1. Prefecture of Attica


Archaeological Museum of Kerameikos The museum, situated in the Kerameikos archaeological site, houses finds from the public cemetery of Athens, known as the Kerameikos. 148, Ermou St., 105 53 Athens +30 210 3463552 +30 210 9239023 -mail: efaath@culture.gr. Contact: Mrs Helen Banou.

Byzantine and Christian Museum The museum, one of the most important of its kind internationally, hosts a rich variety of artifacts covering the period from the 3rd to the 19th century A.D. The exhibits come from all over Greece as well as sites outside Greece that witnessed the flourishing of Greek civilization. 22, Vasilissis Sofias Av., 106 75 Athens +30 213 2139500, +30 213 9572 +30 210 7231883 -mail: ibma@culture.gr Website: byzantinemuseum.gr, ebyzantinemuseum.gr Contact: Mrs Catherine Dellaporta.

Epigraphic Museum This is the only museum in Greece specializing in inscriptions and the largest of its kind internationally. It houses inscriptions mainly in the Greek language, from early historical times to the early Christian period. 1, Tositsa St., 106 82 Athens +30 210 8217637, 210 8232950 +30 210 8225733 Email: epnom@culture.gr Contact: Mr George Kakavas.

Museum of the Ancient Agora The museum is housed in the restored Stoa of Attalus, which dates to the 2nd century B.C. and contains finds from the Ancient Agora from the Neolithic to the post-Byzantine and Early Modern periods. 24, Adrianou St., 105 55 Athens +30 210 3214825, 210 3210185, 210 3210180 +30 210 3210196 -mail: efaath@culture.gr. Contact: Mrs Helen Banou.

National Archaeological Museum This is the largest museum in Greece and one of the most important museums in the world. Its rich collections present a panorama of ancient Greek civilization from prehistoric times to the period of Late Antiquity. 44, Patission St., 106 82 Athens +30 213 2144800, +30 213 2144890 +30 210 8213573, +30 210 8230800, -mail: eam@culture.gr., website: namuseum.gr Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lazaridou.

Numismatic Museum The museum, unique of its kind in Greece and one of the most important internationally, relates the history of coinage from Antiquity to modern times.


12, Panepistimiou (Eleftheriou Venizelou) St., 106 71 Athens +30 210 3643774, 210 3612519, 210 3612190 +30 210 3635953 -mail: epnom@culture.gr, website: nma.gr Contact: Mr George Kakavas.

The New Acropolis Museum The museum hosts the exhibits of the old Acropolis Museum as well as the architectural sculptures of the Parthenon. 15, Dion. Areopagitou St., 117 42 Athens +30 210 9000900 +30 210 9241643 -mail: info@theacropolismuseum.gr, website: theacropolismuseum.gr Contact: Mr. Demetrius Pantermalis.

The Pavlos and Alexandra Kanellopoulos Museum This museum is housed in a neoclassical mansion of the late 19th century, on the north slope of the Acropolis. It includes antiquities from various periods. The collection was donated to the Greek state by the Kanellopoulos family. 12, Theorias St. & Panos St., 105 55 Athens +30 210 3212313, 210 3318875, 210 3251509 +30 210 9239023 -mail: efaath@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Helen Banou.

N. P. Goulandris Foundation ? Museum of Cycladic Art (private museum) Main Building, 4 Neophytou Douka St., 106 74 Athens +30 2107228321-3 +30 2107239382 Website: cycladic.gr. Contact: Mr Nikolaos Stampolidis

The Benaki Museum (private museum) Main Building, at the junction of Vasilissis Sofias Av. & 1 Koumbari St., 106 74 Athens +30 2103671000 +30 2103671063 Website: benaki.gr. Contact: Mr Olivier Descotes

Metro Stations

Archaeological Exhibition at the Acropolis Metro Station Within the Acropolis Metro Station is a permanent exhibition displaying copies of the Parthenon sculptures, as well as finds (originals and copies) from the excavations at the Makriyiannis site.

Archaeological Exhibition at the Evangelismos Metro Station A permanent exhibition featuring finds from the excavation north of Rizari Park.

Archaeological Exhibition at the Monastiraki Metro Station Preserved in situ within the station is part of the remains of a housing area that used to extend north and south of the banks of the Iridanos river at this location.

Archaeological Exhibition at the Panepistimio Metro Station A permanent exhibition featuring originals and copies of finds from the excavations at the junction of Gregoriou 5ou & Panepistimiou Streets, and at the junction of Panepistimiou and Amerikis Streets.

Archaeological Exhibition at the Syntagma Metro Station A permanent exhibition featuring originals and copies of finds from the excavations at Syntagma, Zappeion and the National Gardens.

Acharnes Archaeological Collection


The collection includes finds from the prehistoric to the Byzantine period, from the area of Acharnes and the neighboring districts. 76, Philadelphias St., 136 73 Acharnes +30 210 2466122 +30 210 2466122 -mail: efaanat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lazaridou.


Archaeological Museum of Aphaia The museum is situated within the archaeological site of Aphaia and hosts architectural remains from the two temples (Archaic and Classical) erected in honour of the goddess Aphaia-Athena, a local goddess worshipped in Aegina in Antiquity. 180 10 Aegina +30 22970 32398 +30 22970 32398 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.

Archaeological Museum of Kolona The museum is situated within the archaeological site of Kolona and hosts exhibits from the excavations conducted there, while focusing on the commercial activities of the inhabitants of ancient Aegina. There are also sculptures from the Archaic period. 180 10 Aegina +30 22970 22248, 22970 22637 +30 22970 22248 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.


Archaeological Museum The museum presents the most important finds from the excavations at the pan-Hellenic Sanctuary of Demeter. Iera Odos, 192 00 Eleusina +30 210 5546019 +30 210 4180921 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr Contact : Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.


Pavlos Koundouriotis Mansion This archontiko, or mansion, is an important example of Hydrian architecture of the 19th century, and today hosts an exhibition illustrating various aspects of Modern Greek history through the Collection of the Pavlos Koundouriotis family. Archontiko Pavlou Koundourioti, 180 40 Hydra +30 22980 52245 +30 22980 52245 Email: efadyat@yahoo.gr. Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.


Archaeological Collection The Archaeological Collection of Kifissia houses exhibits dating from the Geometric to the Roman period and highlighting the archaeological profile of Kifissia and the modern-day northern suburbs of Athens. Under relocation. -mail: efaath@culture.gr. Contact: Mrs Helen Banou.


Archaeological Museum of Kythera The Museum is now closed, due to repair and re-exhibition works, but it is about to reopen soon. Chora Kythiron, 801 00 Kythera +30 27360 31739 +30 27360 31739 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr. Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.


Coat of Arms Collection A permanent exhibition of coats of arms dating from the 17th to the 19th century is on show in the building of the old gunpowder magazine of the Kastro (Castle) of the Chora. Kastro Choras Kythiron, 801 00 Kythera +30 210 4590700 +30 210 4180921 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr. Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.

Collection of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Works of Art This is a permanent collection of wall paintings from one of the island's ruined churches, St John at Potamos, as well as icons and liturgical vessels from the Holy Metropolis of Kythera. Naos tis Analipsis, Livadi, 801 00 Kythera +30 27360 31731 +30 210 4180921 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.


Archaeological Museum This permanent exhibition presents finds from the excavations in the Lavrio region dating from the Neolithic to the Early Christian period. 1, Andrea Kordella St., 195 00 Lavrio +30 22920 22817 +30 22920 69019 -mail: efaanat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lazaridou.


Archaeological Museum The museum is close to the site of the burial mound of the Plataeans and the Middle-Helladic cemetery of Vranas, and includes important finds from both these burial grounds as well as the burial mound of the Athenians, a funerary monument in honour of those who fell in the battle against the Persians. 114, Plateon St., 190 07 Marathon +30 22940 55155 +30 22940 55155 -mail: efaanat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lazaridou.


Archaeological Museum The museum hosts finds brought to light by excavations in Megara and the surrounding region, dating from the 8th century B.C. to the 2nd century A.D. 24, G. Menidiati St., 191 00 Megara +30 22960 22426 +30 22960 22426 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.


Archaeological Museum The museum is devoted to the history of Piraeus, an important commercial center of the eastern Mediterranean and the naval base of Classical Athens. At the junction of Charilaou Trikoupi St. & Alkiviadou St., 185 36 Piraeus +30 210 4521598 +30 210 4518395 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.


Archaeological Museum Exhibits from the region of Troizina dating from the Archaic to the early Byzantine period are on display in the house of Alexandros Koryzes, Prime Minister of Greece in 1941. Koryzi Square, 180 20 Poros +30 22980 23276 +30 22980 23276 E-mail: efadyat@culture.gr


Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.

Salamis Archaeological Museum The museum presents the history of Salamis, from the Neolithic to the Early Christian period, through finds from all over the island. 42, Polychroni Lebessi St., 189 00 Salamina +30 210 4640759 +30 210 4653572 Email: efadyat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.

Spata Archaeological Exhibition at the Athens International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" A special area within the airport hosts finds from the excavations conducted during the course of construction of the new international airport. They illustrate the history and civilization that flourished in the Mesogeia region of Attica from 3000 B.C. to the 17th century A.D. Athens International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos", 190 19 Spata +30 210 3216700, 210 3213122 +30 210 3240457 E-mail: efaanat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lazaridou.

Spetses Museum of Spetses The Archontiko, or Mansion, of Hadjiyannis Mexis, an eminent Spetsiot and key player in the Greek War of Independence, houses artifacts of archaeological, historical and folklore interest, covering approximately 4,000 years of the island's history. Archontiko Hadjiyanni Mexi, 180 50 Spetses +30 22980 72994 +30 22980 29518 Email: efadyat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Stella Chryssoulaki.

Vravrona (Brauron) Archaeological Museum The museum hosts finds from the nearby sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia and the prehistoric settlement of Vravron, as well as a number of finds from the wider Mesogeia area of Attica. Vravrona Av., 190 03 Vravrona +30 22990 27020, 2299027340 +30 22990 27020 mail: efaanat@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lazaridou.

2. Prefecture of Aitolo-Akarnania

Archaeological Museum of Agrinio The exhibition includes finds from Neolithic times to the Roman period, originating from all over the prefecture of Aitolo-Akarnania, with the exception of the Thermo and Thyrreio regions, which each have a local museum. At the junction of Varnali St. & Diamandi St., 301 00 Agrinio +30 26410 27377 +30 26310 55653 E-mail: efaait@culture.gr Contact: Mrs Olympia Vikatou.

Archaeological Museum of Thermo Housed in an early 20th-century building are finds from excavations at Thermo, a religious center of worship of the Aetolians and the headquarters of the Aitolian League. The Museum is now closed, due to repair and re-exhibition works, but it is about to reopen soon.



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