypsání produktu na BT-OutputIS OTERMP996Confirmation of server-server connection control and sending of non-sent messages - MarketService994OutputIS OTEExternal subjectFilling RESPONSE structureFilling of fields is similar with those of GASRESPONSE (see respective chapter). The complex RESPONSE file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\RESPONSESFVOTGASBILLINGpurposeXML message in SFVOTGASBILLING format is used to sending the financial reports from SFVOT modules – part Invoicing base data.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGF2Invoicing base dataGF1OutputCDSExternal subjectGF5OTE Invoicing base dataGF4OutputCDSExternal subjectFilling SFVOTGASBILLING structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTGASBILLING file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTGASBILLINGSFVOTGASBILLINGSUM PurposeXML message in SFVOTGASBILLINGSUM format is used to sending the financial reports from SFVOT modules – part Invoicing base data with summary data for requested period.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGFKInvoicing base data - summaryGFJOutputCDSExternal subjectGFNOTE invoicing base data - summaryGFMOutputCDSExternal subjectFilling SFVOTGASBILLGSUM structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTGASBILLINGSUM file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTGASBILLINGSUMSFVOTGASCLAIM purposeXML message in SFVOTGASCLAIM format is used to sending the financial reports from SFVOT modules – part Overview of payments and complaints.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGF8Payments and refunds overviewGF7OutputCDSExternal subjectGFBOTE Payments and refunds overviewGFBOutputCDSExternal subjectFilling SFVOTGASCLAIM structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTGASCLAIM file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTGASCLAIMSFVOTGASCLAIMSUM ??elXML message in SFVOTGASCLAIMSUM format is used to sending the financial reports from SFVOT modules – part Overview of payments and complaints – summary data for requested period.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGFQClaim overview - summaryGFQOutputCDSExternal subjectGFTOTE claim overview - summaryGFSOutputCDSExternal subjectFilling SFVOTGASCLAIMSUM structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTGASCLAIMSUM file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTGASCLAIMSUM SFVOTGASTDD purposeXML message in SFVOTGASTDD format is used to sending the financial reports from SFVOT modules – part LP Differences settlement and Loss clearing.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGFELP differences settlementGSDOutputCDSExternal subjectGFHOTE LP differences settlementGSGOutputCDSExternal subjectGFZLoss clearingGFYOutputCDSExternal subjectGG3Loss clearing OTEGG3OutputCDSExternal subjectGG6Final Settlement of Clearing DifferencesGG5OutputCDSExternal subjectGG9Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - OTEGG8OutputCDSExternal subjectFilling SFVOTGASTDD structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTGASTDD file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTGASTDDSFVOTGASTDDNETT purposeXML message in SFVOTGASTDDNETT format is used to sending the financial reports from SFVOT modules – part Netting.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGFWLPG nettingGFVOutputCDSExternal subjectFilling SFVOTGASTDDNETT structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTGASTDDNETT file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTGASTDDNETTSFVOTLIMITS PurposeXML message in SFVOTLIMITS format serves for sendig data of aggregate financial limit staus of BRP.Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTarget464Financial limit status463OutputIS OTEExternal subjectFilling sfvotLIMITS structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTLIMITS file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTLIMITSSFVOTGASREQpurposeXML message in SFVOTGASREQ format is used to request for financial report from SFVOT modules. The format can be used in cases from the following table when communicating with Centre of Data Services CDS. Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTargetGF1Invoicing base data - request-InputExternal subjectCDSGF4OTE Invoicing base data - request-InputExternal subjectCDSGF7Payments and refunds overview - request-InputExternal subjectCDSGFAOTE Payments and refunds overview - request-InputExternal subjectCDSGFDLP differences settlement - request-InputExternal subjectCDSGFGOTE LP differences settlement - request-InputExternal subjectCDSGFJInvoicing base data - summary-InputPXECS OTEGFMOTE Invoicing base data - summary-InputPXECS OTEGFPClaim overview - summary-InputExternal subjectCS OTEGFSOTE claim overview - summary-InputExternal subjectCS OTEGFVLPG netting - request-InputExternal subjectCS OTEGG1Loss clearing - request-InputExternal subjectCS OTEGG4Loss clearing - request-InputExternal subjectCS OTEGG5Final Settlement of Clearing Differences - request-InputExternal subjectCS OTEGG8Final Settlement of Clearing Differences OTE - request-InputExternal subjectCS OTEFilling SFVOTGASREQ structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTGASREQ file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTGASREQSFVOTREQPurposeXML message in SFVOTGASREQ format is used to request for financial report from SFVOT modules which are common for electricity a gas. The format can be used in cases from the following table when communicating with IS OTE. Msg_codeDescriptionReference messageInput / OutputSourceTarget463Financial limit status - request-Input?External subjectIS OTEFilling SFVOTREQ structureDescription and use of SFVOT message formats fields (elements and attributes) is stated right in the xsd definition. The complex SFVOTREQ file in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\SFVOTREQGlobal XSD templatespurposeGlobal XSD templates include data types that would be repeated in a definition in the individual message formats. Their separation reduces the length of definition and facilitates maintenance. The data types are referred to in the individual formats. The types are common for gas and electricity.OTE_GLOBALS – includes data types common for all, or most formatsXMLDSIG-CORE-SCHEMA – includes the definition of electronic signature The complete files in the .xsd format is saved here:XML\GLOBALSCommunication scenariosThe following section presents a description of the selected communication scenarios using XML messages according to OTE specification for communication with CDS. Priority is given to graphic presentation in order to keep the content transparent.Entering claimsClaims in the following areas may be entered in OTE:NominationAutomatic communicationSettlement of imbalancesFinancial security – under developmentInvoicing (finance) – under developmentMeteringRegistration of PDTChange of supplierAcceptance of responsibilityAcceptance and processing of dataConfiguration of communicationConcluding contracts and changes to contractual relationships – under developmentClaims shall be entered as follows: RMP Submitter OTE RMP ProcessorClaim placing:CDSGASCLAIM(GC1)Copy of claim: CDSGASCLAIM (GC3)Claim confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GR2) Copy of claim : CDSGASCLAIM (GC3) Claim statement: CDSGASCLAIM (GC1) Statement confirmation / error : GASRESPONSE (GC2)Copy of claim : CDSGASCLAIM (GC3)Copy of claim : CDSGASCLAIM (GC3)Claim sending RMP Submitter OTE RMP ProcessorClaim placing:CDSGASCLAIM(GC1)Copy of claim: CDSGASCLAIM (GC3)Claim confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GR2) Copy of claim : CDSGASCLAIM (GC3) Claim statement: CDSGASCLAIM (GC1) Statement confirmation / error : GASRESPONSE (GC2)Copy of claim : CDSGASCLAIM (GC3)Copy of claim : CDSGASCLAIM (GC3)Claim sendingFig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 2 – Sending a claimInquiries about claims shall take place according to the following scenario:RMPOTERequest for claim : CDAGASREQ (GC4)Request confirmation / error : GASRESPONSE (GC5) Copy of claim : CDGASCLAIM (GC6)Request for claim{OR}RMPOTERequest for claim : CDAGASREQ (GC4)Request confirmation / error : GASRESPONSE (GC5) Copy of claim : CDGASCLAIM (GC6)Request for claim{OR}Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 3 – Request for claimOTE messages will be sent in the form of one-way communication by CDS:RMPOTEOTE information : CDSGASCALIM (GC7)OTE informationRMPOTEOTE information : CDSGASCALIM (GC7)OTE informationFig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 4 – OTE information sendingOTE messages may also be requested using an inquiry according to the following scenario:RMPOTERequest for OTE information: CDSGASREQ (GC8)Request confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GC9): Copy of OTE information: CDSGASCLAIM (GCA)Request for OTE information{OR}RMPOTERequest for OTE information: CDSGASREQ (GC8)Request confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GC9): Copy of OTE information: CDSGASCLAIM (GCA)Request for OTE information{OR}Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 5 – Request for OTE informationNote: This scenario applies to most inquiries about data requested from CDS.Registration of PDTRegistration of PDT will be done by the distribution system operator (DSO) and the transmission system operator (TSO) for all PDT’s they are obliged to register by legislation. DSO and TSO will also be responsible for updating the data in CDS in case of a change of registered data of a PDT.The below table presents a set of parameters that may be registered for a PDT. The first and the second columns contain the name and code of the individual elements in?XSD CDSGASMASTERDATA, while the third column represents the data that are always mandatory. The fourth column represents the parameters that may not be changed after registration.ParameterCodeMand.Not to be modifiedUnique PDT identifier (EIC-18)EXT-UIDate of PDT establishingDATE-FROMDate until which PDT is validDATE-TOPDT nameUI-TEXTPDT type (production, consumption, virtual sales point,…)ANLARTMetering type (A, B, C)TYPMGridGRID-IDGrid of system operator (point of transfer)GRID-ID-PSPDT ownerPARTNERLP classTDD-CLASSEstimate of annual consumption / Planned consumptionEST-CONSCityCITYPostal codePOST-CODEStreetSTREETHouse numberHOUSE-NUMType of sent GDI POF-TYPEGDI sending cycle (assumed number of meter readings per year)POF-FREQFirst meter reading in a year (assumed month of first reading cycle)MR-FIRSTPDT distribution capacity (for metering type A, B)RESRV-CAPSuspension of PDT validityMRSEND-SUSPSLR disabledDPI-DISABLEsource type (natural gas, bio gas,..)SOURCESLR activeDPI-ACTIVEInput allocation ruleALLOC-SCH-ENTRYOutput allocation ruleALLOC-SCH-EXITRelated PDTSOPMSummary PDTOPM-SUMInformation about PDT changesINFO-TEXTCustomer categoryCATEG-CUSTCustomer group for state of emergencyCATEG-EMERRegistration DSO / TSOOTE PDT registration request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR1) Request confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GR2) Copy of PDT data: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR3)PDT regitration DSO / TSOOTE PDT registration request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR1) Request confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GR2) Copy of PDT data: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR3)PDT regitrationFig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 6 – Registration of PDTChange of PDT data If data of a registered PDT are changed, such changes have to be reflected in CDS OTE. Data may only be changed to the future. An exception from that rule is the retrospective change of temperature area and LP class for a PT with non-interval metering.217170022860Change of PDT data00Change of PDT data DSO / TSOOTE RMP Req. for PDT change: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR1) Request confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GR2) Copy of PDT data : CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR3) Copy of PDT data: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR3): Supplier or BRP being assigned DSO / TSOOTE RMP Req. for PDT change: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR1) Request confirmation / error: GASRESPONSE (GR2) Copy of PDT data : CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR3) Copy of PDT data: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR3): Supplier or BRP being assigned Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 7 – Change of PDT dataCancellation of registrationA registration may be cancelled. However, it is only possible in case it has not become valid. If it has, it is only possible to shorten the period of registration.Registration is cancelled by a message where the beginning of registration is identical with the beginning of the original registration (D) and the end is as of the day preceding the beginning (D -1).Inquiry about PDT dataRMP, DSO, TSO OTE Request for PDT data : CDSGASREQ (GR4) Request confirmation / error : GASRESPONSE (GR5) Copy of PDT data : CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR6){OR}Request for PDT dataRMP, DSO, TSO OTE Request for PDT data : CDSGASREQ (GR4) Request confirmation / error : GASRESPONSE (GR5) Copy of PDT data : CDSGASMASTERDATA (GR6){OR}Request for PDT dataFig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 8 – Request for PDT dataChange of supplierThe rules of the gas market define 3 types of change of supplier that are supported by the CDS system. They include the following:Standard change of supplierQuick change of supplierBesides the two types above stated, the communication scenario is used for supply extension/reduction. The individual steps of the change of supplier process are executed by sending messages. The meaning of a message is given by the msg_code and the type of action filled in the message. Fore every received message, a confirmation of acceptance is sent as well as a copy to involved entities that may include the following:New supplierNew balance responsible partyExisting supplier (in case there is no primary supplier to a PDT, the copy will be sent to the supplier at the PDT type 1005 in the respective grid)Existing balance responsible party (in case there is no primary supplier at a PDT, the copy will be sent to a balance responsible party at the PDT type 1005 in the respective grid)DSO/TSOOther relevant subjects (in the case of simultaneously running changes of supplier, when more then one current suppliers are replaced)The following actions shall be executed within sending of actions depending on the type of change of supplier and the current status of change of supplier:ActionDescriptionSCRRequest for change of supplierCRCConfirmation of reservation of distribution or transport capacityCRDRejection of reservation of distribution or transport capacityCSRRequest for suspension of change of supplier by the existing supplierCNRRequest for suspension of change of supplier by the new supplierIRCConsent with allocation of responsibility for imbalanceIRDRejection of allocation of responsibility for imbalanceCSCConfirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplierCSSConfirmation of continuation of gas supplies by the existing supplierCSDRejection of continuation of gas supplies by the existing supplierISSConfirmation of continuation of gas supplies by the existing balance responsible partyISDRejection of continuation of gas supplies by the existing balance responsible partyThe type of action shall be provided in inbound as well as outbound messages (filling by participant necessary). It is used for identification of the activity by the participant to have sent the message with a request or statement to OTE. The element also includes the date-time attribute – date and time of execution of the activity (added by OTE). The Activity element is repeated in the final GAK message and the message shall also include all activities executed within the process. The same applies to sending a request for status, where a GAT message shall include all activities executed until then. In case of “copy” during the process, e.g. GA6 Copy of a message about possible reservation of distribution capacity, the message shall include only the specific activity to have triggered sending of the copy – i.e. CRC in this case. If a change of supplier is suspended or rejected during the change of supplier process, the reason of this will be included in the message (rejection-reason attribute):ValueMeaning01Non-confirmation of reservation of distribution capacity by DSO/TSO02Non-confirmation of acceptance of responsibility for imbalance by BRP03PDT not registered for the period04Suspended by the new supplier05Suspended by the original supplier06Negative verification of financial security of the new BRP07Request takaback by the new supplier51Distribution capacity not confirmed by DSO/TSO + supply not assured 52Imbalance resposibilty overtake not confirmed by BRP + supply not assured 54Suspended by new supplier + supply not assured99OtherStandard change of supplierThe diagram of the process of the so-called standard change of supplier as well as the individual communication scenarios within the process is provided by the below pictures:New supplierlOTERequest for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA1): Confirmation / error in request: GASRESPONSE (GA2)Original supplierCopy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): Copy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): New BRPOriginal BRPCopy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): Copy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): DSOTSO/Copy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): Acknow. about reservation of dist. / transp. capacity: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA4) Request for change of supplier Confirmation / error in the acknowledgement: GASRESPONSE (GA5): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6):Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7)Case DSO/TSO declines the reservation of capacityAcknowledgement about reservation of dist. / transp. capacityNew supplierlOTERequest for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA1): Confirmation / error in request: GASRESPONSE (GA2)Original supplierCopy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): Copy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): New BRPOriginal BRPCopy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): Copy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): DSOTSO/Copy of the request: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3): Acknow. about reservation of dist. / transp. capacity: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA4) Request for change of supplier Confirmation / error in the acknowledgement: GASRESPONSE (GA5): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6): Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6):Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7)Case DSO/TSO declines the reservation of capacityAcknowledgement about reservation of dist. / transp. capacityNew supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRPOriginal BRPDSO/TSO Request for susp. of change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA8): Request for susp. of change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA8) {OR}Request is sent by new or original supplierConf. / error in the request: GASRESPONSE (GA9) Conf. / error in the request: GASRESPONSE (GA9) Request for suspension of change of supplierApproval to imbalance responsibility take-overApproval/rejection to imb. resp. take-over: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAB) Conf./error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAC) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Case new BRP refuse to take over the resposiblityCopy of request for process suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAA) Copy of request for process suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAA) Copy of request for process suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAA) Copy of request for suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA9). Copy of request for suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA9) New supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRPOriginal BRPDSO/TSO Request for susp. of change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA8): Request for susp. of change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA8) {OR}Request is sent by new or original supplierConf. / error in the request: GASRESPONSE (GA9) Conf. / error in the request: GASRESPONSE (GA9) Request for suspension of change of supplierApproval to imbalance responsibility take-overApproval/rejection to imb. resp. take-over: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAB) Conf./error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAC) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Case new BRP refuse to take over the resposiblityCopy of request for process suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAA) Copy of request for process suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAA) Copy of request for process suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAA) Copy of request for suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA9). Copy of request for suspension: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA9) New supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRPOriginal BRPDSO/TSOConfirmation of customer with change of supplier in case of request for suspension by original supplierConfirmation of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAE) Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAF) Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG)Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG) Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG) Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG): Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG): Approval/rejection to supply resumption by original supplier and original balance responsible partyApproval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAH) Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAI) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAH) Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAI) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) New supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRPOriginal BRPDSO/TSOConfirmation of customer with change of supplier in case of request for suspension by original supplierConfirmation of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAE) Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAF) Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG)Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG) Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG) Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG): Copy of conf. of customer with change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAG): Approval/rejection to supply resumption by original supplier and original balance responsible partyApproval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAH) Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAI) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAH) Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAI) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) Copy of approval/rejection to supply resumption: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAJ) New supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRP Original BRPDSO/TSOResult of request for change of supplier Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK) Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK)Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK): Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK)Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK)New supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRP Original BRPDSO/TSOResult of request for change of supplier Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK) Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK)Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK): Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK)Result of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAK)Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 9 – Standard change of supplier The controlling attribute, for ruling the relevanace of particiular communication scenarios, is the change of supplier reason. Within the message it is represenrted by one of following values:D?vodPopisS1Change of supplier for another supplierS2Change of supplier from the supplier of last resort S3Change of supplier with the change of customerR1Start of supply newly connescted customerR2Start of supply after unauthorized consumption or/and distributionRespecting the fact, that for R1 and R2 change of supply, there is no supply at the PDT from the side of current supplier, the communication scenarios for current supplier and balance responsible party are not relevant.One of the required attributes for the Standard change of supplier, that is Contract negotiation type. According to situation, the requesting market participant fills the value:M – Customer have the right to back out the contract according to § 11a par. 2 ELP - Customer does not have the right to back out the contract according to § 11a par. 2 ELThe process of standard change of supplier comprises the following steps:Request for change of supplierAction relevant for the scenario:ActionDescriptionSCRRequest for change of supplierConfirmation/rejection of reservation of distribution or transport capacityA single one of the following actions will be relevant:ActionDescriptionCRCConfirmation of reservation of distribution or transport capacityCRDRejection of reservation of distribution or transport capacityActivity reason:Activity typeDescriptionReasonCRDRejection of reservation of distribution or transport capacityAR1 - Unsubmission of request for DC reservation/conclude contract on schedule AR2 - Unsatisfaction of requirements for for DC reservation/conclude contract AR3 – Unsufficient financial security AR4 - Unsubmission of request for wire contract on schedule AR9 - Wrong conract type Request for suspension of a request for change of supplierEither the new or the existing supplier will be eligible to execute this action; therefore a single one of the following actions will be relevantActionDescriptionCSRRequest for suspension of change of supplier by the existing supplierCNRRequest for suspension of change of supplier by the new supplierActivity reason:Activity typeDescriptionReasonCSRRequest for suspension of change of supplier by the existing supplierAR6 - Conract not endedAR7 - Customer written statementConsent with allocation of responsibility for imbalance for the PDTA single one of the following actions will be relevant:ActionDescriptionIRCConsent with allocation of responsibility for imbalanceIRDRejection of allocation of responsibility for imbalanceConfirmation of customer’s consent with change of supplier in case of a request for suspension of the process by the existing supplierThe new supplier will be eligible to execute this action; the following action is relevant:ActionDescriptionCSCConfirmation of customer consent with change of supplierActivity reason:Activity typeDescriptionReasonCSCConfirmation of customer consent with change of supplierAR6 - Conract not endedAR7 - Customer written statementConfirmation/rejection of continuation of gas supplies at the point of delivery by the existing supplier and its balance responsible partyThe following actions are relevant:ActionDescriptionCSSConfirmation of continuation of gas supplies by the existing supplierCSDRejection of continuation of gas supplies by the existing supplierISSConfirmation of continuation of gas supplies by the existing balance responsible partyISDRejection of continuation of gas supplies by the existing balance responsible partyResults of evaluation of a request for change of supplierWhen the process of change of supplier has been completed, the result of request evaluation is distributed to all involved entities. The result is presented in the form of process-status attribute that may have the following values:ANY – Change request status - approvedANN – Change request status - rejectedquick change of supplierThe quick change of supplier is to be applied in following cases:insufficient financial security of the market participant in the role of a supplier or balance responsible partysupplier has lost supply competence or ability standart change of supplier was not completed to the required date The quick change of supplier can be applied only for PDT concerned in one of the case at least. The diagram of the so-called quick change of supplier as well as the individual communication scenarios within the process are presented by the following pictures:New supplierOTERequest for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA1) Confirmation / error in request: GASRESPONSE (GA2)Original supplierCopy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3) Copy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3)New BRPOriginal BRPCopy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3)Copy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3) DSO/TSOCopy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3) Acknowledgement about reservation of dist. / transp. capacity: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA4)Request for change of supplierConfirmation / error in the acknowledgement: GASRESPONSE (GA5) Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6)Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6) Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6)Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6) Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Case DSO/TSO declines the reservation of capacityAcknowledgement about reservation of dist. / transp. capacityNew supplierOTERequest for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA1) Confirmation / error in request: GASRESPONSE (GA2)Original supplierCopy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3) Copy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3)New BRPOriginal BRPCopy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3)Copy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3) DSO/TSOCopy of request for change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA3) Acknowledgement about reservation of dist. / transp. capacity: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA4)Request for change of supplierConfirmation / error in the acknowledgement: GASRESPONSE (GA5) Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6)Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6) Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6)Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6) Copy of acknowledgement: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA6) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Request for resumption of supply: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GA7) Case DSO/TSO declines the reservation of capacityAcknowledgement about reservation of dist. / transp. capacityNew supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRPOriginal BRPDSO/TSOApproval to imbalance responsibility take-overApproval/rejection to imbalance responsibility take-over: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAB)Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAC) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)New supplierOTEOriginal supplierNew BRPOriginal BRPDSO/TSOApproval to imbalance responsibility take-overApproval/rejection to imbalance responsibility take-over: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAB)Conf. / error in message: GASRESPONSE (GAC) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD) Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)Copy of approval/rejection: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAD)Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 10 – Quick change of supplierThe process of quick change of supplier comprises the following steps:Request for change of supplierThe action relevant for the scenario:ActionDescriptionSCRRequest for change of supplierConfirmation/rejection of reservation of distribution or transfer capacity A single one of the following actions will be relevant:ActionDescriptionCRCConfirmation of reservation of transport capacityCRDRejection of reservation of transport capacityActivity reason:Activity typeDescriptionReasonCRDRejection of reservation of distribution or transport capacityAR1 - Unsubmission of request for DC reservation/conclude contract on schedule AR2 - Unsatisfaction of requirements for for DC reservation/conclude contract AR3 – Unsufficient financial security AR4 - Unsubmission of request for wire contract on schedule AR9 - Wrong conract type Consent with allocation of responsibility for imbalance for the PDTA single one of the following actions will be relevant:ActionDescriptionIRCConsent with allocation of responsibility for imbalanceIRDRejection of allocation of responsibility for imbalanceSupply extension / reductionThe change of supplier process in the form of suppl yextesion / reduction is used in cases, when there is no factical change of supplier at the PDT, because only thing changing is the period of supply provided by the current supplier. The change of supplier process in the form of supply extension / reduction is represented by the following scheme, including constituent steps:Obr. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 10 –Supply extension / reductionThe change of supplier process in the form of supply extension / reduction consists of these steps: Request for change of supplierThe action relevant for the scenario:AkcePopisVAR?ádost o prodlou?ení / zkrácení dodávkyConfirmation / decline of the imbalance resposibility transferThe step is relevant only if the supplier is not also in the role of subject of settlemenet carring the imbalance responsibility at the PDT.A single one of the following actions will be relevant:AkcePopisIVCConfirmation of imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionIVDDecline of imb. resp. transfer within supply extension / reductionDetailed description for the process of supply extension and reduction can be found in the Czech version of documentation or in the legislation.request for sending status of the change of supplier processA statement from the change of supplier process shall be requested according to the following communication scenario: RMPOTE Request for statement of change of supplier: CDSGASREQ (GAR): Confirmation / error in the request: GASRESPONSE (GAS)Statement of change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAT) RMPOTE Request for statement of change of supplier: CDSGASREQ (GAR): Confirmation / error in the request: GASRESPONSE (GAS)Statement of change of supplier: CDSGASMASTERDATA (GAT)Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 11 – Sending of a statement of change of supplierChange of balance responsible party at a PDTIn order to provide for the possibility of changing the balance responsible party at a PDT, a respective process shall be implemented. The process shall be realised by two communication scenarios – request for change of balance responsible party at a PDT and confirmation of the change by the new balance responsible party.Request for change of balance responsible party allocated to the point of deliveryThe request shall be processed identically to a new request for a change of supplier.Confirmation of change of balance responsible party by the balance responsible partyWith regard to the fact that confirmation by the balance responsible party is the only confirmation of the change of supplier process, acceptance of a message shall automatically include setting of the request status to approved or rejected according to the action specified in the approval.Depending on the entity to have initiated the request for change of supplier, which may be the existing supplier and the existing balance responsible party, the following shall be executed within confirmation of change of balance responsible party:Change of BRP is requested by the existing balance responsible party Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 12 – Change of balance responsible party by the existing BRPIn addition to changing the balance responsible party of the PDT for the respective period, confirmation of change of balance responsible party shall include extension of the hierarchy of handover of responsibility for PDT (it will be possible to register up to 5 so-called supervisors; they shall not intervene in the process of imbalance settlement, but they shall be eligible to access metered data registered by the PDT).Change of BRP is requested by the existing supplierFig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 13 – Change of balance responsible party by the existing supplierIn addition to changing the balance responsible party of the PDT for the respective period, confirmation of change of balance responsible party will include deletion of all PDT supervisors for the respective period.Observer assignment at the PDTReflecting law changes applicable from 2011, new com. scenario Observer assignment at the PDT is introduced. An RMP is entitled to request for assignment, if being provider of balance responsible party at the PDT. In certain cases these entitlement is transferred to DSO/TSO (see below). This way assigned RMP will be able to view all the PDT data, that are accessible only for BRP resp. DSO/TSO.PDT typeEntitled RMP1001 - CombinedSubject of settlement1002 - ConsumptionSubject of settlement1004 - Virt. PDT for BRPSubject of settlement1007 - Virt. PDT for BRP and netSubject of settlement1023 - PofT DS/DS DSO 1025 - PofT TS/DSTSO/DSOProcess of observer assignmentRequest creating and sendingThe request for assignment is generated in the RMP system and sent to market operator system. In the message, there is specified assignee RMP and the role for assignment, 119 - Observer. The action type used is OBS - Observer assignment. The lenght of assignment can be changed by sending request with modified period. If an assignment cancellation is requiered, the RMP identification (EIC) in the request is not specified. The process statsu is not used in the scenario. Request proceeding in CDS OTEAfter message is received, confirmation is sent to the RMP. If all requirements for both RMPs are met, the assignment is carried out.The request copy is sent to the requestor and the observer, if message soecified. Imbalance responsibility transferIt is possible to request registration of imbalance responsibility transfer to a BRP electronically. The scenarion take place among RMP, CDS, proposed and present BRP. a) Imbalance responsibility transfer course:Request creating and sendingThe request is created in the RMP system. In the message, there is specified a position, at which the BRP is proposed to be assigned:DST - BRP at the default positionSST - BRP at the secondary positionThe message is therefore sent to CDS OTE, msg_code GB1.Request proceeding in CDS OTEAfter receiving the request, the confirmation is sent to the sender - msg_code GB2. Subsequently an information message about imb. resp. transfer is created and is sent to the proposed BRP to give a statement, msg_code GB3, status ANP. A copy of data is sent to the RMP and in the case of default resp. transfer also to the present BRP. Proposed BRP statementThe proposed BRP sent the statement to CDS, msg_code GB4. The status in the message is set either to the value ANY, in case of acceptation, or to the value ANN, in case of rejection. CDS confirms the receipt with the response message – msg_code GB5. 4. Statement proceeding in CDS OTEAfter receiving the statement and in dependence of the message status, the check of financial insurance is effected and the imb. resp. transfer registration is acomplished. The result is sent to all process participants - msg_code_GB3, status ANY or ANN. See below a grafical representation of the imbalance responsibility transfer process: Fig. SEQ Obr. \* ARABIC 14 – Change of balance responsible party by the existing supplierFormats according to EDIGAS specificationusage overviewMessages according to EDIGAS 4.0 format will be used for communication with CDS OTE in the selected areas. The formats include the following:GASDAT – provision of preliminary and metered data, combustible heat, own losses, change of accumulationALOCAT – provision of allocationsNOMINT – sending and forwarding of nominations of all typesNOMRES – sending and forwarding of confirmations of nominations of all typesSHPCDS – sending of shipper code lists to OTE by the individual operatorsIMBNOT – provision of all types of imbalances and unused toleranceAPERAK – notification of the result of validation and acceptance of a message by the receiver (accepted or an error)For the purpose of clarity, provided below is not a description of the individual formats, but directly the activities that the messages are used in. Relevant communication scenarios and mapping of data to items (attributes) of a message are provided for each area. The template of the standard had to be modified in reasoned cases in order to cover the process requirements of the national environment. A reference to a XSD template is provided for each format (mandatory fields and allowed values may differ from the standard).Additional code lists to limit the allowed values are used for certain items of selected messages:Code listDescriptionCLCDS001TypeCLCDS002Coding schemeCLCDS003RoleCLCDS010Contract typeCLCDS011Quantity typeCLCDS012Measurement unitCLCDS013Value statusCLCDS014Status typeCLCDS020Nomination (sub)typeCLCDS021Nomination statusCLCDS022Allocation typeCLCDS023Measure point typeCLCDS024ProductCLCDS025Imbalance typeCLCDS026VersionCLCDS050Reception statusCLCDS051Reason codeCode lists and changed data types are saved in a special XSD template. CODE-LISTS-CDS and CORE-CMPTS-CDS files in the .xsd format are saved here:EDIGAS\GLOBALSThe individual code list items are covered by the sections dedicated to item mapping.Metering and allocationscommunication scenariosDSO senderScheme of message provision (metering A,B)Scheme of message provision (metering C)Scheme of message provision (other data)tso senderScheme of message provision (metering A,B)use of messagesALOCAT (Allocation)The message will be sent for sending allocations.ALOCATMLengthMappingAllocationMessage headerIDENTIFICATIONM35Generated by the sender in the format: ALOCATYYYYMMDDAxxxxxTYPEM395G = Preliminary allocations96G = Actual allocations97G = Corrective allocations (in the version for final monthly settlement)98G = Current version of allocated dataCREATION DATE TIMEMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of document creation. Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mmVALIDITY PERIODMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of validity (from-to). Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmCONTRACT REFERENCEM35EIC code of BRPCONTRACT TYPEM3CTISSUER IDENTIFICATION - CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeISSUER IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the senderISSUER ROLEM3ZSO = System Operator (TSO)ZRO = Regional grid Operator (DSO)RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeRECIPIENT IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the recipientRECIPIENT ROLEM3?ZSX = Balance Area OperatorORIGINAL MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION35Reference to the original message (request)ConnectionPointInformationOPM (1 to N for one document)LINE NUMBERM6Sequence number of the lineTIME SERIES TYPEM16Z01 = Allocated (preliminary and actual allocations)Z05 = Forecast (reserved allocated capacity)CONNECTION POINT – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeCONNECTION POINTM16EIC PDT codeSUBCONTRACT REFERENCE35not to be usedEXTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT – CODING SCHEME3ZSO = System Operator codeEXTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT16Shipper code external or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)INTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT – CODING SCHEME3ZSO = System Operator codeINTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT16Shipper code internal or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)PeriodValue of allocation for a gas day (1 to N for one ConnectionPoint)TIME INTERVALMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Gas day in the format from-to:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmDIRECTIONM3Z02 = Input in the systemZ03 = Output from the systemQUANTITYM17Allocation value (integral number without sign)MEASURE UNITM3KWH = Kilowatt hours (KWh)MQ5 = Normal cubic meter (nm?)ALLOCATION SCHEMEM304G = Pro rata05G = SBA (Shipper balancing agreement)06G = OBA (Operational balancing agreement)07G = Pro/SBAGCV Estimated InformationNot to be usedThe complete file of a ALOCAT message used by CDS OTE in the .xsd format is saved here:EDIGAS\ALOCATan example of a message in Alocat formatDescriptionReferenceAlocat – allocation, output from the systemEDIGAS\ALOCAT\EXAMPLE\Alocat_alokace_vystup_ze_soustavy.xmlGASDAT (Gasdata)The message will be used for sending metered data.GASDATMLength MappingGasdatDocumentMessage headerIDENTIFICATIONM35Generated by the sender in the format: GASDATYYYYMMDDAxxxxxVERSIONM3DSO/TSO filling – Version of the sent document. The version number is increased with every sending of the document.OTE filling – Version of saved dataOn CDS output, filled with the version of sent data:00 – Version for daily settlement10 – Version for monthly settlement11 – Version for monthly clearing20 – Version for final monthly settlement21 – Version for final monthly clearing99 – Current version of the dataTYPEM387G = Metered dataCREATION DATE TIMEMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of document creation. Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mmVALIDITY PERIODMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Validity date and time (from-to). Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmFilled with the beginning and end of the interval of metered data.ISSUER IDENTIFICATION - CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeISSUER IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the senderISSUER ROLEM3ZSO = System Operator (TSO)ZRO = Regional grid Operator (DSO)RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeRECIPIENT IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the recipientRECIPIENT ROLEM3?ZSX = Balance Area OperatorORIGINAL MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION35Reference to the original message (request)RelevantParty1 to N for one documentROLEM3ZSO = System Operator (PPS)ZRO = Regional grid Operator (PDS)SU = SupplierLocation1 to N for one RelevantPartyMeasure PointTypeM319G = Connection pointMeasure Point – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeMeasure PointM16EIC code of PDTMeterInformation1 to N for one LocationLine NumberM6Sequence number of the lineProductMProduct code list:QI11 = Metered volume – production (interval metering)QI12 = Metered volume – consumption (interval metering)QH11 = Metered volume – production (interval metering) – historical dataQH12 = Metered volume – consumption (interval metering) – historical dataQN12 = Metered volume – consumption (non-interval metering)AI11 = Energy produced (interval metering)AI12 = Energy consumed (interval metering)AH11 = Energy produced (interval metering) – historical dataAH12 = Energy consumed (interval metering) – historical dataAN12 = Energy consumed (non-interval metering)AC10 = Change of accumulationQC10 = Change of accumulation (m3)ES10 = Planned estimate of annual consumptionQS10 = Planned estimate of annual consumption (m3)ES20 = Planned month consumptionQS20 = Planned month consumption (m3)LR10 = Actual own lossesLP10 = Planned own lossesDC10 = Distribution capacityTC10 = Transport capacity (m3)TC20 = Transport capacity (kWh)CT10 = Combustible heat - preliminary valueCT20 = Combustible heat - actual metered valueAI91 = Substitute values – Energy produced (based on real data)AI92 = Substitute values – Energy consumed (based on real data)AD92 = Day values based on estimated year consumptionSNxy* = Group LP not corrected for TO x, LP class y, supplier and gridSKxy* = Group LP corrected for TO x, LP class y, supplier and gridTAy = Weather conditions (temperature) – actual or predicted, for TO y TBy = Weather conditions (temperature) – actual normal, for TO yDNxy* = Normalised LP values for TO x, LP class yDKxy* = Re-calculated LP values for TO x, LP class yJKxy* = Temperature correction coefficient for TO x, LP class yA42 = Calculated residual profile of DS - consumptionA50 = Behaviour diagram of correlation element for residual balance DSCL11 = Clearing – PDT positive imbalance CL12 = Clearing – PDT negative imbalanceCL10 = Day value of meter readingCL20 = Day estimated value for imbalance settlementASA1 = Aggregated value, metering A, productionASA2 = Aggregated value, metering A, consumptionASB1 = Aggregated value, metering B, productionASB2 = Aggregated value, metering B, consumptionASC1 = Aggregated value, metering C, generationASC2 = Aggregated value, metering C, consumptionASD2 = Aggregated value, metering CM, consumptionASA4 = Aggregated value of consumption, metering A, productionASB4 = Aggregated consumption value, metering B, productionASC4 = Aggregated consumption value, metering C, productionASD4 = Aggregated consumption value, metering CM, productionA3A1 = Aggregated supply value, metering A, points of transferA3B1 = Aggregated supply value, metering B, points of transferA3A2 = Aggregated consumption value, metering A, points of transferA3B2 = Aggregated consumption value, metering B, points of transferASE1 = Aggregated allocation - entry ASE2 = Aggregated allocation - exit A81 = Aggregated values consumption (for BRP)A82 = Aggregated values production (for BRP)Measurement0 to N for one MeterInformationEffective Date TimeXorsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of metering in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmFilled with the end of interval of metered data, otherwise re-written (see Effective Time Interval). This field is currently not used.Effective Time IntervalXorsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Interval of metered data in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmFilled with the beginning and end of the interval of metered data.Measurement TypeM3Metering type (by product):ZCE = Allocation quantityZLA = Volume at normal conditionsZNV = Net Caloric valueMeasurement ValueM17Metered volume including signintegral number; 4 decimal places allowed for CT10 (combustible heat)Measure UnitM3Metering unit (by product and metering type):KWH = Kilowatt hours (KWh)P1 = PercentMQ5 = Normal cubic meter (nm?)KW3 = Kilowatt hour per cubic meter (kWh/m?)Z99 = Not specified (to be used in other cases, e.g. for transfer of coefficients for application of LP methodology)Status0 to N for one Measurement (When not filled, the value is considered valid)Status TypeM3Status type: 03G = Status of the meter reading. Additionalinformation of meter reading status.Status ValueM3Status code:20G = Value estimated by Network company* for LP classes 10 - 12 tag A - C is usedMandatory/optional character of selected attributes according to the scheme for document type 87G, see the following scheme:ClassAttributeNote87GGasdatDocumentIdentificationM?VersionM?Type87GMeasurement informationCreationDateM?ValidityPeriodM?ContractReference?ContractType?IssuerIdentificationM?IssuerRoleM?RecipientIdentificationM?RecepientRoleM?RelevantpartyPartyIdentification?PartyRoleZRO/ZSORegional grid operator /System operatorLocationMeasurePointType19GConnection PointMeasurePointM?RelatedLocation?PreviousReadingDate?LatestReadingDate?ValidityPeriod?MeterInformationLineNumberM?ProductM?EquipmentIdentification?EquipmentDescription?MeteredParty?MeteredPartyRole?CharacteristicsMeasurementEffectiveDateTimeXorEffectiveTimeIntervalXor?MeasurementTypeM?MeasurementValueM?MeasureUnitM?StatusStatusTypeO?StatusValueO?Legend: M – mandatory, O – optional, Xor – either of the fields has to be filledProduct combinations when sending data to CS OTEOnly certain product combinations according to the below table shall be allowed in a single message when data are sent to the CS OTE system:Product 1Product 2NoteQI11AI11Interval metering (supply)QI12AI12Interval metering (consumption)QH11AH11Interval metering (supply) - hist. dataQH12AH12Interval metering (consump.) - hist. dataQN12AN12Non-interval metering (consumption)QC10AC10Change of accumulation QS10ES10Planned consumption (year)QS20ES20Planned consumption (month)LP10-Planned own lossesLR10-Actual own lossesDC10-Distribution capacityTC10TC20Transport capacityCT10CT20Combustible heatSpecification of the version of data provided by CS OTEThe data in the CS OTE system necessary for calculation of imbalances are provided with the possible designation of the version, according to the settlement version the data are used forpreliminary valuesactual valuescorrective valuesIf the data are sent by DS and TS operators, the version of the data needn’t be specified as the version will be determined by the CDS system.Request for sending data of a specific version is specified in the data inquiry (CDSEDIGASREQ) by the attribute CDSEDIGASREQ/Location/@version Version code list 00 – preliminary values 10, 11 – actual values 20, 21 – corrective 99 – actual data If the version is not specified or 99 is filled, the last valid data will be returned; the version – current data – will be identified in the output message (GASDAT, ALOCAT).GASDAT messageThe version is identified by the attribute GasdatDocument/@Version Version code list 00 – preliminary values 10, 11 – actual values 20, 21 – corrective 99 – current data In case of automatic data provision or upon inquiry without specification of the version, the output message will contain version 99 current data.If an inquiry includes specification of the version, the specified version of the data will be provided. If not available, an error message will be returned (APERAK)?ALOCAT messageThe version is identified using Alocation/@Type 95G – Preliminary values 96G – Actual values 97G? - Corrective values 98G – Current data In case of automatic data provision or upon inquiry without specification of the version, the message with?Type=98G will provided.If an inquiry includes specification of the version, the specified version of the data will be provided. If not available, an error message will be returned (APERAK)Link between the inquiry and the Gasdat product fieldWhen a CDSEDIGASREQ inquiry is sent, a group of data identified by the Product field in the Gasdat message will be returned for the specific msg code of the inquiry. The link between the inquiry and the product group is described by the below table.ProductDescriptionInquiryDescription of inquiryQI11Metered volume – production (interval metering)GM1Metering values (interval metering)QI12Metered volume - consumption (interval metering)AI11Energy production (interval metering)AI12energy consumed (interval metering)AI91Substitute values – Energy produced (based on real data)GM3Substitute / daily valuesAI92Substitute values – Energy consumed (based on real data)AD92Day values based on estimated year consumptionAC10Change of accumulationGM5Change of accumulationQC10Change of accumulation (m3)QN12Metered volume – consumption (non-interval metering)GM7Actual values (non-interval metering)AN12Energy consumed (non-interval metering)ES10Planned estimate of annual consumptionGM9Planned estimate of annual consumptionQS10Planned estimate of annual consumption (m3)ES20Planned month consumptionGMVPlanned month consumptionQS20Planned year consumption (m3)CT10Combustible heat - preliminary valueGMBCombustible heatCT20Combustible heat - actual metered valueDC10Distribution capacityGMDDistribution capacityTC10Transport capacity (m3)GMFTransport capacityTC20Transport capacity (kWh)LR10Actual own lossesGMHActual own lossesLP10Planned own lossesGMJPlanned own lossesA81Aggregated values – generaton (per BRP)GMLAggregated values for BRPA82Aggregated values – consumption (per BRP)ASA4Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, productionGMNData for DS broken down to A, B, C, CMASB4Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, productionASC4Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, productionASD4Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering CM, productionA3A1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering A, points of transferA3B1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering B, points of transferA3A2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, points of transferA3B2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, points of transferASA1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering A, productionASA2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, consumptionASB1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering B, productionASB2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, consumptionASC1Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, generationASC2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, consumptionASD2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering CM, consumptionASE1Agregated allocation - entryASE2Agregated allocation - exitASA1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering A, productionGMPSummary values for BRP broken down to A, B, C, CMASA2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, consumptionASB1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering B, productionASB2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, consumptionASC1Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, generationASC2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, consumptionASD2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering CM, consumptionASE1Agregated allocation - entryASE2Agregated allocation - exitASA1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering A, productionGMRSummary values for BRP and grid broken down to A, B, C, CMASA2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering A, consumptionASB1Aggregated actual value of supply, metering B, productionASB2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering B, consumptionASC1Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, generationASC2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering C, consumptionASD2Aggregated actual value of consumption, metering CM, consumptionASE1Agregated allocation - entryASE2Agregated allocation - exitAI12Energy consumed (interval metering)GO1Real values historyAH12Energy consumed (interval metering) – historical dataES10Planned estimate of annual consumptionTAyWeather conditions (temperatures) – actual or predictedGT1Data ofweather conditions (temperatures)TByWeather conditions (temperatures) – actual normalDNxyStandardised LP values for TO x, LP yGT3LP dataDKxyRecalculated LP values for TO x, LP yJKxyTemperature correction coefficient for TO x, TDD yGT5Temperature correction coefficientJ42Calculated residual profile of DS – consumptionGT7Diagram of residual balance of DSJ50Behaviour diagram of correction agent for residual balance of DSSKxyGroup LP not corrected for TO, LP, BRP and the gridGT9Estimated consumption diagram of a PDT group (C, CM)SNxyGroup LP corrected for TO, LP, BRP and the gridCL11Clearing – PDT positive imbalance GTBClearing imbalanceCL12Clearing – PDT negative imbalanceCL10Day value of meter readingCL20Day estimated value for imbalance settlementThe complete GASDAT message file used by CDS OTE in the .xsd format is saved here:EDIGAS/GASDATExample of a Gasdat format messageDescriptionReferenceGasdat – actual values (interval)EDIGAS\GASDAT\EXAMPLE\Gasdat_produkty_QI12_AI12.xmlNominationsgeneral informationTypes of nominationsThe following types of nominations will be processed by OTE:nominations of transport (T)nominations of distribution (D)nominations of storage (S)nominations of engagement to ship and to withdraw (hereinafter as ES/EW)registration of transaction of trading with unused tolerance (as a specific subtype of ES/EW nomination)sending and receiving nominationsNominations may only be made by BRP (i.e. not RMP) to have registered the activity “Nomination for gas”.OTE will accept nominations of ES/EW, transport, distribution and storage from BRP. OTE will also accept nominations of transport, distribution and storage from the individual operators who accepted the nominations directly from BRP. If a BRP sends an identical nomination of transport, distribution or storage to OTE and the operator, the last nomination accepted by the OTE system will be used for processing, according to the time stamp.OTE will confirm only nominations by BRP to have sent their nominations directly to OTE.a simplified nomination structure is presented by the below table:Nomination of ES-EWNomination of transportNomination of distributionNomination of storageBRPEIC of BRPEIC of BRPEIC of BRPEIC of BRPPDTEIC of PDTNomination subtype EIC of counterparty BRPEIC of PDTEIC of PDTEIC of PDTPeriod + valuegas dayKWhgas dayKWhgas dayKWhgas dayKWhBreakdown to BDS, CGD and PEG-internal and external shipper code (importer/customer)KWhinternal and external shipper code (importer/customer)KWh-Breakdown to Virtual UGS-internal and external shipper code (storage contract)KWh-internal and external shipper code (reserved storage capacity)KWhcommunication scenariosNominations of ES/EW (subtypes BK, JK, PO, SO), transport, distribution and storageTSODSOSSOBRPBRPOTE Nom. ES/EW,T,D,S Nom. T,D,SNominationT,D,SNominationT,D,S,Not. about shortageNot.about shortageNominationT,D,S (funded)adjacentTSODSOSSOT,D,S nomination matchingNominationT,D,S (confirmed)Conf. of nom. ES/EW,T,D,S. Potvrzení nom. P,D,U11234Funding5667899Nomin. ES / EW1Closingnom. window3b Closingmessage3a Closingmessage5a Not. about counterparty ES nom.1aTSODSOSSOBRPBRPOTE Nom. ES/EW,T,D,S Nom. T,D,SNominationT,D,SNominationT,D,S,Not. about shortageNot.about shortageNominationT,D,S (funded)adjacentTSODSOSSOT,D,S nomination matchingNominationT,D,S (confirmed)Conf. of nom. ES/EW,T,D,S. Potvrzení nom. P,D,U11234Funding5667899Nomin. ES / EW1Closingnom. window3b Closingmessage3a Closingmessage5a Not. about counterparty ES nom.1anominations of ES/EW (subtypes FK, VO)TSO BRPOTENomination ES/EW (FK)Conf. of nom. ES/EW (FK). 14Funding9Nomination ES/EW (FK)Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (FK)11aCreation of VO nomination beetween OTE-TSO10Conf. of nom. ES/EW (VO)13Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (VO)11Nomination ES/EW (VO)12TSO BRPOTENomination ES/EW (FK)Conf. of nom. ES/EW (FK). 14Funding9Nomination ES/EW (FK)Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (FK)11aCreation of VO nomination beetween OTE-TSO10Conf. of nom. ES/EW (VO)13Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (VO)11Nomination ES/EW (VO)12nomination of transport, distribution and storage ShipperSystem operatorNomination T,D,S (01G, NOMINT) Notif. about shortage (07G, NOMRES)61Nomination T,D,S (01G, NOMINT) 1Nomination T,D,S (01G, NOMINT) 2Nominace P,D,U (01G, NOMINT)3 Nomination T,D,S (funded) (02G, NOMINT) P 5Notif. about shortage (07G, NOMRES)6Nomination T,D,S (confirmed) (08G, NOMRES)8 Conf. of nom. T, D, S (08G, NOMRES)9 Conf. of nom T, D, S. (08G, NOMRES)9Transport phase7Counter system operatorNomination matching T,D,S(DELORD/DELRES)The communication regime depends on the operatorsBalance area operatorNomination funding 4Nomination T,D,S - closing message(01G, NOMINT) 3aClosing nomination window (01G, NOMINT)3b Nomination T,D,S (funded)- closing message (02G, NOMINT) 5aBy HH:10Schedule of closing nom. window (HH:00): -14:00 day D-1 (nomination)-16:00 day D-1 (renomination)-20:00 day D-1 (renomination)-00:00 day D-1 (renomination)-post each hour from 4:00 day D-1 to 3:00 day D -(renominaion)At the latest HH:01By HH +2:00 (for nomination windows by 00:00 day D-1)By HH +1:00 (for others nomination windows) ShipperSystem operatorNomination T,D,S (01G, NOMINT) Notif. about shortage (07G, NOMRES)61Nomination T,D,S (01G, NOMINT) 1Nomination T,D,S (01G, NOMINT) 2Nominace P,D,U (01G, NOMINT)3 Nomination T,D,S (funded) (02G, NOMINT) P 5Notif. about shortage (07G, NOMRES)6Nomination T,D,S (confirmed) (08G, NOMRES)8 Conf. of nom. T, D, S (08G, NOMRES)9 Conf. of nom T, D, S. (08G, NOMRES)9Transport phase7Counter system operatorNomination matching T,D,S(DELORD/DELRES)The communication regime depends on the operatorsBalance area operatorNomination funding 4Nomination T,D,S - closing message(01G, NOMINT) 3aClosing nomination window (01G, NOMINT)3b Nomination T,D,S (funded)- closing message (02G, NOMINT) 5aBy HH:10Schedule of closing nom. window (HH:00): -14:00 day D-1 (nomination)-16:00 day D-1 (renomination)-20:00 day D-1 (renomination)-00:00 day D-1 (renomination)-post each hour from 4:00 day D-1 to 3:00 day D -(renominaion)At the latest HH:01By HH +2:00 (for nomination windows by 00:00 day D-1)By HH +1:00 (for others nomination windows)Remarque: From 1.1.2011, the Nomres 01G and 08G for distribution nomination at the PDT type PEG (producer?s extractive gas-line) will be sent to subjects registrated at the PDT (i.e. producers). nomination of an ENGAGEMENT to SHIP and an ENGAGEMENT to WITHDRAW (subtypes BK, JK)This includes nominations of bilateral contracts and the handover by BRP.nomination of an ENGAGEMENT to SHIP and an ENGAGEMENT to WITHDRAW (subtypes PO, SO)This includes nominations for settlement of preliminary and actual imbalance by BRP.nomination of an ENGAGEMENT to SHIP and an ENGAGEMENT to WITHDRAW (SUBtypE DTD, DTO)Includes nomination from OTE day-ahead market.Market traderBalance area operatorConf. of ES/EW nom. (20G, NOMRES) . Exchange nomination phase(nominace DTD, DTO)OTE daily market1Nom. ES/EW, subtypes DTD, DTO (55G, NOMINT)91aNot. about counterparty ES/EW nomin. subtypes DTD,DTO (19G, NOMRES) ** PPS only ** Confirmation of the nomination(just after receiving)4After closing trading of the seance of DMFrom 1.1.2011, on the day-ahead market, there is only morning seance (DTD nomiantion). Market traderBalance area operatorConf. of ES/EW nom. (20G, NOMRES) . Exchange nomination phase(nominace DTD, DTO)OTE daily market1Nom. ES/EW, subtypes DTD, DTO (55G, NOMINT)91aNot. about counterparty ES/EW nomin. subtypes DTD,DTO (19G, NOMRES) ** PPS only ** Confirmation of the nomination(just after receiving)4After closing trading of the seance of DMFrom 1.1.2011, on the day-ahead market, there is only morning seance (DTD nomiantion). nomination of an ENGAGEMENT to SHIP and an ENGAGEMENT to WITHDRAW (SUBtypE IM)Includes nomination from z?intraday OTE market.Market traderBalance area operatorConf. of ES/EW nom. (20G, NOMRES) Exchange nomination phase(nominace VT) OTE intraday market1 Nom. ES/EW, subtype IM - prel. aggregation(55G, NOMINT)91a Not. about counterparty ES/EW nom. subtype IM (19G, NOMRES) ** TSO only ** Actualisation and conf. of the nomination(just after receiving)4After closing IM tradingActualisation of running nomination(just after receiving)41Nom. ES/EW, subtype IM - prel. aggregation -(55G, NOMINT)After gas day ending.1aNot. about counterparty ES/EW nom. subtype IM (19G, NOMRES)** TSO only ** ...Market traderBalance area operatorConf. of ES/EW nom. (20G, NOMRES) Exchange nomination phase(nominace VT) OTE intraday market1 Nom. ES/EW, subtype IM - prel. aggregation(55G, NOMINT)91a Not. about counterparty ES/EW nom. subtype IM (19G, NOMRES) ** TSO only ** Actualisation and conf. of the nomination(just after receiving)4After closing IM tradingActualisation of running nomination(just after receiving)41Nom. ES/EW, subtype IM - prel. aggregation -(55G, NOMINT)After gas day ending.1aNot. about counterparty ES/EW nom. subtype IM (19G, NOMRES)** TSO only ** ...nomination of an ENGAGEMENT to SHIP and an ENGAGEMENT to WITHDRAW (subtpe FK)This includes nominations of flexible contracts between TSO and BRP.Market traderBalance area operator Nom. ES/EW, subtype FK (55G, NOMINT)1 Conf. of. nom. ES/EW (20G, NOMRES)9Exchange nomination phase(nominace FK)System operator1 Nom. ES/EW, subtype FK (55G, NOMINT) Conf. of. nom. ES/EW (20G, NOMRES)Nomination matching and funding49Schedule of closing nom. window (HH:00):-14:00 day D-1 (nominanation)-post each hour from 15:00 day D-1 to 5:00 day D (renomination)At the latest HH:01By HH +1:001a Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (FK)(19G, NOMRES)Market traderBalance area operator Nom. ES/EW, subtype FK (55G, NOMINT)1 Conf. of. nom. ES/EW (20G, NOMRES)9Exchange nomination phase(nominace FK)System operator1 Nom. ES/EW, subtype FK (55G, NOMINT) Conf. of. nom. ES/EW (20G, NOMRES)Nomination matching and funding49Schedule of closing nom. window (HH:00):-14:00 day D-1 (nominanation)-post each hour from 15:00 day D-1 to 5:00 day D (renomination)At the latest HH:01By HH +1:001a Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (FK)(19G, NOMRES)nomination of an ENGAGEMENT to SHIP and an ENGAGEMENT to WITHDRAW (subtype VO)This includes nominations for natural settlement of imbalances of BRP between OTE and TSO.Balance area operatorExchange nomination phase(nominace VO)System operator Conf. of nom. ES/EW (20G, NOMRES)Creation of VO nomination beetween OTE-TSO1013After nomination processing in nomination window at 14:00 day D-1 Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (VO)(19G, NOMRES)11Nomination ES/EW, subtype VO (55G, NOMINT)12Balance area operatorExchange nomination phase(nominace VO)System operator Conf. of nom. ES/EW (20G, NOMRES)Creation of VO nomination beetween OTE-TSO1013After nomination processing in nomination window at 14:00 day D-1 Counterparty notification of nomination ES/EW (VO)(19G, NOMRES)11Nomination ES/EW, subtype VO (55G, NOMINT)12nomination of trading with unused toleranceMarket traderBalance area operator Nom. NT (55G, NOMINT) 1 Conf. of nom. NT (20G, NOMRES) 9Exchange nomination phase Unused toleranceCounter market trader1 Nom. NT (55G, NOMINT) Conf. of nom. NT (20G, NOMRES) Nomination matching49Schedule of closing nomination window (HH:00): -post each hour from 13:00 of the 11th calendar day to 9:00 of the 13th calendar day in the month M+1At the latest HH:01By HH +1:001a Not. about counterparty NT nom.(19G, NOMRES)1a Not. about counterparty NT nom.(19G, NOMRES)Market traderBalance area operator Nom. NT (55G, NOMINT) 1 Conf. of nom. NT (20G, NOMRES) 9Exchange nomination phase Unused toleranceCounter market trader1 Nom. NT (55G, NOMINT) Conf. of nom. NT (20G, NOMRES) Nomination matching49Schedule of closing nomination window (HH:00): -post each hour from 13:00 of the 11th calendar day to 9:00 of the 13th calendar day in the month M+1At the latest HH:01By HH +1:001a Not. about counterparty NT nom.(19G, NOMRES)1a Not. about counterparty NT nom.(19G, NOMRES)shipper codelist Balance area operatorBy shipper codelistchangeSystem operator14 Shipper codelist (SHPCDS) Balance area operatorBy shipper codelistchangeSystem operator14 Shipper codelist (SHPCDS) message formatsusing roles in edigas messagesPTPEDIGAS – transport, distribution and storageEDIGAS – engagements to ship and withdrawBRPZSH = ShipperZHC = Exchange TraderTSO, DSO, SSOZSO = System Operator-DSOZRO = Regional grid Operator (only GASDAT and ALOCAT messages)-OTEZSX = Balance Area OperatorZSX = Balance Area Operatorexternal customer/supplier, contract for storage, reserved storage capacityZES = External Shipper-NOMINT (Nomination)The message will be used for sending and forwarding nominations of all types.NOMINTMLengthMappingNominations P,D,UMappingNominations of OS/OTNominationDocumentNomination headerIDENTIFICATIONM35Generated by the sender in the format: NOMINTYYYYMMDDAxxxxxRe-generated when forwardedGenerated by the sender in the format: NOMINTYYYYMMDDAxxxxxTYPEM301G – Nomination of P,D,U02G – Nomination of P,D,U financially secured by OTE55G – Nomination of OS/OTCREATION DATE TIMEMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of document creation. Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mmVALIDITY PERIODMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of validity (from-to). Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmFrom: CREATION DATE TIMETo: end of the last gas day that the nomination applies toCONTRACT REFERENCEM35EIC code of BRPCONTRACT TYPEM3Z11Z11ISSUER IDENTIFICATION - CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeISSUER IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the senderISSUER ROLEM3ZSH = ShipperZSO = System Operator(TSO, DSO, SSO – in case of forwarding to OTE)ZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE – in case of forwarding to operator)ZHC = Exchange TraderZSO = System OperatorRECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeRECIPIENT IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the receiverRECIPIENT ROLEM3ZSO = System Operator(TSO, DSO, SSO)ZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE)ZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE)ConnectionPointInformationOPM (1 to N for one document)LINE NUMBERM6Sequence number of the lineCATEGORY3Not to be usedSUBCONTRACT REFERENCE35Nomination type, code list:TRA – transportTRA_DIV – transport - divided capacityDIS – distributionSTO – storageLAST MESSAGE – end of batchCLOSED – closing of the nomination windowNomination subtype, code list:BK – bilateral contract (BRP1-BRP2)JK – gas handover (BRP1-BRP1)PO – settlement of preliminary total imbalance of BRP (BRP1-OTE)SO – settlement of actual total imbalance of BRP (BRP1-OTE)DTD – trades on the morning day-ahead market (BRP1-OTE)DTO – trades on the morning day-ahead market (BRP1-OTE)VT – trades on intra-day market (BRP1-OTE)VO – settlement of preliminary and actual total imbalance for all BRP’s (OTE-TSO)FK – flexible contract (BRP1-TSO)NT- unused tolerance, bilateral contracts (BRP1-BRP2)NTT- unused tolerance, UT market (BRP-OTE)CONNECTION POINT – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeCONNECTION POINTM16EIC code of PDTINTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT – CODING SCHEME3ZSO = System Operator code305 = EIC codeINTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT16Shipper code internal or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)EIC code of BRPACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3ZSO = System Operator code305 = EIC codeACCOUNT IDENTIFICATIONM16Shipper code external or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)EIC code of counterparty BRPACCOUNT ROLEM3ZES = External ShipperZES = External ShipperPeriodValue of nomination for one gas day (1 to N for one ConnectionPoint)TIME INTERVALMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Gas day in the format from-to:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmDIRECTIONM3Z02 = Input in the systemZ03 = Output from the systemQUANTITYM17Nomination value in?KWh (integral number without sign)MEASURE UNITM3KWH = Kilowatt hours (KWh)PRICE10.2Price in CZK per 1?MWh (decimal number without sign)(for NTT nomination only - required)CURRENCY3Trade instruction currencyCZK = CZK(for NTT nomination only - required)StatusNot to be usedGCV Estimated InformationNot to be usedNotes on using the NOMINT messageIf a nomination includes breakdown to shipper codes, it shall contain a summary line; the “SUMM” value shall be filled in the fields INTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT and ACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION of the summary line.Ending message (operatorOTE, OTEoperator)A special NOMINT message of 01G type filled as follows shall be used for ending the batch of nominations sent between the operator and OTE (in both directions):BRP (CONTRACT REFERENCE): EIC OTEPDT (CONNECTION POINT): EIC VTPnomination type (SUBCONTRACT REFERENCE): ?LAST MESSAGE“Closing of a nomination window (OTE operator)A special NOMINT message of 01G type filled as follows shall be used for closing of a nomination window and commencing the process of nomination processing:BRP (CONTRACT REFERENCE): EIC OTEPDT (CONNECTION POINT): EIC VTPnomination type (SUBCONTRACT REFERENCE): ?CLOSED“The complete file of the NOMINT message used by CDS OTE in the .xsd is saved here:EDIGAS/NOMINTan example of a message in nomint formatDescriptionReferenceNomination of transport (TRA)EDIGAS\NOMINT\EXAMPLE\Nomint_TRA.xmlNOMRES (Nomination Response)The message will be used for sending and forwarding confirmations of nominations of all types.NOMRESMLengthMappingConfirmation of nomination of P,D,UMappingConfirmation of nomination of OS/OTNominationResponseNomination headerIDENTIFICATIONM35Generated by the sender in the format: NOMRESYYYYMMDDAxxxxxRe-generated when forwardedGenerated by the sender in the format: NOMRESYYYYMMDDAxxxxxTYPEM307G – Information about reduction of nominations of P,D,U08G – confirmed nomination of P,D,URES – Response to inquiry by market participantINF – Informative message19G – Information about counterparty nomination (used in relation to TSO)20G – Confirmation of nomination of OS/OTRES – Response to inquiry by market participantCREATION DATE TIMEMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of document creation. Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mmVALIDITY PERIODMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of validity (from-to). Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmFrom: CREATION DATE TIMETo: end of the last gas day that the nomination applies toCONTRACT REFERENCEM35EIC code of BRPCONTRACT TYPEM3Z11Z11ISSUER IDENTIFICATION - CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeISSUER IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the senderISSUER ROLEM3ZSO = System Operator (TSO, DSO, SSO)ZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE)ZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE)RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeRECIPIENT IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the receiverRECIPIENT ROLEM3ZSH = ShipperZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE)ZHC = Exchange TraderZSO = System Operator (TSO)ORIGINAL MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION35Reference to the original message (request)ConnectionPointInformationOPM (1 to N for one document)LINE NUMBERM6Sequence number of the lineSTATUSM316G = Confirmed12G = Last accepted (only for TYPE RES)99G = Rejected/Odmítnutá16G = Confirmed nomination (only for TYPE 20G and RES)15G = Rejected in the closed nomination window, but it will processed in the next nomination window (only for TYPE 20G)18G = Accepted nomination of a counterparty (only for TYPE 19G)12G = Last accepted nomination (only for TYPE RES)99G = Rejected/OdmítnutáSUBCONTRACT REFERENCE35Nomination type, code list:TRA – transportTRA_DIV – transport - divided capacityDIS – distributionSTO – storageLAST MESSAGE – end of batchCLOSED – closing of the nomination windowDEADLINE SHIFT – nomination deadline shiftNomination subtype, code list:BK – bilateral contract (BRP1-BRP2)JK – gas handover (BRP1-BRP1)PO – settlement of preliminary total imbalance of BRP (BRP1-OTE)SO – settlement of actual total imbalance of BRP (BRP1-OTE)DTD – trades on the morning day-ahead market (BRP1-OTE)DTO – trades on the morning day-ahead market (BRP1-OTE)VT – trades on intra-day market (BRP1-OTE)VO – settlement of preliminary and actual total imbalance for all BRP’s (OTE-TSO)FK – flexible contract (BRP1-TSO)NT- unused tolerance, bilateral contracts (BRP1-BRP2)NTT- unused tolerance, UT market (BRP-OTE)DI- demand information (OTE-TSO)CATEGORY3Not to be usedCONNECTION POINT – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeCONNECTION POINTM16EIC code of PDTINTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT – CODING SCHEME3ZSO = System Operator code305 = EIC codeINTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT16Shipper code internal or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)EIC code of BRPACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3ZSO = System Operator code305 = EIC codeACCOUNT IDENTIFICATIONM16Shipper code external or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)EIC code of counterparty BRPACCOUNT ROLEM3ZES = External ShipperZES = External ShipperPeriodConfirmed nomination value for one gas day (1 to N for one ConnectionPoint)TIME INTERVALMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Gas day in the format from-to:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmDIRECTIONM3Z02 = Input in the systemZ03 = Output from the systemQUANTITYM17Nomination value in?KWh (integral number without sign)MEASURE UNITM3KWH = Kilowatt hours (KWh)PRICE10.2Price in CZK per 1?MWh (decimal number without sign)(for NTT nomination only - required)CURRENCY3Trade instruction currencyCZK = CZK(for NTT nomination only - required)StatusStatus of confirmed nomination value (0 or 1 for Period).State only in case of reduction or rejection (i.e. reduction to 0) of the nomination. The value status to be set by the respective operator. OTE will add status only in case of financial reduction.Status of confirmed nomination value (0 or 1 for Period).State only in case of reduction or rejection (i.e. reduction to 0) of the nomination. The value status to be set by OTE.QUANTITY STATUSM3To be agreed with operators. Proposal:06G = Mismatch (unpaired nomination – reduced)10G = Reduced capacity(insufficient capacity – reduced)11G = Below 100% (insufficient financial security – reduced)93G = Invalid shipper code94G = Balance responsible party locked06G = Mismatch (unpaired bilateral contracts - reduced)11G = Below 100% (insufficient financial security – reduced)14G = No counter nomination (odmítnuto z?d?vodu neexistence nominace protistrany)91G = Reduced due to imbalance check resp. due to check of disponible UT92G = Reduced due to emergency (zkráceno z?d?vodu vyhlá?ení stavu nouze)94G = Balance responsible party lockedGCV Estimated InformationNot to be usedEnding message (operatorOTE)A special NOMRES message of 08G type filled as follows shall be used for ending the batch of nominations sent by the operator to OTE:BRP (CONTRACT REFERENCE): OTEPDT (CONNECTION POINT): VTPNomination type (SUBCONTRACT REFERENCE): ?LAST MESSAGE“Shift of deadline for placing nominations to settle preliminary imblance (OTE BRP, operator)There will be special message used to annouce, that there is a deadline shift for placing nomination of natural settlement of preliminary imbalance. The message will be of NOMRES kind, type INF:BRP (CONTRACT REFERENCE): EIC OTEPDT (CONNECTION POINT): EIC VTPnomination type (SUBCONTRACT REFERENCE): ?DEADLINE SHIFT“message validity (VALIDITY PERIOD): Date and time of validity of deadline shift information - From: Standart deadline date and time (yyyy-mm-dd, 14:00) - To: Shifted deadline date and timeUsing a NOMRES message as a response to inquiriesNominations meeting the inquiry criteria shall be sent to the market participant via a NOMRES message. A RES type message shall be introduced for such purposes; the status of returned nomination shall be either 12G (last accepted) or 16G (confirmed), eventuelly 99G (rejected).The complete file of the NOMRES message used by CDS OTE in the .xsd format is saved here:EDIGAS/NOMRESan example of a nomres format messageDescriptionReferenceConfirmation of transport nomination (TRA) – Nomres messageEDIGAS\NOMRES\EXAMPLE\Nomres_TRA.xmlAPERAKThis message is used for notification of the result of validation and acceptance of a message by the receiver (accepted or error). APERAK messages are used in communication:between OTE and BRP: OTE shall respond to reception of a message from BRP by sending an APERAK messageOTE does not expect the BRP to respond to reception of a message by OTEBetween OTE and operators (TSO, DSO, SSO)OTE will respond to reception of a message from an operator by sending an APERAK messageOTE expects the operator to respond to reception of a message from OTE by sending an APERAK messageAPERAKMLengthMappingAperakMessage headerIDENTIFICATIONM35Generated by the sender in the format: APERAKYYYYMMDDAxxxxxTYPEM3294 =Application Error and Acknowledgement.CREATION DATE TIMEMspecGenerated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mmORIGINAL ISSUER IDENTIFICATION - CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeORIGINAL ISSUER IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the original senderORIGINAL RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeORIGINAL RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the original receiverORIGINAL MESSAGE IDENTIFICATIONM35Identification of the original message (IDENTIFICATION)ORIGINAL MESSAGE DATE TIMEMspecDate and time of the original message (CREATION DATE TIME)RECEPTION STATUSM36 = Confirmed (valid and accepted)27 = Not accepted (error and not accepted)34 = Accepted with amendmentReason0 to N occurrences in case of occurrence of an error and non-acceptance of the original messageREASONCODEM3Code list; see below for differences from the standardREASONTEXT512See belowMeaning of error codes that are not included in the standard:ErrorCode + text according to EDIGASInvalid sender61G Invalid message senderSyntax error40G Syntactical errorSemantic error (incomplete, incorrect values)41G Semantic errorSender/BRP not registered for sending nominations44G Unregistered PartyInvalid BRP67G Unknown shipping accountInvalid PDT46G Unknown location identificationInvalid shipper code or invalid BRP of the counterparty14G Unknown shipper codeInvalid nomination date47G Incomplete periodOther error (see REASONTEXT field for explanation):Invalid nomination type/subtypeInvalid date/time of nomination of UT trade68G OtherThe complete file of the GASDAT message used by CDS OTE in the .xsd format is saved here:EDIGAS/APERAKan example of an aperak format messageDescriptionReferenceConfirmation of acceptance of a Gasdat messageEDIGAS\APERAK\EXAMPLE\Aperak_na_gasdat.xmlSHPCDS (Shipper code reference list)This message will be sent for sending shipper code lists to OTE by the individual operators. The code list defines allowed shipper code pairs for selected PDT and BRP.SHPCDSMLengthMappingSHPCDSHeaderIDENTIFICATIONM35Generated by the sender in the format: SHPCDSYYYYMMDDAxxxxxTYPEM3SHP = Shipper codesCREATION DATE TIMEMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of document creation. Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mmISSUER IDENTIFICATION - CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeISSUER IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the senderISSUER ROLEM3ZSO = System Operator (TSO, DSO, SSO)RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeRECIPIENT IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the receiverRECIPIENT ROLEM3ZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE)ORIGINAL MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION35Reference to the original message (request)ShipperCodeInformationInformation for one pair of shipper codes (1 to N for one document)CONNECTION POINT – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeCONNECTION POINTM16EIC code of PDTCONTRACT REFERENCEM35EIC code of BRPDIRECTION3Z02 = Vstup do soustavy (ENTRY)Z03 = V?stup ze soustavy (EXIT)INTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT – CODING SCHEMEM3ZSO = System Operator codeINTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNTM16Shipper code internalEXTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT – CODING SCHEMEM3ZSO = System Operator codeEXTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNTM16Shipper code externalALLOCTAION SCHEME304G = Pro rata05G = SBA (Shipper balancing agreement)06G = OBA (Operational balancing agreement)VALIDITY PERIODMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of code validity (from-to). Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmNotes on using the message:The respective operator may send either a complete file of valid shipper codes, or just the updated records (new codes, termination of validity of existing codes).If there is no specification of direction at the shipper code pair, it is supposed, that the pair is valid for both directions.If there is no specification of allocation scheme at the shipper code pair, for the tolerance calculation, it is used the allocation scheme specified in the allocation message, eventually, if not available, that stated with the PDT registration. If there is a change of allocation scheme at an existing shipper pair, it is supposed, that the change is take effect from the gas day, the message was delivered to OTE. The allocation pair validity period is checked only against gas days (use of times in VALIDITY PERIOD omitted). The message is not included in standard EDIGAS 4.0 formats. The template uses exclusively simple and complex data types used in standard messages. The complete file of SHPCDS message used by CDS OTE in the .xsd format is saved here:EDIGAS/SHPCDSan example of a Shpcds format messageDescriptionReferenceMessage with shipper codesEDIGAS\SHPCDS\EXAMPLE\Shpcds_example.xmlImbalancescommunication scenariosMarket traderBalance area operator Preliminary imbalance for the preceding day (14G, IMBNOT)2Settlement phaseActual imbalance for all BRP for all gas days of the preceding month (14G, IMBNOT)4Actual imbalance for all BRP for all gas day of the preceding month including unused tolerance trading (14G, IMBNOT)5Each day by 13: 00 Each 11th calendar day before 12:00 Each 13th calendar day before 12:00 System operator1Each day before 13:00Preliminary imbalance for all BRP for the preceding gas day (14G, IMBNOT)3Actual imbalance for all BRP for all gas day of the preceding month (14G, IMBNOT)Each 11th calendar day before 12:00 Market traderBalance area operator Preliminary imbalance for the preceding day (14G, IMBNOT)2Settlement phaseActual imbalance for all BRP for all gas days of the preceding month (14G, IMBNOT)4Actual imbalance for all BRP for all gas day of the preceding month including unused tolerance trading (14G, IMBNOT)5Each day by 13: 00 Each 11th calendar day before 12:00 Each 13th calendar day before 12:00 System operator1Each day before 13:00Preliminary imbalance for all BRP for the preceding gas day (14G, IMBNOT)3Actual imbalance for all BRP for all gas day of the preceding month (14G, IMBNOT)Each 11th calendar day before 12:00 message formatsIMBNOT (Imbalance Notice)The message will be used for sending all types of imbalances to subjects of settlement.IMBNOTMLengthMappingImbalanceNoticeMessage headerIDENTIFICATIONM35Generated by the sender in the format: IMBNOTYYYYMMDDAxxxxxTYPEM314G = Imbalance Notification (notification of a preliminary or actual imbalance, data upon inquiry)CREATION DATE TIMEMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of document creation. Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mmVALIDITY PERIODMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Date and time of validity (from-to). Generated by the sender in the format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmFrom: CREATION DATE TIMETo: CREATION DATE TIME + 365 daysCONTRACT REFERENCEM35EIC code of BRPCONTRACT TYPEM3Z11ISSUER IDENTIFICATION - CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeISSUER IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the senderISSUER ROLEM3ZSX = Balance Area Operator (OTE)RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeRECIPIENT IDENTIFICATIONM16EIC code of the receiverRECIPIENT ROLEM3ZSH = ShipperZSO = System Operator (PPS)ORIGINAL MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION35Reference to the original message (request)ConnectionPointDetailPDT and type of imbalance (1 to N for one document)LINE NUMBERM6Sequence number of the lineCONNECTION POINT – CODING SCHEMEM3305 = EIC codeCONNECTION POINTM16EIC code of PDTThe allowed PDT types are the following: VTP, BDS, CGD, Virtual UGSSUBCONTRACT REFERENCE35Imbalance type, code list:PINP = preliminary input imbalance of BRPPOUT = preliminary output imbalance of BRPPIMB = preliminary total imbalance of BRPPSYS preliminary system imbalancePDIT = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations on BGS, CBDPDIS = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations on Virtual UGSDINP = actual input imbalance of BRPDOUT = actual output imbalance of BRPDIMB = actual total imbalance of BRPDSYS = actual system imbalancePOTI = preliminary off-tolerance imbalance of BRPUTOL = unused tolerance of BRPDOTI = actual off-tolerance imbalance of BRPDOTT = actual off-tolerance imbalance after inclusion of trading with unused toleranceDDIT = actual difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBDDDIS = actual difference in allocations and nominations at Virtual UGSDDOS = actual difference in allocations and nominations at Virtual UGS on the outputDDOT = actual difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD on the outputPDOS = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at Virtual UGS on the outputPDOT = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD on the outputEIMB = final actual total imbalance of BRPEINP = final actual input imbalanceEOUT = final actual output imbalance of BRPEOTI = final off-tolerance imbalance of BRPESYS = final system imbalanceEDIT = final difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD, on the inputEDIS = final difference in allocations and nominations at UGS, on the inputEDOS = final difference in allocations and nominations at UGS, on the outputEDOT = final difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD, on the outputPIMR = preliminary own total imbalance of BRPDIMR = real metered own total imbalance of BRPEIMR = closing own total imbalance of BRPPTOR = preliminary own tolerance od BRPPTOL = preliminary tolerance od BRPDTOR = actual own tolerance od BRPDTOL = actual tolerance od BRPETOR = final own tolerance od BRPETOL = final tolerance od BRPPSYD = Rounding of preliminary system imbalance (relevant only for Transmission System Operator) DSYD = Rounding of actual system imbalance (relevant only for Transmission System Operator) ESYD = Rounding of final system imbalance (relevant only for Transmission System Operator)INTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT – CODING SCHEME3ZSO = System Operator codeINTERNAL SHIPPER ACCOUNT16Shipper code internal or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)ACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION – CODING SCHEME3ZSO = System Operator codeACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION16Shipper code external or SUMM (summary value for BRP and PDT)ACCOUNT ROLE3ZES = External ShipperQuantityInformationTime interval and volume of imbalance (0 to N for one ConnectionPointDetail)TIME INTERVALMsee Edig@s General Guidelines 1.20Gas day in the format from-to:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mm/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±hh:mmQUANTITY TYPEM3ZPD = Debit quantity (-)ZPE = Credit quantity (+)QUANTITYM17Imbalance value in?KWh (integral number without sign)MEASURE UNITM3KWH = Kilowatt hours (KWh)The version (of preliminary, actual, corrective imbalance) is determined by the item ImbalanceNotice/ConnectionPointDetail/@SubcontractReference.The set of data to be provided is determined by msg id of the inquiry.The link between the inquiry and the returned data in IMBNOT is provided by the following table:Returned dataInquiry?PINP = preliminary input imbalance of BRPGI1Inquiry about data of preliminary imbalancePOUT = preliminary output imbalance of BRP? GIDRequest for assumed preliminary imbalances?PIMB = preliminary total imbalance of BRPPSYS = preliminary system imbalancePOTI = preliminary off-tolerance imbalance of BRPPIMR = preliminary own total imbalance of BRPPTOR = preliminary own tolerance od BRPPTOL = preliminary tolerance od BRPPSYD = rounding of preliminary system imbalance (relevant only for Transmission System Operator)PDIT = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at CBD, GBS on inputGI3??Inquiry about preliminary difference in allocations??PDIS = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at Virtual UGS on inputPDOT = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at CBD, BGS on outputPDOS = preliminary difference in allocations and nominations at Virtual UGS on outputDINP = actual input imbalance of BRPGI5Inquiry about data of actual imbalanceDOUT = actual output imbalance of BRPGIF???Request for assumed closing imbalances????DIMB = actual total imbalance of BRPDSYS = actual system imbalanceDOTI = actual off-tolerance imbalance of BRPUTOL = unused tolerance of BRPDIMR = real metered own total imbalance of BRPDTOR = actual own tolerance od BRPDTOL = actual tolerance od BRPDSYD = rounding of actual system imbalance (relevant only for Transmission System Operator)DDIT = actual difference in allocations and nomination at CBD, BGS on outputGI7???Inquiry about actual difference in allocations???DDIS = actual difference in allocations and nomination at Virtual UGS on inputDDOT = actual difference in allocations and nomination at CBD, BGS on outputDDOS = actual difference in allocations and nomination at Virtual UGS on outputEINP = final actual input imbalance of BRPGIBInquiry about data of final actual imbalance (claim)EOUT = final actual output imbalance of BRPGIHRequest for assumed real metered imbalances?EIMB = final actual total imbalance of BRPEOTI = final actual off-tolerance imbalance of BRPESYS = final system imbalanceEIMR = closing own total imbalance of BRPETOR = final own tolerance od BRPETOL = final tolerance od BRPESYD = rounding of final system imbalance (relevant only for Transmission System Operator)DOTT = actual off-tolerance imbalance after inclusion of trading with unused toleranceGI9Inquiry about off-tolerance imbalances after inclusion of trading with unused toleranceEDIT = final difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD, on the inputGIJRequest for closing allocation imbalancesEDIS = final difference in allocations and nominations at UGS, on the inputEDOT = final difference in allocations and nominations at BGS, CBD, on the outputEDOS = final difference in allocations and nominations at UGS, on the outputThe complete file of the IMBNOT message used by CDS OTE in the .xsd format is saved here:EDIGAS/IMBNOTan example of a IMBNOT format messageDescriptionReferencePreliminary total imbalance for BRP (PIMB)EDIGAS\IMBNOT\EXAMPLE\Imbnot_PIMB.xml ................

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