Grade 10 Life Sciences Term 2 Plan

Week 1 - 31/03/2020 to 03/04/2020

Use the Google classroom space to find extra notes and information - use the tab marked "Classroom" and see what is available for each topic.

1. Plant tissues, page 66 - 71

Use your textbooks page 66-71, your printed notes and any other resources you have. 

For each of the tissue type draw a simple line sketch (not one filled with cell details) and fully label it so that you can recognise it in a test and write a few lines to describe its location and function.

Week 2 - 06/04/2020 to 10/04/2020

Use the Google classroom space to find extra notes and information - use the tab marked "Classroom" and see what is available for each topic.

2. Animal Tissues, page 76 – 80

• Epithelial Tissue – Draw the diagrams, Figure 4.15, and use them to answer the questions in Activity 6, page 76

• Connective Tissue – Go through each of the six types, take the diagram that is in the textbook and re-draw it in your notebook. Then use the paragraph of information to add details to each of the diagram labels.

• Complete Activity 7, page 78 and email your answers to your teacher by 11:59 on 09/04/2020

• Muscle Tissue – Use the text on page 79 to make short notes about each of the three muscle types.

• Nerve Tissue – You must log onto the Google Classroom and get the diagram of a motor neuron and all its labels. Copy it into your books – this is a favourite exam question!

Week 3 – 14/04/2020 to 17/04/2020

3. Biotechnology, pages 84 – 88

• Read through and make your own notes. The section on cloning is the most important part.

4. Plant Anatomy, pages 81- 83 and 94 -100

• Leaf Structure – Draw either the diagram in Google Classroom or the one on page 82, Figure 4.28. Make sure you draw it at least ½ page in size so you can label it clearly!

• The Root, page 94 – Draw Figure 5.1 and then use the text above the diagram to add details to your labels (this is called annotating a diagram).

• The Stem, page 95 – 99 - Draw Figure 5.3 (page 96) and then use the text on page 95 to annotate the diagram.

• Secondary thickening in stems – Draw the series of diagrams labelled 1, 2 and 3 on page 97. Take the paragraph numbered 1, 2 and 3 and copy it out below each diagram. Write a few sentences on how herbaceous stems are different to woody stems (use page 98).

• Annual Rings, page 99 – Complete Activity 5 (This will be marked in class when we return on 17/04/2020).

IF lockdown is extended…..

Week 4 – 21/04/2020 – 24/04/2020

5. Transpiration, page 101 - 104

This section requires you to understand how roots, stems and leaves all function together.

• Factors that affect transpiration, page 101.

Take an A4 page in your book, turn it landscape format, write TRANSPIRATION in the centre. On the left-hand side make notes on the external factors, and on the right-hand side, make notes on the internal factors.

I will have to work out how to assess the practical work on transpiration….but I’m thinking that you need to do the Skills Focus Task and Activity 7 as the Term 2 practical if we are not back at school.


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