Biology 101: The Science of Life

Regular Fall Semester 2016: Aug 22 – Dec 7 , plus final exams during Dec 9th - Dec 15th

Lecture Course Instructor's Information:

Name: Mrs. Jennifer Jackson-Baro

Office:SCIE 2 207F

Phone: 843-349- 6686 direct office, or 349-2238 for Dept. Secretary Kelita Coburn


Office hours: M: 9-1; T 9:30-10:30; 1:30-2:30; W 10-12: (Office or SCI 2 RM 216)

Mailbox & place to leave messages: Biology Department Office, SCIE 2 207

Lecture Text: The Environment and You 2nd edition with Mastering Environmental Science. Christensen & Leege 2016. Pearson Publishing.

Course Web Site:

Moodle will be used to post announcements and send class e-mails and enter other information at the instructor’s discretion. You will also be required to have access to the Mastering Environmental Science website and a code is required to create an account. You will also need your student ID number and the Course ID. The course ID is FA16SCIE101

Course Description: To introduce science to non-science majors in an active-learning setting using a multidisciplinary focus. Students completing this course should understand what science is and a gain a multidisciplinary background in earth science, environmental science and human health and the interconnectedness between the different disciplines.

Course Objectives:

• Students will gain experience in problem solving and critical thinking as they relate basic scientific information to everyday life, life decisions and choices.

• Students will be able “to identify, collect, interpret and evaluate scientific evidence and apply the basic laws of science to the natural world. These abilities provide a basis for understanding scientific concepts and the dynamic processes that shape and maintain the universe.”

Student Learning Outcomes:

• Understand how science is studied, communicated and evaluated by scientists

• Explore how science topics relate to student’s everyday lives

• Utilize scientific material to make informed decisions about the environment surrounding the student

• Relate scientific information to current real world topics.

• Understanding and recognizing that science is a process

Student Assessment:

Points Distribution used for final grade calculation (points maybe added during semester, therefore adjusting the percentages and point distribution):

|1st one-hour exam |100 pts |15.5% |

|2nd one-hour exam |100 pts |15.5% |

|Various in-class assignments, projects, quizzes, |~ 300 pts |46% |

|homework assignments & attendance | | |

|Final exam |150 pts |23% |

|Tentative Total available points |650 pts |100% |


Students will have 2 regular exams. The final exam will be accumulative and cover all major topics discussed during the semester.

Grading Scale

Midterm and Final letter grades will be based on the following point percentages:

|A |90-100% |D+ |66-69% |

|B+ |86-89% |D |60-65% |

|B |80-85% |F |0-59% |

|C+ |76-79% | | |

|C |70-75% | | |


If in-class work or test is missed due to a university authorized excused absence (documentation is required: just saying you were sick is not good enough), these students will be allowed to makeup in-class assignments. If class assignments are not made up, it will count negatively towards your grade. Please note that there is NO make-up for missed work when a student has an unexcused absence, and those missed points will be recorded as a score of "zero" and the score will have a negative impact on the student's grade.

Attendance Policy:

Students are obligated to attend class regularly. Each lecture will be part of the student’s grade and worth 2 points. In addition to a review of selected highlights from textbook reading, class meetings will provide students with supplemental lecture material, occasional classroom activities, handouts and journal article discussions. All material covered in class is considered fair game for exams.

Attendance will be taken at each class meeting through the use of a sign-in sheet, which will be passed around during the lecture. If you arrive tardy, make sure that you come up to the instructor after class for access to the sign-in sheet so that you can add your signature to the roster.

Statement of Community Expectations & Code of Student Conduct:

Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. 

Code of Conduct is available on the web at:

A. Prohibited Conduct

1. Plagiarism, cheating and all other forms of academic dishonesty

Students with disabilities requesting accommodations:

Students requesting accommodations should see the instructor sometime during the first two weeks of class. Accommodation requests must be presented in a timely fashion in writing with approval from the Disabilities Services Office--an accommodation request made at the last minute may not be possible to arrange. The Office of Disability Services for Students (349-2934) will be happy to offer assistance to students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities.



Tentative Lecture Schedule for Science 101 Fall 2016: Introduction to Science

|Class Date |Lecture Topic |

|Tues 8/23 |Lecture #1: Course expectations + Chpt 1 Environment, Sustainability & Science |

|Thurs 8/25 |Lecture #2: Scientific Method & Critical Thinking activity |

| |HW: Read Chpt 2 and answer questions on MasteringEnvironmentalScience. DUE: 10:00AM 8/30 BRING |


| |8/28: Last day to drop without assignment of W |

|Tues 8/30 |Lecture #3: Chpt 2: Lecture Activity 1 – Environmental Policies |

|Thurs 9/1 |Lecture #4: Chpt 3: Physical Science of the Environment |

|Tues 9/6 |Lecture #5: How The Earth Was Made + video worksheet |

| |HW: Read Chpt 4 and answer questions on MES DUE 10:00 AM 9/8 |

|Thurs 9/8 |Lecture #6: Chpt 4: Lecture Activity/Project -2 |

| |HW: Read Chpt 6 and answer the questions on MES DUE 10:00 AM 9/13 |

|Tues 9/13 |Lecture #7: Chpt 6: Lecture Activity/Project – 2 continued |

| |HW: Read Chpt 7 and answer questions on MES. DUE 10:00 AM 9/15 |

|Thurs 9/15 |Lecture #8: Chpt 7: Lecture Activity 3 – Biome Brochure *** |

| |HW: Read Chpt 8 and answer the questions on MES DUE 10:00 AM 9/20 |

|Tues 9/20 |Lecture #9: Chpt 8: Lecture Activity/Project – 2 continued |

|****Thurs 9/22**** |Lecture #10: Exam 1: Chapters 1-4;6-8 ONLINE : Opens 8:00 AM; Closes 9 PM |

|Tue 9/27 |Lecture #11: Frogs: A Thin Green Line + Video Worksheet |

|Thurs 9/29 |Lecture #12: Chpt 5: Human Population Growth |

| |HW: Read Chapter 9 and answer questions on Mastering website. DUE 10:00AM 10/4 |

|Tues 10/4 |Lecture #13: Chpt 9: Lecture Activity 4 |

|Thurs 10/6 |Lecture #14: Chpt 10: Air Quality |

| |HW: Read Chpt 11 and answer questions on Mastering website. DUE 10:00 AM 10/11 |

|Tuesday10/11 |Midpoint in regular semester |

|Tue 10/11 |Lecture #14: Chpt 11: Lecture Activity 5 |

|Thurs 10/13 |Lecture #15: Chpt 12: Agriculture and the Ecology of Food |

| |HW: Read Chpt 13 and answer questions on Mastering website. DUE 10:00 AM 10/18 |

|Tues 10/18 |Lecture #16: Chpt 13: Lecture Activity 6 |

|Thurs 10/20 | Lecture #17: Chpt 14: Nonrenewable energy & Electricity |

| |HW: Read Chpt 15 and answer questions on Mastering Website. DUE 10:00 AM 10/25 |

|Tues 10/25 |Lecture #18: Chpt 15: Lecture Activity 7 – Sustainability Scavenger Hunt |

|****Thurs 10/27**** |Lecture #19: Exam 2: Chpts 5; 9-15 |

| |Last day to drop with assignment of W |

|Tues 11/1 |Lecture #20: Lecture Activity 8 – Know your Footprint |

|Thurs 11/3 |Lecture #21 Human Footprint + video worksheet |

| |HW: Read Chpt 16 and answer questions on Mastering Website. DUE 10:00 AM 11/10 |

|Tues 11/8 |Lecture #22: NO LECTURE – GO VOTE!!!! |

|Thurs 11/10 |Lecture #23: Chpt 16: Lecture Activity 9 – Build Your Sustainable City |

| |HW: Read Chpt 17 and answer questions on Mastering Website. DUE 10:00 AM 11/15 |

|Tues 11/15 |Lecture #24: Chpt 17: Lecture Activity 9 – Continue Sustainable City with Waste Management |

|Thurs 11/17 |Lecture #25: Finish Sustainable City & do Poster Presentations |

|Tues 11/22 |Lecture# 26: THANKSGIVING BREAK |

|Thurs 11/24 |Lecture #27: THANKSGIVING BREAK |

|Tues 11/29 |Lecture #28 Chpt 18: The Environment and Human Health |

|Thurs 12/1 |Lecture #29: Chpt 19: The Environment and You |

|Tues 12/6 |Lecture #30: Review for Final |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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