CHE 301 Problem set #3

CHE 301 Problem set #3

1. Into a 1000-gal tank, initially filled with 100 gal of fresh water (density = 62.4 lb/ft3), salt water containing 1.92 lb/gal of salt flows at a fixed rate of 4.0 GPM. The density of the incoming solution is 71.807 lb/ft3. The solution, kept uniform by stirring, flows out at a fixed rate of 19.2 lb/min. How many pounds of salt will there be in the tank at the end of 90 minutes? 1 ft3 = 7.48 gal.

2. A body falls from rest and is resisted by air drag. Determine the time necessary to reach a velocity V of 50 m/s if the 100-kg body is resisted by a force equal to (a) 0.01V and (b) 0.004 V2. (Ref.1)

3. A large tank with a volume of 30 m3 is connected to a smaller tank with a volume of 15 m3 by means of a valve. The large tank contains N2 at 700 kPa while the small tank is evacuated. If the valve leaks between the two tanks and the rate of leakage of gas is proportional to the pressure difference between the two tanks, how long does it take for the pressure in the small tank to be one-half its final value? The instantaneous initial flow rate with the small tank evacuated is 0.091 kmol/hr. The temperature in both tanks is constant at 20oC. (Ref. 2)

4. Define the matrices

A = [pic], B = [pic], and C = [pic]

a. Compute C(A + B)

b. Show that the multiplication is distribute with respect to addition; that is

C(A + B) = CA + CB

5. Show that (AB)T = BTAT for the matrices

A = [pic], and B = [pic]

6. Let A = [pic] and B = [pic]

a. What are the sizes and types of A and B?

b. Compute AB.

c. Compute BA.

11.11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Text: Felder and Rousseau)


1. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Merle C. Potter.

2. Mass Transfer by Hines and Maddox.

3. Process Modeling, Simulation, and Control for Chemical Engineers by Luyben.


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