Queen Elizabeth Senior Public School s.org

Queen Elizabeth Senior Public School

School Council Meeting

Minutes – November 21, 2012

Attendees: Nancy MacDonald (Acting Principal); Voting members: Shelagh McAree (chair), Julianna Balogh-Cappadocia, Erika David,

Janice Johnson, Kim Louie, Ngaire Lumia, Susan Mayol, Sharon O’Neill-Gilbert, Kathryn Seifried, Betty Whaley

Regrets: Kathryn Alton, Shelly Annett

1. Welcome – Shelagh McAree

The meeting was called to order by Shelagh McAree at 6:39pm.

2. Approval of last month’s minutes – Sharon O’Neill-Gilbert

The minutes from the October 17, 2012 meeting were reviewed and accepted by Betty Whaley and seconded by Shelagh McAree.

3. School Report – Nancy MacDonald (Acting Principal)

Nancy reported that she will continue in her position as Acting Principal at QE until the end of December. The school Superintendent will inform parents of changes to this position at that time.

In regards to the November staff meeting, Nancy discussed how they looked at the “3-part” lesson. With the future PD Day in May to focus on numeracy, the 3-part lesson was looked at in terms of what would be involved in setting up a lemonade stand that raises money for a worthy cause.

Parent/Teacher interviews were held on November 15th and 16th and all went well.

Nancy reported that in February the school will be equipped with WiFi. Arrangements are being made to have Peel Police come in for a presentation to the students on internet safety.

Council discussed various concerns with the “bring your own device” policy and safety issues surrounding WiFi.

It was suggested that maybe council should arrange an internet safety presentation for parents later in the year.

4. Fair December Committee Report – Shelagh McAree, Erika David

Shelagh reviewed the wording of the Fair December proposal as stated in the October minutes and asked for a vote of approval. The wording was unanimously approved.

Nancy MacDonald reported that preparations at the school have/will be been done in terms of tables, classrooms cleared, no buses in lot, postcards to area schools, audio/visual availability.

Erika reported that 6 students have signed up for providing live entertainment. It was suggested to maybe approach Cawthra High School students to help with entertainment in exchange for volunteer hours. Flyers and posters are available for anyone to distribute. Those interested in volunteering that weekend are to contact Erika.

Erika also noted that the items donated by the vendors would be handled slightly different this year. On one day there will be a Silent Auction as in the past. On the other day there will be Lucky Draws whereby people purchase tickets and deposit their ticket in the bin that matches the item they are trying to win. The profits from these two methods will be compared and noted for future consideration.

5. Treasurer’s Report – Shelagh McAree

Shelagh reported that the school council account has approximately $2000. in it which is slated for Grad. She also noted that the $1000. PRO grant money has been received. The cost for the guest speaker was $1130. with a tax rebate still to come. From the $500. Parent Engagement Fund, $333. will be used for the Fair December outdoor advertising sign and approximately $40. will be used to pay for food for the guest speaker night which leaves approximately $130. in the Fund. If possible, this will be used to pay the taxes for the guest speaker presentation. Otherwise, it was suggested that the money be set aside to help with Grad costs.

6. PRO Speaker –Shelagh McAree

Shelagh reported that there was an estimated 110-115 people in attendance for the presentation by Dr. Karyn Gordon on November 12th. This was a very successful evening with people coming from 25 different schools. Many favourable comments were made about the speaker and the evening.

Once Shelagh receives PRO Grant info in the Spring, Council will discuss applying for a PRO Grant for next year.

7. Parenting Resource Library – Betty Whaley

Betty reported that 5 books and a few CDs were borrowed on the November 15th Parent/Teacher Interview night. It was acknowledged that while many people appreciate the library being there, it is difficult to increase usage other than at school events such as Open Houses.

8. Fundraising Committee –Shelagh McAree

Shelagh requested that a school/teacher wish list be prepared for next meeting by staff so that the budget can be reviewed and decisions made in January pending the results of Fair December.

Kathryn Seifried and Erika David moved to close the meeting-- adjourned at 7:55 pm.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 17th at 6:30pm.

Prepared by Sharon O’Neill-Gilbert


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