GOVERNMENT USING DIRECTED ENERGY ON CIVILIANS IN COVERT KILL PROGRAMThrough the Department of Justice (), Community Policing (COPS) and In-Community No Touch TortureGoogle: Community Oriented Policing Services -22681442266Left arm Right Shoulder NeckThese are injuries of an 84 year old woman attacked by a laser.00Left arm Right Shoulder NeckThese are injuries of an 84 year old woman attacked by a laser.38181637193Female burned with DEW00Female burned with DEW216344554610Hand cut with DEW00Hand cut with DEW254054436322000126174536322000-1197518705300These are some of the VISIBLE injuries of millions of Americans and people around the world being hit with Directed Energy Weapons. There are even more INVISIBLE injuries you can’t see caused by heating or non-heating effects (cells leak their contents). Targeted Individuals are being tortured until death with multiple implants that heat and vibrate them. Some are microwaved with magnetrons in their homes. Some are being blinded with lasers. These are civilians who have been targeted by their fellow citizens in Community Policing. If the COPS program were legal, everyone would know about this. Police have the equipment in their cars. Major stores like Walmart and Publix participate, allowing their employees to direct energy to TI’s and operate implants using cell phones. According to FCC rules, only medical professionals are allowed to operate implants, making phone stalking illegal. Heinous crimes are perpetrated in secret upon people who have no defense against radiation weapons. Installations in homes, cars and public buildings covertly DIRECT MICROWAVE ENERGY beams to the victim. These covert crimes are being kept secret by the government and unreported by the media. Invisible energy strikes make proving targeting extremely difficult. Some victims commit suicide. What is Directed Energy?Scientist VI. Vernadsky said, “He who controls the entireelectromagnetic spectrum will dominate the world.”Directed Energy (“DE”) is a term covering technologies that produce a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles. DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and countermeasures to either cause direct damage or destruction of adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel, or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the EMS through damage, destruction, and disruption.-32748635001321162190500Directed Energy offshore Cape Canaveral controls weather250571012591200131953012573000Direct Energy Injuries of an Iraqi childResearch Intended to Benefit People Is Used as Weapon!57157810500Direct energy is used in the new healthcare system to direct microwave frequencies to read and operate Body Area Networks. Everyone will get one. Used as a weapon, cell phones direct microwave pulses directly to BAN implants to purposely cause pain, burning and vibrations in nerves and muscles. Frequencies are also used to put people to sleep, make them urinate or eliminate uncontrollably, electronically rape men or women, or cause strokes, seizures and heart attacks. Anyone can be totally controlled with this system.TOTAL CONTROL OF CITIZENS WITH BODY AREA NETWORKS – the future of healthcareWhat is Body Area Network?A Body Area Network (“BAN”) is a system of implanted sensors which report wirelessly via cell phone/internet, where you are and what your body is doing. Blacklisted individuals are given a BAN in violation of their constitutional right to refuse medical treatment. Various kinds of sensors are needed to report biological functions. Some people covertly get implanted with hundreds of devices, mostly in the head, neck and spine, shoulders, arms, hips, knees and feet. The devices use microwave/radar communication with already existing infrastructure. A cell phone can be used to locate you and operate implants. FCC rules allow only medical professional to operate implants but stalkers use phones to turn them on.A brain implant will record your brain activity and allows military, health and law enforcement surveillance of your thoughts, your memory and even of what you intend to do. A cochlear implant is a 2-way radio which records everything you hear and can be used to speak to you wirelessly. A retinal or eye implant allows recording of what you see. A chest implant will record every heartbeat, lung activity, temperature, blood pressure. Motion sensors in arms and legs report position and movement. An accelerometer reports your position in space - whether you are sitting, laying or standing. These are injected into the body using a syringe.-127001696400An RFID chip contains a small computer that contains a personal identifying number known as a MAC address which is recorded with the FCC. All your health information and personal information are recorded on the chip for health and law enforcement. Anyone with an RFID reader can tell who you are, and read all your private information just by walking by you. A GPS chip allows you to be found from great distances by aircraft and records your position on the GPS satellite system. This allows surveillance no matter where you are, even after death.142049565595500-139703937000Other chips called neurostimulators can be used to activate nerves and muscles by stimulating them with microwave frequencies. Hundreds of these can be injected into one person who can be kept in pain continually. Each pain is like a stab of a knife. Another kind of implant is called a Microelectrical Mechanical Systems (“MEMS”) which deliver drugs, vibrate and stimulate pain.BLACKLISTING or WATCHLISTING Blacklisting is a death warrant. The actions of this program are extra-judicial, meaning the victim is accused, tried, and sentenced to be tortured until they die, without even knowing what they did. The justice system is dead and so is the Constitution. This is why EVERYONE should be concerned that this program exists. If anyone can be subjected to this treatment, YOU CAN TOO. Supreme Court, in Kyollo vs. United States, through-the-wall radar surveillance is illegal.What happens to blacklisted individuals?They are sold into university/government programs. They are given physiological and psychological artificial conditions to be studied as human experiments. This is human trafficking—electronic slavery. They may also have life insurance policies on targets payable to these institutions. The BAN is used to surveil, study and communicate with the victims remotely using a 4G LTE cell phone system and satellites. CELLDAR is a radar system used to track objects using cell phones.They are group stalked by employees of the COPS program which include police, firemen, medics, veterans, nurses, doctors, business men and ordinary citizens, bikers, drug dealers, addicts, and school children.Agents interfere with employment and they lose their jobs, based on lies or injustices from fellow workers. They may go on disability from the injuries they receive from microwave torture.Agents interfere with mortgages and homeownership and they lose their home. This destabilizes their entire life.Technology (mind control telemetry) is used to interfere with their family relationships and they lose their family.They are subjected to extreme surveillance by radar installations in their home and vehicles which reports every iota of private information.|They are implanted and tracked with RFID, GPS, USID chips for total surveillance. Implants are activated by stalkers. They are implanted with torture chips and nanotechnology which can be stimulated remotely to heat, vibrate and destroy body parts. Torture takes place 24 hours a day, no matter where the victim goes, inside or outside vehicles and buildings. Sometimes magnetrons are used to blast microwaves.They are given bad medical care. Doctors refuse to treat them, are misdiagnosed or won’t tell them what medical conditions they have.They have their food poisoned at home and particularly if they go out. Restaurant employees are stalkers who are directed to place materials that contain nanotechnology in food and drinks.They are taken against their will to endure a 72 hour mental health exam. They are not allowed communication with anyone during that time. They are drugged and implanted and are sometimes kept for months. This program is designed to alter a person’s life with torture and trauma so that it changes their personality and they become what they never dreamed possible – either a criminal or mental patient. GANGSTALKING185068155200Gangstalking is performed by multiple people coordinated by a central organization, instead of the typical individual stalker people usually associate with stalking. Fusion centers organize information for these covert stalking activities. Gangstalking is modelled after the persecution of the Jews under Hitler’s regime. Hitler used ordinary citizens to carry out genocide on the unwanted. He used doctors, nurses, police, firemen, medics and institution employees to murder people of all ages. He used ministers, school teachers, business owners and anyone who would cooperate, especially young people who are impressionable and are easily persuaded to fit in with a group.The same thing that happened to the Jews is happening to blacklisted individuals. They lost their positions in the community and their businesses. Unable to work, they lost their property, were herded into ghettos, not allowed to buy food, not allowed to own pets, not allowed medical care and were moved to “resettlement” extermination camps (like FEMA camps) and then to their deaths. Today, victims are selected for having individual opinions or the wrong bumper sticker. They might be whistleblowers, housewives, artists, musicians – one never knows. What do paid stalkers do?They invade your home when you are gone or asleep to break security cameras, steal keys, drivers licenses, passports, computers, phones, and important documents.They always leave a sign they have violated your castle like moving personal items to an unlikely place. You have no recourse because the police are part of the torture system and refuse to make reports or do any investigations.38100308500They place chemicals in your home to make you sick. They spray chemicals on you while you sleep.They pollute your home with genetically engineered biological insects, worms and government-created designer diseases like Lyme and Morgellons.They injure and kill pets with poison, radiation, or blunt force like kicking and then police accuse or arrest you for hurting your own animals.They injure children and extended family members the same way. They implant children the same as the parent and vibrate and burn them to keep them awake at night causing sleep deprivation.They compromise all communications, landline, cell phone, emails, business communications and computers. They get your mail out of your mail box and intercept deliveries.They sabotage your home. They take over the entire house, unground the electrics, install surveillance equipment, stuff objects down sewer pipes. They live in attics or they sometimes burn the house down.They sensitize you to various acts simply by repeating the same gesture over and over. They talk exceptionally loud, whistle, clear their throat and make signs with their hands. They sit or squat in odd places to get your attention. They stand still for long periods of time like a statue. Or, the inevitable cell phone held prominently in front.They smile or laugh when you are in pain to play the provocateur to provoke you to display emotions of anger, irritation, frustration or fear to get you involved in the trauma of fighting in public. They perform skits in parking lots or other public places. They may even act overly friendly and then take over your personal space.They attack you with directed energy while you are driving. They sabotage your vehicles. They burn up motors and coils. They put things in your gas tank. They move your vehicle in parking lots while you eat or shop and park them somewhere else. They steal your vehicles. They involve you in auto accidents. TELEPHONE STALKING276681088600Stalkers point their phone at you or make sure you see that they have a phone and identify themselves as your stalker. An app on the stalker’s phone coordinates the target’s GPS location and a beam of directed energy strikes the target. Depending on the frequencies, targets can be struck from cell phones, cell towers, satellites and airplanes.-628657239000The Wireless Body Area Network for Mind Control and Surveillance SystemThe plan is for every human to have an electronic surveillance system implanted in them. If you have been in the hospital for medical procedures or have blood drawn, you may be already be implanted. Against Harmful ................

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